Version-3 (July-2014)
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Abstract: Variations in climate, one would expect to be perceived differently among people of different socio-economic background and social strata. However, with the people of Akinyele LGA in Oyo state, the case is different where perception of the causes, evidences and response patterns to the impacts of climate change do not show any variation that can be linked with socio-economic attributes across the political wards. A total of eight out of twelve political wards/health districts were purposively selected (being most rural with rapid transformation) where about 300 questionnaires were administered with a random systematic approach. Data collected were analysed using simple descriptive analytical tool. The hypotheseswere tested with Chi-square. The study reveals that causes and evidences of climate change are not significantly different across political wards except for fluctuations in food production and supplies, over-cropping, overgrazing, settlement expansion and excessive dryness with p-value of 0.012, 0.048, 0.049, 0.019 and 0.018 respectively. There is therefore urgent need for implementation of tree planting and landscape planning initiatives, farm practice improvement and re-introduction of neighbourhood parks and gardens so as to forestall the growing vulnerability of residents to climate change impacts and to enhance social integration, a vital ingredient to building community's resilience.
Keywords: Climate change; Environmental Education, Global warming and Greenhouse Effects system
[2]. Adelekan, I.O and Gbadegesin, A.S (2004) "Analysis of the Public Perception of Climate Change Issues in an Indigenous African City‟ International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 62, No. 1 Feb. 2005 pp 115-124.
[3]. Aina, F.O.A (1990) "Keynote Address by the Direct/Chief Executive FEPA at the Workshop on Environmental Education for Secondary Schools Teachers" organized by Nigerian Conservation Foundation and Institute of Education University of Lagos
[4]. 13th – 15th June, 1990.
[5]. Barrow, C. J (1991) Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial Environment. Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.
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Abstract: This paper highlights marriage as the medium of exploitation in Bharati Mukherjee's Wife. Women are seen as indissoluble from the family and most functions assigned to family are indirectly assigned to women. The family places mammoth obligations on women's shoulders and contours on their place and rewards in the toil market their roles in local, national and international affairs. Marriages are rooted in the Indian tradition: they are arranged by the family, and the people concerned have no choice. Social anxiety and social convention lead to the failure of marriages but since divorce is not allowed, people still have to live with each other. As a consequence, the characters experience alienation, and the terrible pressure children are subjected to, generally has its roots in failed marriages. Let us take the case of women: they cannot find fulfillment in marriage. The modern woman lives in a society dominated by men and marriage recurrently brings annihilation of the wife's individual persona. The view embodied female cohort Amit Basu is no company for Dimple, they are mismatched. Mukherjee takes up the quandary of a wife's adjustments in her husband's home.
Keywords: Annihilation, anxiety, Indissoluble, mammoth, recurrently
[1] Mukherjee, Bharati, Wife (New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1990)
[2] Cry, the Peacock. Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, p.24.
[3] Vandana Singh, "The Fictional World of Bharati Mukherjee": published by Prestige books NewDelhi
[4] Bharati Mukherjee's fiction a perspective by Sushma Tandon, published by Sarup & Sons, New Delhi
[5] Carb, Alison B. ―An Interview with Bharati Mukherjee. The Massachusetts Review 29.1 (1988/1989): 645-54.
[6] Bharati Mukherjee: Critical Perspectives. Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson. New York: Garland, 1993. 181-95.
[7] Dhawan, R, K. The Fiction of Bharati Mukherjee: A critical Symposium. New Delhi,1996.
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Abstract: This paper assesses youth participation in community development in Damaturu local government Area, Yobe State, Nigeria. The study utilizes the simple random sampling techniques to generate the data. In term of data collection, two main methods were used. They are primary and secondary sources of data collection. The questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. In data analysis, simple percentage and tabulation were employed to analyzed data sought from the field. The finding revealed that most of the youth contribute to community development through communal labor, through provision of security and maintenance of footpaths, and re-orientation of moral support by the elites is one of the ways to address the problem faced by the youth in the community. The study concluded that, youth involvement in community development is one of the cardinal principles of designing programmes and should be central to the development effort of the community.
Key words: youth, participation, community development
[2]. Chambers (1978) " Project Selection for Poverty Focused Rural Development: simple is Optional" World Development, 6th Edition.
[3]. Cohill M. (1997), Youth Development and Community Development: Premises and Challenges of Convergence Community and Youth Development Series, Volume 2 International Youth Formation.
[4]. Connell J. (1992), The Importance of Learning about and Building on the Policies Programs and effects of Voluntary Serving Organization. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
[5]. Connell j. P, (2000), Youth Development in Community Setting. Issues, Challenge and Direction (281-300). Philadelphia Public/Private Ventures.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arindom Biswas, Harihar Das |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19732530 ![]() |
Abstract: Soil is an important natural resource and a natural body development by natural forces acting on natural material. A study of soil science includes soil physics deals with the effects of physical laws on the evolution of chemical properties and physical properties of soils. The study of soil would reveal to one that soil aspects are every minute, every seconds, are going on simultaneously and that the resultant changes are consequently taking place always in the soil system. In that senses knowledge of coastal soils in respect of their extent, distribution, characteristics and potential is, therefore, extremely important for optimizing the land use and also for better heritage and prosperity. However, little attention has been given to the judicious use of coastal land which is subjected to various land degradation problems. The present paper on coastal soils of Digha, West Bengal is an endeavor towards systematic appraisal of our soil resources in coastal region of West Bengal for land use on sustainable basis. In this publication attempts have been made to characterize the soil resources in the Digha coastal region of West Bengal.
Keywords: Natural Resource, Chemical Properties, Physical Properties, Coastal Soil, Landuse, Degradation
[2]. Biswas, A. and Bera, D.(2009): Eco-tourism in Dooars of West Bengal-Its Prospects, Problems and Proposals, Geographical Review of India, Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. 264-268.
[3]. Brady, N. C. (1985): The Nature and Properties of Soils, Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi.
[4]. Buiyan, Z. H. (1987): 'Organic matter status and organic recycling in Bangladesh soils', Resources and Conservation. Vol. 13, pp. 117-124.
[5]. Hossain, M. Z. (2001): 'Farmer's view on soil organic matter depletion and its management in Bangladesh', Nutrient cycling in Agro-ecosystems. Vol. 61, pp. 197-204.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Maritime Community Systems Economic and Changes Around the Area Industry |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Sulsalman Moita, Mulyadi Bintaha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19733136 ![]() |
Abstract: This research investigated the institution economic system of Bajo fisherman around PT Antam Industry area at Mandiodo Village Molawe sub district and wish to express what changes is at the institution economic system of Bajo fisherman around PT. Antam.Research executed in County side of Mandiodo of sub district Molawe sum up the informant and key informant research 15 people. Data collected by using observation participate, and interview the. Technique analyses the data that is analyses qualitative. The Result of research show changed in the institution economic system of Bajo fisherman around PT. Antam industry area at Mandiodo village Molawe sub district are; economic behavior in individually, advantaged economic opportunity in temporary, new infrastructure knowledge in technology principle, economic connection pattern in complex.
Keywords: Economic Institutions, Bajo Fishermen, Change, Industrial.
[2]. Haafiz, AR 1980. Kelompok-Kelompok Punggawa-Juragan-Sawi suatu Telaah. Leplit Unhas. Ujung pandang.
[3]. Harsojo. Introduction to Anthropology. Bandung. Bina Reserved, 1988. [4]. William A. Haviland.,1995. An Introduction to Anthropology, Second Edition; New York: The Mac Millan.
[5]. Hendropuspito. 1989. Sosiologi Agama. BP Gunung Mulya. Jakarta.
[6]. Himes and Moore, J. 1978. Study of Sociology. Scott Foresman. Atlanta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Socio- Economic Status of Vadar Community |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. Anita Sambhaji Pisal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19733743 ![]() |
Abstract: Vadar community people are different from the other castes in India. The dressing style, language, marriage system, festivals and other social events are also different then other communities. They have acquired more or less traditions and customs of other communities of different communities in respective States of India. It would not be exaggeration if we say that People from Vadar community are first Engineers as they are considered to be the first people who made weapons from the stone. The Vadar community is known by different names in India such as Mati Vadar, Gadi Vadar, Kala Vadar, Patharvat Vadar, Jati Vadar, Jati, Bhoaj etc.
The economic condition of Vadar community is very poor in the Pune District it is observed that they are not able to full fill their basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. These people are migrated all over country to full fill their basic needs. Most of the rural based people migrate near by the village where they get opportunity of employment.
[2]. Joshua Project,Vaddar, Hindu in all countries. 2002. © India Missions Association - Edited by Philipose Vaidyar. Joshua Project, View Vadar, Hindu in all countries, PO Box 62614, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-2614, United States,
[3]. Thade Commission Report in 1999: Government of Maharashtra, Social Welfare Board
[4]. Edate: 1991 Report, Government of Maharashtra, Social Welfare Board
[5]. Motiraj Rathod: Denotified and Nomadic Tribes in Maharashtra'.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dual Affinity in V. S. Naipaul's Half a Life |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subismita Lenka, Bhabani S. Baral |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19734448 ![]() |
Abstract: Despite the hullabaloo about his nativity, attitude and education, the fact remains that V.S.Naipaul as a writer belongs to the Indian diaspora. Apparently, his description of India in the three travelogues as dark, wounded and mutinous does not go down well with the readers in this country. But that description is not totally incorrect and beneath that lies obviously the affinity for his roots. Bruce King is right when he says: While Naipaul is a rationalist, secular, a strong believer in Western individualism and scepticism, he is emotionally attracted towards Indian fatalism, passivity and philosophical notions of the world as illusion. Both world views vie with each other in his writings.(pp.7-8) Naipaul is thoroughly critical of Indian novelists over dependence on myths and lack of concern for the present condition of men. In An Area of Darkness he writes:
[2]. Chomsky, Noam. 1974.
[3]. Colon, Aida Luz Rodriguez. "V.S.Naipaul‟s Half a Life: Memory and the Myth of Origin." V.S.Naipaul: Critical Essays. Ed. Mohit K. Ray. New Delhi: Atlantic, 2005. 167-180.
[4]. D‟ Souza, Florence. "V.S.Naipaul‟s Quest for a Voice of his own: The Enigma of Arrival and Half a Life." V.S.Naipaul: Fiction and Travel Writing. Eds. Rajeshwar Mittapalli and Michael Hensen. New Delhi: Atlantic, 2008. 45-64.
[5]. Haldar, Santwana. "V.S.Naipaul‟s Half a Life: The Colonial Context and Some Postcolonial Issues." V.S.Naipaul: Critical Essays. Ed. Mohit K. Ray. New Delhi: Atlantic, 2005. 226-249.
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Abstract: Integrated HIV Counselling and Testing (ICT) is one of the prevention programs under National AIDS Control Program for reducing HIV epidemic in India. The key method of knowing ones HIV status is through Integrated Counselling and Testing Centres (ICTCs). It is important to maximize the reach of ICTCs by providing counselling services to reach maximum number of people. The study analyses per day counselling in Stand Alone ICTCs of North East Region of India to discuss the implications and look for ways of improving the efficiency of the system. Consolidated counselling data of NE states from 2007-08 to 2012-13 is reviewed and analysed. Trend analysis is done to study the coverage of various typology of clients. Results of the analysis shows that, per day counselling in ICTCs has increased from 1-7. For improving the functioning of ICTCs focus should be on the nature of epidemic, cost effectiveness, equity of access and resources available at various level with respect to difficult geographical terrain of the region.
Keywords: Client, Counselling, Integrated, Stand-Alone
[1] Technical report, HIV Estimations India, 2011.
[2] National AIDS Control Program - Phase IV (2012-2017): implementation plan, Department of AIDS Control, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India; 2012.
[3] Coenen T et al. (2008). Optimal HIV testing and earlier care: the way forward in Europe. HIV Medicine, 9:1–5.
[4] Fairall T et al. (2008). Effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment in a South African program. A cohort study. Archives of Internal Medicine, 168(1):86–93.
[5] Kigozi I et al. (2009). Late disease stage at presentation to an HIV clinic in the era of free antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 52(2):280.
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Abstract: The study on skills and professional training requirements for Librarians of the MTN-Net Library of the Kashim Ibrahim Library of the Ahmadu Bello University (A.B.U.), Zaria is to enable the understanding of the skills and professional training needed for the librarians to meet the needs of patrons in the emergence of electronic resources. The study utilized survey research methods and data were collected with the aid of questionnaires. Staff of MTN-Net Library and the Kashim Ibrahim Library of Ahmadu Bello University (A.B.U.), Zaria were interviewed to confirm the response on the questionnaire. The result is analysed with the aid of descriptive statistics and presented in percentages and tabular forms. The research indicated insufficient knowledge and skills for the academics librarians as well as lack of web technology and automation trainings. Recommendations were made regarding library automation and web technology training to both the senior and junior staff and the librarians to enable them effectively and efficiently work in an electronic environment
[1]. Ajaji, O.G. (2003) National Infrastructure and support for a virtual library retrieved on 10/28/2006 from itdavirtlab.ppt
[2]. Cleveland (1998). Virtual libraries: definition issues and challenges retrieve on 11/25/2006, from http;// 8.Htm.
[3]. Gbaje, S.E. (2007). Implementing a National virtual Library for higher Institutions in Nigeria.
[4]. Henson A. and Levin L.B (2003). Building virtual library
[5]. Lagoze C. et al (2005) what is a digital library anymore, anyway? Beyond search and access in the NSDL. National University Commission Executive Secretary's office. Retrieved on 02/04/2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Crops of Medieval India- innovations in Economic Area |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. Tanuja Kumari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19736164 ![]() |
Abstract: The medieval Indian period , the phase of Indian rule is known for its economic infrastructure and innovations in the area of agricultural produce. The crops of medieval India formed the major part of the economic setup of the India in those times. The crops included the food crops, non- food crops, fruits, etc. The crops production formed the basis of the export of India and also the increase in the financial assessment. India being an agricultural country since time immemorial the economy naturally depended on the crop production. The medieval rulers in india tried to improve the quality of the crops produce and for this the rulers improved the irrigation facilities. Indian soil in those times were rich in manures and little bit of manuring and tilling enhanced the crop produce. The Mughal rulers tried to improve the means of irrigation, supplying of improved seeds, solving cattle problems, and facilities of transport to increase the crop productivity. The crop production led to the strong establishment of sound land revenue system and thus made the medieval rulers established a strong army and large empires. During the medieval rule in India , our country was introduced to new crops which led to the enhancement of exports and thus it affected the medieval exchequer.
Keywords: crops, exports, irrigation facilities, medieval rulers,
[2]. Travels In India by Jean Baptist Travernier ( 1640- 67) ; translated and edited by V. Ball in 2 Vols. Macmillan & Co., London, 1889 ,p. 28
[3]. Khulasat- ut- Tawarikh, Per MSS, (S.B.U.) p. 6
[4]. John Princeton, Collection of Best Travels, Vol. VIII, Journal of Sir Thomas Roe, p. 5
[5]. Ain-i- Akbari, Abul Fazl. " Allami‟ Tr. Colonel H.s. Jarrett, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi,p. 134
[6]. Francois Bernier Travels in The Mughal Empire , 1656-68 tr. A. Constable, 2 nd edn. Revised by V.A.Smith, London, 1889, p. 312
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Socio- Educational and Rehabilitation Status of Street Children in Kolkata |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Chiranjit Mukherjee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-197365102 ![]() |
Abstract: In spite of India's economic boom – for much of the population the situation has not improved through generations. Hundreds of millions are trapped by caste and gender discrimination, and by the cycle of: Poverty -> Child labor -> No education ->Poverty These people endure some of the worst conditions experienced anywhere in the world. An Indian child is more likely to be malnourished, have inadequate sanitation, do not attend school and remain illiterate, marry underage, than a child from Africa or any other in the globe. The number of children with or without family, migrating to the harsh reality of street life, is increasing. Rural-urban migration was one of the important reasons for children to move on the street life. Rural-urban migration of adults as well as children happened mostly due to flood and other natural disasters, which has been considered as a major cause of their fast growth (Deshingkar and Grimm, 2005; Afsar, 2000; Begum, 1999; Ahmed and Jasimuddin, 1996). The causes for migration can be divided into two main aspects, the so-called "push" and "pull" factors. Push factors are those which force people in their old place to move. Pull factors are factors which encourage people in the target city to move. The migration of children from their homes to life on the streets is a global issue. Rural to urban migration may include: entire families, men alone, or children (orphan, abandoned etc.).
[2]. Abu, Al-Nasr, M. The Problem of Street Children in Cairo and Giza. A Paper presented to The Second Scientific Conference in Social Work, Helwan University, 1992.
[3]. Afsar, R. (2000) Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh: Causes, Consequences and Challenges. Dhaka, The University Press Limited.
[4]. Afsar, R. (2003) Internal migration and the development nexus: the case of Bangladesh.
[5]. Agrawal, Reshmi. "We Can All Help." Street Children. Delhi, India: Shipra Publications, 1999. 143-168.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nehru - the spirit of Humanism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | L.sujatha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973103105 ![]() |
Abstract: Reason in the serve of compassion" –Eysenck A largely accepted enunciation to describe humanism as the supremacy of the spirit of man and the high ideals of justice and equity imbued with compassion, from all angles and in all walks of life. Today our society and the world have to remind themselves that the spirit of humanism which suffuses and radiates from Nehru's writings and speeches, not only provides the healing touch but also paves the path constructively for peace, harmony and civilizational progress to which humanity aspires. Nehru was not a religious man in the ordinary sense, but was imbued with a profound love for and belief in the people of India, and indeed of the world. What he called secularism was in fact a combination of humanism and pluralism. "Human values through human self – reliance". Nehru's humanism brings out both these elements quite eloquently – his passionate empathy with the toiling masses of India, his advocacy of peace for the war and violence torn humanity in the world and his clear rejection of reliance on supra-human or supernatural powers or beliefs for pursuing any goals.
Keywords: humanism,human values, Nehru ,pluralism scientific humanism
[1]. Nehru Jawaharlal. An Autobiography. Volume I, penguin publication, 2004.
[2]. Nehru, Jawaharlal, The Discovery of India Volume I, penguin publication, 2004.
[3]. Nehru, Jawaharlal , Glimps es of World history, Volume I, penguin publication,
[4]. Other Writings by authors
[5]. Swami Vivekananda. ‟India‟ Volume-I. Advaita publication. 1947
[6]. Tagore Rabindranath. "The Greater India‟ Rupa publications.2003
[7]. Tagore Rabindranath. "Nationalism‟ Rupa publications.2002
[8]. B. Articles
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Food Security in India: Performance and Concerns |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Kalpana Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973106119 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the prime concerns of India's policies has been the food and nutritional security to its population. The three important components of food security are: availability, access, and absorption (nutrition). These three are interrelated. The major aim of this paper is to examine the performance in food security in India in respect of these three components. In respect of availability, The average annual growth rates in Yields of Food grain Production and in Area under cultivation for Food grain Production have been computed for five time periods; pre green revolution 1950-51 to 66-67), early green revolution (1967-68 to 1979-80), mature green revolution (1980-81 to 1989-90), early economic reforms (1990-91 to 1999-00), and economic reforms (2000-01 to 2011-12). The food grains production has deteriorated when India entered in the era of globalization. The free market play has adversely affected the production of food grains and the rate of growth of food grains production declined after the introduction of New Economic Policy (NEP) in India. So far as the accessibility aspect of food security is concerned, long term trend in consumption pattern at household level shows that per capita direct consumption of food grains has been declining. Further India's performance in food security on nutritional outcomes has not been very satisfactory. The Global Food Security Index 2012 released in New Delhi in September, 2012, placed India in a "moderate" category. It ranked India 66th among 105 nations and cited affordability rather than availability as a key food security threat for Indians. India scored highest in food availability (51.3) but lowest (38.4) in terms of food access. It also points to its poor ability to move food efficiently because of infrastructure problems. Similarly, in food security index 2013, India slipped to 70th position. We live in paradoxical times, and it is not the shortage of food but the lack of a proper food distribution network that is to blame.
Keywords: Absorption, Access, Availability, Food Management, Food Security
[2] S. Mahendra Dev and Alakh N. Sharma (2010): "Food Security in India: Performance, Challenges and Policies", Oxfam India working papers series, September, Retrieved 25November,2012 from < >.
[3] M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (2008): "Report on the state of Food Insecurity in Rural India", Centre for Research on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, Retrieved15th November, 2012 from <>.
[4] World Health Organisation (2012): "Food Security", Retrieved 11october, 2012 from
[5] Government of India (2008): "Draft 11th Five Year Plan", Planning Commission, Government of India
[6] Planning Commission: "Agriculture Strategy for Eleventh Plan", Government of India, Retrieved 25 October, 2012 from < AgricultureStrategy.doc> .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Record Keeping To Book Keeping To E-Records: What Next? |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Oladele, Femi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973120124 ![]() |
Abstract: Trends is a necessary for understanding a phenomenon as it traces the history, status quo and can fairly project into the future thereby giving basic understanding necessary for innovations. Record-keeping in accounting is a basic financial reporting function which this study strives to understand especially from the historical perspective to present practice and hopes to be able to project into the future. This work is a theoretical review of the book-keeping function in financial reporting, and the study found that record keeping which was the basic means has advanced to the use of online real-time records of transactions and events. Concerning future projection, the study assumes a more sophisticated approach. There is a tendency to undermine the role-relevance of book-keepers by modern technological applications in business, which is a wonderful innovation, it should not erode the underlying essence and principles on which book-keeping and the accounting profession is built.
Keywords: book-keeping, e-records, record-keeping, trends, underlying essence and principles
[2]. Broida, M. S. & Stockstill, L. E. (1994). Computerized Accounting Software in the 1990's: A Small Business Update
[3]. Claver, E., Llopis, J. & González, M. R. (n. d.). The Performance of Information Systems through Organizational Culture
[4]. Ghanim, A. (2009). Impact of Information Technology on Corporate Performance: A Practical Study at Palestinian Firms, Impact of Information System, pp 1-52
[5]. International Accounting Standards Board (2011). The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2011, as issued at 1 January 2011 prepared by IFRS Foundation Staff (not yet approved by IASB)
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Abstract: The study was conducted to assess the information needs and utilization of the Kaduna State University library resources by academic staff. The paper featured the introduction, literature review, methodology, sampling procedure, data analysis, conclusion and recommendations. Questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection for this research work.. A total of 148 questionaire were randomly administered to the respondents and 128 were filled and returned and found useful. The population was drawn from the four (4) faculties in the university, (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science
[2]. Aguolu, I. (1989). information an a valuable resource New Nigeria May,4,P,11.
[3]. Aiyepekun, W. (1974). The information Component in Decision making: A frame work for Analysis Niger Biblios Vol. 3 No 4 PP. 4.
[4]. Ajibero, M. I. (1993). Librarianship the mother of all profession. Leading Libraries and information centres Vol. 1 No. (3 & 4).
[5]. Akusu, E. (1987). Information Needs of Medical Laboratory Technologist and Resources Availability to them at the college of Medicine, University of Ibadan. (Unpublished MLS dissertation) University of Ibadan.
[6]. Ankuya, B. J. (2013). Library Science and Information Technology. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House PVT. Ltd.
[7]. Blaise, C. (1981). Accessing Users Needs. As lib proceeding. Vol 32, No. 12. Pp 34.
[8]. Bozimo, O. (1983). Nigerian University Libraries Need of Academic as a Basic for Cooperative Planning. Journal if Librarianship Vol. 15 No. 12 pp.335
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Designing On Khadi Kurtis by Using Fasteners |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manjali Sharma, Shubi Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973132137 ![]() |
Abstract: Designing is the virtuous feature of a fabric or a garment, which creates interesting visual aspects on its surface and beautify its appearance. The present study entitled" Designing on khadi kurtis by using fasteners" has been carried out with the objectives of providing a range of khadi kurtis to the customers and designing on khadi kurtis with some new designing aspect. To attain these objectives firstly the survey was done to have a review over existing designs, colour, design pattern, length and other consumer preference regarding kurtis.
[2]. Choi Y: 2006, A study on the wearable Computer Interface Design Using Cloth Fastening System, Kookmin; Korea
[3]. Kefgen M (1981) Individuality in clothing selection and personal appearance a guide of consumer 4th ED. Macmillion Publishing New York.
[4]. Kumari, S. "Fusion of western Dresses with Traditional Art of Kantha" Unpulished master thesis, Banasthali University.
[5]. M.k.gandhi,khadi: Why and How,ed. BharatanKumarappa, Navajivan Publishing House, Ahemdabad,1955,Editor's note, p.v.
[6]. Singh, J. (2012) "Designing and contruction of hand bags by using kalamkari motifs through resist technique with different surface ornamentations.
[7]. Wadden CI (2004). How to fashion work couture, resdy to wear and mass production. Black well science Ltd: ix
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wordsworth and the Artificial Lights |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Faria Saeed Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973138144 ![]() |
Abstract: In The Prelude, Wordsworth's experiences at Cambridge, and London are important because the time he spent in those places played an essential part in developing his intellectual, social and political beliefs. This research article will study the impact of Cambridge and London life on Wordsworth .
Key Words: Cambridge, Students, London, Nature.
[2]. Earnest De. Selincourt,ed; Wordsworth, The Prelude (London: Oxford University Press: 1965),1X1V
[3]. George Pryme, Autobiographical Recollections Cambridge:Deighton,Bell:1870),44
[4]. Kenneth R.Johnston, The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet.Lover.Rebel.Spy,( New York:W.W.Norton& Company, Inc:1998),126-127-129
[5]. F. B Pinion, AWordsworth Champion, (London, The Macmillian Press Ltd:1984),150
[6]. Earnest De. Selincourt,ed; Wordsworth, The Prelude (London: Oxford University Press: 196),lxiv
[7]. Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari,qtd;Carrel, Ethics and Spiritual Growth,(Iran: Foundation of Islamic Cultural Propagation in the World:1997)1370
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efficiency Measurement of Rice Producers in South-West Region of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Apurba Roy, Dr Fauzia Hamid |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973145153 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to measure the production efficiency, more specifically technical efficiency of the hybrid rice producing farms of Dighalia Upazila in Khulna District from south west region of Bangladesh, based on cross-section data collected from 80 farmers chosen randomly from the study area in 2013. In order to estimate technical efficiency, stochastic production frontier approach has been used. Estimates of OLS demonstrate that labor, fertilizer, and herbicide have positive and significant influence on rice production; on the other hand, land and seed show significant negative relation with output. However, MLE estimates indicate that land, labor, seed, and fertilizer are positively and significantly related with rice production
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Abstract: The study examined the determinants of health care utilization among the elderly in Ijumu local government area of Kogi State Nigeria. The study was cross-sectional in design. A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted and 1217 elderly aged 65+ were randomly selected. Health care utilization was operationalized as whether the respondent sought biomedical treatment or not when they took ill. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adoption and Infanticide in Edward Albee's The American Dream |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms Ramandeep Mahal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1973160170 ![]() |
Abstract: The play The American Dream presents a useless existence of an individual in the world. None of the characters in the play are considered to be normal. Their seeking for perfection leads to a crime. A crime that was hidden for many years and Grandma eventually discloses it to an outsider. Mommy represents the typical selfish individual who is concerned more about her needs. Daddy is only a mere puppet in the hands of Mommy. His repeated dialogues convey the audience about his abnormality.
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[4] Canaday, Nicholas, Albee‟s The American Dream and the Existential Vacuum, London : South Central Bulletin. 1966. Print.
[5] Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of Absurd. New York, Penguin Books. 1968. Print.
[6] Guerin. W. et al. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. New York. Harper and Row, 1966. Print.
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Abstract: Nadine Gordimer appears ahead of South African politics when she denounced the nation's Apartheid policies and dehumanization of blacks. Both in campaigns and in her books, at home and abroad, her soul was with the black majority rule in South Africa. Although critics ruled that her political preoccupations were impinging on her art, Gordimer remained resolute. Critics were not comfortable with some of her contradictory roles like the moral stances in her novels and her atheistic disposition. Her inability to equate Zionism with Apartheid also unsettled her critics. But her post- Apartheid narratives show she is a century ahead of her detractors.
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Abstract: The advent of social media and the mobile phones as well as multimedia communication systems have transformed the face of collaborative learning in order to compress the distance in Open and Distance learning (ODL). The thrust of this study was to explore, establish knowledge sharing platforms and strengthen the feasibility of integrative communication through social media, ICTs and multimedia communication in collaborative learning as well as mitigation strategies in ODL and center for professional development. These provided hybrid communication and established versatile and sustainable community information banks for small scale miners and new farmers. Through the integration of social media.
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[4]. Davies, M. 2008. "How New Technology can strengthen the Rural Markets." IFAD.
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Abstract: This research set out to explore how French-speaking students (FSS) construct and negotiate their academic identities in a multiculturally contrasting academic milieu. Academic identity is described as academic self-esteem because it is required by students to take responsibility for their learning. It is a stipulation of communicated and negotiated trajectories of experiences that depict how people see themselves and how they are seen by others(Vandeyar, 2010). The negotiation of identity requires diverse dimensions of engagement with more knowledgeable others (MKO) (Reyes, 2007) in communities of practice (Wenger, 1998). Utilising the research strategy of narrative inquiry, case study, semistructured interviews, and focus group interviews, this paper explores how FSS perceived themselves in relation to how they took responsibility for their learning.
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[5]. Brown, L. (2008). The incidence of study-related stress in international students in the initial stage of the international sojourn. Journal of Studies in International Education, 12(1): 5–28.