Version-5 (July-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6 Version 7
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Abstract: This paper examines the false perception attached to the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914. The research reviewed and falsified two fundamental historical fallacies which assumed that the various ethnic groups and parts or regions of Nigeria were in perpetual antagonism before that historic amalgamation. And that the essence of British integration was for unification. The research after a thorough investigation and consultation of relevant literatures, established that, the prime objective of British amalgamation was the desire to achieve a total and effective control over Nigeria. For the British to achieve this mission, they used both military and non-military approaches. The paper finally recommends that since the amalgamation had taken place, Nigerian leaders should not abuse it but rather consolidate it. Unity, peace and harmony, tolerance and equality should be strengthened.
Key words: Amalgamation, North, South, Unification, and Integration
[2]. Afigbo, A.E (2003) "The Eastern Province under Colonial Rule‟.Ground Work of Nigerian History; Published by Historical Society of Nigeria
[3]. Asiwaju, A.I (1980) "The Western Provinces Under Colonial Rule‟
[4]. Ground Work of Nigerian History. Historical Society of Nigeria
[5]. Bala, Y.B, Alkassim A (1991) Misrepresentation of Nigeria: The Facts And the Figures. Center for Development and Research Training; Zaria
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Abstract: Being the student of Master of Legal Laws and especially as I have completed my specialization of Criminal Law, Criminology and Forensic Science, I got attracted towards the topic of "Implementation of Domestic Violence Act: A study with specific reference to the district of Chittorgarh". Basically the reason of the attraction towards topic is the situation of violence against women in Chittorgarh district is so much far from our thoughts especially in 2008, 2009 and 2010. And after a short term court visit when I came to know that our legislations are being misused in courts and advocates are only working in money minded way, I have make up my mind to pen down on this area. We are living in a great nation where marriage is considered to be a sacrament institution and today women are being harassed everywhere even they are not safe in their houses. They have not any awareness of their rights nor are the advocates trying to solve the matters in a compromising way they don't hesitate even before breaking up the sacrament relation. Thus with this view I had started studies with special reference to Chittorgarh district.
[1]. Crime against women & Child: An emerging social problem, by Adesh.K.Devgan
[2]. Domestic Violence & the Law. HRLN, Human Rights Law Network, India
[3]. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
[4]. Social Problems in India, Ram Ahuja
[5]. Crime against Women & Protective Laws- Shobha Saxena
[6]. Domestic Information Report (DIR), Session Court, Chittorgarh
[7]. Crime data application under RTI Act, Serial No. 2247
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | United States War on Terror in the Middle East and Afghanistan: A Critical Assessment |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Yakubu Haruna Ja‟e |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19751018 ![]() |
Abstract: Terrorism has become a serious problem to both domestic and International Security. The emergence of terrorist groups and individuals operating in the Middle East is worrisome. As a result this research aimed at finding out about the real causes of terrorism in the Middle East, the United States policies on combating terrorism and their implication to world security. The research uses Secondary Source of data to dwell on pure content analysis; the research uses available books, Videos and Documentaries on War on Terror in the Middle East. The theory adopted was rational comprehensive model of decision making theory which assumes that decision makers set their goals, evaluate their relative importance, calculate the cost and benefits of each possible course of action then choose one with the best benefits and less cost. The research posits that: the current United States policies on war on terror in the Middle East is too militaristic, and therefore can never end terrorism in the region. The United States Policy on War on Terror is decorated with Media Control, Propaganda, Covert Operations, torture, Manipulations and Intimidations. It has also been shown that the one-sided support of Israel by United States government against Palestinians, Support of Arabs despotic and undemocratic rulers, United States invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan on reasons best known to them are all responsible for breeding new terrorists against United States and her core allies.
Keywords: Terrorism, Middle East, United States, Iraq, Afghanistan
[2]. Allison, Jamieson (1995) Terrorism. New York: Thomson Learning Press.
[3]. Brian Mc Williams. (2001) "Instant Message to Israel Warned of WTC attack", The Washington Post Report.September 27th, 2001.
[4]. BBC News October 25th, 2001.
[5]. Chomsky, N (2001) 9/11. New York; Steven Stories Press.
[6]. Crozier, B (1960) The Rebels: A study of Post-War Insurrections. Boston: Beacon Press. P. 159.
[7]. Chris, K. (2001). "Week One: Operation infinite Disaster" in Common Dreams. October 16th, 2001.
[8]. Duke, David htt;//
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Abstract: The present research is to examining an ethnographic study of web media usage patterns among Indian university students. The study found that the web has become a core part of everyday life of most users and that they have clear habits of usage. Technology has powered an explosion of media usage among university students and youths in the last decade in Indian Universities. These students have spent about as much time consuming web media every day compared to their parents spent with web media. India is considered as one of the most developing countries in terms of web media usage in Asian continent. Since the emergent of the Internet, its use has shown tremendously among youths and students at all levels.Several studies have shown that in developed countries youths and the students for that matter use web media for information and entertainment, academic research and other purposes, however, little is known about the habit of web media use in developing countries. The elements that are forging the new web experience include pervasive access in homes, college and public locations. The habit of consumption and usage of traditional media has been steadily declining for last two decades; mainly adults group has maintained the highest usage and consumption of web based media. The increases in the use of web media habit in India are shown as significant and it is important to do research. In the Indian context research on the cognitive and behavioral effects of web media usage habit among youths and students has been new in nature and largely neglected. The present research is to concentrate an attention on landscape of web media in India and the impact of web media usage habit among students in India and its effects in particular. The 21st century is to witness of web media revolution, and youths and students have looking at the web media as an important source of information and entertainment medium. The present research is to explore ethnographically analyze the web media usage habit and level of access among Bangalore University students
Key Words: Media habit, media usage pattern, students, India and Bangalore University
[2]. Arts, H., Verplanken, B., & van Knippenbent, A (1998). Predicting behavior from actions in the past: Repeated decision-making or a matter of habit? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1355-1374.
[3]. Chan, A, P., &Maston, T. (1999). Internet use and issue knowledge of the college-age population. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, New Orleans, IA
[4]. Chou, C., & Hsiao, M. C. (2000) Internet addiction, usage, gratification, and pleasure experience: the Taiwan college students‟ case. Computers and Education, 35, 65-80.
[5]. Gencer, S. L., &Koc, M (2012). Internet Abuse among Teenagers and Its Relations to Internet Usage Pattern and Demographics. Educational Technology & Society, 15 (2) 25-36.
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Abstract: Living with a non-recovering alcoholic in the family can contribute to stress for all members of the family. Each member may be affected differently. Not all alcoholic families experience or react to this stress in the same way. The level of dysfunction or resiliency of the non-alcoholic spouse is a key factor in the effects of problems impacting children. Children raised in alcoholic families have different life experiences than children raised in non-alcoholic families. A child being raised by a parent who is suffering from alcohol abuse may have a variety of conflicting emotions that need to be addressed in order to avoid future problems. They are in a difficult position because they cannot go to their own parent for support. Some of the feelings can include the following: Anxiety, Embarrassment, inability to have close relationships, confusion, Anger and Depression. This study is undertaken to understand the problems of the children's family environment of Alcoholic parent. How the family environment affects the quality of life of children and what could be the role of other members in the family where the parent been alcoholic. How the other social relations plays a significant role in shaping the children and their future. This study focus on how family environment play a major role in individuals Family relationship, Personal growth and System maintenance
Key Words: Family environment, children of alcoholics(COAs), Alcoholic parent, Family relationship, Personal growth in children of alcoholics.
[2]. Schaefer, K.W.; Parsons, O.A.; Vohman, J.R. Neuropsychological differences between male familial and nonfamilial alcoholics and non-alcoholics.Alcoholism:Clinical and Experimental Research.8:347-351. 1984.
[3]. Windle, Michael. Concepts and Issues in COA Research.Alcohol Health and Research World. Vol. 21, No. 3:185-191. 1997.
[4]. Harter SL, Taylor TL. Parental alcoholism, child abuse, and adult adjustment. Subst Abuse. 2000;11(1):31-44. Review. PubMed PMID: 10756512.
[5]. Steinhausen HC. Children of alcoholic parents. A review. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1995 Jul;4(3):143-52. Review. PubMed PMID: 8846203
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | DOGME ELT: A Method for Enhancing Conversational Communication among Engineering Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Poornima Sasidharan R |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19753335 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper proposes to find solutions for the lack of oral communication skills among the students of engineering colleges in Chennai through Dogme ELT. Many students come from rural areas and would not have had the chance of learning English language until they reach high school. Little exposure to the language creates great hindrance when they communicate. It prevents them from understanding even their core subjects in engineering. So, they need much assistance in day to day communication as well as understanding their subject. Though English is a part of the curriculum for the first year non-semester, it does little to help the development of oral communication in anyway. There, English is confined to the status of any other subject that is needed to be passed through. Even though language labs are introduced as a part of curriculum, its design of the topics have no relevance with what the students need for communication. Thus there is a wide disparage between what is essential for the enhancement of the speaking skills of the students and what is provided. Lack of proficiency in English language may cause anxiety for them when they have to communicate with others.
Keywords: Communication, Dogme, ELT, English, Learning, Skills, Speaking
[2]. Evogaming. "What Is Dogme 2.0 for ELT?" Web log post. Wikispaces. Tangient LLC, 25 Sept. 2009. Web. 7 July 2014.
[3]. Warschauer, Mark, and Richard Geyman Geyman, eds. Google Books. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Google Books. Cambridge University Press. Web. 06 July 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Masculinity and Nation: A study of Gandhi and Savarkar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rashmi Gopi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19753644 ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper focuses on how ideas of masculinity and nation are interlinked in the political thoughts of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. To understand these aspects, the author has taken five significant areas to concentrate. They are the colonial context, education, religion, significant others and morality. The work emphasises the fact that masculinity is constructed, plural and fluid. Through the lives and thoughts of Gandhi and Savarkar we realize that experience and experiments with masculinity can change within a lifespan of a person. The same applies to the idea of nation. Both Gandhi and Savarkar envisioned the nation in terms of their understanding of masculinity. These ideas are relevant even today as the contemporary Indian politics plays with the very same ideas of Gandhi and Savarkar. This research paper is a product of in depth study of original works of Gandhi and Savarkar. It also draws its strength from various theories on masculinity and nation. The author has taken constructivist approach, that is, to take both ideas of masculinity and nation as products of socio-cultural discourses of a particular context. The work explores how a particular hegemonic masculinity based on upper caste-upper class Hindu men in the colonial context influenced both Gandhi and Savarkar but their experiments with it were different.
Keywords: Gandhi, Masculinity, Nation, Savarkar
[2]. Pateman, C (1985), The Problem of Political Obligation: A critique of Liberal Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press.
[3]. Morgan, David., (1992), Discovering Men. New York : Routledge
[4]. Chopra, R. Dasgupta, C. and Janeja, M., (2000). "Understanding Masculinity". Economic and Political Weekly. (May 6), pp 1607-1609.
[5]. Dudink, S. Hagemann, K. and Tosh, J. (eds.), (2004), Masculinities in Politics and War: Gendering Modern History. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | From Fragility to Fortitude: Metamorphosis of Ma Joad |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr S C Bamarani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19754547 ![]() |
Abstract: The portrayal of women in literature was inevitably not balanced. From Old Testament to the present day literature the array of women characters teem with mother figures, women of power and mettle whether negative examples or positive ones. Certain characters of women exhibit considerable prominence. Women are depicted either as saints totally or as the very embodiments of temptation. Throughout American Literature, women have been depicted in many different ways. The portrayal of women in American Literature is often influenced by an author's personal experience or a frequent societal stereotype of women and their position. Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath, Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon graphically portray the theme of women as self-sacrificing and nurturing mothers in the migrant family during the great depression. John Steinbeck has portrayed women in different avatars . The Joad wome , Rose of Sharon and Ma can rightly be said as the ideal women who are placed in the pinnacles for their self-sacrifice and endurance. Ma Joad especially stretches the radiance of love and care by helping the fellow travelers. She is crowned with her leadership roles and determination. She can be compared to the Mother earth. Steinbeck's men are outwardly poor but are exalted with glaring inner strength. The characters in the novel though ruled by self arrive at a meaningful existence as they comprehend the concept of group.
Keywords: Ma Joad, metamorphosis, Steinbeck, women
[1]. Kronenberger, Louis. ""Hungry Caravan", by Louis Kronenberger, The Nation, April 15, 1939, P. 440." Raising American Wages, n.d. Web. 08 July 2014
[2]. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Viking, 1939. Print.
[3]. Walcutt, Charles Child. American Literary Naturalism, a Divided Stream. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 1956. Print.
[4]. Acharya, Shanta. The Influence of Indian Thought on Ralph Waldo Emerson. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 2001. Print.
[5]. Gray, James. John Steinbeck. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 1971. Print.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Methods and Methodologies for Improvised Speaking Skills |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. J. B. Esther |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19754849 ![]() |
Abstract: The importance of English cannot be neglected and denied as it the most common language spoken all over the world. Speaking skill plays a vital role in the career of a student. Many talented and deserving candidates miss their job opportunities because of their poor speaking skill. English is essential in each and every field and students should know to communicate English effectively. To speak English fluently, one should possess good practice. They should train themselves to speak English with a good accent. There are students who confine themselves within a circle and hesitate to speak English. The language learners feel embarrassed to speak though they possess good language. A talented student who has good technical knowledge is unable present the same as he lacks in speaking skill. There are so many unanswered questions because of their fear for language. Students from rural areas have problems in learning and speaking English. They do not have enough exposure to spoken English and most of the students are least bothered about their speaking skill. Proficiency in language needs interest, self motivation and self confidence. Language learners who lack confidence should participate in discussions to come out of the shell. This paper discusses the barriers and the techniques to overcome the same and to acquire the speaking skill for their successful career.
Keywords: Career, communication, ELT, language, Speaking, vocabulary
[2]. Kneen, J. (2011). Essential skills: Essential speaking and listening skills. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nature and Spirituality in Arun Joshi's "The Strange Case of Billy Biswas" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr S Vanitha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19755052 ![]() |
Abstract: People live unaware of our oneness with the planet Earth. The Earth has been thought of as something, to be owned, to be bought and sold. This paper aims to bring out the essentials of being in harmony with nature to grow spiritually and lead a meaningful life. In The Strange Case of Billy Biswas, Arun Joshi highlights that man feels awfully discontented with his life in this stilted civilization and throws light upon the restlessness prevailing in this complacent modern society, which makes man feel uprooted. Joshi shows through his protagonist that if only man strikes a chord with nature he could realize the complete oneness permeating and encompassing the world. His novels goad us to view the world and all the creatures from a completely changed perspective. The author reinforces that primitivism will lead us to explain that staying in close touch with nature will feed our spiritual instincts to regain the basic and natural equipoise and peace. Keywords: Earth, Nature, Primitivism, Spirituality, Stilted civilisation
[2]. Dhawan, R. K The Novels of Arun Joshi. New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1992. Print.
[3]. Bhatnagar, O.P. The Fictional World of Arun Joshi. Ed. R.K.Dhawan. New Delhi: n.p., 1968. Print.
[4]. Gosh, Tapan Kumar. Arun Joshi's Fiction: The Labyrinth of Life. New Delhi: Prestige,
[5]. 1996. Print.
[6]. Vatsa and Rashmi Gaur. "A Study of the Corrupting influence of the Technology:
[7]. The Strange Case of Billy Biswas."
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Internet: a resourceful teaching aid |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Swathi Patnaik |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19755356 ![]() |
Abstract: Language learning has taken a progressive shift from the days of, learning through translations, to using audio video aids, to today's technology integrated learning. Taking the teaching process to another level is the recent innovation in English Language Teaching - the Internet integrated language labs. Internet usage as technology has its roots in 1950's and by mid-1990 it became a revolutionary tool in communication. Electronic mail, instant messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol, two way interactive video calls, world wide web with its discussion forms, blogs, social networking and online shopping sites created a furor and increased the pace of communication globally. It took world wide websites to spread its web across the globe in comparatively less years and today its influence on the society is everywhere including our classrooms. Web based learning provides today's communication skills teacher ample material that stimulates language learning and sets the language acquisition at a faster pace. This paper focuses on the resourcefulness of internet as a teaching aid in an engineering English class and the feasibility of its application in the classroom. .
Keywords: Internet resources, language learning, activities, syllabus design, limitations
[1]. Warschauer Mark , The internet for English Teaching: Guide lines for teachin, TESL Reporter 30,1 (1997), pp. 27-33
[2]. Singhal, Meena (June 1997) The Internet and Foreign Language Education: Benefits and Challenges. The Internet TESL Journal
[3]. Peyton, Joy, and JoAnn Crandall (1995). "Philosophies and Approaches in Adult ESL Literacy Instruction." ERIC Digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on ForeignLanguages and Linguistics. [ED 386 960]
[4]. English and Communication skills for the Global Engineer Marc.J.Reimer Global J. of Engng. Educ., Vol.6, No.1
[5]. David Eastment ,Internet and Elt :The Impact of Internet on English Language Teaching , OUP