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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Weldability Analysis of T23 Material for Superheater Coil |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N.Jeyaprakash || R. Prabhakaran || G. Murugesan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11610104 ![]() |
Abstract: In Fossil power boiler, super heater coil type panel is employed to convert saturated steam to super heated steam. Generally these panels are made by formation of thick wall low alloy steel like STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-22 material. The power generating capacity of Fossil power boiler is 500 MW.This STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-22 material has low creep strength and it cannot withstand continuous high temperature to rectify the above problem, the usage of an alternate material called STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-23 was attempted.The welding operation has been carried out in super heater coil by Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding and Sub-merged Arc Welding (SAW). The welding analysis in STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-22 and STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-23 materials was carried out by four types of mechanical tests namely Impact Test, Tensile Test, Bend Test and Hardness Test.From the obtained results of the mechanical tests, it can be concluded that STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-23 material is having better creep strength while compared with STEEL ALLOY-213 TUBE-22 material.
Keywords: Bend Test, Hardness Test, Impact Test, Sub merged arc welding, Tungsten Inert Gas Welding.
[1]. K. Laha, K.S. Chandravathi, K. BhanuSankaraRao, and S.L.Mannan: Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2001, vol. 32A, pp. 115–24.
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[4]. M.F.Brady (1965) "Design aspects of once through systems for heat recovery steam generators for base load and cyclic operatio", Innovate Steam Technologies Ltd.,
[5]. J.D. Parker: Mater. High Temp., 1994, vol. 11, pp. 25–33.
[6]. J.D. Parker and G.C. Stratford: J. Mater. Sci., 2000, vol. 35,pp. 4099–4107.
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Abstract: Flows induced by rotating objects appear in turbo-machinery, storage devices of computers and ocean circulations, and the investigation of these flows is very interesting. An accurate and reliable analysis of the turbo machine rotating parts is of major concern to ensure fail proof and long life turbine engines. In the case of low aspect ratio of blades makes it necessary to treat them as plates. One of the typical cases of these phenomena is the flow which develops between a rotating disc and a stationary disc (shroud), and the flow has been investigated numerically and experimentally. In this work the basic flow field is investigated over a rotating disk with the shroud at the top. There is a small inlet for air in the shroud and the inlet air gains radial, circumferential and axial velocity due to the rotating disc. An analysis is made to obtain exact solutions for the flow of air due to a disk rotating with a constant angular speed. The studies have been pursued on 4 different revolutions per minute (rpm) and 3 different heights. The various rpm at which experiments were done are 500rpm, 600rpm, 700rpm and 800rpm and the various heights are 5cm, 10cm and 15cm.
Keywords: rotating disc, stationary disc, rpm and radial, circumferential and axial velocity.
[1]. Fundamentals Of Aerodynamics by John D Anderson
[2]. N. Aubry, M.-P. Chauve, R. Guyonnet, Transition to Turbulence on a Rotating Flat Disk, Phys.Fluids, 6, 2800-2814,1994.
[3]. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. K.Bansal
[4]. Experimental study of the rotating-disk boundary-layer own by Shintaro Imayama
[5]. Boundary-Layer Theory - Herrmann Schlichting
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Abstract: Road sectors are the engines of growth for economy, employment and empowerment. Towns and cities have acted as focal points in the cultural landscape of India for nearlymillennia, though with some significant breaks in between. They continue to play a major role in India's emergence as a premier industrial and political power in the world. Owing to increases in household income, the demands for personalized vehicles have also increased. The booming trade in the commercial vehicle sector has changed the truck industry in India, and definitely for the betterment to meet the demands of industrial activities putting more pressure on VG 30 flexible roads, the effect is noted more significantly with variations in daily and seasonal temperatures contributing to high stresses affecting the flexible pavement. India is brimming with several bad roads be it the metro cities, the cities or the villages. Hence it is our major responsibility that the highway engineers and those associated to it can construct long-lasting roads. So that India can be at par with the developed countries of the world. In order to cope up with the increasing trend of highly laden vehicles, new innovative materials needs to be utilized for highway construction. The present paper thus enlightens theprocedure to find out optimum bitumen content by Marshall Mix design method for BC mix which attains maximum stability by using innovative nanotechchemical material. To 5.4 % optimum bitumen content for BC mix obtained in the laboratory investigations, required dosages of Zycosoil chemical in 0.02%, 0.03% and 0.04% is added and changes in properties are recorded showing improved good results for the mix to be suggested for flexible pavement construction.
Keywords: Bituminous Concrete,Marshall Mix Design,Optimum Bitumen Content, Stability value, Zycosoil.
[1] Bala Raju Teppala and C.B. Mishra(2014) Performance Evaluation of VG 30 Paving mix with and without Zycosoil Chemical Additive
[2] Anil Kumar S and Vijaya Kumar H (2014) Fatigue Behavior of Chemically Treated Bituminous Concrete Mix International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014
[3] Remadevi M., Anjali G. Pillai, , Elizabeth Baby George, Priya Narayanan, Sophiya Sunny - Study of Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Concrete,International Journal of Engineering Research and Development. Volume 10, Issue 4 (April 2014), PP.49-56
[4] Sangita, TabrezAlam Khan, Sabina & D.K. Sharma - Effect of waste polymer modifier on the properties of bituminous
[5] IS: 1202- 1978, Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: determination of specific gravity.
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Abstract: Fly ash is a fine grey powder consisting of spherical particles that are produced as a by-product in coal fired power station. It has been generally used for land filling . In recent times, the importance and use of fly ash has grown so much that it has almost become a common ingredient of concrete particularly making in high strength and high performance concrete. The use of fly ash as concrete admixtures not only extends technical advantage but also contributes to the environmental pollution control . Extensive research is being carried out in most part of the world that could be occurred in the utilization of Fly ash, which is basically a waste product. The present study mainly concentrate on the various kind of application of fly ash, specially in the civil engineering field and also on it's significant properties.
[1] Faber, J. H. 40 Years of Ash Marketing in the U.S.A. In Proceedings of the Utilization of Ash Workshop, May 13–15, 1987. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; pp I-1–I-7.
[2] hanumatidas N. and Kalidas N.; Portland pozolana cement : An extravagant ignorance.International conference of fly ash Disposal and utilisation Central Borad of Irrigation and Power.
[3] Raghavendra N.; Portland pozzolana cement; Quality, performance and Durability.
[4] Ranga Rao V., Ddoctoral thesis submitted to Andhra University, 1998
[5] file:///F:/fly%20ash/Civil%20Engineering%20%20FLY%20ASH.htm.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Current Research Trends in Sound Transmission Loss of Silencers |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Nouby M. Ghazaly || Ahmad O. Moaaz |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11612226 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, the influence of automobile emissions and noise on the environment has become an increasingly serious problem. Particularly, exhaust system is known to be a predominant component of the automobile emissions and noise. Fortunately, over the last few decades, engine exhaust noise is controlled through the use of silencers or mufflers.The analysis of such complex mufflers has always been a great challenge and an active area of research in recent years. For a suitable design of mufflers, there are two main categories that are used to study this problem: the Transmission Loss (TL) and Insertion Loss (IL). Currently the transmission lossis preferred and widely used for determining muffler performance. This paper aims to present an updated review of papers, conference papers, books, dissertations dealing with muffler acoustics performance using transmission loss.
Keywords: Automobile Emissions and Noise, Silencers or Mufflers, Transmission Loss.
[1]. Rahul D. Nazirkar, S.R.Meshram, Amol D. Namdas, Suraj U. Navagire, Sumit S. Devarshi "Design & Optimization Of Exhaust Muffler & Design Validation" Proceedings of 10th IRF International Conference, 1st June-2014, Pune, India.
[2]. Cheng, C.Y.R. and Seybert, A.F. (1991) "A multidomain boundary element solution for silencer and muffler performance prediction", J. Sound and Vibration, 151, 119-129.
[3]. Selamet, A. and Ji, Z.L. (1999) "Acoustic attenuation performance of circular expansion chambers with extended inlet/outlet", J. Sound and Vibration, 223, 197-212.
[4]. Middelberg, J.M, Barber, T.J., Leong, S.S., Byrne, K.P. and Leonardi, E. (2004) "CFD analysis of the acoustic and mean flow performance of simple expansion chamber mufflers", Proc. ASME Intl. Mechanical Engineering Congress andExposition, Anaheim, California.
[5]. A.K.M.Muhiuddin,Ataur Rahman and Yazid Bin Gazali, "simulation and experimental investigation of muffler performance" international journal of mechanical and materials engineering,Vol2,2007.
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Abstract: Cassava Peeling has been identified as the only un-mechanized unit operation in cassava production which has constituted global challenge in twenty-first century despite an ever-increasing demand for the crop. As at today, cassava peeling is still largely carried out manually, it makes the process to be slow, labour intensive, arduous in nature, and low productivity. This research work aimed to analyse and model tuber movement during mechanical peeling. Preliminary experiment was carried out on newly harvested tubers graded into sizes and sliced at 50 to 100 mm using peeling machine developed earlier on the basis of this principle. The data collected were used to validate the model. Model developed adequately analyses the concept of tuber movement during peeling and also predicts peel shear stress, 6.142 N/mm2 and effective peeling time, 9.5 – 12.0 s at velocity of conveyance, 1 – 5 m/s. This is therefore considered as reliable tool for further development and improvement of cassava peeling system.
Keywords: cassava tuber, mechanical peeling, modeling, movement,
[1]. S.A. Odedina, J.N. Odedina, M.O. Ogunkoya, and S.O. Ojeniyi, Agronomic evaluation of new cassava variety introduced to farmers in Nigeria. African crop science conference proceedings (9), 2009, 77-80
[2]. S.A. Odoemelam, Studies on residual hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in gari flour made from cassava. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 4(6), 2005, 376-378
[3]. O.P. Kolawole, L.A.S. Agbetoye, and A.S. Ogunlowo, Evaluation of cassava mash dewatering methods. Journal of Bioinformatics and sequence analysis, 3(2), 2011, 23-30
[4]. P. Hartman, Value addition key to cassava revolution in Nigeria, Director General of IITA speech to stake holder‟s forum, CFC-funded cassava value chain project in Nigeria implemented by IITA, 2011
[5]. IITA, IITA bulletin, issue No. 2050, 2-7 January accessed, 2011
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Abstract: The Engine cylinder is one of the major automobile components, which is subjected to high temperature variations and thermal stresses. In order to cool the cylinder, fins are provided on the surface of the cylinder to increase the rate of heat transfer. By doing thermal analysis on the engine cylinder fins, it is helpful to know the heat dissipation inside the cylinder. We know that, by increasing the surface area we can increase the heat dissipation rate, so designing such a large complex engine is very difficult. The main aim of the present paper is to analyze the thermal properties by varying geometry, material and thickness of cylinder fins using ansys work bench. Transient thermal analysis determines temperatures and other thermal quantities that vary over time. The variation of temperature distribution over time is of interest in many applications such as in cooling. The accurate thermal simulation could permit critical design parameters to be identified for improved life. Presently Material used for manufacturing cylinder fin body is Aluminum Alloy A204 which has thermal conductivity of 110-150W/mk. Presently analysis is carried out for cylinder fins using this material and also using Aluminum alloy 6061 which have higher thermal conductivities.
Key words: Dissipation, Thermal conductivity, Transient.
[1]. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 8, August 2013 IJERTIJERT ISSN: 2278-0181
[2]. Paul W.Gill, James H. Smith, JR., and Eugene J. Ziurys., 1959, Internal combustion engines - Fundamentals, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company.
[3]. Dr. Kirpal Singh, 2004, Automobile engineering vol.II, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi.
[4]. Prof. R.B.Gupta, 1998, "Automobile engineering," Satya Prakashan, Incorporating, Tech India Publications.
[5]. Prof. R.K. Rajput, "Heat and Mass Transfer", S. Chand Publications.
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Abstract: The behaviour of G+11 multi story building of regular and irregular configuration under earth quake is complex and it varies of wind loads are assumed to act simultaneously with earth quake loads. In this paper a residential of G+11 multi story building is studied for earth quake and wind load using ETABS and STAAS PRO V8i .Assuming that material property is linear static and dynamic analysis are performed. These analysis are carried out by considering different seismic zones and for each zone the behaviour is assessed by taking three different types of soils namely Hard , Medium and Soft .Different response like story drift, displacements base shear are plotted for different zones and different types of soils.
Keywords: Regular and irregular configuration, static & dynamic analysis
[1]. "Comparative Study of the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Storey Irregular Building" Bahador Bagheri, Ehsan Salimi Firoozabad, and Mohammadreza Yahyaei
[2]. Static and Dynamic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Framed Building: A Comparative Study
[3]. Prakash Sangamnerkar*, Dr. S. K. Dubey,
[4]. Design Cell,M. P. Housing and Infrastructure Development Board, Bhopal (M.P.) 462013
[5]. Professor, Deptt. Of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.) 462051
[6]. Response Analysis of Multi-Storey RC Buildings under Equivalent Static and Dynamic Loads According to Egyptian Code Sayed Mahmoud1, Waleed Abdallah2 1Department of Construction Engineering, College of Engineering, Dammam University Dammam, Saudi Arabia 2Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, Helwan University Cairo, Egypt
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Abstract: This study describes the evaluation criteria involving three aspects of sustainability and finding their importance for ranking rural road projects. The evaluation criteria were derived from a thorough literature review and individual importance was determined via a Google survey among different experts, who have worked on rural roads in Nepal and other 22countries. This survey used Analytic Hierarchy Process.Thirteen sub criteria and three criteria were considered in the question on the survey and almost all of the respondents responded that these criteria and sub criteria were necessary in the criteria for the ranking of rural road projects fromthe point of sustainability. The result of the case study in Dang District of Nepal is also presented in thisarticle.
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Evaluation Criteria, Nepal, Rural Roads, and Sustainability
[1]. World Bank, 2011. Rural population (% of total population) Data Graph. World Bank. Available at:
[2]. World Highways, 2011. World Highways - Rural roads important to global development. Available at:
[3]. Nutley, S., 1996. Rural transport problems and non-car populations in the USA: a UK perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 4(2).
[4]. Quinet, E., 2000. Evaluation methodologies of transportation projects in France. Transport Policy, 7(1), pp.27–34.
[5]. Vickerman, R., 2000. Evaluation methodologies for transport projects in the United Kingdom. Transport Policy, 7(1), pp.7–16.
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Abstract: This paper presents the performance analysis of the recuperators of two oil fired aluminium melting furnaces for the loading and melting condition. The melting capacities of the furnaces are 750 kg and 500 kg. The operating conditions for the furnaces during loading and melting conditions are varied every 10 minutes with respect to the variation in load in the furnace. Each variation corresponds to a state, thus each condition has 4 states. The mass flow rates and temperatures at each state during melting and loading condition are estimated for both he furnaces. Corresponding operating parameters are calculated for each furnace for loading and melting condition. Subsequently, performance parameters are calculated. Then the performance of the recuperator is compared and analyzed for each condition and both the furnaces. An experimental comparative study is presented for the loading and melting conditions and also for both the furnaces.
Keywords: Recuperator, melting condition, loading condition, furnace
[1] Alireza Bahadori, 2011. Simple method for estimation of effectiveness in one tube pass and one shell pass counter-flow heat exchangers, Applied Energy, Vol. 88, pp 4191-4196
[2] Aquaro D. and Pieve M., 2005. High temperature compact heat exchangers: Performance of Advanced Metallic Recuperators for Power Plants, Fifth International Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology, pp 238-246.
[3] Awad B.S. et al , 2013. Effectiveness-NTU relations for parallel flow heat exchangers: The effect of kinetic energy variation and heat leak from outside, International Journal Of Refrigeration, Vol. 36 , pp 1557-1569
[4] Frithjof Engel, David Meyer, 2013. Experimental Characterization of the Thermal Performance of a Finned-tube Heat Exchanger, 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop: 2013 Proceedings
[5] Geert Buckinx et al , 2013. Thermal design and optimization of small-scale high effectiveness cross-flow heat exchangers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 60, pp 210-220.