Version-3 (July-Aug 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Manage Storm Water by Using Porous Pavement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.Dipanjan Mukherjee |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11430103 ![]() |
Abstract: As cities grow, the amount of impermeable surfaces—those that do not allow water to infiltrate into the ground—increases Examples of impervious surfaces are asphalt roads, concrete sidewalks, parking lots, building roofs, and areas of highly compacted soils such as in subdivisions. If not properly managed, the storm water runoff produced by these impermeable surfaces can have negative effects on nearby surface waters. When waters from storm events do not infiltrate the soil, the storm water management system, consisting of storm water structures and pipes, quickly directs them to streams, rivers, and lakes. Such increases in storm water runoff can have detrimental effects on nearby lands and receiving streams resulting in flooding, increased peak flows, groundwater or stream base flow reductions, increased stream velocities and stream bank erosion, increased water temperatures, and reduced water quality. Storm water must be managed in such a way as to prevent or minimize these negative impacts from urban growth. One method of storm water management is to reduce runoff by increasing infiltration through the use of permeable or pervious pavement. Permeable pavement allows storm water to percolate through the pavement and infiltrate the underlying soils thereby reducing runoff from a site, unlike standard pavement which prohibits infiltration. In previous concrete, carefully controlled amounts of water and cementations materials are used to create a paste that forms a thick coating around aggregate particles. Permeable pavement looks similar to standard asphalt or concrete except void spaces are created by omitting fine materials. Compacted gravel is not considered permeable pavement. Permeable paving surfaces keep the pollutants in place in the soil or other material underlying the roadway, and allow water seepage to groundwater recharge while preventing the stream erosion problems. However, some properties of most permeable pavements limit their applicability. Permeable pavements are not generally used in applications where high traffic loads, in terms of volume and weight, and/or high rates of speed are encountered. Their use should be limited to pedestrian and light to medium vehicle traffic. Greenways, sidewalks, driveways.
Key Word: Construction, Types, Advantages, Disadvantages, Maintenances
[1]. PERVIOUS PAVEMENT – Environmental services city of Portland.
[2]. Permeable Pavement for Storm water Management- Carmen T. Agouridis, Jonathan A. Villines, and Joe D. Luck, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
[3]. Permeable Pavement Fact Sheet Information for Howard County, Maryland Homeowners, University of Maryland, Extension.
[4]. Porous Asphalt Pavement for Storm water Management, The UNH Storm water Centre
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nano-Technology Fuel Cells |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | KaranTilak, Dr .G.SivaKumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11430408 ![]() |
Abstract: Integration of NANO TECHNOLOGY and REGENERATIVE FUEL CELL provides a better way for using hydrogen as a fuel. By using this fuel cell with Nano tech we can easily onboard the hydrogen storage equipment on automobiles and it will give more power without any harmful emissions. Water is obtained as a byproduct from fuel cell. Hydrogen is regenerated from the byproduct (water).Maximum efficiency will be obtained than internal combustion engines. Medical devices are likely to be a major application for Nano fuel cells. They can also supply energy to Nano robotics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).
Keywords: Carbon Nano-tubes, FuelCells, Efficiency
[1]. NANO The Essentials,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers- T.PRADEEP
[2]. ENERGY SOURCES Khanna Publishers- G.D.RAI
[3]. "Batteries, Supercapacitors, and Fuel Cells: Scope
[4]. "Efficiency of Hydrogen PEFC, Diesel-SOFC-Hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicles" (PDF). 2003-07-15
[5]. Khan, B.H., Non Conventional Energy Resources,,New Delhi: McGraw-Hill Third Reprint 2008 [6].
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Abstract: The poor design practice of beam column joints is compounded by the high demand imposed by the adjoining flexural members (beams and columns) in the event of mobilizing their inelastic capacities to dissipate seismic energy. Unsafe design and detailing within the joint region jeopardizes the entire structure, even if other structural members conform to the design requirements. Beam moment reversals can produce high shear forces and bond breakdown into the joint resulting in cracking of the joint. The most important factors affecting the shear capacity of exterior RC beam-column joints are: the concrete compressive strength, the joint aspect ratio of the joints and number of lateral ties inside the joint. Advanced Reinforcement Pattern (ARP crossed inclined bars) is a feasible solution for increasing the shear capacity of the cyclically loaded exterior beam-column joints. The presence of inclined bars introduces an additional mechanism for shear transfer. External beam-column joints with crossed inclined reinforcement (ARP) modeled in Ansys Workbench showed high strength, and no appreciable deterioration even after reaching the maximum capacity. The load resisting capacity is increased as compared to that of seismic joint (IS: 13920-1993). A parametric study with cross inclined bars at the joint will be studied with different parameters like grade of concrete, tie ratio, joint aspect ratio, energy dissipation, yield ratio etc. A number of models in ANSYS 13.0 workbench and mechanical APDL are developed for different cyclic loads and boundary conditions. The joint with M50 grade of concrete is discussed in this paper.
Keywords: Exterior Beam-Column Joint, Joint aspect Ratio, Joint Shear Strength
[1]. S.M.Kulkarni, Y. D. Patil, ( 2012)," A State-of-Art Review on Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints", Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Civil Engineering ISSN: 0975 – 6744 ,Nov 11 TO Oct 12 ,Volume 2, Issue 1, Page 94
[2]. S.M.Kulkarni, Y. D. Patil, ( 2012)," Behavior of Exterior RC Beam-Column Joint Subjected to Monotonic Loading", Indian Journal of Technical Education, ISSN 0971-3034, pp.129-136.
[3]. S.M.Kulkarni, Y. D. Patil, (2012),"Analytical Study on Exterior RC Beam-Column Joint",8th Biennial Conference on Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012), ISBN 978-93-82062-72-1,pp634-640.
[4]. S.M.Kulkarni, Y. D. Patil, (2013), "A Novel Reinforcement Pattern for Exterior Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joint", Procedia Engineering (2013) pp. 184-193,vol 51C
[5]. S.M.Kulkarni, Y. D. Patil, (2014),"Evaluation of Advanced Reinforcement Pattern in Exterior RC Beam-Column Joint", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN 2229-5518,Vol 5,Issue 3, pp 624-629.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of work Posture by RULA and REBA: A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N. A. Ansari, Dr. M. J. Sheikh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11431823 ![]() |
Abstract: The common occupational problem of the workers is musculoskeletal disorders in India. Currently the work is being carried out manually in most of the small scale industries therefore the issues of work related musculoskeletal disorders and injury in different body sites are of top priority. Postural analysis tool using Rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) and Rapid entire body assessment (REBA) were applied for assessment which indicates that the workers are working above the secure limit. This ergonomic study sheds light on posture analysis of the workers in small scale industry. The study was conducted on 15 workers engaged in small scale industry situated at MIDC Wardha (Maharashtra, India). Video tape on different activities of the workers was prepared and then images were cropped from it for the analysis. This study presents assessment of work posture of workers engaged in different activities of small scale industry. Evaluation of posture was carried out using RULA and REBA. Assessment is carried out using worksheet. The RULA method determined that the majority of the workers were under high risk levels and required immediate change. The REBA method determined that some of the workers were under lower levels and majority at high risk levels. Hence it was concluded that; there is a lack of ergonomics awareness and understanding in small scale industries. Evaluation using postural analysis by RULA and REBA indicates that the workers are working above the secure limit. The major percentage of the workers having awkward postures. Thus the workers are under moderate to high risk of Musculoskeletal disorders.
Keywords: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), RULA, REBA, SSIs, ergonomics.
[1] Lynn McAtamney et al., "RULA: a survey method for the investigation of world-related upper limb Disorders," Applied
Ergonomics, 1993
[2] Hignett, S. and McAtamney, L., "REBA: A Survey Method for the Investigation of Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders," Applied
Ergonomics, 2000
[3] Isa Halim & Abdul Rahman Omar, "A Review on Health Effects Associated with Prolonged Standing in The Industrial
Workplaces," International Journal Of Research And Review In Applied Science, vol. 8, issue 1, July 2011
[4] D. N. Agrawal et al.," Study and Validation of Body Postures Of Workers Working In Small Scale Industry through Rula,"
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No.10 October 2011
[5] Aide Maldonado-Macias et al., "Ergonomic Evaluation of Work Stations Related With the Operation of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology Equipment: Two Cases of Study", XV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ERGONOMIA SEMAC, 2009
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Abstract: A vortex tube is a simple energy separating device which splits a compressed air stream into a cold and hot stream without any external energy supply or chemical reactions. This paper presents an overview of recent research on Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube (RHVT) with divergent tube and snail entry, increase in nozzle number and supply pressure leads to the rise of swirl / vortex intensity & thus maximum energy separation in the tube. The paper develops three dimensional flow domain using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and this CFD and experimental studies are conducted towards the optimization of RHVT. The optimum cold end diameter (dc), number of snail entry and optimum parameters for obtaining the maximum hot gas temperature and minimum cold gas temperature are obtained through CFD analysis and validated through experiments.
Keywords: CFD analysis, Energy separation mechanism, Experimental validation, Ranque –Hilsch vortex tube
[1] Upendra Behera, P.J. Paul, S. Kasthurirengan, "CFD analysis and experimental investigations towards optimizing the parameters of Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 01/2005; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.12.046. [2] Kirmaci Volkan, "Exergy analysis and performance of a counter flow Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube having various nozzle numbers at different inlet pressures of oxygen and air," International Journal of refrigeration, 32, 2009, pp.1626-1633.
[3] Nimbalkar S., Muller M. R., "An experimental investigation of the optimum geometry for the cold end orifice of a vortex tube," Appl. Therm. Eng., 29, 2009, pp. 509–514.
[4] Bramo, A. R., Pourmahmoud N., "CFD simulation of length to diameter ratio effects on the energy separation in a vortex tube," IJRRAS, 2011, pp.1-16.
[5] Chang K., Li Qing, Zhou G., Li Qiang, "Experimental Investigation of Vortex Tube Refrigerator with a Divergent Hot tube," International Journal of Refrigeration, 34, 2011, pp.322-327.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thermal Stress Analysis of a Gas Turbine Casing Using F E A |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C Rajesh Babu |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11433237 ![]() |
Abstract: Gas Turbines are widely used in the industry today in the areas of power generation, aero engines, mechanical drives, marine applications, locomotive applications etc. With such wide range of applications, it is necessary to improve the designs on continual basis for increased efficiency, reliability, availability and cost reduction. All the original manufacturers in the world are spending the amounts of money on such new developments. Gas Turbine casings are generally of thin wall design to reduce thermal inertia to enable quick start up and shut-downs. While the aero engine casings are made of super alloy materials, land based engine casings are made of cast iron to reduce cost. In case of tip rubs (between blade tip and casing at high rotational speeds, which is very common in Gas Turbines), material erosion takes place in the casings. The eroded material comes out in the form of powder, in case of cast iron and hence does not cause damage to the subsequent sections. In the present case, Turbine casing has been analysed for temperature distribution first. There is hot ambient inside the casing and relatively cold ambient outside, because of which there is a temperature gradient. This condition is taken care in the analysis by defining convection boundary conditions both on inside and outside of the casing. The temperature output of the analysis is given as input to structural analysis along with pressure loads to get combined thermal and mechanical stresses. The outcome of the present work can be used for changing the operating conditions of the Gas Turbine to higher parameters or for resolving any machining deviations.
Keywords: Gas turbine Casing; ASTM A 395; Thermal Stresses; FE Analysis
[1] Young Jin Choi et al., 2006 Key Engineering Materials (Volumes 306 - 308), , 306-308, 169-174.
[2] S. Moaveni, Finite Element Analysis – Theory an Application with ANSYS, Pearson Education, 2008 [2] Fluent 6.3 User's Guide, FLUENT Inc., 2006
[3] Patankar, Suhas v, Numerical heat transfer and Fluid flow. Hemisphere publications, USA.1980.
[4]. H.K.versteeg and W.Malalasekera, An introduction to CFD the Finite volume method, Pearson education limited,2005
[5]. Wallis, G. B., One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1969.
[6] ASTM A395 - 99(2014)
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Abstract: The study was carried out to determine the density and mechanical properties of Al-7%Si alloy - Bagasse Ash (BA) composite produced at 800oC. BA obtained at 700oC and having high silica and alumina contents of up to 77.29% and 10.95%, respectively was used as reinforcement and varied from 0vol% to 30vol%. The density and some mechanical properties of the produced composites were determined. The results showed that the density decreases with percentage increase in reinforcement from 2840.242kgm-3 to 2292.208kgm-3 with the minimum value at 30vol% BA. The results of the mechanical properties tests showed that, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) varies from 139.677MNm-2 to 176.683MNm-2 with maximum value at 10vol% BA, Young modulus varies from 1429.890MNm-2 to 1725.425MNm-2with maximum value at 10vol% BA, impact strength varies from 75.401kJm-2 to 128.262kJm-2 with maximum value at 10vol% BA and hardness varies from 70.467RHV to 90.767HRV with maximum value at 20vol% BA and with all the hardness values better than that of the control sample. The results also showed that, the fatigue strength varies from 0.066x106 cycles to 1.797x106 cycles with maximum value at 15vol% BA and the percentage elongation having approximately the same value.The results of the statistical analysis showed that there are significant differences among the means of each property of the composites at various levels of BA replacement (P<0.05).It was concluded that bagasse ash can be used as reinforcement in aluminium composites and the produced composites could be used in automobile industry for the production of engine blocks, pistons, among others.
Keywords: Alumina, Aluminium Alloy, Bagasse Ash, Composite, Density, Mechanical Properties and Silica
[1]. W. M. Khairaldien, A. A. Khalil and M. R. Bayoumi. Production of Aluminium-Silicon Carbide Composites Using Powder Metallurgy at Sintering Temperature above Aluminium Melting Point. Journal of Material Science and Engineering, A399, 2005, 822-831.
[2]. N. Yoshikawa, Y. Nakano, K. Sato and S. Taniguchi. Fabrication of Composite Materials Using Aluminium Scrap and Wasted Glass. Material Transaction, 46(12), 2005, 2582-2585.
[3]. M. K. Surappa. Aluminium Matrix Composites: Challenges and Opportunities.Sadhana India, 28(1 and 2), 319-334, 2003.
[4]. P. Mallick. Fiber Reinforced Composites Materials, Manufacturing and Design. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press, 2008.
[5]. G. K. Roy and B. Augustine. Recovery of Chemicals from Agricultural Residue-A Critical View. Journal of Institute of Engineers, 62(1), 1981, 36-41.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Eco Restoration of River Coovum in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Bharathidasan, T. K. Krushnadesikan, K. Arun, A. AbdulRahman |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11434549 ![]() |
Abstract: There are about 14,972 families living in 65 slums along Coovum River in India. Hence, there has been huge accumulation of solid waste in the form of bio sludge. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) grown luxuriously in the Coovum river, causes ecological and economic problems. They reduce the gaseous exchange that takes place at the air/water interface and it also reduces the photosynthetic activity of submerged plants. Experts in the field believe that it is difficult to eradicate the water hyacinth and the bio sludge, since the conditions that allow it to proliferate are not being controlled. The cost of petroleum products and electricity are very high considering the low level of economic activity. Thus, by utilising the Coovum bio-sludge and the water hyacinth, the biogas can be generated, which can be used as a source for heating and lighting purposes.
Keywords: Biogas, Bio sludge, Cow dung, Eichhornia crassipes, River Coovum, Yeast
[1] O.Almoustapha, S.Kenfack and J.Millogo – Rasolodimby: Biogas production using water hyacinths to meet collective energy needs in a Sahelian country
[2] Kumar, S. : Studies on efficiencies of bio-gas production in anaerobic digesters using water hyacinth and night soil alone as well as in combination , Asian J.Chem.,17,934-938,2005.
[3] Kivaisi, A. K. And Mtila, M: Production of biogas from water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)(Mart) (Solms) in a two stage bioreactor , World J.Microb.Biot., 14,125-131,1998.
[4] Seehausen et al, 1997; Malik, 2006:
[5] Dr. Veerababu, Times of India, February 11, 2013.
[6] Perna and Burrows (2005).
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Abstract: One of the most widely used materials in agro-processing fabrication is steel. However, cassava has been found to contain aggressive ions which have deleterious effect on the compositional constituents of steels used in cassava processing industries resulting in an untimely failure in service. This research was carried out to study the corrosion rate of mild steel (with and without surface protection) immersed in a sweet cassava juice media (Oko iyawo) subjected to two different exposure duration; continuous and intermittent. Periodic weight loss measurement and the relationship between weight loss and exposure time were determined. The result obtained shows that galvanized steel had the highest rate of corrosion during the time of exposure compared to painted mild steel, while normal mild steel with no surface protection had the least corrosion rate throughout the immersion period.
Keywords: Corrosion Rate, Steels, Immersion Periods and Environmental Conditions
[1]. Asafa, T.B. and Durowoju, M.O. (2009), "Assessment of a Nigeria mild steel under some selected corrosion environments", Science Focus, Vol. 14, No. 2, Pp. 136 – 145.
[2]. Adebiyi, K.A., Hammed, K.A. and Ajayi, E.O. (2003), "Predictive model for evaluating corrosion rate of mild steel in six environments", LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology.
[3]. Bodude, M. A., Ayoola, W.A., Esezobor, D. E. and Agbeleye, A. A. (2012), "Corrosion-Wear of ST60-Mn Steel in Cassava Juice", Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 11, No.2, Pp. 153 – 158.
[4]. Daramola, O.O., Adewuyi, B.O. and Oladele, I.O. (2011), "Corrosion Behaviour of Heat Treated Rolled Medium Carbon Steel in Marine Environment", Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 10, No.10, Pp. 888 - 903.
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Abstract: The evolution of computer aided design (CAD) systems and related technologies has promoted the development of software for the east of chassis modeling. It visualizes the main outputs of the model, which consist in numeric data and graphic elements. This reduces the simulation time dramatically and enables the optimization process to come to successful results. This paper presents an electric car chassis design by using the commercial design software package, CATIA V5 R19. The design of the chassis with adequate stiffness and strength is the aim of this project. The material used is mild steel AISI 1018 with 386 MPa of yield strength and 634 MPa of ultimate strength. The result shows that the critical point of stress and displacement occurred in the middle of the side members in all loading conditions, maximum stresses are below the yield stress. The final products for the design have been fabricated successfully. Keywords: Electric car, chassis design, CATIA V5 R19, Stress analysis, load analysis
[1]. G.L. Farely, Energy absorption of composite materials, Journal of Composite Materials, 17, 1983, 267-279.
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[3]. J.M. Miller, A. Emadi, A.V. Rajarathnam, M. Ehsani, Current status and future trends in More Electric Car power systems, Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. on Vehicular Technology, Houston, TX, 1999, 1380 – 1384(2).
[4]. Hugo Morais, Tiago Sousa, Zita Vale, Pedro Faria, Evaluation of the electric vehicle impact in the power demand curve in a smart grid environment, Original Research Article Energy Conversion and Management, 82, 2014, 268-282.
[5]. J. D. Power and Associates, 1997. "Initial Quality Survey 1997 for Automobiles". J.D. Power and Associates, May.
[6]. D. Sperling, Future Drive (Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, 1995).
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Abstract: In this paper, the analysis is done on the automotive bumper to check the crashworthiness for the passenger safety. The bumper beam analyzed for the steel and composite material with the basic bumper design in the first phase, and then front part is modeled with the honeycomb and foam type in the second phase to compare the deformation and energy absorbed during the impact. A design of the automotive bumper must ensure the safety of passenger mean while, it needs to have low weight. With the role of safety, fuel efficiency and emission gas regulations are being more important in recent years that enforce the manufacturer to reduce the weight of passenger cars. In this research, a front bumper beam made of steel and composite materials to provide more energy absorption in the structural form of honeycomb and foam type is assembled at the front of the bumper and is studied for impact modeling to determine the deformation and energy-absorption behavior.
Keywords: Bumper, Carbon fiber, Honeycomb, Impact analysis, Tensile strength
[1]. M.M. Davoodia,*, S.M. Sapuan a, D. Ahmad b , Aidy Ali a, A. Khalina b, Mehdi Jonoobi," Mechanical properties of hybrid kenaf/glass reinforced epoxy composite for passenger car bumper beam", material design 31 (2010) 4927-4932.
[2]. M.M. Davoodia,b, S.M. Sapuan b, A. Aidy c, N.A. Abu Osman a, A.A. Oshkour a, W.A.B. Wan Abas," Development process of new bumper beam for passenger car", Materials and Design 40 (2012) 304–313.
[3]. Bradley E. Heinrichs, Jonathan M. Lawrence, Boyd D. Allin, James J. Bowler, Craig C. Wilkinson, Kurt W. Ising and David J. King MacInnis Engineering Associates," Low-Speed Impact Testing of Pickup Truck Bumpers". SAE Paper 2001-01-0893.
[4]. W. R. Scott, C. Bain, S. J. Manoogian, J. M. Cormier and J. R. Funk Biodynamic Research Corporation," Simulation Model for Low-Speed Bumper-toBumper Crashes", SAE Paper 2010-01-051.
[5]. Daren Evans,TerryMorgans," Engineering Thermoplastic Energy absorbers for bumpers", SAE Paper 1999-01-1011
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Abstract: A variety of heat exchangers are used in industry and in their products. A plate and frame heat exchanger is analyzed here for structural stability (stress optimization) using finite element method. Analyzed plate heat exchanger is a Waste Heat Recovery Unit (WHRU) that recovers heat from a hot gas stream while transferring it to a working medium. WHRU in this specific case is used in the application of the Claus process which is used for Sulphur recovery. The Sulphur due to high temperatures is in Vapour form and is condensed to obtain elemental sulphur. At this condensation stage a WHRU serves dual purpose of condensation as well as energy recovery. So WHRU is analyzed by finite element analysis method at working boundary conditions for identifying weak points in it. Modifications are made on weak points to reduce stress value and again WHRU is analyzed for same. The results are validated with the experimentation carried with thermal test equipment on the model.
Keywords: Claus process, structural stability, sulphur recovery, WHRU.
[1] Khaled Hassan Saleh, Vikrant Aute,"Plate Heat Exchanger Optimization Using Different Approximation Assisted Multi objective Optimization Techniques" International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference,2012.
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[5] Liddiard, Kevin C. "The active microbolometer: a new concept in infrared detection". "Proceedings of SPIE". Proceedings of SPIE (2004) 5274: 227–238.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Utilization of sludge in manufacturing Energy Efficient Bricks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mary Lissy P N, Dr. M S Sreeja |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11437073 ![]() |
Abstract: The bricks are obtained by moulding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform size and then by drying and burning these blocks. Burnt clay bricks have good resistance to moisture, insects and erosion and create a good room environment. They are medium in cost and have medium to high compressive strength. In brick making the major input is fuel followed by labour. Bricks manufactured from dried sludge collected from textile wastewater treatment plant were investigated. Results of tests indicated that the sludge proportion and the firing temperature were the two key factors determining the brick quality. Results showed that the brick weight loss on ignition was mainly attributed to the organic matter content in the sludge being burnt off during the firing process. With up to 6.66% sludge added to the bricks, the strength measured at temperatures 5000C met the requirements of the National Standards. This study showed that the pulverizedsludge could be used as a brick materialin reducing the firing temperature for the production of energy efficient bricks. The bonding strength can be further enhanced by controlling operating conditions.
Keywords: EnergyEfficient bricks, Oven dried bricks, Casting, Recycling, Sludge.
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[5] S. Kim, H. J. Kim and J. C. Park. "Application of recycled paper sludge and biomass materials in manufacture of green composite pallet".Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. - 53: pp.674–679, 2009.
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Abstract: In this work thermal analysis and comparison of die formed elbow joint and mitered elbow joint of circular duct is done using Altair HyperWorks Software. Results were obtained for conduction and convection through the cross section of elbow joints of the hollow duct. The inner surface of both the duct joints is maintained at constant temperature and ambient air is at certain temperature that is less than inner surface temperature of the duct. Due to temperature difference heat will flow from higher temperature to lower temperature. The material of pipe provides conductive resistance and the surrounding air provides convective resistance. The heat transfer is one dimensional and properties are considered to be isotropic. The duct joints are assumed to be made of steel having known thermal conductivity and density. The surroundings of joints have known convective heat transfer coefficient and temperature. The modelling and meshing is done in Hypermesh, analysis is done in Radioss and results are obtained in hyperview which is a postprocessor in Altair HyperWorks. The different characteristics can be obtained by varying the material of the joints.
Keywords: Elbow Joint, Duct, Mitered, Die formed, Altair HyperWorks
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