Series-6 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: Neoliberalism is a constructivist and immoderate project with hegemony underpinning its purpose. Inherent in hegemony is the tyrannical theory that no social force, regardless of its usefulness to the world, must share the same self-preservation value with empire-building hegemon concealing as an entrepreneur. The purpose of the paper is to unveil the subjectivism, exceptionalism, prescriptivism, and illiberalism underlining neoliberalism. Methodologically, and for purposes of conceptualization, analysis, suggestion, and direction for future research, dialectical inquiry method was adopted. This methodology lends credence to diversity as a universal fact. It claims that fact and value are mutually exclusive and that universal fact must not be sacrificed for ideological value. We contended..........
Keywords:Neoliberalism, Subjectivism, Prescriptivism, Exceptionalism, Dialectical Inquiry, Social Science
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Abstract: Corruption has been the bane in the Nigeria media industry, ranging from the popular "brown envelope‟ syndrome (BES) to the current trend called "retainership‟ among practitioners and media houses. This study dwelt on "retainership‟, a deal reached between media houses and governments, organisations and corporate bodies, to be covered in a positive light by media houses, thereby retaining positive image for themselves. The objectives include ascertaining the extent to which mass media in Nigeria depend on "retainership‟ deal as a means of generating income, finding out the perception of journalists about "retainership‟ deal between their media houses and..........
Key Terms: corruption, 'retainership', 'brown envelope', advertising, media house
[1]. Ademoroti. A. G.(2016). The perception of public relations functions by top level management and
practitioners. Unpublished B.Sc. Project. Lagos State University. Ojo. Lagos.
[2]. Adeyemi, A. (2013). Nigerian media and corrupt practices: The need for paradigm shift. European Scientific Journal, 9(1), 119-136
[3]. Adeyemi, A. & Okorie, N. (2009). The perception of Nigerian journalists on brown envelope syndrome: South west media practitioners in perspective. National Conference, African Council for Communication Education (ACCE) Nigeria Chapter. Nov. 30th to Dec. 3rd, University of Maiduguri.
[4]. Adio, W. (2012). Settlement culture and the Nigerian media. [Online] Available: (Accessed March 30, 2014).
[5]. Akabogu, C. E. (2015). The ethical journalist and brown envelope syndrome: The way forward. International Journal of Communication, 23(3), 105-117..
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Abstract: The present study was considered to find out socio-economic, demographic, health status and various aspects of life of older people at northern Bangladesh. A total of 270 older person of age 60 and above from different district of northern Bangladesh was selected through simple random sampling. The results found that maximum older peoples' education level was low and their socio-economic condition was also low. Most of them were suffering from different health problems (54.81%). About 57.41% older people was not fully satisfied with own happiness and 62.22% older people was not fully satisfied with their health. Also 57.41% older people were not feeling fully safe at home.......
Keywords: Socio-demographic and Economic, Health, Asset of life, Happiness, Older people.
[1]. BBS (2011), Population & Housing Census Report. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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[4]. Kabir, Z. N.; (2001). The Emerging Elderly Population in Bangladesh: Aspects of Their Health and Social Situation. Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy and Elderly Care Research (NEUROTEC), Bangladesh.
[5]. Barkat, A., Ara, R., Sattar, A., Poddar, A. and Hossain, T. (2003), Chronic Poverty among Older People in Bangladesh, Human Development Research Centre Dhaka, Bangladesh...
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Abstract: The harmony of the religious community in Langsa City is generally conducive and there is no significant conflict. FKUB of Langsa, institutionally is an agent of socialization, as well as families, play groups, mass media and educational institutions. Therefore, FKUB acts as a regulative socialization agent determined by the government. Langsa FKUB applies the method of socialization as an approach to building solidarity, togetherness, unity of perception, providing the latest information related to regulation and dissecting actual issues that often arise in people's lives, both religious and political.
Keywords: Al Quran; conflict; religion; freedom
[1]. Alwi, Hasan, dkk, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2001
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[5]. Berry, David, Pokok – Pokok Pikiran Dalam Sosiologi, terj, cet. 4, Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003...
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Abstract: Ever since the launch of the KAZA UNI-VISA in 2014,seemingly; no study has been carried out to assess the contribution of the UNI-VISA system to tourism performance in Victoria Falls. Limited research on common visa systems has to date focused on countries of the same economic background such as European Union (EU) countries and South East Asian Nations (SEAN). The goal of this paper was to assess the contribution of the KAZA UNI-VISA system to tourism performance in Victoria Falls. A survey was carried out to collect data. Findings from the study indicate that the KAZA UNI-VISA is contributing positively towards tourism performance in Victoria Falls. In order tobenefit more from the KAZA UNIVISA, the study recommended that the systems be put in place to ensure that visa stickers are always available. The study also recommended the improvement of accessibility into the Victoria Falls area by means of enhancing air transport links into the region.
Keywords: KAZA, TFCA, Visa, UNI-VISA, tourism performance
[1]. Adeyinka-Ojo, S., Nair, V. & Khoo-Lattimore, C. (2015). Exploring the Critical Success Factors of Developing a Brand for Rural Tourism Destination. Advanced Science Letters. 21(6):1894-1897.
[2]. Africa Development Bank (AfDB).(2016). The Africa visa openness report 2016: Visa openness index. Date of access: 9 Aug 2017.
[3]. Amrik, S. (2000). Asia Pacific Tourism Industry: Current Trends and Future Outlook. Utah: University of Utah, Salt Lake.
[4]. Anastasiadou, C. & de Sausmarez, N. (2006). The role of regional trading blocs in the development and management of tourism: an analysis of the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. International Journal of Tourism Research. 8(5)317-332.
[5]. Anon.(2014). KAZAUNIVISAto be launched today. NewsDay. 28 November. Date of access 30 May 2017..
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Abstract: Circumvention in higher education is the subject of several studies, it is understood the concern because the same occurs in both public institutions as private. To escape, the academic, cause financial loss to the institution and himself. This work aims to identify the main factors motivating the circumvention in the courses of a higher education institution (HEI) in southern Brazil. The survey started in April 2018, has the theoretical foundation based on theses, dissertations, articles, digital repositories and other benchmarks. We opted for the quantitative approach, being the data collection carried out through a questionnaire applied to students. Data analysis was performed with.......
Keywords - Evasion, Engineering, Students
[1]. ARTES, Amélia; RICOLDI, Arlene Martinez. Mulheres e as carreiras de prestigio no ensino superior brasileiro: o não lugar feminino. E-book, p. 81-94, 2016.
[2]. BARBETTA, Pedro Alberto. Estatística aplica às ciências sociais. 7. Ed., rev. Florianópolis: Ed. UFSC, 2007, 315 p.
[3]. BARBETTA, Pedro Alberto; REIS, Marcelo Menezes; BORNIA, Antonio Cezar. Estatística: para cursos de engenharia e informática. 3. Ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2010. 410 p.
[4]. BATISTA, Washington Pagotto. Um Estudo sobre a evasão no curso de Engenharia de Computação da UEFS. Anais Seminário de Iniciação Científica, n. 20, 2018. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em 30 jan 2019.
[5]. BORGES, Anelise Aparecida DalsotoKrás. Relações entre abstenções escolares por doença, bem-estar subjetivo e satisfação com a escola em crianças gaúchas. 2015. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em 29 jan 2019.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Deradicalisation of Terrorist Movements in North Sumatera |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Suheri Harahap || Zulkarnaen |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-2403066467 ![]() |
Abstract: religion is an important force in human life, realizing that terrorism is an ideological crime, so the approach used as a priority scale for its prevention, both deradicalization and reconciliation, should not be an economic, sociological, criminological or psychological approach. Local wisdom is needed in understanding the turmoil of thought that grows and develops on the basis of faith and belief, with the application or translation of wrong jihad. So this point focuses on the approach and methodology.
Key terms: terrorist; Moslem; society
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