Version-5 (Nov-Dec 2014)
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Abstract: The high-alkaline red coloured, dust-like industrial waste (bauxite residue) from allumina industry has already crossed the mark of 3 billion tonnes, globally. Every year about 120 million tonnes of bauxite residue is freshly disposed off into stock-piling yards. Bulk utilization of bauxite residue (red mud) has been, and continue to be a great challenge for all the stake-holders of the aliumaia industry. Concrete is the second largest consumable material in the world. Annual consumption of concrete and allied products is over 20 billion tonnes per annum, globally. Ever increasing demand of concrete for housing and infrastructure construction is posing a great threat to the environmental. In this paper, an attempt is made here, to utilize red mud as a partial substitute material for fine particles in concrete. For this, an experimental study is carried out by casting concrete cube moulds for 0%(control mix), 7%, 14%, 21%, 28% replacement of fine particles in concrete with red mud. It is found that red mud concrete, thus produced, gives better compressive strength to the concrete. Thus bulk utilization of red mud in concrete will reduce it's content in stock-piling yards of allumina industries, It would also conserve natural materials to support sustainable development.
Keywords: Aggregate, bauxite residue, red mud concrete, sustainable development, tensile.
[1]. Power, G., Grafe, M., and Klauber, C., "Review of Current Bauxite Residue Management, Disposal and Storage: Practices,
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[3]. Annual report, Chapter V, Department of Ministry of Mines, India 1999-2000,
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industries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2006 ;( 48):301–314.
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Abstract: High toughness and good oxidation resistance is achieved by using austenitic stainless steels at temperatures that range from cryogenic temperatures, to elevated temperatures. The embrittlement phenomenon in 304L and 316L austenitic stainless steel welds exposed to high temperature is accelerated by the existence of delta ferrite which further transforms to intermetallic phases. Cracks can also occur in various regions of the weld with different orientations, in the underlying weld metal or adjacent HAZ due, to low-melting liquid phases, which allow boundaries to separate under the thermal and shrinkage stresses during weld solidification and cooling. Specific alloy composition and alloying additions can also have a major effect on weldability, mechanical properties and the as microstructure of weldment. Competing factors add to the complexity of the phenomenon, but must be examined in order to learn how to limit detrimental effect. The review concentrates on effect of various embrittlement mechanisms on nuclear materials (304L & 316L austenitic stainless steel) to provide an initial source of information for materials selection by designers and operators and for failure analysis.
Keywords: Austenite, Embrittlement, Fatigue, Ferrite, Sigma phase, Stress corrosion cracking, Thermal Aging,
[2] Kain V. K., Reactor Technology & Engineering, Barc Highlights, pp:179-180.
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[10] David S.S., Vitek J.M. (1997) Embrittlement of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds, Proceedings of National Welding Seminar, India.
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Abstract: Difference in perception frequently occurs between the service quality provided by the provider of public transport services and the passengers' expectation. The objective of this research was to identify the level of passengers' satisfaction of the service quality provided by intercity public transport in Banjarmasin. Furthermore, from the identification results, strategy priority on the service quality improvement was determined. An assessment of satisfaction and performance was divided into five determinants (reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness) which were described in 16 attributes of service quality. The attribute data were the results of the central tendency testing by using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The assessment technique approach was subsequently used Importance-Performance analysis. From the analysis result, it is found that the service quality as the major priority for improvement are: (1) reliability includes arrival punctuality of intercity public transport in destination cities, (2) assurance includes security and safety of luggage and passengers guarantee, and the employees' friendliness in giving service, as well as (3) tangibles, especially for passengers' comfort on the vehicles. In addition, the performance that should be improved (low priority) is the attributes of the availability of complete supporting facilities and guarantee to problem solving.
Keywords: Importance-Performance analysis, intercity public transport, service quality.
[1]. Kokku Randheer, Ahmed A. AL-Motawa, and Prince Vijay. J., Measuring Commuters' Perception on Service Quality Using SERVQUAL in Public Transportation, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 3(1), 2011, 21-34.
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[3]. Rhony Pati, Iphan F. Radam, and Asrul Arifin, Persepsi Penumpang Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Angkutan Travel Rute Muara Teweh – Banjarmasin, Proc. The Twelfth Symposium of Indonesian Inter University Transport Studies Forum, Surabaya: Petra Christian University, 2009, 1621-1633
[4]. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality, Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 1988, 12-40
[5]. Farida Jasfar, Kualitas Hubungan (Relationship Quality) dalam Jasa Penjualan: Pengaruh Hubungan Interpersonal Tenaga Penjualan pada Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa, Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2 (3), 2002, 18-30
[6]. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research, Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 1985, 41-50.
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Abstract: Comfort travel is order of the day for any automotives in spite of the road conditions. Suspension system holds whole and sole responsibility of providing comfort to the occupants. Intensity of the disturbance originated from road varies with its condition ranging from minimum in case of normal road (Moderately rough) to maximum in case of pot hole or speed breaker. Accordingly stiffness of the suspension system needs to vary which is not so with today's configuration. To provide solution to this problem a hybrid design has been evolved which will have provision for change over option between two springs with different stiffness values. To start with all the subsystems of the proposed design are identified and sizing of each is evolved through design. Further design adequacy has been assessed through Finite Element Analysis.
Keywords: Suspension system, Hybrid system, Stiffness, Cyclic motion, Automobile, Shock loads.
[1]. van Berkum, "Chassis and suspension design FSRTE02", Master‟s Thesis, Eindhoven, March 2006.
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Abstract: Non conventional power devices viz. Photo voltaic cells are not seeing much of light due to a practical draw back that sun should be normal to the plane of the device all the times. But presently non conventional power devices are being installed in a fixed position and in a day, position of sun keeps changes from morning till evening with relative to the non conventional power device. Because of this practical difficulty most of the time very minimal power that emits from the sun will be utilized for generating electricity. To overcome this limitation a trailer system is needed which enables the non conventional power device to change its orientation (Rotates) continuously such that it always remains normal to the sun with which effectiveness of the non conventional power devices can be increased tremendously. Existing systems are having electronic controllers which are complex to handle and also costlier. Moreover they demand more power for their own controller and also their maintenance is tedious. Hence a trailer system which dispenses utility of so called complex electronic controller through the aid of mechanical elements is evolved for non conventional power applications. To start with all the subsystems of the proposed configuration are identified and sizing is evolved through design calculations. Further design adequacy has been assessed through Finite Element Analysis.
Keywords: Nonconventional power device, Photo voltaic cell, Orientation, Configuration, Finite element analysis.
[1]. Nader Barsoum, and Pandian Vasant, "Simplified Non conventional Tracking Prototype", Journal on Technology & Optimization, 2010:Vol 1, pp.38-45.
[2]. Tiberiu Tudorache, and Liviu Kreindler, "Design of a Non conventional Tracker System for PV power Plants", 2010: Vol. 7, No. 1: pp. 23-39.
[3]. S. Lakeou, E. Ososanya, B.O. Latigo, and W. Mahmoud, "Design of a Low-cost Non conventional Tracking Photo-Voltaic (PV) Module and Wind Turbine combination System", Technical paper.
[4]. Asmarashid Ponniran, Ammar Hashim, and Handy Ali Munir, "A Design of Single Axis Sun Tracking System", The 5th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2011), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. 2011: p.107-110.
[5]. Toby Peterson, Justin Rice, and Jeff Valane, "Non conventional Tracker", Spring, 2005:.
[6]. Minor M. Arturo, and García P. Alejandro, "High precision non conventional tracking system", World Congress On Engineering, London, U.K. 2010:.
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Abstract: Structures in high seismic risk areas may be vulnerable to severe damage in a major earthquake. Structures designed to meet older code necessities may be at even greater risk. When these structures are evaluated with respect to current code criteria, it is observed that they lack of lateral strength or ductility. Since safety and economic considerations are major problems, these structures become viable candidates for retrofit and seismic strengthening. Diagonal bracing system is one of the retrofitting techniques and it provides an excellent approach for strengthening and stiffening existing building for lateral forces. Also, another potential advantage of this system is the comparatively small increase in mass associated with the retrofitting scheme since this is a great problem for several retrofitting techniques. In this study, the use of steel bracing for the strengthening of low, intermediate, and relatively low ductile reinforced concrete frames are investigated analytically. The ultimate lateral load capacities of the strengthened frames are determined by a load controlled static analysis. The tension member design based on IS: 800:2007 code and check its strength under earthquake loading. Keywords: X- bracing, Bare frame, Tension Member, Story Drift,
[1]. Agar, M., (2008). "Strengthening of reinforced concrete frames by using steel bracings." M.S.Thesis. The graduate school of natural and applied sciences of the Middle East technical university.
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[4]. Ghaffarzadeh, H. and Maheri, MR. (2006). Mechanical compression release device in steel bracing system for retrofitting RC frames. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 5:1.
[5]. IS:800:2007 , General Construction in Steel - Code of Practice.
[6]. IS:465:2000. Plain and Reinforcement Concrete - Code of Practice.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Failure cracks in reinforced concrete structures in Khartoum District |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr. Salih Elhadi Mohamed Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11653135 ![]() |
Abstract: Failure in reinforced concrete elements (Partial or complete collapse) may due to lack in design or in certainties of detailing or due to poor construction, or poor concreting and insufficient curing, or due to poor building materials, such as cement, aggregates and reinforcing steel. Failure in reinforced concrete structures may also due to the movement of foundations or due to excessive vibrations in the neibour-hoods. During the last 10 years (1998-2014) failure in reinforced concrete buildings in Khartoum district has been predominant. The research contained in this paper is a result of a series of scientific case studies regarding failure or at least deficiency in some building complexes in Khartoum district carried by the author during his professional practice through his consultant firm named (Thiga for Engineering Consultants and Experimentation) located in Khartoum.
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[5]. CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures, C&CA, London, 1979.
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Abstract: India is distinctive among developing countries for its fast-growing service sector and road transport is vital to India's economy, social integration and security needs of the country. Hence roads infrastructure from long run point of view with respect to quality in terms of load carrying capacity, performance, durability and economy is needed. But the aging of bituminous binders is one of the key factors determining the lifetime of an asphalt pavement. Aging in bitumen normally resulted from the weathering of the binder due to oxidation. Bitumen hardening occurs progressively during asphalt production, transportation, paving operation and thereafter during its service life. Gradual loss of visco-elastic properties of bitumen is due to hardening of asphalt material, consequently an increasing traffic loading will hasten performance failure of the pavement, frequency of traffic and changing environment.
[1]. Airey, G.D. (2002). "Rheological Evaluation of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Polymer Modified Bitumens", Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science Ltd, 16, 473-487.
[2]. Claudio Brovelli, LoicHilliou, YacineHemar, Jorge Pais, Paulo Pereira, Maurizio Crispino (2013), "Rheological characteristics of EVA modified bitumen and their correlations with bitumen concrete properties" / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 1202–1208, Elsevier Science Direct.
[3]. Gonzalez, O., Muno, M. and Santama, A. (2004). "Rheology and Stability of Bitumen-EVA Blends", European Polymer Journal, Elsevier Science Ltd, 40, 2365-2372.
[4]. Morales, M. and Partal, P. (2004). "Viscous properties and microstructure of recycled EVA modified bitumen", Fuel, Elsevier Science Ltd, 83, 31-38.
[5]. Praveen Kumar, M.R. Maurya, Manoj Gupta &Maninder Singh(2012) "Lab study on chemical and rheological changes in modified binders" Highway Research Journal, January – June 2012
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimizing Virtual Water as Irrigation Water Management Strategy in Egypt |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Ahmed H. Ibrahim |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11654151 ![]() |
Abstract: Egypt is known as one of the oldest agricultural civilizations; the River Nile allowed a sedentary agricultural society to develop thousands of years ago. Egypt is located in the hyper arid climatic zone, where rainfall is scarce and the desert covers most of the land. In addition to its fixed Nile quota, a deep non-renewable groundwater reservoirmay be utilized with a rate of 2.7 Billion cubic meters per year (bm3\year) over a period of 100 years. The water shortage is the main constraint and a major limiting factor facing the implementation of the country future economy. In this paper, the linear programming techniques have been used to minimize the virtual water of the current cropping pattern. The study proposed a cropping pattern can economized in water requirements and cultivated areas besides achieve the same level each crop production gained at the current status. The proposed scenario decreased the objective function by 5.59 %, the total cultivated area decreased by 204 thousand feddans, and the total water requirements decreased by 503 million cubic meters.
Keywords: Optimization, Virtual Water, Linear programming, Water resources management, Cropping Pattern.
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[6]. El-Sadek A."Virtual water: an effective mechanism for integrated water resources management". Agricultural Sciences Vol.2, No.3, 2011, 248-261.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite Element Analysis of Split Type Header in Air Cooled Heat Exchanger |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mukesh Kumar Singh || Abhishek Jain |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11655255 ![]() |
Abstract: Split type header is a part of tube bundle of an Air-cooled heat exchanger, used in refinery and oil & gas production. Typically, header can be considered as a pressure vessel subjected to uniform internal pressure. Hence the header and nozzle in various design and operating conditions needs to be checked and verified for soundness of participating components. Top plate due to uniform internal pressure in the nozzle & header plate can produce high-localized stress and deformation. If the components are not designed for these conditions, safety of the equipment is at stake. Hence check for the stress and displacement of the header during operating condition is carried out using finite element analysis software and observed that header nozzle is free from collapse and serviceability failure.
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[6]. K.satoh, J.Kubota, J.Kashiwakura and S. Maruyama, Structural integrity of heat exchanger component for top entry loop type FBR, Elsevier science publisher,Vol.E, 1993.
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Abstract: In recent days, light materials like aluminum alloys are becoming more prominent in real world.In this paper, the parametric design of aluminum alloy (AL 65032) is carried out for the optimum mechanical properties (UTS, 0.2% proof stress, percentage elongation) using Taguchi techniques. This paper considered only for weld conditions. Hence the parametric design is carried out for TIG welding with as weld condition and with control parameters gas pressure, current, groove angle and preheat. Three levels are considered for the control parameters based on the preliminary tests and analysis is carried out with L-9 orthogonal array.
Keywords: Aluminum alloy, Taguchi technique, TIG, UTS, proof stress, elongation.
[1]. Praveen. P, Yarrlagadda. P.K.D.V: Meeting Challenges in welding of Al-alloys through pulse gas metal arc welding, 'Journal of Material Processing Technology', Vol 164-165, (2005) pp.1106-1112 [2]. Mathers.G: The welding of aluminum and its alloys, Wood Head publishing Ltd, England, 2002 pp.4-5. [3]. Jang, K.C, Lee D.G, kuk. J.M, Kim I.S: Welding and environmental test condition effect in weldability and strength of Aluminum alloy, 'Journal of Material Processing Technioiogy', Vol 164-165, (2005), pp.1038-1045 [4]. John L; Campbell: Welding Aluminum Different, but not Difficult, 'Fabricator', May-June 1999, pp. 1-4. [5]. UgurEsme; MelihBayramoglu; YugutKazancoglu; SuedaOzgun: Optimization of Weld Bead Geometry In TIG Welding Process Using Grey Relation Analysis and Taguchi. Method, 'Materials and technology1 vol. 43, no.3, 2009, pp.143-149. [6]. Phadke, S. M: Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1989. [7]. ResitUnal; Edwin, B; Dean: Taguchi Approach To Design Optimization For Quality And Cost: An Overview, 'Annual Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts' 1991, pp. 1-10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluate Strength of Geopolymer Concrete by Using Oven Curing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. P. K. Jamdade || Prof. U. R. Kawade |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11656366 ![]() |
Abstract: Around 120 million tone of fly ash get accumulated every year at the thermal power stations in India. Similarly aggregate crusher units produce enormous quantities of stone dust, a waste product, produced during crushing of rubble. Due to scarcity of land disposal becomes a serious problem. Because of the growing concern with environmental issues and increasing interest in conservation of energy and resources, every country has to face the challenging problem that how to use or dispose this by-product within the framework of its economic structure. Due to this the fly ash is used as ingredients in concrete which enhance the properties of concrete and utilization of fly ash is helpful for consumption. In this study the alkaline solution of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide is mixed with processed fly ash to become geopolymer concrete. This concrete is cured at different condition and different temperature so as to increase the strength of concrete.
Keyword: Geopolymer Concrete, Processed Fly ash.
[1]. Atteshamuddin S. Sayyad and Subhash V. Patankar "Effect of Steel Fibres and Low Calcium Fly Ash on Mechanical and Elastic
Properties of Geopolymer Concrete Composites", Volume 2013, Article ID 357563, 8 pages, Indian Journal of Materials Science.
[2]. B. V. Rangan "Mix Design and Production of Flyash based geopolymer Concrete" Indian Concrete Journal, in 2008. 248-261.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Three-dimensional mesh generation using Delaunay triangulation |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Essaid El Kennassi || Lahbib Bousshine |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11656772 ![]() |
Abstract: Data structure is the entity which represents the shape geometry according to mesh topology. In this paper, we represent the geometry of some mesh shapes by using Matlab tools. This used data structure can be implemented to solve engineering physical problems. We create a Matlab code based on the CGAL Delaunay triangulation code. This code gives coordinates nodes and a shape of the mesh elements according to a given shape coordinates. Despite of the high number of commercial mesh generation software, their methodology is not specified. While our work gives a methodology by representing an explicit use of mesh generation.
Keywords: CGAL, Matlab, Mesh Generation, Methodology
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