Version-9 (Sep-2014)
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Version 9
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Abstract: Inter-governmental relations in Nigerian federation entails formal allocation of powers both vertical and horizontally among various levels of government. In this relationship local government is seen as a third-tier or level of government with power to transform their areas of jurisdiction through good governance. This study was to assess the effect of such relationship on the governance and project implementation by local government. The study adopted a historical and descriptive approach in data collection. The study therefore, revealed that right from 1954 – 1979, Local governments have been subjected to all sort of control by other tiers of government, namely federal and state governments. The study further revealed that following 1976 local government reforms, it was believed that, the situation would improve, but instead, the status quo still remained. This lopsided relation has impacted negatively on good governance, and by extension inability to implement live touching projects. Based on this, the study recommended that local government should be allowed to function as governments with minimal control from the state governments. Also, the on-going National Conference should alter section 7(1) of the present 1999 and 2011 amended constitutions for local government to be constitutionally created and not state.
Keywords: Local government, inter-governmental relations, governance, project implementation
[1]. Adewale, I. A. (1995). Review of Nigeria‟s intergovernmental relations: A publication in New trend in Nigeria Local Government edited by A. N. Awotokun pp. 52 – 59.
[2]. Akande, J. A. (1982). Introduction to the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria 1979. London: Sweet and Maxwell.
[3]. Akindele, S. T. (2004). "Political mobilization for rural development and a stable Nigerian democratic republic: An indepth examination of the Role of local government," in Journal of Human Ecol. 16 (2): 99 – 112.
[4]. Akinsanya, A. (1989). "Federal – state relations in Nigeria since independence", in Quarterly Journal of Administration, April/July pp. 109- 127.
[5]. Akinsanya, A. (1995). "Local government in inter-governmental relations in Nigeria". January, 98 Pakistan Horizon p. 43.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Argument Structure of Transitive Sentence in Toba Batak Language |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Ida Basaria |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19990714 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the research is to describe the argument structure of transitive sentence (ASTS) inToba Batak language (TBL). The data is analyzed by distributional method as suggested by Sudaryanto (1993) and Mahsun (2011). With the use of the oral and written data, aswell as the observation method, this research has found that the argument structureof indirect object is placed preceding the verb and argument structure of direct object which becomes the subject itself, is followed by the indirect object. In bi-transitive sentence, there is one oblique argument which is marked by preposition /tu-/. Each of the verb then formsthe transitive and bi-transitive sentence which are of course marked by different affixes.
Keywords: argument,direct object, indirect object, structure,transitive sentence.
[1] W. O‟Grady, M. Dobrovolsky, and M. Aronoff, Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction (New York: St. Martin‟s Press, 1989).
[2] Sudaryanto, Metodedan Aneka TeknikAnalisisBahasa:PengantarPenelitianWahanaKebudayaanSecaraLinguistik. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press, 1993).
[3] Mahsun,,MetodePenelitianBahasa: TahapanStrategi, MetodedanTekniknya(Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2011).
[4] L. Haegeman, Introduction to Goverment and Binding Theory. 2nd Ed., (Massachusettes: Blackwell, 1994).
[5] L. Haegemen and J. Geuron, English Grammar: Agenerative Perspective, (Massachusettes: Blackwell, 1999).
[6] J. Ouhalla. Introducing Transformational Grammar: From Principles and Parameters to Minimalism, (New York: Arnold, 1999).
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Abstract: The problem of corruption in Indonesia has already come to its critical point so that it cannot be tolerated anymore. During the year 2012, a number of corruption cases have been disclosed and Indonesia ranks 118 in the list of corruption perception index. Some efforts to establish the standards of public service have actually been carried out and Act No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure has already been issued, but so far the standard of public services is still at the conceptual level, while its implementation is still far from the expectations. Consequently, good governance cannot be reached. The principles of transparency and accountability are very important and must be highly considered in the context of supervision. There are some barriers in the implementation of transparency and accountability such as the readiness of the Human Resources and the financial management system of the local government. Orderly administration and the quality of the human resources should be improved continuously to encourage transparency and accountability of the local government. Also the local officers must be equipped with the knowledge of technical legal issues.
Keywords: transparency, finance, local
[1]. No Name, 2000, Lembaga Administrasi Negara dan Badan Pengawasan Keuangan Pembangunan, Akuntabilitas dan Good Governance.Jakarata
[2]. No Name, 2000.Lembaga Administrasi Negara dan Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan, Akuntabilitas dan Good Governance, Lembaga Administrasi Negara dan Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan, Jakarta
[3]. Afdol, 2008, Pengembangan Teori Implementasi Hukum waris Islam Di Indoensia, Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar, Unair, Surabaya
[4]. Hadjon Philipus M. 1993, Beberapa Catatan tentang Hukum Administrasi, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya,
[5]. Hadjon Philipus M. 2002, dan Sri Djatmiati Tatiek, Good Governance Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah ( Perspektif Hukum Tata Negara dan Hukum Administrasi ) paper disampaikan dalam Seminar Nasional Good Governance Dalam
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Abstract: In a country which is geographically large and overpopulated with a system of plurality of laws, low literacy levels and abject poverty, anything good or bad can happen and mostly does happen in one corner or the other of the country. Society is filled with tensions and these tensions give rise to disputes and these disputes have to be resolved expeditiously before they assume ugly proportions. In a society governed by the Rule of Law, it is essential that its members respect and obey the laws. This can be possible only when the victim of the infraction of the law receives the protection of the law for otherwise it is but natural that the victim will try to evolve his own methodology of protection which may include resorting to violence. No just government can expect adherence ti its laws from those to whom it cannot extend the law's protection. Therefore, when members of a civilized society shun uncivilized modes for dispute resolution and agree to have their disputes resolved in an orderly manner through a mechanism offered by the State, there is an implied understanding that the mechanism will be not only independent and impartial but will also be in a position to resolve the dispute within a reasonable time. The judiciary of our country has been assigned the role of final arbiter and therefore, it is charged with the duty to resolve the disputes brought before it with dispatch and extend protection of the laws to law-abiding citizens
Key Words: Alternative Dispute Resolution, constitution, counseling, conciliation, docket-explosion, legal services, litigation, magnacarta, social-justice
[1]. Agarwal Nomita, Hand Book on Lok Adalath in India, New Delhi: Interest Publications, 1991
[2]. Ahmed, Ezas, The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Allahabad: Ashoka Law House, 1984
[3]. Anurag Agarwal,K. Role of Methods in Development of Society: Lok Adalth in India, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management, 2005
[4]. Avad Prasad, Lok Adalath, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd., 1978
[5]. Baxi Upendra, and Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, Social Justice- Sunset or Dawn, Lucknow: Eastern Book Company, 1998
[6]. Bhargava Prabha, Lok Adalath (Justice at the Doorsteps), Jaipur: INA Shree Publishers, 1998
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Key Concepts and Considerations Underpinning the Idea of Symbiotic Housing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ar. Anamika Nandan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19993233 ![]() |
Abstract: The concept of symbiotic housing is very relevant in today's context. Symbiotic housing is a part of sustainable design. Efforts towards saving our environment, our earth and our lives have been made in different parts of the world in different ways. "SYMBIOTIC" has been evolved from the word "SYMBIOSIS. It means the state of life of two living things which depend on each other for certain advantages. Symbiotic Housing is a type of housing where man and environment are symbiotic and urges the environmental policies to enable the urban system to replicate as closely as possible nature's inherently autonomous, stable and cyclical ecological system. The concept of Symbiotic Housing demonstrates the value of smaller independent systems of water and energy supply and the value of living together in a close neighbourhood. The application of the simple and basic principles may help to bring back a greater social and ecological balance to urban housing. It offers several possibilities of avoiding / minimizing environmental impacts during construction &future use
[1]. IWAMURA,K. (May 2005). "Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment"-paper presented in an International Conference at Santorini, Greece, viewed 12/6/2007.
[2]. CHATTOPADHYAY, S. (September-October 2004). Spatio – Economic Development Record, Vol.11, No. 5, pp. 17-21.
[3]. KUNDOO, ANUPAMA. (2004).Sustainable Buildings, Design Manual, volume – 2, published by The Energy and Resource Institute, New Delhi, p.- 4.
[4]. BAYO, AKINBAMJO OLUMUYIWA. "Sustainable Development And Gender Relation: The Housing Dimension", Ondo State Nigeria.
[5]. DATAR, RAHUL. (July 2001). "Towards Sustainable Construction", Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, PP. 21-24.
[6]. Journal of Housing Research Foundation, 2006, No.32.
[7]. viewed 17.09.2007
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Abstract: Tagore, a great intellectual of the 19th century is perhaps one of the best social thinkers and reformers that the world has ever seen. His views on every aspect of the individual and social life have profound impact even after century. In his thoughts, one can find the culmination of both eastern and western ideologies. In today's conflict ridden, complex society Tagore's ideas act as a panacea for numerous issues that encounter us. Postmodernism on the other hand refers to that period of history, which has witnessed new circumstances of life in society. It represents important social and cultural changes of the present day and rejects the claims of classical social thinkers about the universalistic ideas about individuals, society and the world .It establish a highly pluralistic and diverse view about society with no grand narratives guiding its development. It suggests multiple quotations, cultural cross over and multicultural borrowing even in the field of education in general and society. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyse the relevance of Tagore's philosophy of education in the postmodern era and how Tagore's ideas are still in conformity with the major tenets of postmodern educational philosophy. Plethora of writings is available on Tagore's philosophy and even on postmodernism. But very few attempts have been made on this specific arena. Therefore the paper entitled '' RELEVENCE OF TAGORE'S PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION IN THE POSTMODERN ERA, A CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS '' has been designed with a view to analyze postmodern education and pointing out its essential similarities with Tagore's philosophy of education.
Keywords: Education, philosophy, postmodern
[1] M. J. Aruna,Tagore‟s Philosophy of Life- a study of Sadhana. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2(4), 2010; available at (retrieved at 3.3.2012)
[2] B,Burke, Postmodernism and Post modernity. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education,2000; available at (retrieved at 29.2.2012)
[3] K. H. Dennis, Quality Education Through a Postmodern Curriculum, Hong Kong Teacher‟s Centre Journal.1, 2002, available at (retrieved at 29.2.2012).
[4] F. P. Desai, Tagore‟s educational experiments and right to education bill: a comparison, 2(4) ,2010, available at Tagore on Education.pdf (retrieved on 17.2.2012)
[5] R. Edward. & R. Usher, Postmodernism and Education, (London: Routledge, 1994). (retrieved on 20.2.2012)
[6] K. Haq, The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore. Asiatic, 4(1) , (2010). pdf (retrieved on 7.2.2012)
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Abstract: The study investigated the efficacy of cooperative and self-directed learning strategies as intervention strategies to reverse Mathematics underachievement for mathematics underachieving gifted students in Secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. Eight-Nine (89) underachieving gifted science students were identified using multi-dimensional screening and identification instrument. The instruments used include, Slosson intelligence test, school academic record, mathematics aptitude test and mathematics achievement test with acceptable reliability coefficients. The study is a quasi-experimental study of pre and post test design. Three hypotheses were generated and tested against the data collected at 0.05 level of significance. The data collected was analysed using ANCOVA and MCA. The findings of the study revealed that the treatment interventions namely cooperative and self-directed learning strategies have significant effect at F(3,85) = 123.258, p<0.05 in enhancing mathematics achievement for the underachieving gifted science students. It was also revealed that cooperative learning is more efficacious than self-directed learning, with post means scores of 68.19 and 62.00 respectively. Recommendation was thereafter made on the use of both cooperative learning and self-directed learning strategies as intervention strategies in enhancing mathematics achievement for gifted students and particularly those who are underachieving in mathematics.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Self-directed Learning, Gifted Underachiever, Mathematics Achievement
[1]. Adams, P. and Hamm, M. (2006). Cooperative learning in Falchikov@education uk
[2]. Berndt, T.J. 1999. Friends‟ influence on students‟ adjustment to school. Educational Psychologist, 34, 15-28.
[3]. Clark, B. (1992). The integrative education model. In J.S Renzull (Ed.), Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted and talented. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning.
[4]. Clark, B. (1997). Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at home and at school (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
[5]. Clark, B. (2002). Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at home and school (6th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
[6]. Clark. B (2008). Optimizing Learning. The integrative education model in the classroom. Upper Saddle River, Nj: Merrill/Prentice Hall
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Abstract: The present research was a preliminary study on the relationship between warmth parenting and self-esteem based on Parental acceptance-rejection theory (PARTheory). This research was conducted by using a sample size of 30 participants. Participants were requested to perceive their parents' parenting style in warmth dimension when they were about 7 to 12 years old. The results indicated that paternal parenting was perceived as less warmth if compared to maternal parenting. Besides, a positive relationship between the studied variables was discovered. The researchers suggested that fathers should change their conventional role as strict discipline-oriented caregivers and engage in warmth parenting in order to nurture children with healthier psychological development.
Keywords: warmth parenting, self-esteem, parental acceptance-rejection theory (PARTheory)
[1]. Aktar, R., & Nahar, A. (2014). Parental acceptance, mental health and self-efficacy of adults in Bangladesh. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 19 (2), Ver. IV, 01-07.
[2]. Berg, B., & Kelly, R. (1979). The measured self-esteem of children from broken, rejected, and accepted families. Journal of Divorce, 2(4), 363-369.
[3]. Berndt, T. J., Cheung, P. C., Lau, S., Hau, K. T., & Lew, W. J. (1993). Perceptions of parenting in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Sex differences and societal differences. Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 156.
[4]. Campo, A. T., & Rohner, R. P. (1992). Relationships between Perceived Parental Acceptance-rejection, Psychological Adjustment, and Substance Abuse among Young Adults. Child Abuse & Neglect, 16(3), 429-40.
[5]. Cheng, H., & Furnham, A. (2004). Perceived parental rearing style, self-esteem and self-criticism as predictors of happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 5(1), 1-21.