Version-1 (Feb-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Child Working Population in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhupen Barman, Nirmalendu Barman |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19210105 ![]() |
Abstract: Present day the numbers of child working population are increasing day by day in the developing and under developed countries. Actually the child working populations are called as child labour whose age ranged from 5 to 14 years. In India, the children are engaged mostly in various low-key jobs of the unorganized sectors which are hazardous in situation. The Census found an increase in the number of child labourers from 11.28 million in 1991 to 12.66 million in 2001 and 21.39 million in 2011. In addition, nearly 85 per cent of child labourers in India are hard-to-reach, invisible and excluded, as they work largely in the unorganised sector, both rural and urban, within the family or in household-based units. This paper reveals the causes of increasing child working people as well as present condition and some suggestions about to reduce of child worker in different sector in the country.
Keywords: Child labour, hazardous jobs, Trafficking, Child labour Act.
[2]. Census of India, 2001 & 2011.
[3]. CHILDREN IN INDIA 2012 - A Statistical Appraisal, Government of India.
[4]. Ghosh Madhab (2013), "Child labour and migration in India‟ (1st edit.), West Bengal, Graphic Printers, pp-86-99.
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[6]. Kreston, Susan; International Conventions, Protocols and Charters, University of the Free State.
[7]. Mishra, Lakshmidhar.Child Labour in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2000, 43-44.
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Abstract:The present study aims to compare the Mental Health and Social Intelligence of senior secondary students. A sample of 400 students was drawn adopting simple random sampling technique from Government senior secondary schools of Chamoli district of Uttrakhand and Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Descriptive survey method was employed to collect the data. The 't'- test and correlation were used for finding the significance of means and significance of relationship between dependent and independent variables. The study revealed that there were no significance differences in mental health of rural and urban students. The study also explored that there was a positive relationship between mental health and social intelligence.
Keywords: Mental Health, Social Intelligence, rural and urban students.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Correlates of Personality and Self-Esteem among Youth" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Kalyani Kenneth |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19212226 ![]() |
[2]. F. R. Rosenberg & M. Rosenberg, 1978, Self-Esteem and Delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 7, 279-291.
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[4]. D. Watson, J. Suls & J. Haig, 2002, Global self-esteem in relation to structural models of personality and affectivity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 185–197.
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Abstract: Main objective of our study is to determine the exchange rate through the monetary model and modify the monetary model by using the annual time series data from 1982-2009. The results show that dollarization plays an important role in the determination of exchange rate so we should focus on the modified monetary instead of simple model. Thus exchange rate policy has to be selected taking into account high degree of dollarization.
Key Words: Exchange Rate, Monetary Model, Dollarization, Cointegration Test, Short Run Analysis
[2]. Zhang, Shidang, Lowinger and Thomas C (2005),"Co-integration in a monetary model of exchange rate determination", ASBBE-Journal Vol.1, No.1
[3]. McDonald, Ronald and Taylor (1994),"The monetary model of the exchange rate: Long-Run Relationship, Short-Run Dynamics and how to beat a random walk:" journal of international money and finance 13(3pp.276-290),
[4]. Bhatti (2001),"Determining Pak Rupee Exchange Rate Vis-a-Vis Six currencies of the industrial world: some Evidence Based on traditional flow model", The Pakistan development review 40:4 part-II (winter 2001) pp.885-897.
[5]. Mohammad and Lal (2010),"The Euro-Dollar exchange rate and Pakistan economy", European journal of scientific research, vol.42, no.1, pp6-15.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Demand for Money, Financial Innovation and Money Market Disequilibrium |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Dr. Sadia Safdar, Ms. Azra Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19213641 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the impact of financial innovation on money demand and to analyze the impact of money market disequilibrium on output gap using co integration modeling. After the confirmation of ADF result we use the cointegration technique for our first model and concluded that both the numbers of ATM and cards are negatively related to the demand for money. So in order to control the money demand we should increase the ATMs. The results also confirm that there exists a quantity theory with the inclusion of financial innovation in the money demand function. Our second model is related to the money market disequilibrium and the output gap. The findings of this second model shows that money market disequilibrium leads to wider the output gap.
Key Words: Money Demand, Financial Innovation, ATM, Money Market Disequilibrium, Output gap
[2]. Akoena, S. K. K., (1996), "Error-Correction Models of Money Demand for Ghana," Legon Economic Studies. No. 9605.
[3]. Arize, Augustine, C. (1995), "Effects of Financial Innovations on the Demand for Money Function: Evidence from Japan," International Economic Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1(Spring 1990).
[4]. Arrau, Patricio and De Gregorio, Jose. (1990). "Financial Innovation and Money Demand: Application to Chile and Mexico." Review of Economics and Statistics. 524 530
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[7]. Bank of Ghana. Several Issues of Annual Report and Statistical Bulletin.
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[2] Ayling, R.; Kelly, K. 1997. Dealing with conflict: natural resources and dispute resolution. Common wealth Forestry Review, 76(3), 182–185.
[3] de Koninck, R. (1994). Forest policies in Southeast Asia: taming nature or taming people? In deKoninck, R., ed., Le défi forestier en Asie du Sud-Est. Groupe de recherche en amelioration des céréales, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada. pp.33–48.
[4] Kebbi State Government, (1993). The Laws of Kebbi State of Nigeria. Prepared under the authority of the revised edition (Laws of Sokoto State of Nigeria), 1979. 739 – 745 pp.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Persian Illustrated Anatomy from Timurid Iran |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Ali Akbar Ziaee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19214952 ![]() |
Abstract: Anatomy and physiology formed an inseparable unit in Islamic medicine. The study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body remained of the greatest interest to Sufis, theologians and philosophers as well as to physicians, and students of most other traditional disciplines acquired some knowledge of it. The greatest concern of Muslims was with the overall functioning of the body and the inter-relation of the organs within the total unity of the body. Islamic Law did not permit the dissection of the human body, although its prohibition has been debated by some of jurists over the ages. As a result, practically no dissections were carried out and Muslims relied heavily upon Galenic anatomy and physiology and its theory of the circulation of the blood and the spirits which are reflected clearly in such famous Islamic texts of anatomy as the Tashrih-i Mansuri by Mansur ibn Ilyas. The oldest text of Islamic anatomy is the al-Mukhtasar fi 'ilm al-Tashrih, by 'Abdu al-Majid al-Bidawi, written in 620 H.. But in Persia he is also known as the author of two other works. One, which is represented by a solitary manuscriptin Calcutta and is called the Ghiyathiyyah or 'The Aid'; the other is his large kifaya-i-Mujahidiyyah, also known as the kifaya-i-Mansuri or 'Sufficiency of Mansur', as opposed to the better-known work of the same name by Rhazes.
Keywords: Anatomy, Islam, Timuri, Persia.
[2] French, Roger, Ancients and Moderns in the Medical Sciences. (Burlington USA: Ashgate, 2002).
[3] Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, Science and Technology in Islam. (London: Science Museum, 1976).
[4] Savage-Smith, Emilie, "The History of Arabic Science", edited by: Roshdi Rashed, in: Encyclopedia of Medicine. (London: Routledge, 1996).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Meditation on Morality, Self-Control and Social Warmth of IT Professionals |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Ramyashilpa.D.Nayak |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19215356 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study is an extensive research of the impact of sridharanandji's Atma Vidya Parishilana Yoga on psychological personality variables before and after meditation as an intervention to software professionals. To face the modern day stress filled anxiety flooded world of IT [Information Technology] it is difficult for a professionals to lead a stress free life lacking personality traits like Morality, Self-control and Social Warmth. And these traits can be improved through daily practice of meditation. Thus the purpose of this research was to see effect of Sridharanandji's meditation on personality.
[2]. Rosaen C, Benn R (2006) The experience of transcendental meditation in middle school students: a qualitative report. Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan Integrative Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA. U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. PMID: 16979106 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
[3]. Maharishi (1991) Transcendental Meditation Programme on increasing self-actualization. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 6(5): 189–248.
[4]. Transcendental Meditation Programme, (1972) Journal of Counseling Psychology 20 184–187
[5]. Transcendental Meditation Programme, (1973) Journal of Counseling Psychology 20 565–566
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Abstract: The discourse of human rights has been dominated by civil and political rights much to the detriment of economic, social and cultural rights. However, both categories of rights are inalienable. Using mainly secondary source of data including a content analysis of the report of the Ghana National Reconciliation Commission and transcripts of the testimonies of some victims who testified before the Commission; this paper finds that majority of human rights violations were committed by state security institutions against victims professionally described as "general occupation" and the wealthy and influential in society. This magnitude of the violations, perpetrated against these victims never received adequate policy response. Though the National Reconciliation Commission was established to address past human rights violations in Ghana, it failed to holistically examine, and also recommend adequate policy for victims of economic and social injustices. In conclusion, this paper recommends that human rights violations of economic and social nature deserve same concerns and response in transitional periods since the former provides the context within which the latter occur.
Keywords: Africa, economic rights, human rights violations, transitional justice, truth commissions
[2]. Alidu, S. et al. "Truths‟ and "Re-Imaging‟ in the Reconciliation Process‟ Journal of Peace Review, 21: 135-142, 2009
[3]. Alidu, S. Achieving Reconciliation in Commission: the role of the Ghana National Reconciliation Commission, Unpublished thesis submitted to Leeds Metropolitan University for the award of a Doctor of Philosophy in Peace and Development Studies, 2010
[4]. Ameh, R. Doing Justice after Conflict: The Case for Ghana‟s National Reconciliation Commission‟, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 21(1) 85-109, 2006a
[5]. Ameh, R. Uncovering Truth: Ghana‟s National Reconciliation Commission Excavation of Past Human Rights Abuses‟. Contemporary Justice Review, 9(4), 2006b
[6]. Attafuah, K. (2004) An Overview of the Ghana National Reconciliation Commission and its Relationship with the Courts, Criminal Law Forum, 15(1-2), 125-134, 2004
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality inTeacher Education – Various Parameters andEffective QualityManagement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rajib Mukhopadhyay |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19216671 ![]() |
Abstract: Education in general and teacher education particularly, is deliberate enterpriseaimingto providegood quality service to its customers in order to enable them to contribute significantly for development of the nation.This quality service is essential in the modern context of globalization. Quality in teacher education is the area of focal interest of the present study. Conceptual framework of quality has been discussed in details. Various quality parameters in the field of teacher education have been identified and few major among them have been explained elaborately. The study has also discussed the important role of quality management in teacher education, which is a programto integrate all these quality components to ensure accountability, commitment and credibility of the institution enabling it to render a customer friendly service.
Key words: quality, teacher education, quality indicators, total quality management
[2]. Arya, P.P.(2006). Higher Education and Global Challenges-Systems and Opportunities, Deep and Deep Publications, N.Delhi
[3]. Banks, C. A. M. (1997) Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives, 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn& Bacon.
[4]. Boyer, E. (1997). Scolarshipreconsidered : priorities of the professoriate. (p.24). Princeton, NJ : The Carnegie Foundation.
[5]. Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. (1986). Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action Research. Basingstoke: Falmer Press.
[6]. Dahiya, L.N. (2001). Quality of Doctoral Research in India : Some Monitoing and Control Issues, University News, 39(45). Nov-5-11
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Abstract: The present study has been undertaken to assess the marketing of information products & services in kurukshetra university library in the disciplines of social science. A well structured questionnaire was distributed among the research-scholars and teachers of seven departments viz History, Public administration, Social Work, Economics, psychology, Sociology, Political Science under the Social Science in K.U.K. The responses were gathered from 120 users (40 Teachers and 80 Research Scholars).The findings of the survey reveal useful facts about the marketing of information products & services in kurukshetra university library.43.33% of the respondents were always use the library daily, 14.16% sometimes and14.16% respondents were always using the library once in a week, 6.66% twice in a week. Only 20.83% respondents were always using the library by occasionally.
[2]. Amritpal Kaur. Marketing of information services and products in University Libraries of Punjab and Chandigarh. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 8(3), 2007.
[3]. B. Anagreh. Modifying the marketing mix of library services in accordance with the market mechanism: an applied study at Jordanian Universities. International journal of academic research in business and social sciences 2(10), 2012, 218-226.
[4]. S. Ganguly, D. C, Kar. Marketing: A critical policy for today‟s information centre. DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 22(3), 2002., 15-25.
[5]. Dinesh K. Gupta. Marketing Library and Information Services. University of Montreal, 2010. 3553-3560.
[6]. Shiva. Kanaujia. Marketing of information products and services in Indian R & D library and information centres. Library management 25(8/9), 2004, 350-360.
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Abstract: Researchers are in tremendous controversy regarding self-esteem and its correlates. Self-esteem is an important pillar of psychological well-being. Most of the studies agree with this judgment. Adolescence is a period in which people try to be independent and they start to evaluate themselves self-esteem is a contributing factor for positive behavior. Tribal is the natural inhabitant of the forest or hilly area. They hesitate to keep good relationship with the outside community. But the present needs of life make them to come out side. But there they are supposed to face a lot of challenges. These people must be mentally competent. In this article the researcher tries to find out the level of self-esteem among the tribal students and the relationship between the socio-demographic characters and the self-esteem with special reference to the Kannur district of Kerala.
Keyword: Adolescents,self-esteem, tribes,.
[2] ShobhaNandwana and Kushagra Joshi, Assessment of Emotional Intelligence of Tribal Adolescents of Udaipur: An Exploratory Study, Stud Tribes Tribal, 8(1): 2010,37-40
[3] Brent Donnellan, M., Trzesniewski, K. H., Robins, R. W., Moffitt, T. E., &Caspi, A. Low self-esteem is related to aggression, antisocial behavior, and delinquency. Psychological Science, 16, 2005 ,328–335.
[4] Roy F. Baumeister, Jennifer D. Campbell, Joachim I. Krueger, and Kathleen D. Vohs, Does high self-esteem cause betterperformance, interpersonal success,happiness, or healthier lifestyles?, Psychological science in the public interest,4(1),2013, 35-38
[5] Ruhul Amin Ahmed, The self-concept among tribal and non-tribal secondary level students in south Garo Hills, IJCAES Special Issue on Basic, Applied & Social Sciences, 2,2012, 373-375
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Towards Pilot Organic Project |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Al-Mamun |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19219092 ![]() |
Abstract: Organic farming has boosted in recent years due to cultural and life style awareness among the city dwellers. A pilot study has been arranged in a remote village in Sylhet to observe the greater outcome and possible organic commercialization of local staple. The research is still on-going and so far the organic production has been in process for two seasons of paddy cultivation. The paper highlights the true mindset of a farmer in organic production and the core methodologies involved in converting from chemical farming. The paper would help in building a firm model on methods to convert hazardous farming towards organic farming
Keywords: Awareness, Customer Oriented, Farm Management, Organic.
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[5]. Sustainable Agriculture Network. (2004). Transitioning to Organic production. Burlington, VT: Sustainable Agriculture Publications. Retrieved July 9, 2004, from
[6]. Poverty Reduction Strategy (2010-2012).