Volume-7 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Characterization of Countably Normed Nuclear Spaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. K. Palei & Abhik Singh |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0730103 ![]() |
Abstract: Every count ably normed nuclear space is isomorphic to a subspace of a nuclear Frechet space with basis and a continuous norm. The proof as given in section 2 is a modification of the Komura-Komura inbedding theorem .In this paper, we shall show that a nuclear Frechet space with a continuous norm is isomorphic to a subspace of a nuclear Frechet space with basis and a continuous norm if and only if it is countably normed.The concept of countably normedness is very important in constructing the examples of a nuclear Frechet space. Moreover, the space with basis can be chosen to be a quotient of (s)
Key words and phrases: Nuclear frechet space, Countably normed and Nuclear Kothe space.
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Abstract: Some popular recreational games have a group- theoretic foundation, and group are useful in modelling games that involve a series of discrete moves, with each move leading to a change in the board state. In this work we present to you our local game called "tsorry" ( meaning they line up straight). Which we carefully examine and found that it has a board and checkers, each possible moves has an element of group, where the effect of performing a sequence of moves corresponds to the product of those elements. The group under consideration here is Klein four- group.
Keyword: Checkerboard, Group theory, Games, Klein four – group, Possible moves and Tsorry Checkerboard,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Sustainable Development of Industrial Clusters |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arvind Kumar, Lokesh Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0730711 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper discusses the concepts and methodology used in the system theory and operations research in respect of planning and control of the sustainable development. The sustainable development of any industrial park is not achieved merely by the introduction of foreign capital and embedding into global value chains system. Any sustainable development problem can be represented mathematically using the concepts of transition of system from the given initial state to the final state. It is established in this paper that sustainable development represents a specific control problem. The aim is to keep the system in the prescribed feasible region of the state space. Further the analysis of planning and control problems of sustainable development has also shown that methods developed in the operations research such as multicriterion optimization, dynamic processes, simulation and goal programming etc. are more than adequate.
Keywords: Sustainability, sustainable development, systems approach, multiple criteria optimization, state transition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cash Flow Valuation Model in Continuous Time |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Olayiwola, M. A., Olawumi, S. O., Bello A. H. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0731218 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper present valuation models which is define as the expected discounted value of a stream of each flows at a time. Three equivalent forms of this value process is established with each of which has its own merits. Local dynamics of the values process is also considered.
Keywords: Cash Flow, Valuation, Continuous, Deflator, Filtration.
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Abstract: The new Bianchi type-IX cosmological models with binary mixture of perfect fluid and anisotropic
dark energy have been studied. The unique solution of field equations is obtained by assuming that the energy
conservation equation of the perfect fluid and dark energy vanishes separately together with a special law for
the mean Hubble parameter (Berman, 1983) which yields a constant value of the deceleration parameter and
generates two types of solutions, one is of power law type and other is of the exponential type. To have a general
description of an anisotropic dark energy component in terms of its equation of state (de) , a skewness
parameters have been introduced. The statefinder diagnostic pair (i.e. r, s parameter) is used to
characterize different phases of the universe. The various geometric and kinematic properties of the model and
the behavior of the anisotropy of the dark energy have been discussed.
Keywords - Anisotropic Dark Energy, Perfect Fluid, Bianchi type-IX Universe, Statefinder parameters.
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SPACE SCIENCE, VOL. 319, PP. 149-154, 2009. DOI: 10.1007/S10509-008-9959-4
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Abstract: This paper examines the problem of MHD steady mass transfer flow of a polar fluid through a porous medium bounded by an infinite vertical porous plate in slip flow regime. In the mass transfer equation effect of thermal diffusivity which plays an important role in the flow is also considered. The exact solutions for velocity field, angular velocity field, temperature distributions and concentration field are obtained. The expression for the skin-friction, the rate of heat transfer are also derived. Effects of rotational parameter ( α ), couple stress parameter ( β) and other parameter entered into the problem are examined with the help of graphs. It is found that the velocity of the fluid is increased when the rotational parameter is increased but decreased in case of couple stress parameter.
Key words: Magnetic field, Mass transfer, Porous medium, Rotational velocity, Thermal diffusion.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some aspects of Harmonic Numbers which divide the sum of its Positive divisors. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pranjal Rajkhowa, Hemen Bharali |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0733945 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper some particular harmonic numbers n, where n divides σ(n) completely have been taken. Three types of numbers prime factorised as say, 𝑝𝑚𝑞,2𝑘𝑝𝑚𝑞,2𝑘𝑝1𝑝2……𝑝𝑚 have been discussed and some propositions have been developed to understand the properties of these type of numbers. It has been observed that harmonic numbers n having 𝑔.𝑐.𝑑. 𝑛,𝜎 𝑛 =𝑛 of the form 𝑝𝑞,𝑝2𝑞,𝑝𝑚𝑞 does not exist if p,q both of them are odd primes. Further some useful properties of the harmonic numbers of the form 2𝑘𝑝𝑚𝑞, for some values of m have been discussed with the help of some propositions. After that an algorithm has been proposed to get the numbers of the form 2𝑘𝑝1𝑝2……𝑝𝑚, where n divides σ(n) completely.
Keywords: Harmonic number, Mersene prime, Ore's conjecture, Perfect number
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Abstract: In this paper, soliton solutions to four Nonlinear Evolution Equations (NLEEs) namely Boussinesq Equation (BE), Gardner Equation (GE), (coupled) Generalized Boussinesq- Burgers Equations (GBBE) and Mikhailov-Shabat system of Equations (MSE) are obtained by the Rational Sine-Cosine Method. It has been demonstrated that the method is a convenient and effective one for solving a wide class of NLEEs encountered in various areas of Nonlinear Physical Sciences. PACS NOS.:02.30Jr, 5.45Yv, 87.10Ed. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification(2010) Nos.:35C08, 35L05, 35Q51, 37K40.
Key words: Soliton, NLEEs, BE, GE, GBBE, MSE, Rational Sine-Cosine Method, Nonlinear Physical Sciences, Plasma Physics, QFT.
[1] Marwan Alquran, Kamel Al-Khaled and HasanAnabeh, New Soliton Solutions for Systems of Nonlinear Evolution Equations by the Rational Sine-Cosine Method, Stud. Math.Sci. 3(1)(2011) 1 – 9.
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[5] Peter A. Clarkson, Rational Solutions of the Boussinesq Equation, ANAL. APPL.6(4)(2008) 349 – 369.
[6] Sh. SadighBehzadi, Numerical Solution of Boussinesq Equation using Modified AdomianDecomposition and Homotopy Analysis Methods, IJM2C (01) (01)(2011)45 – 58.
[7] TianBao Dan, Qiu Yan-Hong and Chen Ning, Exact Solutions for a class of BoussinesqEquation, Appl. Math. Sci.3 (6) (2009) 257 – 265.
[8] Bin Zheng, Travelling Wave Solutions For Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations By The First Integral Method, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS 10 (8) (1011) 249– 258.
[9] Mohammad Najafi, MaliheNajafi and SomayeArbabi, Application of the He's Semi-Inverse Method for Solving the Gardner Equation, Int.J. Modern Math. Sci. 5(2)(2013)59– 66.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pythagorean Triangle with Area/ Perimeter as a special polygonal number |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. A. Gopalan, Manju Somanath, K. Geetha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0735262 ![]() |
Abstract: Patterns of Pythagorean triangles, in each of which the ratio Area/ Perimeter is represented by some polygonal number. A few interesting relations among the sides are also given.
Keyword: Polygonal number, Pyramidal number, Centered polygonal number, Centered pyramidal number,
Special number
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Abstract: This paper is concerned with the transient unsteady state thermoelastic problem of thin circular annular fin due to heat source .The transient heat conduction equation is solved by Marchi Zgrablich and Laplace transform with radiation boundary condition. The solution of the problem in the form of infinite series of Bessel function. To determine temperature distribution for heating process and their stresses .Numerical calculations are carried out by using mathematica software.
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Abstract: The analysis of the effect of MHD oscillatory flow of elastico Viscous blood through porous medium in a stenosed artery has been presented. Here we assume that the blood behaves as a elastico-viscous fluid(Rivlin-Ericksen type). The expressions for velocity of blood, instantaneous flow rate, wall shear stress and resistive impedance have been obtained. Results obtained have been discussed graphically.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On The Homogeneous Quintic Equation with Five Unknowns |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. A. Gopalan, S. Vidhyalakshmi, S. Mallika |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0737276 ![]() |
Abstract: The quintic Diophantine equation with five unknowns given by 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 x y xy(x y ) 34((x y)(z w )P is analyzed for its infinitely many non-zero distinct integral solutions. A few interesting relations between the solutions and special numbers namely, centered polygonal numbers, centered pyramidal numbers, jacobsthal numbers, lucas numbers and kynea numbers are presented.
Keywords: Quintic equation with five unknowns, Integral solutions, centered polygonal numbers, centered
pyramidal numbers.
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[6]. M.A.Gopalan,G.Sumathi & S.Vidhyalakshmi, Integral solutions of non-homogeneous Ternary quintic equation in terms of pells
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