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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of Professor Paul H. Fry's book Theory of Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mutasem T. Q. Al-Khader |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19940103 ![]() |
Abstract: Theory of Literature by Professor Paul H. Fry, Published in New Haven and London on April 24th 2012 by Yale University Press, paperback, 400 pages, 18$, ISBN 978-0-300-1808-1. Paul H. Fry is a William Lampson Professor of English at Yale University and the author of numerous books and articles. My review is somehow lengthy because of the many literary theories that are surveyed throughout Fry's book. This book is highly recommended for readers who would like to learn about modern literary theory, which started in the twentiethcentury.In addition to Fry's discussion of literary theory, he attempts to answer disputed questions such as: what is the definition of literature, how is it created, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose? Fry explains the main ideas of every critical theory and gives his own opinion about these theories in a logical, convincing manner. It is remarkable how Fry successfully uses a very simple lyrical song, "Tony the Tow Truck," to introduce questions about literary theories and to then answer them.In his discussion of each literary theory, he mentions at least one article by one of the major writers of that theory to give his readers a full, comprehensive understanding about that theory. The book is divided into five parts starting with a Prefaceand a comprehensive
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Does World Cinema Really Exist? – Derivations Of World Cinema |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aneek Chaudhuri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19940407 ![]() |
Abstract: The world has become globalized now, although, the true meaning of globalization is still vague. With the accumulation of more and more power to the Westernized nations, as the synonym of United States, the concept of global conglomeration has been applied to practicality, ultimately. In this paper, without going into a debatable angle, will discuss the existence of World Cinema, and what does it really mean in the context of crème or quality filmmaking.
Keywords: globalized , global conglomeration , technical , Identification and Justification
[1]. Our Films, their films – Satyajit Ray
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Abstract: Community development has always been a matter of serious concern to both the government and people of Akwa Ibom State. In this regard government and people of Akwa Ibom State have at one time or the other made several attempts in bringing development to some rural communities of the state. Such attempts in developing both urban and rural communities have achieved very little success. This paper identifies and discusses major impediments against community development in Akwa Ibom State. It is of the view that significant stride in community development in Akwa Ibom State will be achieved if community dwellers are actively involved in development programmes and recommended that people must become both carriers and patrons of development. The work is descriptive in methodology.
Key words: community, development, human, needs.
[1]. Adefila, Funsho (1995). "Accountability and Transparency". Report of Policy-Level Seminar on Accountability and Transparency organised by the National Planning Commission and the UNDP at Imo Concorde Hotel, Owerri, 20-21 November.
[2]. Akanji, O., Oyeredan, T., Thomas, B. & Dan, F. (1999). Infrastructure expenditure policy and private sector output in Nigeria 1970 – 1978. Lagos: Central Bank of Nigeria.
[3]. Ake, C. (1996). Democracy and development in Africa. Ibadan: Spectrum Books.
[4]. Anikpo, M. (1984). The peasantry and the dilemma of Nigerian underdevelopment. Pan African Social Science Review (PASSR), 1, October.
[5]. B. E. Umoh (1985). Community Development in the Cross River State: Problems and Prospects in Proceedings of the Nigerian Rural Sociological Association. Uyo, April 1-5
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Abstract: Environmental degradation and crumbling ecosystem that the human species has wrought upon the mother earth is fast escalating throughout the world and is currently the most debated topic globally. Thanks to the name of economic development, river basins in our ecosystem are vanishing and are under constant threat of being flushed out of their existence. Malattar river sub basin (Upper Palar basin) is a good example of how in the name of economic growth, an environment can be ruined totally. In such a context, an investigation on impact assessment of environment on Malattar river sub basin has been made using Geospatial techniques. The discharging of untreated effluents from tannery industries has turned the upper Palar region to be the worst affected casualty in terms of environmental degradation. The present paper attempts to analyse the effectiveness of GIS, GPS and ERDAS tools to find out the degree of environmental damage undergone by the basin over the past 40 years. The results have been generated through maps prepared from toposheet, landsat and Google earth imageries. The Geomatic study that brought the results shows that the basin is under a high rate of irreversible degradation. The dominancy of tannery industries is highly alarming that, there is a mushrooming of 154.54 percent increase in overall number of tannery units in the study area during the last 40 years, due to which the land use and land cover of the region has changed drastically. Finally it has been analysed that Geospatial technique is an effective measurement for monitoring EIA and environmental degradation process thereby generating qualitative predictions and solutions to overcome the impacts through sustainable development.
Keywords: Geomatics, Tannery, Degradation, GIS, GPS, ERDAS and EIA
[1]. International Association for Impact Assessment, Principle of Environmental Impact Assessment Best Practice, 1999.
[2]. Noor Mohammad, Singh,R.B.,Spatial information technology for natural resources management, 2007, pp. 9-11.
[3]. Ranagarajan Mahesh, Environmental issues in India,2007, pp. 10 -12 and 263-268.
[4]. ShreyKankaria, AnushaAndukuri, Hemamailini C.G., Krishnaveni M., Impact of tannery effluent on ground water and agriculture with a remedial measure, ICCEBS, 2011, pp. 1-6.
[5]. Sundar K., Vidya R., Amitava Mukherjee and Chandrasekaran, N., High chromium tolerant bacterial strains from Palar river basin: Impact of tannery pollution, Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Science, Vol. 2, 2010, pp. 112-117.
[6]. Gupta Vishwajith, Environment: Geogenic factors, human health and pollution; Part: 1, 2005, pp.1-9.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Significance of the Qur'ānic Messages to Humanity: A Revisit |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Dr. Ahamad Faosiy Ogunbado |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19942028 ![]() |
Abstract: Many scriptures were revealed as books of messages to many Prophets, for instance, Tawrah and Injil (Old and New Testaments) were revealed to Prophet Musa (a.s) and 'Isa (a.s) respectively, Zabura was revealed to Prophet Dāud (a.s) while Holy Qur'ān was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). The last scripture i.e. Holy Qur'ān confirms and consolidates those before it, (Sūrah al-Ma'idah (5):48). Each one of them delivered (or served as medium of) messages to the target group except the last one that was sent to the whole mankind (Sūrah al-anbiyāh (21):107). Based on this brief background, this paper intends to explore the significance of the Messages delivered by the last revealed scripture which (was) is preserved by the sender, Allāh (Sūrah al-Hijir (15):9). The task is done through having carried out in-depth studies into the Holy Qur'ān itself, sometimes Prophetic tradition (Hadīth) is used to buttress the evidences where necessary. After the introduction, the paper elaborates Qur'ānic messages as guidance to the humanity. It also emphasizes the universality of the messages. The centrality of the messages, which is tawhīdic, is also discussed. The paper also analyzes the significance of establishment of justice, which is followed by explanation on moral, societal and historical importance of the messages. Before the conclusion, the paper draws the readers' attention to the political and economic significance of the Qur'ānic message as well. Qualitative research methodology is employed in carrying out the study.
Keywords: Guidance, Humanity, Qurānic Message, Significance and Universality
[1]. Haykal, Muhammad Husin. (2008). The life of Muhammad, Translated by Ismail Ragi al-Faruqi. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust.
[2]. Wordweb online dictionary (2014). Retrieved from
[3]. Cambridge dictionaries online. (2014). Retrieved from Zaheer, Sayed Iqbal (1992), Tafsir ishraq al-ma"āni, Bangalore: Iqra Welfare Trust.
[4]. Alī, "Abdullah Yūsuf. (1989). The Holy Qur‟ān, text, translation and commentary. Maryland: Amana Corporation.
[5]. Izutsu, Toshihiko. (1964). God and man in Qur‟ān Tokyo: Keio University.
[6]. Izutsu, Toshihiko. (2004). Ehthico-religious concept of the Qur‟ān. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Lover's Cry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ghazala |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19942938 ![]() |
Abstract: Every individual takes the journey of love in his/her life. It starts with the moment the child is born and smiles at his mother. Love is such a beautiful emotion it has amazed scientists, philosophers, writers painters and poet alike. We are touched by different kinds of love in our whole lifetime, but once in a while we are touched by that love which hits our heart like bang..And we are then trapped forever in the ecstasy of love. But there comes a point in life when it becomes difficult to wait. My argument about love is when a lover sees his/her love in their dreams and imagination, and the reality is cruel what path should they undertake? This papers deals with some of the facts and dreams of a lover and about her lover angel.
Keywords: Angel, Psycho,G-pari, Sadness
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Civilians, Arms and Endemic Conflicts in Africa |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Michael I. Ogu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19943946 ![]() |
Abstract: How did arms ever get into the hands of civilians in the first place? We are aware of the fact that arms, to a large extent, were originally designed to serve as deterrence against forms of external aggression on territorial sovereignty. In the African case, arms are arguable believed to have gained access into the continent via colonialist activities, and could never have been intended for civilian uses. The current trend of conflict event in Africa shows that civilians are dominant participants in the several conflict situations in Africa. This study will attempt to discover what has lead to this unfortunate situation. This researcher consulted several scholarly secondary sources of information in generating data for this study, making the work more of a qualitative research. Several social, economic and maybe physical factors are responsible for the incessant use of arms by civilians: failure of governance, declining economic capacity of states, growing youthful population, the list goes on. If one is to make any predictions, following the trend of events, civilians, unfortunately, will remain key actors in the use of arms for the foreseeable future, in fact this may well be just the beginning of non-state actors getting involved with arms.
Key Words: Arms, Conflicts, Non-state Actors, Civilians, Light Weapons
[1]. Alpers, P. and Wilson, M. (2012), Guns in Central Africa: Firearms, armed violence and gun law, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney,, 17 December. Accessed 24 January 2014. at: [2]. Alpers, P. and Wilson, M. (2012), Guns in North Africa: Small arms policy, firearm injury and gun law, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney,, 17 December. Accessed 24 January 2014. at:
[3]. Annan, K. (2000), ‗Freedom from Fear: Small Arms.' Report of the Secretary-General to the Millennium Assembly of the United Nations, United Nations General Assembly.
[4]. Ansari, H. A. (1984), ‗Sectarian Conflict in Egypt and the Political Expediency of Religion',
[5]. The Middle East Journal, Vol. 38.
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Abstract: Care givers play a central role in the lives of the children with disabilities. Their well being is essentially linked to that of their children. The socio cultural practices among the people in rural and urban community vary. Using a qualitative research method this was an attempt was to find the psychosocial needs of the caregivers while caring their children with disabilities in a rural community. The need for the study was to develop a psycho social intervention programme for the care givers of the children with disabilities to improve their quality of life based on their needs. Focus group discussions and In-depth interviews were conducted with 25 mothers and 2 grand mothers of the children with disabilities. The time duration of the study was two months. The findings of this study are: Need of emotional support, to reduce the stigma and ostracism towards disable individuals, need for financial support, reducing family burden and need for improving perceived social support to the care givers.
Key words: Caregivers, Needs, Disability, Qualitative
[1]. Marcia A. Cohen, A book on Impact of a Handicapped Child on the Family, Haven Teachers Institute 2014.
[2]. World Health Organization. International Classification Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002.
[3]. Patel S. An Empirical Study of Causes of Disability in India. Internet Journal of Epidemiology, 2009; Volume 6 Number available @.
[4]. David Jenkins, Ph.D. A HANDBOOK OF BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Scientific and Technical Publication 2003 No. 590 PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20037, U.S.A ISBN 92 75 11590).
[5]. LUCYNA M. LACH 1, DAFNA E. KOHEN 2. The health and psychosocial functioning of caregivers of children with, neuro developmental disorders, Disability and Rehabilitation, 2009; 31(8): 607–618)
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Abstract: An attempt has been made in the present study to estimate of stature from different body dimensions among male and female Jatavs of Delhi. A total of 300 Jatavs (100males and 200 females) ranging in age17 to 40 year where measured for the following measurements besides stature, nasal height, nasal breadth, head length, head breadth, ear length.
[1]. ALLBROOK.D. 1961 The estimation of stature in British and East African males based on tibial and ulnar bone lengths.J.For.Med..8:15-28
[2]. ATHAWALE, M.C.1963. Estimation of height from lengths of forearm bones: A study of One hundred Maharashtrian Male Adults of ages between twenty five and thirty years. Am.J.phys.Anthrop.:105-112.
[3]. ANAND, N. 1990 Use of percutaneous measures of body in reconstruction of stature: A Forensic Anthropology Study of Brahmins and Rajputs of Pauri (U.P.) Unpublished Master's Dissertation, Univ. Delhi
[4]. ANAND, N. AND NATH. 1990 Estimation of stature through percutaneous measures of the upper and lower extremities among Rajputs of Pauri Garhwal, Ind. J. For. Sci., 5; 83-89.
[5]. BENJAMIN M. AUERBACH 2010 : American Journal of Anthropology vol. 141, issue 2, 190-207, February 2010 Stature estimation formulae for Indigenous North American Population
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Abstract: Political space in democracy provides opportunity to civil societies important roles to play. While this role can strengthen democracy, it can also, at the same time, create certain exclusive space for such civil societies themselves within the larger ambit of political system. Civil societies also influence political authority and governance for intended benefits. In Manipur's context, every recognised tribe are befallen with three contestations or conflict of interests. One is the problem of asserting one's tribe identity within the existing system and another is the exertion put on them toward building a larger indigenous or imagined nationality for better political space, and thirdly, they are under the bondage of their traditional institutions. This is more so amongst the Kuki tribes of Manipur. This article discusses the role of civil societies as manifested by the assertions of different Kuki tribes and that of the chieftainship in the process of building stronger Kuki nationality and the unfolding conflict of ideas and interests therein.
Key words: political space, civil societies, conflict of interest, tribe, nationality, Kuki
[1]. Chinsinga, Blessings, The Interface between Tradition and Modernity, Civilisations, 2006: 255-274.
[2]. Flint, Adam, Social Movements, NGOs and the State: Contesting Political Space in Transition to Democracy in El Savador, SEC 06. Chicago: Latin American Studies Association Meetings, Central American Section, 1998. 26-28.
[3]. Brockett, Charles D., The Structure of Political Opportunities and Peasant Mobilization in Central America, Comparative Politics, 1991: 253-74.
[4]. Meetei, Nameirakpam Bijen, Ethnicity, Colonial Legacies, and Post independence Issues of Identity Politics in North-East India, In Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, by 20:1, 99-115. London: Routledge, 2014.
[5]. Chambers 21st Century Dictionary Edited by Mairi Robinson (Editor-in-Chief). New Delhi: Allied Chambers (India) Limited, 2000.
[6]. Ngalengam, Dr. Ng., Ethnic Conflict among the tribes of Manipur, International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, 2014: 174-82.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding Diversity: A Multicultural Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sreelekha Mishra , C. Bharath Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19946266 ![]() |
Abstract: Diversity is the central concern of almost all social, political and cultural theorists. The common argument of them is that thinking, perception, action and adjudication differs from culture to culture and society to society. Indicating their objections against the foundational concerns of philosophical epistemology that talks about objectivity and grounded its methodology in natural sciences to study human affairs, critics have brought forth the argument of plurality and relativity of human affairs. This claim is very much grounded in their opposition to this assumption: that certainty, not paradox and contradiction, is the foundational criterion of our beliefs to be named as knowledge. The simple reason here is that there is a genuine difference between understanding nature as possessing objective explainable phenomena and the human world rich with even deeper complexities than nature. The claim is that these complexities are either intractable or unfathomable in nature. In this sense, both the structure of our knowledge and our social frameworks are infested with diverse mechanisms. Any attempt in the name of reason and rationality to unify or synchronize them is subject to error. This is a counter argument to the very argument of error in epistemology; that our perceptions and actions have to be backed by irrefutable reason(s).
[1]. Beteille, Andre. Toleration and Exclusion, The Hindu, Thursday, March, 2003.
[2]. Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Courier Dover Publications, 2003.
[3]. Duncan, Ivison. The Ashgate Research Companion to Multiculturalism. Ashgate
[4]. Journal of the European Association of Studies on Australia, Vol.2. No.2, 2011, ISSN 2013-6897.
[5]. Hedge, Sasheej. Multiculturalism‟s Wake. 2002, pp.145.
[6]. Mahajan, G. Rethinking Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism: A symposium on democracy in culturally diverse societies. Seminar Magazine, 1999.
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Abstract: The study aimed at the use of E-journals through UGC- INFONET consortium and its impact among the research scholars of Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. Structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data. Out of 157 questionnaires 148 filled in questionnaires were received back. The present study demonstrates and elaborates the various aspects of use of UGC- INFONET consortium such as frequency of library visits, purpose of using e journals, awareness about UGC INFONET, place of accessing e journals, type of referred journals, preferred search, search method, preferred form, level of satisfaction of internet facility, opinion on information content in e journals and problems faced by research scholars while accessing e journals through UGC INFONET consortium. And also highlights the suggestions made by the research scholars of Sri Venkateswara University who are the respondents of the study.
Keywords: Consortium, Electronic journals, Electronic resources, UGC-INFONET, University library
[1]. Ahmad, N., Basha,I., and Fatima, N. (2012).Use of UGC-Infonet Consortia by the Research Scholars at University of Delhi: A Survey.Library Philosophy and practice. Retrieved from 27th July, 2014.
[2]. R.K. Bhatt, (2010) . Use of UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium resources by research scholars and faculty members of the University of Delhi in History and Political Science: A study. Library Management, Vol. 31, 4/5, pp.319 – 343
[3]. Vishala,K., B and Bhandi, M.K.(2005). Access to E-journals in Library and Information Science Area through UGC-INFONET Project,SRELS Journal of Information Management, 42 (4),pp465-482.
[4]. Madhusudhan, M. (2008) "Use of UGC-Infonet e-journals by research scholars and students of the University of Delhi, Delhi: A study", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, 3, pp.369 - 386
[5]. Baskaran, C and Kishore Kumar, S. (2013). Scholarly Journals Access through UGC-INFONET among the faculty members in Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu. SRELS Journal of Information Management,50,2, pp201-207
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Abstract: The general understanding is that the teachers of English as a second language would compulsorily have a sound knowledge of phonetics and phonology. The reason for this being they hold an Undergraduate Degree in English language and Literature along with a one year course in the field of Education. Hardly any study has been conducted to evaluate the pronunciation skills of the teacher trainees who major in English. 150 teacher trainees from five reputed Colleges of Education in Coimbatore formed the samples of my study. Teacher Trainees and their teachers are the participants to this study. A triangulation method was adopted to collect data, analyse and it and reach the findings. From the findings it is found that teacher trainees had minimal knowledge of phonetics and that reflected in their pronunciation too. Among the findings it has been also found that none of the colleges of education emphasized on the pronunciation teaching, in spite of them having phonetics and phonology as a part of their course. This paper aims at revealing why pronunciation teaching is not given equal importance with the texts taught and how teaching of pronunciation can be improved in teacher education colleges.
Key words: pronunciation teaching, phonetics, phonology, Education College
[1]. Baker, A. and Murphy, J. 2011. Knowledge Base of Pronunciation Teaching: Staking Out the Territory. TESL Canada Journal 28, 29-50.
[2]. Cohen, L., Manion, I, . and Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th ed.). London: Routledge Palmer.
[3]. Ganapathy, T. (1980). The Pronunciation of English by the Tamils, Unpublished PhD thesis: Annnamalai University, Annamalainagar.
[4]. Henderson, A. et al. 2012. The English pronunciation teaching in Europe survey: Selected results. Research in Language, 10, 5-27.
[5]. Mills, G. E. (2003). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2 nd Edition, Merrill/Prentice-Hall: Upper saddle River, NJ.
[6]. Prakash. Komali.(1992).English Spoken in South India- A Study of Certain Features of Conversation, Unpublished PhD thesis:CIEFL, Hyderabad.
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Abstract: This study investigated the influence of workstation and work posture ergonomics on the job satisfaction of librarians in the Federal and State University libraries in Southern Nigeria. The study adopted the survey research design. The total enumeration technique was used to include the 500 librarians from the 37 Federal and State University libraries in Southern Nigeria. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data collected. The findings revealed that there was a positive relationship between ergonomics (suitability of workstation and equipment and work posture designs) and job satisfaction. It was, therefore, recommended that ergonomic measures that would involve the set-up of adequate and healthy workstation equipment designs, which would allow the users to adopt optimal working postures suitable for a greater job satisfaction, be implemented in the Nigerian University libraries.
Key Words: Ergonomics, job satisfaction, workstation and equipment design, work posture ergonomics, librarians
[1]. Adeyemi, A. O. (2010). ICT facilities: Ergonomics effects on academic library staff. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-5. Retrieved January 2014
[2]. Akhahowa, A. E. (2007). Occupational overuse syndrome (OOS): a recurring problem in the computer industry of industrially developing countries (IDCs). A case study at University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia, vol. 21(3).
[3]. Ajala, E. M. (2012). The influence of workplace environment on workers' welfare, performance and productivity. The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research Network.
[4]. Ansari, N. A., Shende, P. N., Sheikh, M. J. & Vaidya, R. D. (2013). Study and justification of body postures of workers working In SSI by Using Reba. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2(3), 505-509. Retrieved November 2013
[5]. Aghazadeh, L. H. A.(1996). Risk factors and their interactions in VDT workstation systems. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40th Annual Meeting.Santa Monica, CA, USA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 637–41.
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Abstract: The general objective of the study was to find out factors underlying ethical considerations in the production of information and how the print mass media publish the information. This paper examines the extent to which ethical principles are considered in the process of productions of newspapers by Kenyan media houses. The study was guided by Roxborough's Principle of Ethics theory of 1979, which holds that communication should always be guided by ethical principles which he points out as the principle of social responsibility. Descriptive cross-sectional research design was used. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the target population who are the staff of one media houses. Systematic random sampling was then used to choose respondents from five departments whereby a sample size of 160 respondents were selected. Data was collected by the use of questionnaires where drop and pick method was used. The primary data collected was analyzed with the help of SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) Program. The data collected was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study established that editors focus on ethical issues such as unnamed sources; confidentiality; misrepresentation; obscenity, taste and tone in reporting; paying for news articles; plagiarism; discrimination; covering ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict; recording interviews and telephone conversations; privacy; intrusion into grief and shock; sex discrimination; financial journalism, protection of children; victims of sexual crimes; use of pictures and names; innocent relatives and friends; acts of violence; editor's responsibility, and advertisements. It was recommended that both the media houses and the public in Kenya should be sensitized on the complexities surrounding the concept of ethics in journalism.
Keywords: Ethical Principles, Newspaper Production, Print Media, Kenya
[2]. Journalism Ethics and Standards. Retrieved October 5, 2006 from
[3]. Macquail, D. (2001). Mcquail's Mass Communication Theory (4th ed.). London: Sage Publications.
[4]. Mutere, A. (2006). Media Graduation from Potential to Actual Power in Africa's Conflict Resolution: Experience from the East and Horn of Africa. Occasional Paper Series, 1(1).
[5]. Roxborough, I. (1979). Theories of Underdevelopment. Critical Social Studies. London: The Macmillan Press.
[6]. Owiro, A. O. (1992). Laws and ethical decision-making in news processing in Kenya: Problems and Prospects. In Magayu, & Kabatesi, (Eds.), A new democratic error? A publication of the School of Journalism, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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Abstract: Almost eighty audacious years of diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia witnessed many ups and downs. During these years Iran had faced Islamic (Shia) Revolution (1979) which ended the Pahlavi Dynasty and the established Islamic Democracy under the umbrella of clergy class. On the other side, Saudi Arabia (an Orthodox Sunni state) was ruled by different kings of the Al Saud royal family. Including other factors, differences of Shia-Sunni schools of thought badly affected their mutual ties. Their strain relations had also affected the integrity of the region in one way or the other. In 1980s Saudi-Iran soured liaison had been given a chance to their immediate neighbor Iraq to set the region into war on American indication to get the control of this oil-rich area. Later on Gulf war provided a golden opportunity to US authorities for their permanent presence in the region. American presence in the area enhanced Iran-Saudi Arabia differences. At the present, the effect of their bad relations seems worst than before. Both countries at their utmost boast to the sectarianism in the region to increase their influential area. This approach has also divided the Middle Eastern region into two groups mainly based on different sects of religion Islam.
Keywords: Iranian Revolution, Middle East, Monarchy, Shias, Wahhabism,
[1]. Asia Map-Clickable to Map of Asian Countries, Out of seven world regions, the Arab countries had the lowest freedom score in the late 1990s (UNDP 2002: p. 27).
[2]. Middle East: Land (Scholastic.Com), accessed on, 9-01-2014, available at:
[3]. Ibid.
[4]. Ibid.
[5]. Abu-Amr, Z. 1993. Hamas: A historical and political background. Journal of Palestine Studies 22:5-19.
[6]. Zubaida, S. 1993. Islam, the People and the State: Political Ideas and Movements in the Middle East, Rev. paperback edition. London: I.B. Tauris 23-41.
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Abstract: and above all promulgation of the eminent 18th Constitutional amendment. One way or the other, these reforms helped to a conduct Constitutional struggle in Pakistan took almost four decades to attain an atmosphere where a peaceful transition from one democratically elected government to another could become possible. For the first time, the government of Pakistan People's Party, under President Asif Ali Zardari, successfully completed its five years term. The PPP government, time and again, introduced a number of administrative, political and constitutional reforms including the electoral reforms, neutrality of Election Commission, consensus on caretaker government, independence of judiciary a free and fair election in 2013 resulting a nonviolent power transition to the majority party. Present study strives to dig-out the facts that made this transition of authority possible. This is an historical research; therefore, historical research method along with descriptive method is used to understand the existing phenomenon.
Keywords: Peaceful transition, Democracy, Military dictatorship, Pakistan People's Party
[1]. Hasan Askari Rizvi, The Military and Politics in Pakistan: 1947-1986 (Lahore: Progressive Publisher, 1986), 186.
[2]. Peter R. Lovey, Asymmetric Warfare in South Asia: The Causes and Consequences of the Kargil Conflict (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 167-179.
[3]. Iffat Hamayun Khan, Electoral Mala-Practices during 2008 Election in Pakistan (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2011), 21.
[4]. Pakistan: Transition to Democracy, Executive Summary and Recommendations, ICG Asia Report No.40 Islamabad/Brussels, available on › ... › Asia › South Asia › Pakistan (accessed on July 17, 2014).
[5]. Ibid.
[6]. Aslam Pervez Memon and Kiran Sami Memon, "Political Instability: A Case Study of Pakistan", Journal of Political Studies, 18, No.1 (2009): 31-34.
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Abstract: How effective are Community Development Associations in curbing the challenge of flood in Nigeria? This study investigated the efforts of Community Development Associations, which have been arguably classified as a fourth tier of government, in flood management, using the Omologede Community Development Association as a case in point. The study adopted the mixed research method; purposive sampling technique was used in gathering primary data, while secondary data were gathered from relevant journal articles, text books and other secondary sources. The study concludes that community development associations can play more developmental roles in the community if given better attention by the government, and incorporated into the development process. It recommends an improved personal and environmental sanitation behavior from the indigenes in the community as well as improved flood management rules and regulation by the Community Development Association.
Key words: Community, Development, Community Development Association, Flood, Management Word Count: 136 words
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The challenges of post-conflict reconstruction; a case study of women victims living in Kibera and Kariobangi: Nairobi-Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Caroline Marygorety Akinyi Otieno |
Abstract: In 2007 in Kenya, after the general elections, violence started between supporters of the two main presidential candidates. This resulted in destruction of property, forced circumcision, rape, sexual assault, defilement and domestic violence. The violence came to an end after the two main presidential candidates came to an agreement. This post-poll violence left many victims. The study therefore seeks to find out why this is happening by highlighting the challenges women victims of PEV living in Kibera and Kariobangi: Nairobi-Kenya are facing. The study results will help create awareness about the plight of these victims socially, economically, culturally, emotionally and politically. The study will also help build the capacity of these women and therefore be capable of reconstructing their lives fully in the society since GBV especially sexual violence such as rape is difficult to manage due to its long term consequences where children may have been born out of such encounter. The study will use Mugenda and Mugenda 2005 formula to determine sample size from 83% of those who were raped and sexually assaulted. The research design is a specific plan used in studying the research problem. The design will use Show Balling on convenience to collect data from respondents (victims) and questionnaires and interview schedule to collect data from service providers such as hospitals visited, faith-based organizations, Non Governmental Organizations and Government.
Theme: The role and experiences of women in post-conflict and conflict situations.
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[5]. Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (2008) On the Brink of the Precipice: A Human Rights Account of Kenya‟s post-2007 Election Violence