Version-5 (Feb-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Manual Potter's Wheel Efficiency in Ceramics Production in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Okewu Ebute Jonathan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19250105 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper review how effective the manual wheel have been put into use for optimum productivity in the face epileptic power supply in the country. It examines the art of throwing, types of wheels used in the specialisation for production. The advantages and disadvantages of each types of wheels and how convenient their uses are is also examined. The central issue is the rate of power supply in Nigeria and the need to encourage less emphasis on the electric wheels that might not be working well for a depressed economy.
[2]. Bryant V. (2013) The Origins of the Potter's Wheel, retrieved 11 January 2014
[3]. Clay Panel (2014) Wheels - Selecting One For You, retrieved 16 January 2014
[4]. Dodrill T. (2013) How to Make a Pottery Wheel, retrieved 9 January
[5]. eBay Inc. (2014) Pottery Wheels - Old, New, What's right for You, retrieved 20 January 2014 /10000000000867407/g.html
[6]. Echeta C. (2011), Generating Stoneware Bricks for Stoneware Kilns in a Depressed Economy: The Terrace Approach to the Rescue, Ashakwu Journal of Ceramics Vol. 8, Nigeria p.44.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The gender difference and education enrollment in Rajasthan |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ibraheim Eldai Mohamed, Dr.Vinita Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19250610 ![]() |
Abstract:Based on the responses ten Semi-structured interview schedules with the education administrators in Rajasthan and questionnaire of 180 students, 120 teachers, from secondary and high secondary students and 100 common people from Jaipur in Rajasthan state, this article investigates the role of gender differences in education enrollment. Several indicators are considered and investigated using parametric technique. Given the overall structure of Rajasthan society, the results indicate that the gender differences plays a major role in education enrollment, the girl have less chance in education , while there is progress and increase in girls clubbing numbers during the last 10 years .
[1]. Charu Walikhanna, report of expert committee on gender and education, national commission for women 4, Deen Dayal UpAdhyaya marg, New Delhi
[2]. Satya Venkata Siddhardha Kumar.D, Gender Differentials and Social Exclusion in School Education in India, National seminar organized by CSSEIP, cusat on 5th January 2010, p2
[3]. Sen, Amartya. (2004). "Social Exclusion Concept Application Scrutiny, New Delhi: Critical Quest.
[4]. Tailor, R. (2007). "Participation of Scheduled Castes Children of the Primary Stage in India". New Delhi: Journal of Indian Education.
[5]. Census of India, 2011 (Provisional).
[6]. post enumeration survey of 5 percent sample checking of DISE data in three districts of churu, dungarpur & Jhalawar in Rajasthan: 2010-11
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Abstract: Nigeria like most countries of the world is a signatory to major international conventions on the prohibition of torture and other inhumane or degrading treatment. The Nigerian Constitution and other local legislations like the Penal and Criminal Codes have all provided for the respect of the right against torture. Penalties have equally been prescribed for those found guilty of the offence of abuse of the right against torture. The observance and respect for this important right can only be realized if machineries are put in place to protect and promote the observance of the right against torture.
2 Chiroma M., et al, "The Role of Judiciary in Sustaining Nigerian Democracy", Contemporary Legal Thoughts, Edited by Ajanwanchuku M. A. and Faga, H. P.,(Nigeria: NP., 2008), at 290.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Parental disciplining and children behaviours: A review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Sobita Devi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19252025 ![]() |
Abstract: Disciplining is an aspect of parenting and has different ways of administration. They are a reflection of the parenting dimensions or the parenting typologies evolved from the combination of the dimensions. The paper reviews the available research and literature on parenting dimensions and parenting typologies and their impacts on children's behavioural outcomes. The paper also discusses the disciplinary practices adopted by the parents with special emphasis on corporal punishment vis-a-vis with children's moral internalisation and behavioural outcomes. Authoritative style of parenting is considered the most advantageous form of parenting. Psychological control and corporal punishment are associated with undesirable behavioural outcomes.
Keywords: Parenting dimensions, parenting typologies, corporal punishment, children behaviour.
[2] Baumrind, D., A blanket injunction against disciplinary use of spanking is not warranted by the data. Pediatrics, 98(4 Pt. 2) 1996, 828–831.
[3] Maccoby, E. E., and Martin, J. A., Socialization in the context of the family: Parent– child interaction. In E. M. Hetherington (Ed.) and P. H. Mussen (Series Ed.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 4. Socialization, personality, and social development (New York: Wiley, 1983), 1-101.
[4] Baumrind, D., Child care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behaviour, Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75, 1967, 43–88.
[5] Baumrind, D., Current theories of parental authority, Developmental Psychology Monographs, 4(1), 1971
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Abstract: The proper use of learning resources makes teaching lively, more involving for the learners and long lasting experience. The quality of any scientific skill acquisition by pupils is determined by the qualities of the teachers' level of awareness and their improvisation skills. It is against this that the study seeks to examine teachers' awareness and improvisation skills of scientific visual resources as a determinant to pupils learning outcomes in basic science and technology.
[2] Akinsola, A.T. (2000). An investigation into the teacher self conceived ability to improvise materials for the teaching of Primary science. International journal on science education 2: 8-12
[3] Balogun, T. A. (2000). Gender issues in the teaching of science technology and mathematics. Perspectives on women in science and technology in Nigeria. Ibadan. Sam Bookman. Educational and Communication Services 47-61
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improving Concentration and Mindfulness in Learning through Meditation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19253339 ![]() |
Abstract: Meditation refers to a family of self-regulation practices that focus on training attention and awareness in order to bring mental processes under greater voluntary control and thereby foster general mental well-being and self-inducement of a mode of consciousness development whereby specific capacities such as calm, clarity, and concentration are attained. The process of concentrating, especially the fixing of close, undivided attention is the ability to direct one's thinking in whatever direction one would intend. Learning is the process of acquisition of knowledge which can be obtained through mindful learning. Mindfulness directs the power of concentration. Mindfulness is the manager of the operation.
[3]. Andy Fell/UC Davis News Service (2013) Mindfulness from meditation associated with stress hormone, Journal of Health Psychology, AM PDT
[4]. ibid
[5]. bid
[6]. Maria Konnikova (2013) "Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes" Columbia University.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Uniqueness of History Sudden Rise and Rapid Fall Of Taliban in Afghanistan |
Country | : | PAKISTAN |
Authors | : | Dr. Parvez Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19254048 ![]() |
Abstract: The phenomenon of Taliban is very old but they emerged as rulers in Afghanistan in 1994. Afghan Taliban were different kind of people because they were the production of a very typical environment. They were deprived of International Politics and modern knowledge. They were all Pashtoon-sunni of hanfi fiqah and fond of war because they were non-expert in the traditional occupations of their forefathers. They emerged as a result of warlordims and terrible situation of civil war. The public support was with them because they controlled law and order with iron hand. Their policies were very harsh so they implemented Islamic laws according to their own thinking. After capturing Kabul and other parts of the country, they opened all the roads, disarmed the population. They raised their finances from drug trade, transport business and external aid.
[3]. Rais,Rasul Bahsh,Recovering the Frontier State,Oxford University Press,Karachi,2008,p.90
[4]. Matinuddin, Kamal,The Taliban Phenomenon Afghanistan 1994-1997, Oxford University Press,Karachi,1999,p.13
[5]. Ibid,p.14
[6]. The News,27th April 1995,
[7]. The Muslim,Islambad,21st Feberuary 1995
[8]. Yusuf,Kaniz F,Dr, Unipolar World and The Muslim States,Pakistan Forum,Islamabad Series No .8 ,2004,p.247
[9]. Rashid,Ahmed,TALIBAN-Islam ,Oil and the New Great Game in Central Asia,I.B.Tauris Publishers, London, 2001,p.21
[10]. Ibid,p.31
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Holland's personality types, congruence and the choice of degree program as postulated in Holland theory of vocational choice. The theoretical framework was based on the Holland theory, which postulates that people will spend a considerable amount of time seeking academic environments that match their personality types. The independent variables were the personality types and the choice of the degree programs while the dependent variable was the degree of congruence. The Self Directed Search 4th Edition questionnaire by [1] was used for data collection. This study used measures of relationship and association techniques,
[2]. Feldman, K.A., Ethington, C. A., & Smart, J.C. (2001). A further investigation of major fields and person-environment fit: Sociological Vs. psychological interpretations of Holland. Journal of Higher Education 72: 670-698.
[3]. Tinsley, H. E. A., (2000). The congruency myth; An analysis of the efficacy of the person-environment model. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 56-147-149.
[4]. Porter, S. R., & Umbach, P.D. (2006). College major choice-An analysis of person-environment fit. A Research in Higher Education Vol 47, No 4.
[5]. Tracey, T. J. G., & Robbins, S. B. (2006). The interest–major congruence and college success relation: A longitudinal study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69, 64–89.
[6]. Brown, S. D., & Gore, P. A., Jr. (1994). An evaluation of interest congruence indices: Distribution characteristics and measurement properties. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45, 310-327
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Abstract: Today, there are many tools in the social Web 2.0 that created specifically for the educational audience, proposed in the learning process and used with great interest of both students and teachers at all levels of education. The offered possibilities of these tools encourage the research initiative, the configuration of new ways of communication, collaboration, interaction and reflection, and also the common contribution of knowledge building process. In this study considers the following research question: Does the sociocultural constructivist interaction of students in the social Web 2.0 affect their cognitive development and their geographical and environmental approach to the research issue? Data for this paper were derived from a small sample of Greek high school students (N=16) who participated in an eight-month educational research project, using the new applications and extensions of the social Web 2.0.
[2] M. F. Goodchild, In the World of Web 2.0, International Journal, (2), 2007, 24-32.
[3] M. Greaves and P. Mika, Semantic Web and Web 2.0. Web Semantics:Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web,6, 2008, 1-3.
[4] S. Yim, and M. Shin, Effects of the Web 2.0 and Social Network Services Environment on Information Quality and Intentions to Re-Use, 2013, URL:
[5] R. Aviv, Z. Erlich, G. Ravid, and A. Geva, Network analysis of knowledge construction in asynchronous learning Networks, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 7(3), 2003, 1-23.
[6] L. Lockyer, and J. Patterson, Integrating social networking technologies in education: a case study of a formal learning environment, In Advanced Learning Technologies, Proc. 9th IEEE Conf. ICALT'08, 2008, 529-533.
[7] P. N. Chou and H. H. Chen, Engagement in online collaborative learning: A case study using a Web 2.0 tool, Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 4(4), 2008, 574-582.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Development of Birbhum District – A Critical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Debasish Roy, Anushri Mondal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19256267 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper we discuss the human resource development of Birbhum District. The data have been collected from District Statistical Handbook, District census report of 2001 and District Human Development Report 2009.A large part of the Birbhum District is still backward with respect to human resource development. Aim of this paper is to study the cause of the backwardness of this district. "HRD is the process of determining the optimum methods of developing and improving the human resources of an organization and the systematic improvement of the performance of employees through training, education and development and leadership for the mutual attainment of organizational and personal goals" (Smith). HRD is an important topic of present time. It is considered by management professionals, as sub discipline of Human Resource Management( HRM), but many researchers have, broadened the scope and integrated the concept of HRD by looking it from socioeconomic angle and giving it other dimension such as physical, intellectual, psychological, social, political, moral and spiritual development
[2]. Govt. of West Bengal (2001), District Census Handbook, West Bengal.
[3]. District Human Development Report, Birbhum, 2009.
[4]. Tripathi, R. S. and Tiwari, R. P.: Changing Pattern in Human Resource Development of Msdhya Pradesh. Geog. Review of India. Vol. 57, No. 4, p. 376-381.
[5]. Roy Debasish " Status of Human Development in the District of irbhum at lock Level " International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2013, pp. 104-110.
[6]. Birbhum District Gazetteers, Govt. of West Bengal.
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Abstract: Of the three Kenyan suspects for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC), one of them is radio Journalist Joshua Arap Sang. The ICC prosecutor has again issued an arrest warrant on yet another Kenyan journalist Walter OsapiriBarasa for allegedly corruptly influencing the ICC witnesses. These raise questions about the Kenyan Journalism training standards. This Case study set out to establish Kenyan Middle Level Media Training standards based on: the availability of the training facilities and the competencies of newly trained Journalists in Media houses. The study's objectives include: To establish if Middle Level Media Training Colleges have necessary training facilities and; to find out if the Kenyan Media houses are contented with the capabilities of newly trained journalists. The study established that there is an acute shortage of training facilities in Media Colleges, with less experienced trainers. The Newly employed Journalists could only do well in news reporting because it is more artistic than technical; while print editing and studio operation were poorest performed. Trainers, Students and Media house respondents were sampled, data collected from them and then interpreted.
Key words: ICC, Journalists, Kenyan, Standards, training,
[2]. BBC World Service Information Pack, (2008); BBC Select (2007),
[3]. OriareMbeke Peter, Mass Media in Kenya, System and Practice, Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, Nairobi.(2010) 33
[4]. History of KBC at (Accessed on 28th March 2012)
[5]. UNESCO, Changing teaching practices. Using curriculum differentiation to respond tostudents' diversity. UNESCO, 2004 (PDF, 750 KB) –
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modeling district level economic disparities across Uttarakhand, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Shalini Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19258490 ![]() |
Abstract: Economic development in Uttarakhand, a state in India has accelerated in the last decade however; the progress is largely confined to the plains. The study attempts to analyze district level economic disparities in Uttarakhand. The six key economic development variables namely, per capita income, infrastructure, health, education, industrial employment and tourism have been examined and modeled in the study. The districts have been ranked in their respective order of economic development using the weights derived through the pairwise comparison of the identified development variables. There is no evidence of decline in regional disparities across the hill and plain districts. The economic growth has become more polarized in the plains. Interestingly, four out of the six districts of Kumaon division have emerged as economically the most backward districts. The study concludes with policy implications.
Keywords: Economic disparities, Inclusive development, Pair-wise comparison, Uttarakhand
[1] Fan, C. C. (1997). Uneven development and beyond: regional development theory in post-Mao China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 21.4, 620-39.
[2] Kar, S. (2007) Inclusive Growth in Hilly Regions: Priorities for the Uttarakhand Economy. Institute of Economic Growth Working Paper, E/281/2007, New-Delhi, India.
[3] Barua A. and Chakraborty, P. (2010) Does Openness Affect Regional Inequality? A Case Study for India. Review of Development Economics 14.3, 447-65..
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Abstract: The northern parts of Sudan experienced the desertification problem since the 1980s. The SOS Sahel initiated a women's forestry programme (WFP) to support integrated rural development endeavors. The main objective of the study was to scrutinize the experience of the WFP through answering the following question: to what extent the project enhanced rural development endeavor in the area? The study was carried out in Shendi area in the River Nile state (Sudan). In addition to reviewing relevant secondary data, primary data was collected from village women using structured interviewing technique.
[2]. AbdelMagid, T. D. (2008). Overview of Community Forestry in the Sudan. Paper prepared as a contribution to IUCN Workshop, Khartoum-Sudan.
[3]. Asian Development Bank (2013). Gender equality and food security: women‟s empowerment as a tool against hunger. Mandaluyong City, Philippines.
[4]. Bristow S. (1992). A Research and Training Programme in Women‟s Forestry Project. Khartoum-Sudan.
[5]. Bristow S. (1998). Women‟s Extension Forestry Manual: A methodology from Northern Sudan. Printed in Great Britain by Antony Rowe LTD, Chippenham, and Wiltshire.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bosnian traveller Mohammad Hancic in Egypt during Ottoman Empire |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Ali Akbar Ziaee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-192599101 ![]() |
Abstract: Some Bosnian Muslims known as Boshniaks travelled to Arabian countries and were affected by Islamic civilization. One of them is Muhammad Hancic, a well-known writer and traveller in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the early 20th century. Muhammad Hancic was born in Sarajevo in 1906. He graduated from primary school and Madrasah in his native town. Following his completion of schooling in 1926, he went to Egypt and enrolled al-Azhar University. He obtained a university degree in 1931. Following his graduation, he performed hajj, and then returned to his homeland.
[1] Shahin, Kaya, Empire and Power in the Reign of Suleyman, Cambridge University Press, 2013, p.54.
[2] Al-Hakim, Abu Abdullah. "Al-Mustadrak-ala-Sahihain." 1st. Byrut: Dar al-Kutub al'Ilmiah. Part 4 (1990).
[3] Çelebi, Evliya, Seyit Ali Kahraman, and Yücel Dağlı. Günümüz Türkçesiyle Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi: Bursa-Bolu-Trabson-Erzurum-Azerbaycan-Kafkasya-Kırım-Giritz. Vol. 2. Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2004.
[4] Çelebi, Evliya, Seyit Ali Kahraman, and Yücel Dağlı. Günümüz Türkçesiyle Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi: Bursa-Bolu-Trabson-Erzurum-Azerbaycan-Kafkasya-Kırım-Giritz. Vol. 2. Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2004.
[5] Suyuti, Jalal al-Din‗Abd al. "Rahman, Husn al-Muhadarah fi Tarikh Misr wa 'lQahirah, 2 vols, ed." M. Abul al-Fadl Ibrahim, Dar Ihya al-Kutub al-Arabiyah, Cairo (1968).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Education and Economic Growth in Bangladesh- An Econometric Study |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Raihan Islam |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1925102110 ![]() |
Abstract: Education is one of the fundamental important factors of economic growth. No country can achieve sustainable economic growth without substantial investment in human capital i.e. education. It improves the quality of lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. In this paper, the short and long run causal relationship between education and economic growth in Bangladesh is examined, using annual time series data covering the period from 1973 to 2010 in Bangladesh. The improved econometric methodologies;
[2]. Al- Yousif, K.Y. (2008), Education Expenditure and Economic Growth; some Empirical Evidence from the GCC countries, Journal of Developing Areas, Emirates.
[3]. Azad A. S. M. S.,( 2010.) Educational Efficiency and Economic Growth- Evidence fromBangladesh, Chittagong.
[4]. BANBEIS (2010), Bangladesh Educational Statistics 2009, Ministry of Education, Government of Bangladesh.
[5]. BBS (2010) Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh-2009, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
[6]. Bangladesh Economic Review 1990 to 2010; 1973-1999, GDP & GDP (%) estimated at fixed price on 1984-85.
[7]. Barro J. R. (1997), Determinants of Economic Growth, A cross country empirical study, MIT press, Cambridge.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to evaluate the central corneal thickness (CCT) for non-glaucomatous and glaucomatous subjects in Sub-Saharan Africans (SSA). This is a review of literature for corneal thickness measurement in Sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted an electronic search from the following databases: Pubmed, Google, Embase websites for the articles of original studies on central corneal thickness conducted in Africa.
[1] Doughty MJ, Zaman ML. Human corneal thickness and its impact on intraocular pressure measures: a review and metaanalysis approach. Surv Ophthalmol 2000;44(5):367– 408.
[2] Liu J, Roberts CJ. Influence of corneal biomechanical properties on intraocular pressure measurement: quantitative analysis. J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31(1):146 –155.
[3] Medeiros FA, Weinreb RN. Evaluation of the influence of corneal biomechanical properties on intraocular pressure measurements using the ocular response analyzer. J Glaucoma. 2006;15(5):364 –370.
[4] Phillips LJ, Cakanac CJ, Eger MW, Lilly ME. Central corneal thickness and measured IOP: a clinical study. Optometry. 2003;74:218-225.
[5] Anupama C. Shetgar and Mariyappa B. Mulimani, Central Corneal Thickness in Normal Tension Glaucoma, Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Jun;7(6):1063-7. [6] Filipecka I, Nowak A, Lewicka K, Kapustka B, Damek J, Owczarek A. [Evaluate central corneal thickness in patients from Podbeskidzie area in adult patients]. Klin Oczna. 2013;115(2):121-4.
[7] Cockburn DM. Clinical and experimental optometry. 2004;87:185.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Challenges Facing the Horticultural Sector in Nairobi County, Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Miriam N.Muthoka, Martin Ogutu, |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1925121124 ![]() |
Abstract:The horticultural sector contributes significantly to the economic development of many countries The horticultural sector contributes significantly to the economic development of many countries The horticultural sector contributes significantly to the economic development of many countries The horticultural sector contributes significantly to the economic development of many countries The horticultural sector contributes significantly to the economic development of many countries The horticultural sector contributes significantly to the economic development of many countries
- Chweya, J. & L. Kimenye, (1995) Horticultural production and marketing in Kenya: project identification, pre-feasibility studies. Nairobi, Techniserve,
- Dolan, C. and J. Humphrey (2000) “Governance and Trade in Fresh Vegetables: impact ofUK supermarkets on the African horticulture industry” Journal of Development studies 37(2):147-176
- GoK (2000) Second Report on Poverty in Kenya: Volume 1- Incidence and depth of poverty. Nairobi, Government of Kenya, Ministry of Finance and Planning.
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Abstract: Internet has enormous power to bring social equality to the people neglected in the society. Internet has been widely used by the people living on the margin of the society as an alternative to the mainstream media.In India, Dalits comprise of more than 200 millions. But their socio, political and economic issues noticed by the mainstream media are miniscule in numbers. Thus, there is a need for the educated Dalit population to find an alternative media through which they can express and respond with outside world. In this scenario, internet has proved to be an avenue for educated Dalits. This paper analyses in detail about how internet platform such as Dalit websites, social media such as blogs are an alternative media to verbalize the issues of Dalits in India.This paper outlines the new opportunities for Dalits in the cyber space- online networks which accommodates the voice of the subaltern people and also maps the approaches of main stream media towards the issues of Dalits. The conceptual discussion on the issues has clearly exemplified the deplorable state of affairs of the coverage of Dalit issues by the mainstream media.
Key words: Dalits, alternative media, internet, mainstream media, caste
[1] Anand, A. (2012). A Case for BhimRajya, retrived from
[2] Balasubramaniam, J. "Dalits and a Lack of Diversity in the Newsroom."economic and political weekly 46.11 (2011).
[3] Chopra, Rohit. "Global primordialities: Virtual identity politics in online Hindutva and online Dalit discourse." New media & society 8.2 (2006): 187-206.
[4] Ganguly, Debjani. (2005). Caste, Colonialism and Counter-modernity: Notes on a Postcolonial.
[5] Jeffrey, Robin. "India's Newspaper Revolution capitalism, politics, and the Indian-language press, 1977-99." (2003).
[6] Kumar.S (2014), Dalits and alternative media: a study on dalits' engagement in articulation of their voices in the indian blogs and web portals, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Periyar University, Salem.
[7] Mehta. V (7January 2014), YouTube channel becomes rallying point for India's Dalits, BBC. Retrieved from
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Abstract: This paper was written to entails the results collected after conducting an empirical research which focus on Participation in Fadama User Groups (FUGs) as a medium of social capital and empowerment in Kankara local community, Katsina state Nigeria. This research was conducted because of the problems observed in the local community of low social capital and empowerment among the Fadama members'. The aim and objective here is to explore the level and relationships in participation, social capital and empowerment among the Fadama members'. The research work also try to explore how participation and social capital can transgress to empowerment.
[1] Ahmad Shukri Abdul Hamid (2008) Empowering the Marginalized: the role of social capital andCivil society. In FuziahShaffie and RozitaYusoff.(eds) (2008). University Utara Malaysia.
[2] Alison, H. (2010) "Public Participation Theory and Practice," LCA, CPD Training Program. Heritage council;
[3] Aryee, S., Chay, Y.W., & Tan, H.H. (1994)An examination of the antecedents of subjective career success among a managerial sample in Singapore. Human Relations, 47: 487-509.
[4] Berger, P.L. and Neuhaus, R.J. (1977) To Empower People: The role of mediating structure in public policy. Washington DC: American enterprise institute for public policy research.
[5] Bourdieu, P. (1983) 'The Forms of Capital.' Pp. 241-58 in Handbook of theory and research For sociology of education, edited by John G Richardson. New York: GreenwoodPress.