Version-1 (Mar-Apr 2017)
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Abstract: Depletion of natural resources and new Environmental laws are preventing restrictive use of natural sand, thus the demand for quarry sand is increasing concrete construction. The properties of quarry sand depend upon basalt rock type from which it is derived. There is need to bring out suitable combination of natural sand and quarry sand along with other admixture to make concrete of desired performance. The present research is aimed at deciding the combination through gradation of aggregates, workability of concrete and compressive strength...........
Keywords: Cement, Fly ash (FA), Quarry sand, Workability.
[1]. Balamurugan,DrP.P.Perumal(2013)"Behaviorof concrete on Use of quarry dust to replace sand in concrete-An Experimental Study" International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,Vol. 3,No. 6, Dec 2013. pp776-7812.
[2]. Priyanka A. Jadhav and Dilip K. Kulkarni (2012)"An experimental investigation on the properties of concrete containing manufactured sand" International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945, IJAET/Vol.III/ Issue II/April-June, 2012/ PP101-104
[3]. Dr. A. D. Pofale, Syed Raziuddin Quadri 92013) "Effective Utilization of Crusher Dust in Concrete Using Portland Pozzolana Cement" International journal of scientific and Research Publication, Vol 3, Issue 8, August 2013. pp1-7
[4]. Sreekantan P, George Mathew,(2013) "Influence of quarry sand on the properties of high strength concrete containing low calcium fly ash", American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.2, pp.26-31.
[5]. Krishnamoorthi and G. Mohan kumar (2013)" Properties of green concrete mix by concurrent use of fly ash and quarry dust " ISOR Journal of Engineering ISSN-2250-3021, volume3, issue 8 (August2013)/V3/PP 48-54.
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Abstract: In India many foundries have followed conventional and manual operations. Foundry industries suffer from poor quality and productivity due to large number of process parameters combined with lower penetration of automation and shortage of skilled worker. Mould shifting, sand inclusions, poor surface finish, shrinkage, porosity, cold shut and flash are common casting defects in casting. Since casting process involves complex interaction among various parameters and operations related to metal composition, method designs, melting, pouring, shake-out, fettling and machining and hence need to improve. This Paper prescribes comprehensive review of work pertaining to process improvement techniques used for defect minimisation in casting.
Keywords: Casting design, Casting defect, Cause of defects, Yield improvement, Process improvement.
[1] Narayanswamy.C, Natrajan.K, Review Analysis of Casting Defect with Respect to Indian Standards in Cast Iron foundry, Journal of Chemical and pharmaceutical Science,2(2016)63-68,ISSN:0974-2115.
[2] Dr.Shivappa. D.N, Rohit, Bhattacharya Abhijit, Analysis of Casting defect and Identification of Remedial Measures-A diagnostic Study, International Journal of Engineering Inventions,6(2012)01-05,ISSN:2278-7461.
[3] Joshi Aniruddha, Jugulkar L.M, Investigation and Analysis of Metal Casting Defects and Defect reduction by Using Quality Control Tools, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering,2(2014)87-92,ISSN:2320-2092.
[4] Prof B.R. Jadhav, S.J. Jadhav, Investigation And Analysis Of Cold Shut Casting Defect And Defect Reduction By Using 7 Quality Control Tools, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies.(2013)28-30
[5] Jain Shalabh, Rajput Y.S, Minimisation of Defect in Aluminum Alloy Wheel casting Using 7QC Tools, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology,3(2015)280-283,ISSN No:2348-8190.
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Abstract: The present study concerned with the impact of velocity slip on MHD peristaltic flow through a porous medium with heat transfer is investigated. The relevant equations of flow with heat transfer have been developed. Analytic solution is carried out under long-wavelength and small Reynolds number approximations. The expressions for the stream function, temperature and the heat transfer coefficient are obtained. Numerical results are graphically discussed for various values of physical parameters of interest.
Keywords: Peristalsis, MHD, porous medium, slip flow, compliant walls.
[1] T.W. Latham, Fluid motion in a peristaltic pump, MS thesis, MIT Cambridge, MA, 1966.
[2] M.Y. Jaffrin, A.H. Shapiro, Peristaltic pumping, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 3 (1971) 13–16.
[3] G. Radhakrishnamacharya, V.R. Murthy, Heat transfer to peristaltic transport in a non-uniform channel, Def. Sci. 43 (1993) 275–
[4] G. Radhakrishnamacharya, C. Srinivasulu, Influence of wall properties on peristaltic transport with heat transfer, C.R. Mec. 335
(2007) 369–373.
[5] M.H. Haroun, Effect of Deborah number and phase difference on peristaltic transport of a third order fluid in an asymmetric
channel, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 12 (2007) 1464–1480.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Food Delivery Box Heating System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nikunjchaudhari || Yash shah || Deep shah || Amit patel |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402012426 ![]() |
Abstract: As we know that the food delivery is a major field now and needs to have improvement for maintaining proper quality of food as the present servicing system comprises an insulated box our project focus is on this area to enhance the existing system A system comprises a combination of heat exchanger utilizes the waste heat of said automobile exhaust and transfer it to said delivery box for maintaining the quality of food by maintaining the temperature. Said system has been integrated with sensors as well as flow control valves for improving the efficiency of the system.
Keywords: exhaust heat utilization, food delivery box, heating system, heat exchanger, flow control valve
[1]. Er. R. K. Rajput., "Heat and mass transfer, Fifth edition," (S. Chand Technical, 2012), 1-24, ISBN: 81-219-2617-3
[2]. Kothandaraman, C.P., Subramanyan, S., "Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, Seventh Edition
[4]. Mr. Krishna Asawa, Prof. VaibhavDighe,Mr. KhanduMahanor, Miss. UtkarshaKharade AND Miss. VinayaKulkarni "USE OF EXHAUST GAS HEAT TO KEEPFOOD DELIVERY ITEM WARM"IN IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Vol-2 Issue-3 2016
[5]. Lawrence H Horwitz " Reusable thermally insulated food delivery box" US patent US5190213
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Innovative Technique to Increase Lift of a Coanda UAV |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Maliheh Najafi || Mohsen Jahanmiri |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402012735 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, the effect of rotating vanes, installed on the body of the Coanda UAV is investigated both experimentally and numerically, with the aim of improving its aerodynamics performance. By constructing and testing two models of Coanda UAVs with and without axial vanes, for measuring the lift and dynamic pressure distribution on the body, 16% increase in lift is observed. In addition, a finite volume solver is utilized to investigate the flow over Coanda UAVs with and without rotating vanes. Numerical results show that the installed axial vanes on the Coanda UAV leads to increasing lift about 21%. The numerical results are in good agreement with the experiments. Overall, the results show that mounting axial vanes on the body of Coanda UAV increase lift. The consequences of installing an axial vane at the separation point of the fuselage surface on the overall lift of the Coanda UAV are discussed.
Keywords: Coanda effect, Experimental method, Numerical solutions, Unmanned aerial vehicle
[1] Barlow, C., Lewis, D., Prior, S.D., Odedra, S., Erbil, M., Karamanoglu, M., Collins, R., Investigating the Use of the Coandă Effect to Create Novel Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, In International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems Proceedings, number ISSN 2152-1522, 2009, pages 386–391.
[2] Feng, G., To Investigate Magnus Effect with Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis, Dublin Institute of Thechnology, Bachelor, School of Mechanical and Design Engineering, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland., 2009.
[3] Lift of Rotating Cylinders., "NASA Glenn Research Center" , available at:,2015.
[4] Nedelcut, F., Coanda Effect Uav–a New Born Baby in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Family, Review , Romania ministry of defence henri coanda air force academy,2010, pp. 21-28.
[5] Mirkov, N., and Rasuo, B., Numerical simulation of air jet attachment to convex walls and applications , Proceedings of 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences-ICAS, 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Issues on Design of Piled Raft Foundation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Padmanaban M S || Sreerambabu J |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402013640 ![]() |
Abstract: A piled raft foundation consists of a thick concrete slab reinforced with steel which covers the entire contact area of the structure, in which the raft is supported by a group of piles or a number of individual piles. Bending moment on raft, differential and average settlement, pile and raft geometries are the influencing parameters of the piled raft foundation system. In this paper, a detailed review has been carried out on the issues on the raft foundation design. Also, the existing design procedure was explained.
Keywords: Raft foundation, differential settlement, soil
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[5]. Poulos, H. G. (1994). An approximate numerical analysis of pile???raft interaction. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 18(2), 73–92.
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Abstract: Automation and robotics are two closely related technologies. Robotics is a form of industrial automation. An industrial robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to perform verity of tasks. In recent literatures most of the robotic shoulders incorporated spherical joints representing the function of glenohumercal articulation. The design of spherical joints is complicated and range of motions is limited. So in this project the kinematic analysis of 3-limb parallel mechanisms consisting of 2URP and 1RRP chain for the shoulder of a human robot is present................
Keywords: Automation, robotics, glenohumercal articulation, 2URP and 1RRP, sternoclavicular and scapulothoracic joints, manipulator, MATLAB
[1]. J.Lenarcic,M.M.stanisic,V.parenti-castelli,kinematic design of a humanoid robotic shoulder complex.
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[3]. J.Lenarcic,basic kinematic characteristics of humanoid manipulators,laboratory and automation.,vol.11,1999
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Abstract: In this work, the system of three coupled differential equations governing the generalised elastic thinwalled column buckling problem was solved by the finite Fourier sine transform method for the case of pinned ends. The boundary value problem was found to reduce to an algebraic eigenvalue eigenvector problem for which the characteristic buckling equation was found. Two cases were considered. For doubly symmetric sections, it was found that the buckling modes are uncoupled. For monosymmetric sections, it was found that one of the equations is uncoupled, while the other two are coupled..............
Keywords: Finite Fourier sine transform method, monosymmetric cross-sections, eigenvalue problem, characteristic buckling equation, Euler flexural buckling, torsional buckling.
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Abstract: This paper presents the flexural analysis using the Galerkin-Vlasov method for rectangular Kirchhoff plates with two opposite edges (y b) clamped and the other two opposite edges (x 0, x 2a) simply supported. The plate considered is assumed homogeneous and isotropic and submitted to a uniformly distributed load, p0 over the entire plate domain. The plate variational functional is constructed using the Galerkin-Vlasov philosophy by choosing the displacement shape functions to be a product of the eigen functions of a clamped – clamped Euler – Bernoulli beam in the corresponding clamped directions and the eigen function of a simply supported Euler..............
Keywords: Galerkin-Vlasov method, plate variational functional, eigenfunction, Kirchhoff plate, Euler- Bernoulli beam.
[1] Sebastian V.K. (1983): An elastic solution for simply supported rectangular plates. Nigerian Journal of Technology, NIJOTECH Vol.7 No1, Sept, 1983 pp 11-16.
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[4] Ventsel, E. and Krauthammer T. (2001): Thin Plates and Shells: Theory, Analysis and Applications Marcel Dekker Inc. New York USA.
[5] Reissner E. (1945): The effect of shear deformation on the bending of elastic plates. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol 12 pp A69.