Series-2 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: This paper aims to identify the root of early marriage in Dayak dense-populated villages and its impacts on economic, social, health, and cultural aspects of the brides in ten districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. A set of semi structural questions were offered to 250 respondents grouped into three clusters, namely the doers of child marriage, parrents of married children, and official/social leaders. The results show that early marriages were committed due to lack of reproductive and sexual health knowledge amongst teenagers and taboo view forgiving sex-related information to teenagers.We highlight four important points in order to reduce rate of child marriage and related problems come from it. First, the need of a comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education for teenagers. Second..........
Keywords: child marriage, early age, health, reproduction, sex education
[1]. Ababa, A. (2006). Report on causes and consequences of early marriage in Amhara Region. Pathfinder International/Ethiopia.
[2]. Antara. (2015). Palangka Raya temukan tiga kasus kematian ibu. Retieved from: 2, 2018).
[3]. Adhikari, R. (2018). Child Marriage and Physical Violence: Results from a Nationally Representative Study in Nepal. Journal of Health Promotion, 6, 49-59.
[4]. Baxter, J & Eyles, J. (1999). The utility of in‐depth interviews for studying the meaning of environmental risk. The Professional Geographer, 51(2), 307-320.
[5]. Baxter, J & Eyles, J (1997). Evaluating qualitative research in social geography: establishing "rigour‟in interview analysis. Transactions of the Institute of British geographers, 22(4), 505-525.
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Abstract: All learners learn best when they are motivated; so do adults. Hence, the way to ensure success of students in higher education is first to know what motivates and sustains them in the learning process. The growing relations and growing Chinese community in Zimbabwe has led to a rapid increase in the number of students learning Chinese as a foreign language. The growth of learners has not only been in the primary, secondary and higher tertiary education sectors but also the adult community of the country. This has led to a growing curiosity of the motives behind the adult students learning the language. Motivated by different aims, goals and ambitions, the success of these adult students can be hindered by various factors. This study aims to unveil what motivates the adult learners to learn Chinese.........
Keywords: Chinese as a foreign language, motivation, adult education, Zimbabwe
[1]. Brown, H, D (2007) Principles of language learning and teaching. White Plains, NY: Pearson.
[2]. Deci, E, L and Ryan, R, M (2000). The ―what‖ and ―why‖ of goal pursuits. Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
[3]. Deckers, L. (2005). Motivation: Biological, psychological, and environmental (2nd Ed.). Boston: Pearson.
[4]. Dornyei, Z. (1996a). Moving language learning motivation to a larger platform for theory and practice. In Oxford, R. L. (ed.), Language learning motivation: pathways to the new century, 89–101.
[5]. Galbraith, D. & Fouch, S. (2007, September). Principles of adult learning: Application to safety training.Professional Safety, 52(9), 35-40.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Theme of Death in Whitman's Poetry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.SuchitraVashisth |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403021415 ![]() |
Abstract: Death seems to have a peculiar charm for the mystic, the philosopher and the poet. All have endeavoured to tackle and explore it in various ways. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The event of death is always astounding, our philosophy never reaches it, never possesses it." According to him the men of letters have had better understanding and insights in the problem of death. According to D.H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman is a very "great post-mortem poet"- "a very good poet of the end of life". It has been stated that death remains the central concern of Whitman's poetry. George Sainsbury has noted Whitman's "great devotion to death". Whitman's understanding of death and death experience is very deep and thorough. The general atmosphere in which Whitman was brought up and lived greatly contributed to this attraction for and interest in death.
Key Words: Death, Whitman.
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Abstract: Social support is closely related to the Burnout Syndrome, since it determines, in many cases, whether or not the person perceives their situation as stressful, manifesting in addition to the Burnout Syndrome any other alteration in their health. Objective: to analyze the association that exists between social support and work-related illnesses in the working population that already manifests the burnout syndrome. Method: the study was descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational in 1152 workers from different work activities. A questionnaire was applied with socio-demographic and labor themes, the Maslach Burnout Inventory scale and the modified Díaz Veiga Social Resources Inventory............
[1]. Caballero-Domínguez, C., González, O. & Palacio, J. (2015). Relación del burnout y el engagement con depresion, ansiedad y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios. RevistaCientíficaSaludUninorte, Vol 31, No 1: 59-69.
[2]. Santana, S., Perdomo, M.C., Oramas, A. & González, A (2015). Hiperreactividad cardiovascular y desgaste psíquico en la progresión a la hipertensión arterial en población trabajadora. RevistaCubana de Salud y Trabajo 2015;16(3):51-4.
[3]. Marenco-Escuderos, A., Suárez-Colorado, Y., & Palacio-Sañudo, J. (2017). Burnout académico y síntomas relacionados con problemas de salud mental en universitarios colombianos. Psychologia, 11(2), 45-55. doi: 10.21500/19002386.2926
[4]. García, V. (2017). Estudio comparativo entre atención primaria y atención hospitalaria del nivel de burnout según la variable de personalidad, ansiedad y depresión, del personal sanitario (médicos y enfermeras). Tesis. Disponible en:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Trends in Igbo Women Participation in Politics Since 1960 |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Enwo-Irem, Immaculata Nnenna, PhD |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403022530 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper discussed the trends in Igbo women participation in politics since 1960.It examined the level of Igbo women participation both at state and national levels. The work revealed that women participation in politics increased after independence in 1960. The factors that induced this high level of political participation include education, International Declarations on Women Issues as Right, financial independence, quota system, godfatherism, civil society, to mention but a few. The paper recommended the revision of legislations to ensure increased women participation in politics and protection of women against domestic and electoral violence.
[1]. P. K Uchedu, The Role of Nigerian Women in Politics Past and Present, (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co, 1993), 44
[2]. N. E Ojiakor, "Igbo Women and Politics in Nigeria", 1929- 1999, PhD Thesis, University of Nigeria Nsukka, 2005, 3
[3]. M. Takubu, Women and Political Participation in Nigeria 1960-1999, in M.N.E Ezeh and U.U Okonkwo (eds), Our Women Our Strenght: Issues in African Women History and Gender Studies, (Lagos: Grace Anasiudu press, 2009),77.
[4]. Ojiakor, Igbo Women and Politics, 103
[5]. Ministry of Information, Eastern Nigeria, know your legislators (Biographical Notes of members of the Eastern Nigerian House Assembly and Chiefs 1063), 224.
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Abstract: This study aimed at obtaining in-depth information about Ethnic Hybridization (Socio-Cultural Study of MajaLabu Dahu Bima Diaspora in Makassar City). This type of research was qualitative using a constructivism approach. In collecting data, the researchers collected primary and secondary data, and the researchers acted out as research instruments. Data collected was the Bima society in the process of ethnic hybridization through the culture of the Labu Dahu. The data was obtained through two data sources, namely; documentation and informants. The data collection technique was done through an in-depth interview method. Then, the data were analyzed by using interactive analysis techniques to refer to the process, meaning and social processes of the Bima Society.............
Keywords: Social Values, Social Processes, and Ethnic Hybridization.
[1]. Baldwin, Jhon C. (1986). George Herbert Mead. A Unifying Theory of Sociology. Newbury Park. Calif Sage.
[2]. Anonim. (1988a). Mead and Skinner. Agency and Determinism. Behaviorism 16r. 109-127.
[3]. Anonim. (1988b). Mead's Solution to the Problem of Agency. Sociology Inquiry 58; 139-162.
[4]. Hannerz, Ulf. (1987). The World in Creolisation. Africa 57: 546-559in George Ritzer 2012, Dari Sosiologi Klasik Sampai Perkembangan Terakhir Postmodern. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[5]. Joas, Hans. (1985). G.H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-examination of Higs Thought. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Literature as Content for Teaching English as a Second Language in Higher Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.M. ChandrasenaRajeswaran |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403023639 ![]() |
Abstract: Literature as content for teaching English as a second language works on the premise that language and literature are inseparable; they are inseparable from the lives of language speakers as well; as such, interpreting a piece of literature in a language class exploits the interpretive skill of both teacher and students. There are four main reasons for a language teacher to use literature in the class room: literature remains a valuable material for cultural and language enrichment, besides motivating learners‟ involvement,a literary text is authentic too. Apart from its ability to motivate student readers to be critical and analytical it offers a wide variety of lexical and syntactic............
Keywords: Language, literature, content, interpret, communicate, language enrichment cross-cultural encounters
[1]. Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (3rdedn.) (p. 515). White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.
[2]. Chandrasena, M. R&Kannan, SP. (2016)."Pragmatic Failure behind Shakespearean Catastrophe – A Study in Othello‟ IUP Journal of English Studies. vol. 11, (3), Sep. 2016 pp. 47-52
[3]. Christison, M. A. (1982). English through Poetry. San Francisco: Alemany Press.
[4]. Collie, J &Slatter, S. (1987). Literature in the Language Classroom: a resource book of ideas and activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Ferradas, C. (2009). Enjoying Literature with Teens and Young Adults in the English Language Classroom. In Brit Lit.: Using Literature in EFL classrooms. e-book published by the British Council or Contributors. pp.27-34.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Power Sector Scenario of Punjab |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403024047 ![]() |
Abstract: In Punjab economy the electricity played an important role in development. Electricity is most convenient and versatile form of energy. The number of electricity is rising very sharply and demands of electricity. The main objective of this study to analysis the growth and structure of power sector in Punjab. The secondary data has been used in this study. Data is collected from Statistical Abstract of Punjab, Electricity Statistics of Punjab, Central Ministry of power, Central Electricity Authority (CEA) etc. Percentage has been used to present the data analysis.
[1]. Abrahim, P. (2003), "Power Sector Reforms: Focus on Distribution", New Delhi: Surya KumariAbharahim Memorial Foundation
[2]. Bhargava, N., Singh, B. and Gupta, S. (2008), "Consumption of Electricity: Structure and Growth" Energy policy, Vol.37 (2009), pp.2385-2394.
[3]. Bhargava, N. (2014), "Some Dimensions of Electricity Economics: Important aspects of the Punjab Region" Published New Era International.
[4]. Ghosh, S. (2005), Demand Forecasting and Draft National Plan, Economic Political and Weekly, pp.18-24.
[5]. Jain Varinder (2004), "Punjab: Reviving Power Sector, Need for a Rethink", Economic and Political Weekly.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Diversity of Self-Representation among High Intellectual Potential Tunisian Adolescents |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Nader Zghidi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403024859 ![]() |
Abstract: Research studies dealing with the notion of high potential, particularly, from the young teenagers' view point in Tunisia are obviously scarce. Consequently, we have decided to address the idea of self-concept in this study, as it is considered an important factor in understanding how an individual behaves in his or her life and how he/she lives this experience. More specifically, our objective was to tackle the differentiated self-concept of high-potential boys and girls in mixed classes with IQ scores ≥ 130. To this end, a sample of 100 high-potential students, among which 55 were boys aged between 13 and 19 years old, with an average age of 14.3 and 1.03 standard deviation was selected and interviewed............
Keywords: Self concept; girl-boy comparison; high school students; high intellectual potential.
[1]. Ablard, K.E., 1997. Self-perceptions and needs as a function of type of academic ability and gender. Roeper Review, 20(2), 110-115.
[2]. Bain, S., and Bell, S.M., 2004. Social self-concept, social attributions and peer relationships in fourth, fifth and sixth grader who are gifted compared to high achievers. Gifted child quarterly, 48(3), 167-178.
[3]. Boschi, A., Planche P., Hemimou Ch., Demily C., and Vaivre-Douret L., 2016. From High Intellectual Potential to Asperger Syndrome: Evidence for Differences and a Fundamental Overlap-A Systematic Review. Front Psychol, 7(1605), 1-16, October.
[4]. Brian, Michael J., 2015. There Will Be Battles in the Heart of Your Abode The Threat Posed by Foreign Fighters Returning From Syria and Iraq Addendum. The RAND Corporation, April 17, 2015.
[5]. Byrne, B.M., 1996. Measuring self-concept across the life span: Issues and instrumentation. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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Abstract: The global community is faced with the challenge on how to curtail the level of social deviance in the society. The high rate of juvenile crimes in the likes of rape, alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, murder, fraud, robbery, internet hacking e.t.c. have been matters of serious concern to both the government and the people. Several professional solutions involving philosophy, psychology, sociology, science and law have been, and is still being, consulted all in a bid to providing solutions. Certain control measures have also being employed to tackle the menace of the society. In the midst of this societal deviance, is the Church indifferent and non-challant about providing solutions? What is the role of the Church to help tackle the challenge? Is she incapacitated as to knowing and having nothing to do to help create solutions?...........
Key Words: Deviant, mental, deterrence social, addiction society, professional and efficiency.
[1]. Akers, R.L. and C.S. Sellers. (2004). Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application (4th ed.). Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.
[2]. Banyard, G. and K.A. Quartey. (2006). Youth's family bonding, violence risk, and school performance: Ecological correlates of self-reported perpetration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(10), 1314−1332.
[3]. Baron, S. W. (2003). Self-control, social consequences, and criminal behavior: Street youth and the general theory of crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40(4), 403.
[4]. Benda, B.B. and R.F. Corwyn. (2002). The effect of abuse in childhood and in adolescence on violence among adolescents. Youth & Society, 33(3), 339−365.
[5]. Benda, B.B. and H.M. Turney. (2002). Youthful violence: Problems and prospects. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 19(1), 5−34.
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Abstract: Staggered electoral process in Nigeria has become a perennial subject of controversy in Nigeria‟s development. The process, by design and default, was created by the legal framework, political parties and/or electoral umpires, with negative outcomes. Nigeria adopted the four-year (quadrennial) electoral system but since return to the fourth republic in 1999, from the fifth quadrennial general elections, nullification of elections and order for repeat elections by electoral tribunals and courts have continued to add to the number of staggered elections, contrary to global best practices with huge and growing social, political, legal and time costs on the polity. The Chairman of INEC, on 9 March 2017, announced the timetable and schedule of activities for 2019 general elections and revealed inter alia that there will be 29 governorship elections, the remaining seven are staggered (Omorotionmwan, n.d; Mac-Leva, 17 June 2018).............
Keywords: electoral process, bandwagon effect, staggered election, dominant party, political economy
[1]. Adebowale, S. (11 January 2013). "Election Suit: Oshiomhole Wins at the Supreme Court", Eagle Online,
[2]. Adebowale, S. (20 December 2012). "Staggered Elections Not the Best for Nigeria – Jega", Eagle Online,
[3]. Ajayi, O. (25 November 2018). "It‟s Cheaper to Conduct all Elections in One Day – INEC", Vanguard Online,
[4]. Akaragha, I. (26 January 2019). "Controversy Trails Onnoghen‟s Suspension, Swearing-in of ActingCJN", The Guardian (Lagos), January 26.
[5]. Akinola, W. and H. Umoru (2018). "Shocking Last-Minute Substitution of Candidates: Buhari Moves to Avert Mass Defection from APC…", Sunday Vanguard (Lagos), October 28.
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Abstract: Single stretching exercise for several seconds/minutes increase the range of motion. The aim of study is to examine 40 male football project players to determine if static, ballistic and PNF stretching exercise would have better improvement in flexibility performance or not. To achieve the intended objective randomized experimental design is implemented. 40 football players who have been volunteered and fulfilled the inclusion criteria are recruited and randomly grouped in to Control and Experimental group. The first Group CG, were control group and did not perform any designed treatment, the rest EG were experimental group followed six weeks intervention program, they are engaged in static, ballistic and PNF stretching exercise 3 days per week. To see actual changes in groups, sit and reach test used as a standard measuring tool, to this end paired t-test was used to compare mean value.............
Keywords: Flexibility, static, ballistic and PNF stretching exercise
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