Version-2 (July-Aug 2014)
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Abstract: This paper describes the heat transfer enhancement through electro hydrodynamics technique (EHD). This is one of the active technique by which one can enhance the heat transfer rate. Keeping this as an epic centre the present work has been planned. An experimental set up is developed for simulating heat transfer phenomenon through EHD technique. Conversely the experimentation has been done for certain test points. Further using the observed experimental data a mathematical model has been formed and an analysis of experimental data based model is done.
Keywords: Electrohydrodynamics, intensification, corona, dielectric fluid, reliability, sensitivity
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Abstract: A reliability design method for statically determinate and indeterminate steel transmission lines towers and poles is presented. The method is in a Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) format. The nominal load and resistance values for design are obtained from the mean values of probability distribution functions describing wind speed, radial ice thickness and yield stress. The load and resistance involving the coefficient of variation of the above variables and a target reliability index. Several cases demonstrate that use of the equations results in steel line having an actual reliability index nearly equal to the target reliability index.
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Abstract: The problems occurs at the steel industries, as the overall subject of this paper is the frequent failure of output shaft of gear motor at the pay-off reel and design and development of new type of coupling which will operates according to the situation of the nature of the rotation of pay-off reel rotation and the nature of the rotation of the 4HI cold rolling mill and which will perform efficient working under maximum torque condition without fail. As the mechanism used in the coupling is a ratchet pawl mechanism which work is to provide only one directional rotation and restrict the other. Also the use of spring loaded inserts to, which when reverse motion required, mechanism to engage the coupling hence the newly designed coupling is best suitable as per the nature of the rotation of the pay-off and 4HI cold rolling mill.
Keywords: Pay-off reel, 4HI cold rolling mill, Gear motor, Coupling, Ratchet and pawl mechanism.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress Analysis of Crankshaft Subjected To Dynamic Loading |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Anbu, S. Govindaraji, C. Kannadhasan, S. Selvakumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11423539 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study a dynamic simulation was conducted on crankshaft, from multi cylinder four stroke engines. Finite element analysis was performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude. The load diagram was used to calculate the load boundary condition. This load was then applied to the FE model and boundary conditions were applied according to the engine mounting conditions. From this analysis a model of crankshaft is generated in PRO -E, meshes by the HYPER MESH and analyzed in ANSYS using FEM (finite element method) by applying loads and boundary conditions, and then solved for engineering responses and Stress variation over the engine cycle. The scope of the FE Analysis of the crank shaft under static, modal and transient analysis was carried out to predict the stresses and its deformations.
Keywords: Dynamic Simulation, Crank Shaft Under Static
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Abstract: This Research Paper constitutes the study of Mechanical Properties of Tensile, Compression and Bending Strength of the 12%, 24% and 36% of Hybrid Fiber (Natural fiber- Sisal, Jute and Hemp) polymer composite material used as Bio-material. Characterization of 12%, 24% & 36% Hybrid Natural fiber polymer composite material with the low density, economical for prosthetic bone with respect to biocompatibility and the mechanical behavior of long human bones, such as Femur Bone. According to the ASTM Standards the specimen is fabricated by using the Epoxy resin- LY556 as the matrix material and the Hardener-HY 951 with the 12%, 24% and 36% of the Natural Fibers (Sisal, Jute and Hemp) as the reinforcement material with fiber weight fraction, randomly continuous long fiber orientation. By using the Hand Layup fabrication technique the specimen are prepared. This Research work concentrated on study of Femur Bone and collection of the strength and other parameters of bone and compared the experimental results of the 12%, 24% and 36% Hybrid Natural fiber Polymer composite material with the Femur bone. This Research work suggesting the low weight, low Density and high strength, Bio-composite, Biocompatible material use or suggest to the orthopedic Implants Especially for Femur bone. From the Experimental results all the strengths of 12%, 24% &36% Hybrid Natural fiber Polymer composite materials will match the femur Bone Strengths and also it is found that by increasing the weight fraction of the fiber or percentage of fiber which will increase the Tensile, Compression, Bending strength and increases the density and mass of composite of the specimen. Finally we suggest the 36% Hybrid Natural fiber polymer composite material for Femur bone Prosthesis and hence it is a Natural Bio-compatible Hybrid Natural fiber polymer composite material.
Keywords: Hand layup Fabrication Technique, Mechanical Properties, Bio-Material, 12%, 24% and 36% of Hybrid Natural fiber polymer composite material, orthopaedic application-Femur Bone.
[1] A.K. Bledzk and J. Gassan, Composites reinforced with cellulose-based fibres, Prog.Polym. Sci.24, 211-274 (1999).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of Current Trend in Design for Sustainable Manufacturing |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Negin Ashrafi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11425358 ![]() |
Abstract: Manufacturing, as the main symbol of the civilized lifestyle, will be intensely affected by the sustainability matters and it will play a important role in establishing a sustainable way ahead. This article defines sustainable manufacturing and design for sustainability. Sustainability can be incorporated into design, including design for environment, design for resources and energy, and design for sustainability and measuring energy consumption in manufacturing. An overview of current trends and new conceptions in the evolving of sustainable products developments by presenting Life Cycle Assessment method for products and processes, and optimization techniques for sustainable manufacturing processes will be presented.
Keywords: Sustainable Manufacturing, Life Cycle Assessment, design for sustainability
[1]. Natalia Duque, Ciceri, Marco Garetti, Severine Sperandio, From Product End-of-Life Sustainable Considerations to Design Management, Advances in Production Management Systems. New Challenges, New Approaches (2010) Volume 338, 152-159 [2]. Günther Seliger, Marwan M.K. Khraisheh, I.S. Jawahir, Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8Th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Springer, 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Importance of Effective Length Factors In Hot-Rolled Steel Columns |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gopal Patel, Vijay Baradiya |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11425963 ![]() |
Abstract: Hot-rolled steel columns are very efficient structurally in carrying compression loads and moments and are commonly used in the construction of framed structures in office and industrial buildings. All members resisting axial compression would buckle if the applied axial force were large enough. The importance of effective length factors cannot be overstate, in which they stressed that the Effective length factors (K -factor) of columns must be introduce to evaluate the stability of columns in frames with rigid and semi-rigid connections. The axial load-carrying capacity for simple compression members largely depends on its slenderness, material strength, cross sectional shape and method of fabrications. Columns and their strength and behavior constitute a subject area that has received much study and discussion over the years. Theoretical investigations have been performed to study the interaction of local and overall buckling. The most valuable outcomes achieved in this research were to provide the fundamental data of ISMB Compression member. ISMB 100 design using variable k factor. For changing the length of the column section axial load carrying capacity decrease in significant amount
Keywords: steel columns, K –factor, axial load, effective length
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Numerical Simulation of Laminar Flow over Slotted Airfoil |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. B. Makwana, J. J. makadiya |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11426471 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper mainly focused effect of fixed slot on performance of NACA0012 airfoil. Using slot lower surface high pressurized air passes through slot to energized upper surface. Analysis has been done on NACA0012 of 1m cord length at 25C of air with 5m/s air velocity. First plain airfoil at different angle of attack has been analyzed to find out stall condition and Cl, Cd . After that same parameter and physics, only change in geometry of airfoil with 15%C leading edge slot. Flow separation is adverse effect for performance of airfoil. Due to flow separation adverse pressure gradient effect reverse flow is there, we cause reduction of lift coefficient and increment of drag coefficient so flow separation necessary to reduce. There are differen techniques to reduce flow separation but effect of slot on airfoil has been studied.
Keyword: Angle of attack (AOA), plain airfoil, slotted airfoil, SST model,
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Abstract: The statistical technique like confidence interval (CI) is used to determine the confidence limits of water head over lake tapping site of Koyna Dam (India, Maharashtra) from water level data taken from government of Maharashtra 2000-2010, which helps in future forecasting. It is the statistical technique which gives the Probable Value of the water head in the relative month. By studying these probable values of water heads, monthly variation in the heads seasonal variation can be achieved. Contour maps and variograms are studied to check the variation of Water head from year-2000-2010. It also helps to determine the probable nature by knowing the confidence Interval of heads and it is more useful and helpful for the water management of rain water which is accumulated on ground by the means of large reservoirs. Predication of rainfall and head variation is achieved.
Keywords: Statistical Technique, Confidence Interval, surfer10, Contour maps, variograms, Koyna Dam, Water head, Lake Tapping etc.
[1]. Groundwater quality assessment of the shallow aquifers west of the Nile Delta (Egypt) using multivariate statistical andgeostatistical techniquesOriginalResearchArticl
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[4]. Performance loss rate of twelve photovoltaic technologies under field conditions using statistical techniques OriginalResearchArticle SolarEnergy, Volume103, May2014, Pages28-42George Makrides, Bastian Zinsser, Markus Schubert, George E. Georghiou
[5]. Elemental analysis of ancient potteries of Vellore Dist, Tamil Nadu, India by ED-XRF technique with statistical approach Beni-SuefUniversity Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online6March2014. A. Naseerutheen, A. Chandrasekaran, A. Rajalakshmi, R. Ravisankar
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Abstract: The present study is mainly devoted to focus on the effect of elevated temperature on concrete properties and micro structure to avoid as possible as we can the various undesired effects of the severe environmental impacts, which affect the service life of concrete. The concrete casted with basalt aggregate was subjected to elevated temperatures (300, 600, & 800o C) with a rate of 5o C/min, and an exposure time of two hours. Furthermore, the obtained results showed that the mechanical properties of the heated concrete, associated with the internally induced chemical changes are attributed to temperature elevation effect. Both laboratorial investigations and mineralogic study revealed by using reflected light microscopic study on polished slabs, SEM investigation, confirmed the effect of elevated temperatures on cement paste and aggregates.
Keywords: Concrete, Basalt aggregate, Elevated temperatures, Mechanical properties, reflected light, polished slabs, SEM.
[1]. K. Willam, and I. Rhee, Thermal Degradation Effects in Concrete Material Systems, NSF-FHWA workshop on imaging and simulation of concrete structures, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Illinois, USA, 2003.
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Abstract: Concrete made with Portland cement has strong compressive strength but it has weak tensile strength and it tends to be brittle. Also cracks start to develop as soon as concrete is placed and before it has properly hardened which may lead to weakening of concrete structures, fracture and failure and general lack of durability. Thus this research is aimed at reducing the aforementioned shortcomings of concrete to increase its applicability and performance. The tensile strength of concrete could be enhanced by using conventional rod reinforcements and to a certain extent by the inclusion of a sufficient volume of fiber. Addition of fibers also leads to a reduction in shrinkage cracking. We have used steel fibers as reinforcements and Polypropylene as the fiber.
Keywords: Concrete, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, M30 grade concrete, Polypropylene, PP fiber.
[1]. Martínez-Barrera G, Martínez-Hernández AL, Velasco-Santos C, Brostow W.2009 Polymer concretes improved by fiber reinforcement and gamma irradiation. E-Polym, 103:1–10.
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[3]. Effects of Polypropylene fibers on the strength properties of fly ash based concreteK.Murahari, Rama mohanRaoP,International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 Volume 2 Issue 5 May. 2013 PP.13-19
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Abstract: Reinforced concrete beams are normally designed as under reinforced to provide ductile behavior such as the tensile moment of resistance. In coastal environment reinforcement corrosion is an obvious cause of deterioration of concrete structure, which affects the durability and service of reinforced concrete structure. Structural stability is majorly influenced by strength of concrete. Flexural strength is a measure of the tensile strength of concrete, in other words it is a measure of a resistance against failure in bending. The main aim of this study is to analyze the strength, experimentally; of corroded beams using Ordinary Portland cement. Accelerated corrosion technique was adopted to corrode the beam experimentally. The corrosion was measured using Applied Corrosion monitoring instrument. Beam specimens are prepared using M20 grade concrete for OPC. Beam specimens casted are tested as vertical cantilever beam in specially prepared loading setup and load deflection behavior is studied.
Keywords: Applied Corrosion Monitoring, Flexural strength, Load deflection, Ordinary Portland cement, Reinforced concrete, Tensile strength.
[1]. Ahmad, S. (2003). "Reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures, its monitoring and service life prediction––a review" Journal of Cement & Concrete Composites."25, 459–471.
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[4]. Andrade, C. and Alonso, C., (1996) "Corrosion rate monitoring in the laboratory and on site". Journal of Construction building materials, 10, 315-28.
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Abstract: Marble as a building material especially in palaces and monuments has been in use for ages Many studies have been reported in literature on the performance of the concrete containing waste marble dust or waste marble aggregate. It can be seen that combination of marble dust and other ingredients has modulus or compressive strength higher than alone for 7 days and 28 days respectively. The use of high proportion of marble dust increases the strength of cement paste..This study shows the experimental investigations on the replacement of cement and sand both partially & combined with the waste marble powder/waste marble granules in which, by the partial replacement of cement and sand, the compressive, flexure and split-tensile strength get increased up to a certain percentage but get decreased with the combined replacement of combination of cement & sand.
Keywords: Fine Aggregate, flexure strength, , OPC 43 Grade, split tensile strength, WMP
[1]. S.Suresh and ShaktinathDas"Green cement for sustainable concrete using marble dust" Department of
ChemicalEngineering,MaulanaAzad NationalInstituteof Technology. International conference on global scenario in
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powder/granules in Concrete mix"
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[6]. IS: 102621982, Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design—Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design & Fabrication of PVC Bladed Inexpensive Wind Turbine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vicky K Rathod, Prof.S.Y.Kamdi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1142114119 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that PVC blade profile has better power capacity. Creates scope for designing & Performance evaluation of a specially designed micro wind turbine for area especially in plateau region where velocity of wind is low, invariable average and dry, so where large wind turbine doesn't give satisfactory result. The small wind turbine and their wide scope of application need the comprehensive attempt to be taken place. The small wind turbine i.e. multi blade turbine with increase in number of blades can be run successfully with proper adjustment of swept area and angle of attack. The advantage of the micro wind turbine is that, apart from its low cost, it can be propelled by a wind speed as low as 2 m/s.It is the renewable source of energy which is the clean source. It can be installed over the houses for power generation in our local areas because of low cost and being of economical. Using of small wind turbines for house hold would result in fewer burdens on grid and also plays a vital role in reducing utilization of conventional energy and mobility to utilize the power.
Keywords: Angle of attack, Swept Area, Micro Wind Turbine, PVC Blade profile, Propelled
[1] D.Y.C. Leung, Y. Deng, M.K.H. Leung,"Design Optimization of a Cost-Effective Micro Wind Turbine" Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol II WCE 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010, London, U.K.
[2] Prof. H. S. Patil,"Experimental work on horizontal axis PVC turbine blade of power wind mill" IJME Volume 2 Issue 2 available on
[3] Dr. S. P. Vendan, S. Aravind Lovelin, M. Manibharathi & C. Rajkum, "Analysis of a Wind Turbine Blade Profile for Tapping Wind Power at the Regions of Low Wind Speed " IJME Volume 2 Issue 2 available on V-2-I-2-ID-1.pdf
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Abstract: On the basis of the polyclonal selection algorithm, an improved polyclonal selection algorithm based on negative selection is put forward in this paper. Inspired by the diversity and auto-tolerance of the negative selection, the population diversity is increased by the clone deletion and clone supply to improve the polyclonal selection algorithm. Finally, the optimization design of the crane box girder is realized based on the improved polyclonal selection algorithm.
Keywords: Polyclonal selection, Negative selection, Auto-tolerance, Crane, Girder
[1] Y. Shen and Y.F. Bu, PSO optimization of crane box grider based on chaos series, Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, 11,
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[3] C.C. Bi and Y.Z. Ding, Application of genetic algorithm in the optimization design for the crane box grider, Hoisting and
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machine design, 20(10), 2003, 23-25.
[5] M. Luo, L. Lei and C.C. Wei, Optimization design of hybrid chaos immune algorithm with self-adaptive parameter adjusting,
Journal of Xinyang Normal University, 25(3), 2012, 387-390.
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Abstract: At present every country is facing two major challenges namely energy crisis and environmental degradation. To meet these twin problems of fuel oil and air pollution caused by fossils fuels, alternative renewable clean burning fuel need to be explored. In this project, plant species, like lemon grass (cymbopogen citratusis) is discussed as source of oil for bio-diesel production. The bio-diesel that is produced from lemon grass through Transesterification process is used as a fuel. Performance test was conducted and compared with diesel. The emission characteristics were analyzed by varying load for diesel and biodiesel blends. The combustion test carried out for the best blend, i.e. pressure crank angle diagram drawn for best blend and also variation of pressure for different loads for the best blend is plotted on p-v diagram. The experimental results show that the brake thermal efficiency of all the blends is slightly lower or nearly equal when compared to diesel. But, slightly increased NOX emission when compared to diesel fuel.
Keywords: Lemongrass biodiesel, Engine performance test, Emission test.
[1] Fangrui Maa, Milford A. Hannab, "Biodiesel production: a review" Bioresource Technology 70, Page 1-15.
[2] Ma Fangrui, Hanna Milford A., "Biodiesel production: a review," Bioresource Technology," vol. 70, pp. 1 -15.
[3] S. Ashfaque Ahmed, S. Prabhakar, Binu. K. Soloman and M. Irshad Ahmed 2013 Performance Test For Lemon Grass Oil In Twin
Cylinder Diesel Engine Arpn Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences vol 8.
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Abstract: The two alarming situations in front of the engineers worldwide is to reduce the load on the conventional fuels and to reduce the ever increasing environmental pollution. This study is aimed to investigate experimentally the performance and exhaust emission characteristics of a diesel engine when fuelled with diesel and methyl esters of rice bran oil in various proportions. Experiments were conducted on a 4-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine. The engine speed was maintained at 1500 rpm. The result indicates that the performance characteristics of B-20 blend was superior to all other blends of fuels. According to emission test, emission levels of HC, NOx, & CO2 decreased with blending percentage increased. These results indicate that the rice bran methyl ester can be used in C.I. engine without any major modifications.
Keywords: alternative fuels, engine performance, exhaust emissions, rice bran oil
[1] Fukuda Hideki, Kondo Akihiko, Noda Hideo, 2001 "Biodiesel fuel production by transesterification of oils," J. Bioscience and Bioengineering, vol. 92, pp. 405-416.
[2] Ma Fangrui, Hanna Milford A., "Biodiesel production: a review," Bioresource Technology," vol. 70, pp. 1-15.
[3] Gerpen Jon V., "Biodiesel processing and production," 2005 Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 86, pp. 1097– 1107.
[4] Leung Dennis Y.C, Wu Xuan, Leung M.K.H, "A review of biodiesel production using catalyzed transesterification,"2010 Applied Energy, vol. 87, pp. 1083-1095.
[5] Balat Mustafa, "Potential alternatives to edible oils for biodiesel production- A review of current work," Energy Conversion and Management, 2011 vol. 52, pp. 1479–1492.
[6] Ju Yi-Hsu, Vali Shaik R., "Rice bran oil as a potential resource for biodiesel: A review," 2005 J. Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 64, pp. 866-882.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Soil Flexibility on Seismic Performance of 3-D Frames |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Ayman Ismail |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1142135143 ![]() |
Abstract: In most of the designs of rigid structural frames, the analysis is carried out by assuming fixity at base, which means that the building is idealized to rest on hard rock. This paper discusses the importance of considering the effect of soil stiffness on the seismic performance of rigid structural frame system resting on it. Flexibility of soil causes lengthening of lateral natural period of the structural system due to overall decrease in lateral stiffness. Such lengthening of lateral natural period may considerably alter the seismic response of the building frames resting on isolated footings. Hence, focus of this paper is to bring out the effect of flexible foundation soil on the performance of 2D and 3D frame-foundation systems and their overall dynamic behavior from pushover analysis, a static non-linear analysis. Gazetas [1] model is used for representing stiffness of soil and the foundation resting on it as a spring. For analysis, design and pushover analysis of frame SAP2000 v15 [2] software is used. It is observed that modulus of soil has considerable effect on natural period of system and overall performance of structural system, indicating that idealization of fixity at the base may be seriously erroneous.
Keywords: Natural frequency; seismic force; soil flexibility; soil-structure interaction; SAP2000; inelastic behavior; pushover analysis.
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[2] SAP2000 V15, Integrated Software For Structural Analysis & Design. Computers & Structures, Inc., Berkeley, California, USA, 2013.
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