Version-2 (Feb-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Deregulation and Tertiary Education in Nigeria: Implications for National Development. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Aiya, Fidelis |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19220108 ![]() |
Abstract: The study investigated the perceived impact of government policy of deregulation on tertiary educational system in Nigeria. Edo state was taken as the case study. A total of 881 respondents provided responses that were used for analysis. Data analysis was accomplished using frequency tables, mean and Friedman test.The respondents felt the enactment of the policy was borne out of government inability to fund tertiary education development (mean = 3.45) and called for stricter issuance of licensing (mean = 3.37).
[2]. Ahmad, Shabbir, 2006, Corporate Governance and Performance of Commercial Banks inPakistan, Paper presented in 23rd Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance,Lille, France
[3]. Arthur, S &Sheffrin, S.M (2002). Economics Principles in Action.New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 415pp
[4]. Burki, Abid A., and G.S.K. Niazi 2003, The Effects of Privatization, Competition andRegulation on Banking Efficiency in Pakistan, 1991–2000, StrengtheningRegulation Policy and Practice. Manchester: University of Manchester,Chancellors Conference Centre
[5]. Demurger S. (2001). "Infrastructure development & Economic Growth: An Explanation of Regional Disparities in China"Journal of Comparative Economies 29:95-117
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Abstract:This article seeks to revive a debate on the role of the church in development. The main focus touches on the strategic methods that the church and society have employed in the realization of the fullness of life for their respective communities. Our specific area of research is Nyanza region of the western Kenya. There are major players in the development programs, the NGOs, the church, the government and the volunteers. The article seeks to bring into focus the core ministry of the church in a social context and to elaborate the extent at which volunteerism has been embraced at every level of development.
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Abstract: The current wave of change in the workplace challenges traditional notions of career and career development. This necessitates new ways of thinking about and rendering career counseling services. The critical role of career counseling in the achievement of the objectives of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program in Nigeria is highly recognized. This is a quantitative study that highlights the need to develop unique and novel approaches to career theory and practice that will give counselors the needed flexibility to render appropriate career guidance to learners in the UBE program in Nigeria. This paper concludes that a new career counseling model is imperative for the successful implementation of the UBE program. It will also enable the learners to find appropriate career path in the 21st century. Implications for career counseling were identified while suggestions for a way forward were proffered.
Keywords: Career counseling model, Universal Basic Education, Constructivist Counseling, Traditional career counseling, Nigeria
[2] G. Obioma, Restructuring teacher education in the context of school curriculum reform. The Educational Psychologists. A journal of the Nigerian Council for Educational Psychologists 2(1), 2006, 3-9.
[3] P. Arhedo, I. Adomeh, & O. Aluede, School Counselor's roles in the implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) Scheme in Nigeria. Edo Journal of Counseling 2(1), 2009, 58-66.
[4] V., Dike, Lack of resources threatens UBE: News from Africa, Lagos, 2005, Nigeria. Retrieved on July 1, 2008 from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Evolving Trend in Indian Poetry in English |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manjit Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19222427 ![]() |
[2]. Sri Aurobindo. The Future Poetry. (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication,1997)17.
[3]. Paranjape, Makarand. Indian Poetry in English. (Madras: Macmillan, 1993) 19.
[4]. King, Bruce. Modern Indian Poetry in English.( London: OUP, 1987) 52.
[5]. Nair, Rama. ed.Trends and Techniques in Contemporary English Poetry. (New Delhi: Prestige, 2001) 210.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Deadly Hemorrhagic Form of Smallpox: An Epidemic Disease in British Colonial India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Swati Shastri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19222831 ![]() |
Abstract: India is a vast country with its diversified ecological zones and its own peculiar diseases, which were difficult to prevent with the limited resources. When the British came to India, they were only avoiding the diseases but in the nineteenth century they started making attempts to reduce sickness and mortality among the natives. Ayurveda and the Unani medicines were the main streams of the health care. In British India, there were a set of epidemic diseases; like cholera, leprosy, malaria, plague and smallpox.
[2]. Buitenen, J. A. B. van; Dimmitt, Cornelia (1978). Classical Hindu mythology: a reader in the Sanskrit Puranas. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN 0-87722-122-7.
[3]. Pattanaik, Devdutt (2003). Indian mythology: tales, symbols, and rituals from the heart of the Subcontinent. Inner Traditions / Bear & Company. ISBN 0-89281-870-0.
[4]. Williams, George (2003). Handbook of Hindu mythology. ABC-Clio Inc. ISBN 1-57607-106-5.
[5]. Arnold D., Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India (1993). Publisher: University of California Press (August 12, 1993)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | State, Society and Gender Disparities in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shalini Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19223238 ![]() |
Abstract: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, which once were parts of one country, reflect huge variations in gender disparities. These gender disparities are the result of social, cultural, economic, political and institutional factors in these countries. This paper analyses gender disparities in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, focusing on the state and society. Social norms and practices along with constitutional provisions and legal framework have been examined in these countries in the context of gender gaps. Certain key parameters, reflecting the state of women in these countries have also been examined. It is noted that Bangladesh, which is the youngest and the poorest country among the three, has made fast strides in reducing gender disparities leaving India and Pakistan far behind. There is no evidence of reduction in gender disparities in Pakistan, the country from which Bangladesh broke away to become an independent country. Rather gender disparities have become more pronounced over time in Pakistan. India has also not made any significant progress in reduction of gender disparities. The study concludes with policy implications.
Keywords: Domestic violence, Education, Gender disparities, Health, Sex-ratio, Work participation rate
[2] (Retrieved on 07-02-2014)
[3] World Bank Report funded by AusAID. (2007) WHISPERS TO VOICES Gender and Social transformation in Bangladesh. INTBANGLADESH/Resources/ (Retrieved on 7- 02-2014)
[4] Jejeebhoy, S. J. (1998) Wife-Beating in Rural India: A Husband's Right? Evidence from Survey Data. Economic and Political Weekly, 33(15), 855-862.
[5] Bari, F. and Pal, M. S. (2000) Women in Pakistan: Country briefing paper. Programs Department (West) and Office of Environment and Social Development. Asian Development Bank.
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Abstract: In this era of privatization and resulting commercialization of education at all levels, it is of paramount of importance to analyse the cost of education incurred to a student (or his/her parents) for his/her schooling. There is a public perception that higher one pays the amount of fees, better is likely to be his/her education and thereby, ultimately his/her academic achievement.
[2]. Creemers B, Chrispeels J, Mortimore P, Murphy J, Reynolds D, Stringfield S, Stoll L and Townsend T (1998) 'The Future of School Effectiveness and Improvement', in School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol. 9(2), pp. 125-134.
[3]. Muijs D and Reynolds D (2000) 'School effectiveness and teacher effectiveness: some preliminary findings from the Evaluation of the Maths Enhancement Programme' in School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 323-337
[4]. Reynolds D & Teddlie C (2000) 'The future agenda for school effectiveness research', in C. Teddlie and D. Reynolds, The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research. London: Falmer Press, pp. 322-343.
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Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to ascertain the contribution of Optimism, Hope and Happiness in Psychological Well-Being of young adult Assamese males and females. It also investigated the difference between young adult Assamese males and females on Psychological Well-Being, Optimism, Hope and Happiness. For this purpose a sample of 100 young graduate adults, 50 males and 50 females, residing in the Kamrup district of the state of Assam was taken.Ryff scales of Psychological Well-Being ,Life Orientation Test of Scheier& Carver for optimism, Adult Trait Hope Scale of Snyder and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire were used.Separate regression analyses were run to find out the percentage of variance contributed by Optimism, Hope and Happiness in Psychological Well-Being of males and females.
[2]. Affleck, G., &Tennen, H. (1996). Construing benefits from adversity: Adaptational significance and dispositional underpinning. Journal of Personality, 64, 899-922.
[3]. Altson, J. P. & Dudely, C. J.(1987). Age, occupation and life satisfaction. Gerontologist, 13, 58.
[4]. Argyle, M., Martin, M. &Cossland, J. (1989). Happiness as function of personality and social encounters: An international perspective, North Holland: Elsevier, 189-203.
[5]. Baker, L. A. (2005). Productive activities and subjective well-being. Journal of Social Indicators Research.
[6]. Brodaty, N. E., Brodaty, H., Caunt, B. S., & Franklin, J. (2013). Exploring the Causes of Subjective Well-Being: A Content Analysis of Peoples‟ Recipes for Long-Term Happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14, 475-499.
[7]. Calabia, A. (2000). Healthy Mind, Healthy Heart. Psychology Today (118). Retrieved April 13, 2007, from
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Abstract: This study focused on the identification of required competencies of distance learning educators and effective application of e-learning in distance education in Nsukka, Nigeria. Three research questions and one null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey was design and adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire developed by the researcher was used for data collection. Random sampling technique by balloting was applied in selecting 267 respondents out of the 510 population.
[2]. Dichantz, H. (2001), "E-learning, a linguistic, psychological and pedagogical analysis of a misleading term", Paper presented at the 20th ICDE World Conference in Düsseldorf 2001.
[3]. Hedge, N. and Hayward, L. (2004), "Redefining roles, University e-learning contributing to Life-long learning in a networked world", E-Learning, 1:128 – 145
[4]. International Labour Organization (2003), Inter-American Research and Development Centre, Learner, M. (2008) Learn the Net ( June, 16.
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Abstract: Food security refers to proper access to sufficient and nutritious food. Despite the claim that Bangladesh is self sufficient in food, the real scenario, as evident, is that a big portion of our population lack in sufficient calorie. An attempt has been made through this study to determine the causes of this lack in sufficient calorie i.e., food insecurity in rural Bangladesh by using data from the project "Chronic poverty in Rural Bangladesh-2009". A Binary Logistic Regression model has been used to investigate determinants of food insecurity. Households are defined as food insecure(1) if calorie consumption per day per capita is less than 2122 kcal and food secure(0) otherwise. From our investigation and empirical analysis it is found that despite of having increasing trend both in per capita food production and food availability, many of our people lack in energy balance. That is, sufficiency of food alone doesn't guarantee an end of hunger. Household size, dependency ratio, land assets of the households and per capita monthly income are found statistically significant for such an imbalance. Moreover, result from Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve suggests that our fitted model is fairly discriminating.
Keywords: Determinants, Food insecurity, Logistic Regression Model, ROC curve, Rural Bangladesh
[2] GoB/FAO, Towards a food secure Bangladesh: Country Programming framework of Bangladesh 2010-2015, 2011.
[3] Smith, Lisa C., and Ali Subandoro, Measuring Food Security Using Household Expenditure Surveys. Food Security in Practice technical guide series. Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2007
[4] Rahman P.M.M., Matsui N., Ikemoto Y., The chronically poor in Rural Bangladesh: livelihood constraints and capabilities (1st edn., Routledge, London, 2009).
[5] Hosmer, D.W., Lameshow, S., Applied Logistic Regression, (2nd edition, ISBN: 0-471-72214-6, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 2000)
[6] Cakmakyapan, S., Goktas, A., A comparison of binary logit and probit models with simulation study, Journal of Social and economic Statistics, Vol. 2, No.1, 2013
[7] Bashir, M.K., Schilizzi, S. and Pandit, R., The Determinants of Rural Household Food Security for Landless Households of the Punjab, Pakistan; Working Paper 1208, 2012, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia.
[8] Maharjan, K., Joshi, N., Determinants of household food security in Nepal: A binary logistic regression analysis, Journal of Mountain Science, Vol.8, Issue 3, 2011, PP 403-413
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Abstract: Computer Assisted language Learning has now become an accepted form of teaching language. It is widely acknowledged that the use of computers have positive impact on the students. Yet it has always been a matter of a question why the impact of CALL has been different for different students. There have been numerous studies on students and teachers' attitude and perception towards CALL but there has been only limited studies exploring students preferences and learning experience.
[2]. Levy, M. (1997).Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Context and Conceptualization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Taylor, M. B., & Perez, L. M. (1989). Something to do on Monday. La Jolla, CA: Athelstan. p. 63.
[4]. Warschauer, M.(1999). CALL vs. Electronic Literacy: Reconceiving Technology in the Language Classroom. CLIT Research Forum. Retrieved on October 23, 2007 from http://www.linguanet,
[5]. Bax S. (2003) "CALL - past, present and future", System31:13-28
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey of Literary Level - a Case Study of Sayed Mohammad Taheri Shahab |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Farnaz Sameni Keivani, Pouran Alizadeh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19227781 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the literary level of Sayed Mohammad Taheri who also is called Shahab. He was living in Sari city in Iran in 1295. He has written many books and papers in period of his lifetime. This study investigates literary level of that poet by reviewing his works. In fact, it illustrates his expression level of the poet by looking at his works. Hence, the findings of this paper create a good vision for better recognition of Shahab and also it helps us to do other research about this poet. It
[2] Abbasi, Habib, (2008), Safarnamh Baran, Tehran, Sokhan Publication
[3] Alipour, Mustafa, (2001), the structure of the contemporary poetry, Tehran, Ferdows Publication
[4] Ahmadinejad, Kame, (1993), Literary Techniques, First Printing, Tehran, Paya Publication
[5] Anousheh, Hassan and others, (1997), Encyclopedia of Persian literature, vol 2, Tehran, Daneshnameh Publication
[6] Behzadi Andovhajradi, Hussain, (1996), literary techniques and arrangements, First Edition, Tehran, Islamic Azad University Publication
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wuraola Esan as Educationist |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ezekiel Oladele Adeoti |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19228294 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper is a biographical study of a Nigerian woman educationist, Wuraola Esan with special focus on her contribution to the promotion of female education. It locates the neglect of female education on socio-religious and cultural beliefs, and therefore conceives in general terms the activities of Mrs. Wuraola Esan (centred in Ibadan), and in particular, her efforts towards the social emancipation of the female gender. Based on original and primary sources, the paper highlights the role of private endeavour/initiatives, as exemplified by the subject of study, in Nigeria's educational development.
[2]. Yetunde Omisade and Jadesola Akande, A Brief History of Chief (Mrs.) Wuraola Esan" in Mojirayo Bello, (ed.) A Souvenir Magazine of the 21 Year Anniversary of the Peoples Girls Grammar School, Ibadan pp. 16-18.
[3]. Ahmadu Sesay and Adetanwa Odebiyi (eds.), Nigerian Women in Society and Development, Ibadan: Dokun Publishing House, 1998, p. 17
[4]. Ladipo Abimbola Sinat, "The Life and Times of Chief (Mrs.) Wuraola Adepeju Esan, The Iyalode of Ibadan", Project Essay, Department of History and International Studies, Lagos State Unviersity, Ojo, Lagos, p. 5
[5]. "A Brief History of Chief (Mrs.) Wuraola Esan" in her Funeral Ceremony Pamphlet, (1985), p. 20
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Rights and Humanity in Gandhian Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neela Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19229596 ![]() |
Abstract: Human rights are essential for any civil society. In fact it is an inalienable right of every individual because she or he is a human being. The struggle to protect and preserve human rights is as old as human civilization itself. It has been a long and slow historical process for the realization of these rights. At the very beginning the concept of human rights evolved from the Doctrine of Natural Rights in which individual have right to life, liberty and property.
[2]. kumar Arvind(ed), Encyclopaedia of Human Rights Violence and Non-Violence ,Anmol publication pvt Ltd ,Vol-I,1998, p. 1
[3]. Dalal Rajbir singh,"Human Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy",Journals of political science,Vol.VII.2,2011,p.24
[4]. Bibudharanjan,"Relevance of Gandhian Concept of Non-Violence to Contemporary Society, World Focus, 2010, p. 229.
[5]. Radhakrishnan.N.,Vasudevan.N, Gandhi in the Global Village, Gandhi media centre, 1998,p.78-79.
[6]. Ara Zinat,"Achieving Human Rights through Non-Violence: The Gandhian Way, Journals of Gandhian Studies, Vol.V, 2007, p. 182.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Wave of Contemporary Insurgency in Balochistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Waqar, Muhammad Arshad |
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: | 10.9790/0837-192297105 ![]() |
Abstract:Strategically positioned Balochistan, its colossal resources, and a very vast area have increased its significance in the global affairs. The external powers are taking immense interest in its massive resources, strategic location and most importantly being the most easily accessible pathway to the enormous resources of Central Asian States. It got more significance first, after soviet incursion of Afghanistan and second after US attack against Taliban in Afghanistan. From the very scratch,
[2] Last census was held in 1998 and now the population of the country has increased, but it is the only reliable source for different statistics.
[3] Muhammad Sardar Khan Baluch , History of Baluch Race and Baluchistan (Quetta: Nisa Traders, 1958).
[4] Muhammad Asghar Khan, , General in Politics: Pakistan 1958-82 (London: Croom Helm, 1983), p 177.
[5] Ahmad Yar Khan Baloch, , Inside Balochistan (Karachi: Noor e Rehman press, 1975), p 154.
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to document the current strategies put in place in Kenya towards the attainment of education for all (EFA) and millennium development goals (MDGs) among nomadic pastoralists the country. The guiding question is how can we dismantle the gender differential jinx hampering attainment of educational equity in Mandera County? The paper uses a combination of secondary and primary data sources. The primary data was obtained from a sample of 45 teachers undertaking their school-based degree programmers at Kenyatta and Mount Kenya Universities. Mixed methods employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to analyze the data.
[2]. Griffin (2010). Test model of the organizational antecedents of parental involvement and satisfaction with public education. Retrieved September 3, 2010 from http://Hum.sage
[3]. Kinyanjui, K ,.( 2011). The Challenges of Youth Bulge in Africa: Marginalization, Conflict and Peace Building. Unpublished paper, Nairobi.
[4]. Muola, J. (2010). A Study of the Relationship Between Academic Motivation and Home Environment among Standard 8 pupils. Education Research and Review. Vol. 5 (5), 213 – 217.
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Abstract: The purpose of the studywas to investigate factors contributing to poor performance in the Zimbabwe Advanced LevelAgriculture syllabus (9159) in two selected high schools in the Midlands province, Zimbabwe.This case study adopted the descriptive research design. A census sampling technique was used to select all the twenty five Advanced Level Agriculture students and their threeteachers from the two selected schools. The study used questionnaires for students and interviews for Agriculture teachers to collect the required data.
[2]. Ariko (2009), Factors Influencing Low Academic Performance of pupils in Rural Schools in Uganda.[Online]
[3]. Beeman, D (2013), Types of instruments in research. [Online]
[4]. Biriwasha, L (2012), Agriculture in the School Curriculum in Zimbabwe, FAC Early Careel Fellow, Zimbabwe.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Philosophy of ceiling Design in French Style interiors |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Enas Anoos |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1922127133 ![]() |
Abstract: The treatment of the ceiling has seen the mid-sixteenth century new developments inspired by the great Italian and examples that changed the architectural balance of the piece by more closely integrating the decoration of the walls that they covered, and thus accentuating unity of the confined space. The series culminates with the evolution of a program ceiling of Versailles, but works undertaken in large Parisian houses from the 1630 has helped to define the new section of the ceiling, offering artists a vast field of activity. Research will continue in mid-century, in order to completely conceal the supporting structure and integrate the ceiling to the architecture of the space. Keywords: Ceiling design , French Architecture, Style Louis XIII and Louis XIV.
[2] Babelon, J. P., Demeures parisiennes sous Henri IV et Louis XIII. Paris: Hazan. 1991.
[3] Boudon, F. Blecon, J.and Grodecki, C.,. Le château de Fontainebleau de François Ier à Henri IV. Paris: Picard. 1998
[4] Barielle, J. F., Les styles français. Paris: Flammarion, 1998.
[5] Beatrice, A.and Courtin, N. , L'Île Saint-Louis. Paris: Action Artistique de la Ville de Paris. 1997.
[6] Pérouse de Montclos, J. M., Vaux Le Vicomte . Paris: Scala . 2002
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Abstract: Main objective of the research paper is as follows: To study sex differences in ego virtues. .To study interacting effects of sex and tribal non-tribal origin on each ego virtue. The sample of the present study was of college going 100 males and 100 females of tribal region (Preferably gond tribe) Their age range was from 18 yrs to 23 yrs they were, under graduate and post graduate students .
[2]. Robert S. Wallerstein & Leo Goldberger, eds. (1998) Andersen, D C (1993), Ideas and Identities: The Life and Work of Erik Erikson "Beyond rumor and reductionism: a textual dialogue with Erik H. Erikson.", The Psychohistory review 22 (1): 35–68,
[3]. J V; Fisher, M W; Sutherland, J D (1971), "Gandhi; a psychoanalytic view. [Essay review of Erik H. Erikson, Gandhi's truth].", The American historical review 76: 1104–15, 1971 Oct,
[4]. Brenman-Gibson, M (1997), "The legacy of Erik Homburger Erikson.", Psychoanalytic review 84 (3): 329–35, 1997 Jun
[5]. Carney, J E (1993), ""Is it really so terrible her?": Karl Menninger's pursuit of Erik Erikson.", The Psychohistory review 22 (1): 119–53,
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Abstract: Pakistan's constitutional history witnessed many civilian and military dictators who assumed de facto powers by refusing to act under the Constitution as ceremonial heads. It created hurdles in the evolution of democratic parliamentary culture in the state. Parliamentary democracy collapsed four times in Pakistan due to escalating political aspiration of military Generals, mismanagement and unstable institutional development. The varying constitutional models (Parliamentary to Presidential and Quasi Presidential) and then amendments in 1973 Constitution (8th and 17th) had distorted parliamentary democracy, diluted parliament's sovereignty and denied people's rights.
[2]. G. W. Choudhary, Democracy in Pakistan (Dacca: Green Book House, 1969), 26.
[3] Safdar Mahmood, Pakistan Political Roots & Development 1947-1999 (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2010), 23-24.
[4] For details, see Hasan Askari Rizvi, Democracy in Pakistan, Paper prepared for the Project on State of Democracin South Asia as part of the Qualitative Assessment of Democracy Lokniti (Programme of Comparative Democracy) Centre for the Study of Developing Societies Delhi.
[5] Ibid.