Version-6 (July-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Anatomy in the Susruta Samhita |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhajyoti Borgohain , Bini Saikia |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19750104 ![]() |
Abstract: Ayurveda is the Indian system of traditional medicine. It is attributed to Dhanvantari, the physician to the gods in Hindu Mythology, who received it from Brahma. The most important Ayurvedic are the Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita. Susruta Samhita is attributed to Susruta. He was the 1st Indian surgeon of 600 century BC. The Susruta Samhita is a Sanskrit text on surgery. It is the main source of knowledge about surgery in ancient India. The Susruta Samhita provided important surgical and anatomical information of the understanding of anatomy by Indians in the 6th century BCE. Anatomical knowledge in ancient India was derived principally from animal sacrifice, chance observations of improperly buried human bodies and examinations of patients made by doctors during treatment. It was Susruta's belief that for one to be a skilful and erudite surgeon, one must first be an anatomist. The Susruta Samhita is made up of 10 chapters regarding the study of human anatomy. According to Susruta Samhita, the different parts or members of the body as mentioned before including the skin, cannot be correctly described by one who is not well versed in anatomy. In this present paper an attempt has been made to highlight the anatomy as depicted in the Susruta Samhita.
[2]. Susruta Samhita. 3.5. 1
[3]. ibid. 3.5. 3
[4]. ibid. 3. 5. 4
[5]. ibid. 3. 5. 5-17
[6]. ibid. 3. 6. 2
[7]. ibid
[8]. ibid. 3. 6. 3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Policy Strategy of Government Services To Women Victims of Domestic Violence |
Country | : | Indonesian |
Authors | : | Hamdanah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19750516 ![]() |
Abstract: Public view of domestic violence has been undergoing a paradigm shift from previously considered private problem to a public issue. Thus, government interventions in this area are badly needed. This study aimed to (1) describe the expectations of women victims of domestic violence to public organizations; (2) Supports and barriers of prevention and management of domestic violence, and (3) determine the strategy and implementation of prevention and services to women victims of domestic violence associated with gender fairness. This is a qualitative study using phenomenological approach. The research location was in Jember Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The results showed that women victims of domestic violence expected all parties respect the decisions on wanting to divorce with their husbands who had been violent. The forms of respect were the facilitation and acceleration of the process of divorce either in scope of the institution where the husband/women worked, the prosecutor and the court. Meanwhile, Jember Regency government supports through local legislation, Regent's Decree/Regulation on the establishment of the Integrated Service Center for Regency Level, Complaint Post at District level and Griya Asih (Home for Service) at Village/administrative village level. Similarly, the supports are given through 12 organizations/ government agencies/bodies and 3 NGOs on women's empowerment, including the protection of women and children. However, these activities still experience some constraints in structure level, patriarchal culture, personality, interpretation of religious teachings and systems of regulation. Furthermore, the strategy and implementation of services to women victims of domestic violence associated with gender kesataraan is by top down and bottom up approach.
Keywords: Government, Women, Violence
[2]. Betty Frieden 1963 Feminine mystique, the scond stage. 1981
[3]. Engels, Frederich. 1972(1884).The Origin of the FamilyPrivate, Property and thetates. New York: Partfinder Press.
[4]. Gillespie.Dair. 1971 " Who has the Power ? The Marital Struggle. Journal of Morriage and the Famimily ; 33
[5]. Jannah, Fathul,et al. 2003.Kekerasan Terhadap Istri. Yogyakarta: LKis Yogyakarta.
[6]. Keban, Yaremias. 2008.Enam Diemensi Strategis Administrasi Publik, Konsep Teori dan Isu.Gavamedia
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Abstract: Corruption is a terrible and endemic sickness of developing world; Nigeria inclusive Embezzlement, fraud, bribery, payoff, nepotism and extortion are so common in the activities of Nigerians since from colonial era to post independence, military and civilian regimes. The paper examined the problem of corruption in Nigeria with special reference on corrupt practices by different governments (1960-20013). Secondary source of data was employed in this study. The paper traced the background of corrupt practices in Nigeria which emerged since colonial era, then first indigenous elites as well as the military regimes (1966-1979) and (1983-1999), second and third republic down to the current democratic dispensation of fourth republic. The paper reveals that political corruption paved the way for the elites to institutionalize other forms of corruption such as bureaucratic, electoral, economic, judiciary and among others which has negative effect on national development. The paper recommended among others that the federal government should make a law for executing corrupt people as in the case of China as well as to strengthen its anti-graft agencies (i.e. EFCC and CPC) with fairness and equity to all tiers of government and private sectors
[2]. Akindele, S.T (1990) Corruption and Economic Retardation: A Retrospective Analysis of Nigeria's Experience Since Independence: In Readings in the Political Economy of Nigeria since independence. Bamiseye, O.A Eds) LagosVenture United, Nigeria.
[3]. Aluko, M.A.O (2002) the Institutionalization of Corruption and its Impact on Political Culture and Behavior in Nigeria in Nordic Journal of African Studies 11 (3)
[4]. Ayittey, G.B.N (2000) Combating Corruption in Africa: Analysis and Context Corruption and Development in Africa: Lesson from Country Case Studies. K.R.S and B.C Chikuloe New York. St. Martin's Press.
[5]. Bangura. Y (1986) The Nigerian Economic Crises. In Peter Lawrence (ED): World Recession and Food Crises in Africa. London James Curry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Socio-Legal Dimensions of Live-In-Relationships in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rabbiraj. C |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19752529 ![]() |
Abstract: Marriage and family is the foundation of Indian culture and tradition. The Indian society is mostly religious and family centric. The influence of live-in-relationships in India is of very recent past which has raised several crucial questions relating to the impact of such relationships on the society. Although, there is no legislation on this subject matter, the Indian judiciary has thrown much light into the issue on live-in-relationships and has prudently tried to balance the general expectations of the society and the individual rights of people. This article highlights the issue of live-in-relationships in India and examines the need to protect the future generation from the influence of live-in-relationships which is no better arrangement than marriage.
Key Words: Family, Live-in-relationships, Marriage, Society, Women
[1]. Indra Sarma v. V.K.V. Sarma [Criminal Appeal No. 2009 of 2013 @ Special Leave Petition (CRL.) No.4895 of 2012]
[2]. O'Regan, J., in Dawood and Another v. Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2000 (3) SA 936 (CC)
[3]. A Dinohamy v. WL Blahamy (1928) 1 MLJ 388 (PC)
[4]. Mohabhat Ali v. Mohammad Ibrahim Khan AIR 1929 PC 135
[5]. Badri Prasad v. Dy. Director of Consolidation AIR 1978 SC 1557
[6]. Payal Sharma v. Superintendent, Nari Niketan, and others 2001 (3) AWC 1778
[7]. In Patel and others case (2006) 8 SCC 726
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Early Expansion of English Trade in Suba Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pradipta Acharya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19753031 ![]() |
Abstract: The coming of the English East India Company to Bengal and their settlement over here was an important landmark in the history of Bengal and India as a whole. It was from the very early stage of the seventeenth century that we could see their efforts to establish their stronghold over Bengal which is known from the letters of Sir Thomas Roe. On the other hand the agents of the Dutch East India Company were also eager to establish their commercial relations with Bengal as is known from the letter of Van Berchem (the Director of the Dutch Factories of Coromandel). The English from their very early phase were interested in establishing a factory at Pipili in Orissa. However their hope did not materialised and they establish their first factory at Patna in Eastern India. Though, the hope of establishing a factory at Orissa by them was never stopped. The English sent two ships again at Pipili. Finally in AD 1633 the English factory established at Balasore which was at that time under the Bengal Suba (province). One of the main reasons behind the establishing of a factory at Balasore was the easy availability of Cotton cloth and above all the direct opening through sea.
[2]. idid, p. 13.
[3]. Ibid, p. 14.
[4]. J.J.A. Camposs, History of the Portuguese in Bengal, (Calcutta Butterworth, Calcutta, 1919), p. 117.
[5]. L.S.S. O Malley, "Bengal District Gazetteers: Hooghly", (Calcutta, 1912), p. 57.
[6]. Susil Chaudhury, op. cit, p. 17.
[7]. Ibid, 20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Disasters in Kashmir: Impact & Response |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ruheela Hassan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19753242 ![]() |
Abstract: The state of Jammu and Kashmir has a unique geographical personality. It is well endowed in renewable natural resources. Its mighty rivers, evergreen forest, snow covered peaks, invigorating climate and humane population are unparallel in the world. The valley of Kashmir is famous for its beauty and natural scenery throughout the world. Its high snow-clad mountains, scenic spots, beautiful valleys, rivers with ice-cold water, attractive lakes and springs and ever-green fields, dense forests and beautiful health resorts, enhance its grandeur and are a source of great attraction for tourists. The State is distinct from rest of the states in terms of its topography, climate, economy, social setting and because of its strategic location. Besides all this, the State is a multi-hazard prone region of the country. It has a long history of natural hazards like floods, famines, fires, earthquakes, high velocity winds and landslides. The earthquakes have a very high frequency of occurrence in whole of the State, incessant floods are recurrently occurring in the valley, high velocity windstorms occur in Ladakh and the valley while as landslides / avalanches is a widespread phenomenon in the hilly areas of the State. Despite being so vulnerable and prone to disasters, there is no literature available on the subject. No serious research has been conducted in this direction so far. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of natural disaster scenario, to understand the historicity of disasters in Kashmir with their frequency, document the disaster mitigation mechanism in Jammu and Kashmir and to suggest measures for reducing vulnerability to hazards.
Keywords: Disasters, Kashmir, Earthquakes, Mitigation, vulnerability
[2]. Jammu & Kashmir - Geography & Geology [as retrieved from on April 16, 2014]
[3]. Draft J&K State Disaster Management Policy published by Governement of Jammu and Kashmir (2013).
[4]. Gupta, Preeti, Khanna, Anurag & Majumdar, S. Disaster Management in Flash Floods in Leh (Ladakh): A Case Study. Chandigarh (India), Indian Journal of Community Medicine (Official Publication of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicines) (2012).
[5]. Dar, G.M. Disaster Management – present status and future strategies, with special reference to J&K. Indian Institute of Management, Public Administration & Rural Development, J&K (2008)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nasyid as an Islamic Alternative Entertainment |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Sholeh Fikri , Siti Rugayah Hj. Tibek |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19754348 ![]() |
Abstract: Nasyidis a musical art which containsIslamic teachingsand lessons from social problems. Nasyid's role is bi-functional, as an entertainment andas a religious and social message.Many other genres of music which can entertain and deliver messages and advicesuch as pop, rock and dangdutbutnasyid is special in its style and 'color'and capable of being an alternative music.This article presents results of a study which used a qualitative methodon data from a survey of 308 respondents, interviews and observations done in the Northern Sumatera Province,Indonesia.Respondents of the survey agreed that nasyid is a viable alternative entertainment. Respondentsreasoned thatnasyid's rhythm is beautiful,its performers are presentably decentand nasyid songs are well-liked by people of all ages.
Keywords: Nasyid, entertainment, song, old, young, rivalry
[2]. Ahmad Syauqi Ahmad Baqi 2009, Muzik dan Sejarah‟s Blog El-Surayya{}
[3]. Al-Ghazali, Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad. 1998. Ihya‟ cUlum al-Din[Revival of Religious Sciences], Vol. II,Cairo: Dar al-Hadits.
[4]. Badan Pusat Statistik Sumatera Utara BPS [The Central Statistics Body, North Sumatera] 2011
[5]. Ibnu yaacob, 2013. Teori Konspirasi Rahsia Yahudi Dalam Filem Hollywood [The Theory of Secrets of the Jews Conspiracy in Hollywood Films], P.Pinang: Es Publisher Sdn.Bhd.
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Abstract: The exponential growth of information resources on the Web have necessitate the need for computer literacy and online searching skills to enhance easy access to and use of academic materials in university libraries for more productivity. The study adopted a Survey research design. Questionnaire was used to collect data for the study, and descriptive statistical method was used in analyzing the data collected and simple random sampling techniques were used to administer the questionnaire. The findings revealed that 88% of the respondents are computer literate which they acquire mainly through formal computer and IT training programme and are proficient on the use of Microsoft word, PowerPoint and Excel. Also, the study shows that majority of the students don't use Boolean logic in search of academic materials online. And that low speed access, inadequate computer system in the library and fluctuation of Internet services are the major challenges. The study recommends that university libraries should provide proper training on online searching skill, efficient Internet service and adequate computer system in the library.
Keywords: Computer literacy skill, Online searching, Use of academic materials, Babcock University library, Nigeria
[2]. Allison, S. (2005) "Computer Skills Essential to Break Poverty Cycle". Youth Studies Australia.Availableat: w6_1/SB744_01.pdf. Retrieved February 6th, 2014
[3]. Ball, D.B. and Newland, B. (2007) Innovative e-learning with e-resources. Online information. proceedings. 121-126
[4]. Blyth, J. and Royal, J. A (1993) Assessing Nurses Information Needs in the Work Environments. Bull Medical Library Association, 81 (4): 433-435
[5]. Chavez, C. (1997) "Students take Flight with Daedalus: Learning Spannish in a Networked Classroom". Foreign Language Annals, 30(1):27-37
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bildung, Meditation and Safe Haven |
Country | : | New Zealand |
Authors | : | Janine Joyce |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19754661 ![]() |
Abstract: Many philosophers globally - ranging from Aristotle, through to the eastern Vivekânanda andEuropeans,Immanuel Kant, Emmanuel Levinas and Wilhelm von Humbolt- espouse the possibility andcapability of humanity to evolve into a higher level of relationships with each other and consequently of consciousness. Akey requirement for this to occur is the individual's transformation of mind, body and heart. This paper argues that Universities are ideally situated to facilitate the spiritual practices, attitudes and openness that can allow an individual to develop the capacity to welcome such a journey ofself-transformation. It is the capacity to allow, nourish and provide safe haven for individuals to develop a harmonization of mind, body and heart which many believe leads to the natural expression of noble ethics and the virtues required for them to be articulated. This process is one that by nature occurs deep within the individual being both spiritual and transformative. Spiritual processes such as meditation are posed as practical in facilitating some aspects of a classical spiritual definition of Bildung (or education). Specific examples of lived individual transformation are included from a purposive sample of Sahaj Marg Raja Yoga1 meditation practitioners interviewed using a semi structured open-ended question style, which included the question- what is Spiritual Brother-sisterhood? Those interviewed had all been nominated and had attended a four week residential International Scholarship Training Program(ISTP2) with twenty-eight other Sahaj Marg practitioners from all around the world.
Keywords: Sahaj Marg; Spiritual brother-sisterhood; Meditation;Bildung; Transformational ethics; Contemplative education; Contemplative pedagogy; Raja Yoga; and Safe Haven
[2]. Bleicher, J. Bildung. Theory, Culture, Society, 23 (2006): 364-365.
[3]. Prange, K. Bildung: a paradigm regained? European Educational Research Journal, 3:(2) (2004):501- 509.
[4]. Reichenbach, R. Beyond Sovereignty: The twofold subversion of Bildung. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 35(2) (2003): 201- 209.
[5]. Vivekânanda, Swami. Vedânta philosophy: Lectures on Raja Yoga. The Baker and Taylor Company, New York, 1899.
[6]. Prasada, R (Trans). (1912). Patanjalis Yoga Sutras with the commentary of Vyasa and the gloss of Vachespati. MunshiramMancharlal Publishers, New Delhi.
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Abstract: The subject of this paper is to critically evaluate some of the fundamental issues relating to the application of micro credit and its transformation of gender roles and gender equality, especially in a developing society like Nigeria. In sum, this article critically examines the relationship between the micro credit scheme and women's economic empowerment. It probes how such economic empowerment (if any), influence or impact on traditional views on women's place in the family.
Keywords: Micro credit, Economic empowerment, Economic participation, Gender equality, Gender roles, Market women
[2] Achebe,. things fall apart. (United Kingdom: William Heinemann Ltd, 1958).
[3] H. Afshar Women and Empowerment. Great Britain: (Antony Rowe Ltd, 1998).
[4] A. A. Aidoo, The African Women Today. Edited by Nnaemeka Obioma. (Trenton New Jersey: African World press, 1998).
[5] G. B. Ayittey, african unchained: the blueprint for africa's future. (USA: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
[6] E. Babbie, the practice of social research. (Australia: Wadsworth, 2010).
[7] J. Beoku-Betts, western perceptions of african women in the 19th and early 20th centuries. African Research Bulletin 5/4(1976): 86 – 114.
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Abstract: This paper aims at investigating the motivations that generate the interests of Kadazandusun students to read news from the Kadazandusun column in three local newspapers namely the Daily Express, The New Sabah Times and Borneo Post. This study also examines the newspaper reading habits among university students and explores what elements in the news that is able to gratify their reading needs. There are 140 respondents for this study that consist of students from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The Uses and Gratifications Theory is used to explain the reading patterns among the respondents. Preliminary outcomes show that Kadazandusun students appear not interested to read the Kadazandusun language news because they are no longer proficient with the language and news that published in the column are available in the English and Malay versions. Respondents only visit the column to look for specific Kadazandusun terms or words. Some recommendations are put forward to improve the column in this study.
Keywords: Kadazandusun columns, reading habits, Uses and Gratification Theory, Sabah, Malaysia
[2]. ArkibNegeri Sabah (1994).Akhbar: PembukaMindaMasyarakat. Kota Kinabalu: ArkibNegeri Sabah.
[3]. Bantz, C. R. (1982). Exploring uses and gratifications: A comparison of reported uses of television andreported uses of favorite program type. Communication Research, 9, 352–379.
[4]. Barnhurst, K.G. and Wartella, E. (1991). Newspapers and citizenship: young adults‟ subjective experience of newspapers. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 8, issue 2, p. 195-209.
[5]. Bentley, C. H. (2000). Make My Day: Ritual, Dependency andthe Habit of Newspaper Reading. Downloaded from
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Abstract: In the present day banking affairs lots of issues are emerging the customer satisfaction are followed by different private banks aiming at replacing the existing banking scenarios The effective performances of the human resource depends on the type of HRD climate that prevails in the organization, if it is good then the employee's performance will be high but if it is average or poor then the performances will be low. The study of HRD climate is very important for all the organizations, specially in Banks a service sector, when there is a stiff competition and presence of financial recession. The present study of HRD climate is a purposeful attempt to find out the type of HRD climate prevailing in UCO Bank a Public Sector Bank in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The researcher had collected data from UCO Bank Bhubaneswar from officers MM-III and MM-II using structured HRD climate questionnaire. The data was analyzed using various statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, percentile. A minimal positive development climate is essential for the success of the programmes like performance appraisal, counseling, O.D, potential appraisal. Job enrichment introduced in various organizations. The survey is to find out the extent to which such development climate exist in the organization.
Key word: HRD Climate Survey in Public Sector Bank (UCO Bank)
[2]. Srimannarayanna M,(2007) conducted a study in local bank of Dubai and found that a good (HRD) climate was prevalent in the organization. He found out the differences in perception of employees regarding the HRD climate on the basis of demographic variables.
[3]. Mufeed & Gurkoo (2006)attempted to study whole gamut of HRD climate in universities and other equivalent higher level academic institutions by eliciting employee perceptions on HRD climate for which the University of Kashmir,Srinigar is selected as the main focal point of study.
[4]. Mufeed SA,(2006)examined the HRD climate in major hospitals. The result indicated the existence of poor HRD climate in the hospitals.
[5]. Sampath & Kalpana,(2005)conducted a study and found that to a large extent organizations where knowledge workers work a "good‟ HRD climate. The strengths of the HRD Climate emerges from the organization‟s belief that the human factor is a critical factor and need commitment to development, team spirit, helpfulness and providing training on skills and knowledge. The result indicated the presence of psychological climate conducive for development.
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Abstract: The study assessed the profitability of Gari production in Ondo State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 216 gari producers from six Local Government Areas of Ondo State. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, profitability analysis and multiple regression model. The results revealed that 86.1% of gari producers were female with 45.4% of the respondents produced white gari. Majority of the respondents (77.8%) fermented their cassava for 4 - 5 days. The profitability analysis revealed that gari production was a profitable enterprise given a gross margin and profit of N24,582.18 and N16,582.18 per gari processing cycle respectively. The results of the multiple regression further showed that access to credit, cost of purchase, producer's experience and price fluctuation were the statistically significant factors that affect the returns to gari production in the study area. The main challenges faced by the producers were inadequate funds (65.3%) and fluctuation of producers' price (61.1%). Therefore, this study recommends that white gari which is more durable and acceptable should be given higher priority in production. Since, credit access and producers' price fluctuation positively influenced returns to gari production; it was also recommended that relevant policies to address access to credit as well as good storage facilities to guide against drastic fall in price should be put in place for the gari producers.
Keywords: fermentation, Gari, Multiple Regression, Production
[1] F.I. Nweke, Processing Potentials for Cassava Production Growth in Sub-Sahara Africa, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, COSCA working paper , 1994, No 11, 6-11
[2] A.E. Oluleye, E. Oyetunji, L. Ogunwolu, and S.A. Oke, Job scheduling in a Small Scale Gari Processing Firm in Nigeria, Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 2007, 8(1):137-143.
[3] M.O. Sanni, The Stability of Stored Gari, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 1996, 29(1):119-123.
[4] UNICEF/IITA, In Praise of Cassava IITA/UNICEF Household Food Security and Nutrition Program. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, 1989, pp229.
[5] E.A. Komolafe, and J.O. Arawande, Quality Characteristics of Gari Produced in some Selected Processing Centres in Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in National Development, 2010, 8(1).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bibliometric Analysis of Srels Journal of Information Management (2000-2013) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smt. Madhuri Gautam, Dr. Maya Verma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-197596102 ![]() |
Abstract: The bibliometrics analysis of the journal "SRELS journal of information management (2000-2013)" shows a trend of growth in contribution and average number of contribution is 44.78 per volume. Majority of the library and information scientists prefer to do collaborative research and contribute their papers jointly. Majority of the library and information scientists have cited journals in large number 2900 (40.57%) while books comes on second with 2090 (29.24%) citations.
Keywords: Bibliometric, citation analysis Authorship trend, library and information science, collaborative research
[2]. Sengupta, IN. (1990) Bibliometrics and identification of case periodicals. Herald of Library Science . P.226-234.
[3]. Mahapatra, Gayatri (2000), Bibliometric Studies on library and information science literature. Delhi.: Crust.
[4]. Dixit, Swati and V.V. Katare (2007). Investigations in collaborative research Trends among Indian Cotton Scientists (1996-2005)
IASLIC Bulletin. 52.3 P.137-142.
[5]. Rana. M.S. and Sunita Agrawal (1994). Authorship trends in Indian wildlife and fisheries literature- a bibliometric study. Annals of
Library Science and Documentation. 41.1: P.13-18.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Differences and Adjustment of Rural Elderly |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Debasmita Barik , Dr. (Prof.)Bharati Panda |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1975103107 ![]() |
Abstract: The number of older person rising in the country as consequences, there are certain problems in different region and cultures. Adjustment is a common psychiatric problem in old age. It is difficult to adjustment due to limited capacity, lower mental abilities and increased economic dependency in old age. The present investigation is an attempt to study the gender differences and adjustment of elderly. The sample comprised of 100 elderly people (50 male and 50 female) of rural area of Kendujhar district, Odisha in the age group of 60 – 75 years. Purposive sampling technique was used for sample selection, Shamshad -Jasbir – old age adjustment inventory was used to measure the adjustment level of elderly. Interview method was used for collection of data. The data were analysed by employing t test in SPSS (16.0). The findings of the study shows that the male elderly have higher adjustment in the area of health, home, social, marital, emotional and financial than the female elderly.
KeyWords: Adjustment, gender, old age
[1] Agewell study, (2011)"Human rights of older persons in India – A National study", Agewell research and advocacy centre, P.2-3.
[2] Bhattacharya, S. and Mukherjee, M. (2013) "Adjustment pattern of people belonging to nuclear family of Calcutta city", Voice of research, 2 (3) P. 1-4.
[3] Capoor, I. (2008)"She too counts: Critical need for gender responsive health care for elderly, presented at the national workshop on gender responsive social protection health security for the elderly", organized by United Nations economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific ministry of social welfare and labour, Mangolia, P 1-22.
[4] Gupta, A. and Kohli, S. (2011) "Adjustment pattern and anxiety in community dwelling elderly: Exploring the gender differences", Journal of mental Health and Human Behavior, 16 (1), P. 29-32.
[5] Kapoor, S.and Kapoor, A.K. (2000) "Socio-Biological Ageing: An inevitable phenomenon", Help Age India-Research and Development Journal, 6, P. 5-10.