Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2014)
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Abstract: Today in India eco-friendly vehicles are spreading like fire. It includes CNG, LPG, and Electricity/Solar Powered engine/motor vehicles. Their efficiency is ranging from 75%-89% efficient as compared to gasoline & diesel variants whose efficiency is almost 25%-35%. But if we are taking about air compressed engines it is up to 95%. Vehicles working on gasoline (petrol) and diesel engines produce exhaust like CO, CO2N2O etc. Whereas vehicles working on CNG, LPG, Battery Power and Compressed Air don't produce any kind of exhaust or harmful gases. Now days,
[1]. CNG,"CNG NOW ", https://
[2]. Liquefied Petroleum Gas, "LPG SPECS",
[3]. Efficiency, "Air Car ",
[4]. Compressed Air, "Compressed Air Cars",
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Fly ash on Strength Characteristics of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Pavan, S. Krishna Rao |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11620408 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper the behaviour of roller compacted concrete pavement with fly ash is examined. In the preparation of fly ash roller compacted concrete (FRCC), the maximum aggregate size was 20mm in all of the mixtures which were designed using maximum density method. The cement content of the control mixture was 318kg/m3.Cement was replaced at various percentage levels such as 20%,40%,and 60% besides control concrete was also prepared for comparison purpose. Compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength were determined at 3,7 and 28 days. Test results indicate that the mixtures where cement was substituted with fly ash, increasing the fly ash content caused reduction in compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strength values at all of the ages up to 28days.
[1]. ACI 325 10R-95,state-of-the-Art report on roller compactedconcrete pavements, ACI manual of concrete practice, ACI,USA, 2000:32PP
[2]. R Piggot, Roller compacted concrete for heavy dutypavement:past performance , Recent projects and recommended constructed methods, TRR 1062, NationalResearch Council , Washington ,DC,1986,pp7-12
[3]. Hisham Y Qasrawi, Ibrahim M AsiH.I.Al-AbdualWahhab, Proportioning RCCP mixes under hot weather conditions for a specified tensile strength, cement and concrete research, 35(2005) 267-276.
[4]. Ali Mardani-Aghabagolu,Kambiz Ramyar (2013),Mechanicall properties of high volume flyash roller compacted concrete designed by maximum dr density method Construction and building materials 38(2013)356-364
[5]. Cheng Cao,Wei sun,Honggrn Qin,The analysis on Strength and fly ash effect of roller compacted concrete with high volume fly ash
[6]. S.KrishnaRao, Dr.T.ChandraSekharRao, Dr.P.Sravana"Effect of Manufacture sand on Strength Characteristics of Roller Compacted Concrete", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 2, February- 2013,
[7]. S.KrishnaRao,Dr.T.ChandraSekharRao,Dr.P.Sravana, "Mix Design of Roller Compacted Concrete: An experimental Study Using Crushed Stone and River Sand as Fine Aggregate" National Conference on SCMAT, NIT Warnagal, 2013
[8]. IS:516-1959, "Indian standard code of practice-methods of test for strength of concrete",Bureau of Indian standards,New Delhi.India.
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Abstract: GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced plastic) composite materials are find many applications in engineering fields like mechanical and civil engineering applications. It is because of the properties of these materials like light weight when compared to other materials, durability, rust proof and many more. The composite cylindrical shells are being used very widely in underground pipelines, Aerospace industries, submarines and so on. In present study, the buckling of thin walled glass reinforced polymer cylindrical shells with and without cutouts has been investigated by applying axial load on the shells. The results which were obtained in this experiment will show how the imperfections like cutouts will affect the buckling behavior of the shells.
Key words: Composite, cylindrical shell, cut outs, buckling.
[1]. Autar K. Kaw, 'Mechanics of Composite Materials', Second edition.
[2]. R. M. Jones, 'Mechanics of Composite Materials', Second edition.
[3]. Alkis Paipetis, 'Composite Materials: Mechanical Behavior & Testing'.
[4]. Dr. Dan Adams, 'Composite Materials Test Methods', September 14-16, 2010.
[5]. Jin Guang Jeng, Applied Mechanics, 'Buckling of thin shells: Recent advances and Trends', Rev. vol.49, No.4, 1996.
[6]. Dr. Mark V. Bower 'Composite Materials'.
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Abstract: With the advent of science and technology there is a rapid growth in all the fields in the world. The innovations in the various fields are making the world a better mobility to the people. These technological booms have moved the field of structural engineering in leaps and bounds. This project deals with the analysis of multi span simply supported bridge and design of bridge structure manually. This high level bridge is designed as the proposal for replacement of the existing causeway located at Sathyamanagalam - Periyakodiveri road.
[1]. Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges (IRC :6- 2010)' Published by Indian Road Congress.
[2]. Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges (IRC :6 -2000)' Published by Indian Road Congress.
[3]. Indian standard plain and reinforced concrete code of practice (IS 456:2000)' published by Bureau of Indian Standards.
[4]. Limit state design of reinforced concrete'byDr.P.C.Punmia, published by Laxmi publications Pvt.Ltd.
[5]. Continuous prestressed concrete girder bridges' by Mary Beth D.Hueste Published by Texax Transportation Institute.
[6]. Seismic performance of multi span simply supported highway bridge having steel Girders' by Murat Dicleli Published by Elsiver science Ltd.
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Abstract: Heat dissipation is a major aspect in many applications involving thermal energy. Thermal performance can be enhanced considerably using fins. In this paper perforated fins with varying contact ratio with base plate are analyzed for the augmentation of heat transfer from the base plate. Comparison of Nusselt number with Reynold number has been done for various configurations of fins in this study.
Keywords: Ansys Fluent 13.0, base contact ratio, CFD and Finite Element Method, perforated fins.
[1]. Kavita H. Dhanawade , Vivek K. Sunnapwar and Hanamant S. Dhanawade "Thermal Analysis of Square and Circular Perforated fin Arrays by Forced Convection" International Journal of Cultural Engineering and Technology, 2, February 2014 , pp.109-114
[2]. Kavita H. Dhanawade, Vivek K. Sunnapwar, and Hanamant S. Dhanawade "Optimization of Design Parameters for Lateral Circular Perforated Fin Arrays under Forced Convection" Heat Transfer Asian Research, 00(0), 2014, pp 1-16
[3]. B. V. S. S. S. Prasad & A. V. S. S. K. S. Gupta "Note on the Performance of an Optimal Straight Rectangular Fin with a Semicircular Cut at the Tip" Heat Transfer Engineering, 19:1 , 1998, 53-58
[4]. U. Akyol and K. Bilen, "Heat transfer and thermal performance analysis of a surface with hollow rectangular fins" Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 2006, pp. 209-216.
[5]. N. Souidi, A. Bontemps, Countercurrent gas- liquid flow in plate –fin heat exchangers with plain and perforated fins"International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 22 , 2001, pp. 450-459.
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Abstract: In a restaurant waiting for service is a common phenomenon for the customer. Restaurant owners are not concerned about the matter of waiting customer though they do not want their customer would go another competitor's door. There are several determining factors for a restaurant to be considered as a good or a bad one. Taste, cleanliness, the restaurant layout and settings are some of the most important factors. These factors, when managed carefully, will be able to attract plenty of customers, However, there is also another factor that needs to be considered especially when the restaurant has already succeeded in attracting customers. This factor is the customers queuing time.
1]. T. Altiok and B. Melamed, Simulation Modeling and Analysis with ARENA. ISBN 0-12-370523-1. Academic Press, 2007.
[2]. D.M. Brann and B.C. Kulick, "Simulation of restaurant operations using the Restaurant Modeling Studio," Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press, Dec. 2002, pp. 1448 -1453.
[3]. S. A. Curin, J. S. Vosko, E. W. Chan, and O. Tsimhoni, "Reducing Service Time at a Busy Fast Food Restaurant on Campus," Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press,Dec. 2005.
[4]. K. Farahmand and A. F. G. Martinez, "Simulation and Animation of the Operation of a Fast Food Restaurant," Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press, Dec. 1996, pp. 1264-1271.
[5]. A. K. Kharwat, "Computer Simulation: an Important Tool in the Fast-Food Industry," Proceedings of the 1991 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press, Dec. 1991, pp. 811-815.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of Adequacy Fishery Port Infrastructure (Case Study on Fishery Port Mimbo Situbondo) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Noor Salim |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11623646 ![]() |
Abstract: Fishery Port City Beach is located in the district of Situbondo Banyu Putih which is approximately 50 km from the city center. Exact location of the fishery port in the district directly adjacent to the Banyu PutihBanyuwangi industrial plant which contained fish canning factory in the district Muncar.In development ,thisport functions not only as a fishery port but also, as the crossing place to theSepudi island which is included of Madura district. Different from the original plan, transportation within the port has changed. Reserved parking area no longer function optimally.
[1]. Morlok, Edward K. Pengantar Teknik dan Perencanaan Transportasi. Erlangga. Jakarta. 1988.
[2]. Nasution, H.M.N.MS.Tr. Manajemen Transportasi Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta. Juni 1996.
[3]. Ofyar Z. Tamin, 2000, Perencanaan dan Permodelan Transportasi, PenerbitITB, Bandung.
[4]. Triatmodjo, Bambang. Pelabuhan. Beta Offset. Yogyakarta. Februari 1996.
[5]. Widyahartono, Bob. Manajemen Transportasi. Depdikbud Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta. 1986.
[6]. ----------, 1996 Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Fasilitas Parkir. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat, Departemen Perhubungan.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion Engine- A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pravin Kumar, A. Rehman |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11624767 ![]() |
Abstract:At present, it is highly required from the automobile sector to develop clean technologies with lower fuel consumption for ambient air quality improvement, green house gas reduction and energy security. Furthermore, due to continuously stringent emission legislation and the fast depletion of the primary energy resources, the development of new highly efficient and environment friendly combustion systems becomes of paramount importance and hence research need to be done in this area. One such combustion system is Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) technology.
[1]. Mourya RK, Agarwal AK. Experimental study of combustion and emission characteristics of ethanol fuelled port injected homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion engine. Applied Energy 2011; 88:1169-1180.
[2]. Mourya RK, Agarwal AK. Experimental investigations of performance, combustion and emission characteristics of ethanol and methanol fuelled HCCI engine. Fuel Processing Technology 2014; 126:30-48.
[3]. More FX, Sams T, Cartellieri W. Impact of future exhaust gas emission legislation on the heavy duty truck engine. SAE paper 2001-01-0186; 2001.
[4]. Lu XC, Han D, Huang Z. Fuel design and management for the control of advanced compression-ignition combustion modes. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2011; 37: 741-83.
[5]. Ganesh D, Nagarajan G. Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion of diesel fuel with external mixture formation. Energy 2010; 35: 148-57.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Mechanical Behaviour of Hybrid Reinforced Composite |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Vignesh, M.Sengottaiyan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11626870 ![]() |
Abstract: Over the last thirty years composite materials, plastics & ceramics have been the dominant emerging materials. The volume & number of applications of composite materials have grown steadily, penetrating and conquering new markets relentlessly. The composites have already proven their worth as weight-saving materials. The increasing demand for using environmentally friendly materials leads to usage of natural fibres. The fibres are reinforcement with polymers have gained importance due to its better properties. Natural fibers are not only strong and light weight but also relatively very cmaterials cheap and these fibers improve the environment sustainability of the parts being constructed.
[1]. ZuzanaJAMRICHOVÁ , Eva AKOVÁ. Mechanical testing of natural fiber composites for automotive industry.University Review, Vol. 7, 2013, No. 3, p. 20-25.
[2]. S.S.Suradi,R.M.Yunus,M.D.H.Beg,M.Rivai,Z.A.M.Yusof.Oil palm bio-fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites-effects of matrix modification on mechanical and thermal properties.Journal of applied science 10(24):3271-3276,2010.
[3]. D. NABI SAHEB and J. P. JOG. Natural Fiber Polymer Composites: A Review. Advancement in Polymer Technology 18: 351–363, 2000.
[4]. AndressaCecília Milanese, Maria OdilaHilárioCioffi and Herman JacobusCornelisVoorwald.Mechanical behavior of natural fiber composites.Procedia Engineering 10 (2011) 2022–2027.
[5]. Syed AltafHussain*,V.Pandurangadu,K.Palanikuamr. Mechanical properties of green coconut fiber reinforced hdpe polymer composite.ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3, No. 11 November 2011.7952.
[6]. Vivek Mishra*, SandhyaraniBiswas. Physical and mechanical properties of bi-directional jute fiber epoxy composites. Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 561 – 566.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solar Cell Made Using Graphene |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Naveen Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11627181 ![]() |
Abstract:The principal objective of this paper is to demonstrate the capability of graphene in making energy efficient solar panels inexpensively. Comparing to silicon solar cells , graphene solar cells are more efficient and provides double the power output in less time. Checking out the difference for the selection of elements between silicon and graphene, graphene leads with respect to properties like electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, material strength and flexibility. The main difference is its inexpensiveness. Where there is increase in population and insufficient power production in villages ,small scale industries ,graphene solar panels will be installed to gain additional power without any problem .Researchers and industrialists quote graphene as the nearby future for power supply.
[1]. Yong-Tae Kim, Department of Chemistry, BK-21 School of Chemical Materials Science SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology, Sungkyunkwon University, Swon, Korea
[2]. Byung Hee Hong, Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
[3]. Daeheon Choi, Department of Chemistry & Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464- 8620 Japan.
[4]. Yasuo Azuma,Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8503,Japan
[5]. Ting YU,Division of Physics and Applied, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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Abstract: In this paper an experimental study was performed to observe the effect of fill volume ratio, inclination angle and heat input supplied to understand the heat transfer characteristics of a two phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) charged with glycol and water. For the experimentation purpose four copper TPCT's of same dimensions were designed which are filled with aqueous solution of Propylene Glycol (PG) with 50% purity and De-ionized (DI) water with fill volume ratio of 40% and 60% and are heated with hot water in evaporator jacket from 60°C to 90°C.
[1] Yogesh S. Gandal and Vinayak M. Kale, Experimental investigation of two phase closed thermosyphon using propylene glycol as a working fluid, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 3(8), 2014, 479-485.
[2] S. Seshan and D. Vijaylaxmi, Heat Pipes - Concepts, Materials and Applications, Energy Conservation and Management, 26(1), 1986, 1-9.
[3] H. Li, A. Akbarzadeh and P Johnson, The thermal characteristics of a closed two-phase thermosyphon at low temperature difference, Heat Recovery Systems & CHP, 11(6), 1991, 533-540.
[4] S. H. Noie, M. R. Sarmasti Emami, M. Khoshnoodi, Effect of inclination angle and filling ratio on thermal performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon under normal operating conditions, International Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering, 28(4), 2010, 365-371.
[5] M. Karthikeyan, S. Vaidyanathan, B. Sivaraman, Heat transfer analysis of two phase closed thermosyphon using aqueous solution of n-butanol, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(6), 2013, 661-667.