Version-7 (Mar-Apr 2017)
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Abstract: The research work related to retrofitting of building and civil structural elements had been done by many engineers. It is an essential medicine required to be applied for enhancing the structural health of a structural element over a serviceability period of life. In general a beam or slab needs to carry an additional load as the purpose of occupancy has been changed over a period of time for a specified area in a building and it needs to be replaced for a very short difference in its load carrying capacity; in such case the application of the externally bonded Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) wraps can be a remedy or solution over the problem. In present study a detailed investigation on the concrete beam specimens............
Keywords: Cracking pattern, externally bonded, glass fiber reinforced polymer, retrofitting, shear capacity, strengthening, ultimate deflection, ultimate load
[1]. Ghogare, V. P.; and Varma, M. B., "Near Surface Mounted GFRP Strips: An Overview", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), Volume-03, Issue-06, June 2015, pp.662-666.
[2]. Murali, G.; and Pannirselvam, N., "Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminate: A Review", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 06, Issue 11, Nov 2011, pp.41-47.
[3]. Saafan, M. A. A., "Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using GFRP Wraps", Czech Technical University in Prague, Acta Polytechnica Volume-46 N0. 1/2006, pp.24-32.
[4]. Sawant, S. G.; Sawant, A. B.; and Kumthekar, M. B., "Strengthening of R.C.C. Beam- using Glass Fibre", International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), Volume-1, Issue-2, January 2013, pp.01-08.
[5]. Satpute A. S.; and Varma M. B., "Retrofitting of Concrete Beams Using Externally Bonded GFRP Wraps- an Overview", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), Volume-03, Issue-12, 2016, pp.720-723.
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Abstract: Precision in mechanical fastening plays a major role in joining of engineering structures. Reliability of the fastening process depends on the hole geometry. With the advent of technology in materials science, hybrid composites are considered materials of great potential for engineering applications. One advantage of hybrid composite materials for the designer is that the properties of a composite can be controlled to a considerable extent by the choice of fibres and matrix. As tool geometry plays a major role in producing a quality hole with minimum damage. Hence it is important to thoroughly investigate the drill bit performance in terms of producing a better hole quality..........
Keywords: Drilling, Tool geometry, hybrid composites, hole geometry, surface quality
[1]. W. K¨onig, Ch.Wulf, P. Graß, H.Willercheid, Machining of fibre reinforced plastics, Ann. CIRP 34 (1985) 537–548.
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Abstract: The development of Agropolitan commodities in Enrekang Regency is more increase, especially transportation demand for inter-regional trading commodities, moreover ushered inter-island trade. Transport commodity with conventional systems (truck), leading to container transport in anticipation of cargo to be delivered inter-island. This study analyzes the container transport demand for Agropolitan commodities that may be boxed and its relation to the performance of the road construction and geometric as well as access to terminal handling Agropolitan roads in supporting the container transport..........
Keywords: Demand of Trading, Container transport, Road Geometric
[1]. Tamin, OZ, 2002. Planning and Transport Modeling, Volume 2. Publisher ITB. Bandung
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[5]. Jinca, M.Y., (2008), Anticipation the Growth of Container Technology to the Infrastructure and Transport Facilities Multimodal,
Publication FSTPT, UGM.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Behaviour of High Strength Concrete Using Cement Kiln Dust and Silica Fume |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Gayathri || Dr. K.Rajasekhar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402072326 ![]() |
Abstract: The present investigation to assess the properties of concrete containing cement kiln dust (CKD). Concrete specimens were prepared with 0% CKD, 10% and 20% CKD as a replacement of cement weight, 10% and 20% CKD. Ordinary Portland cement (O.P.C., 53 grade) was used throughout this investigation. The properties of concrete specimens were evaluated by measuring workability (using slump test), compressive strength, split tensile strength and Flexural Strength.. The compressive strength increased in the concrete mixtures including 10% CKD (as an addition of cement weight) and 5%, 10% Silica fume as an addition of cement weight with super plasticizers..........
Keywords: Cement kiln dust (CKD), Portland cement, Mechanical properties of concrete, Silica fume of concrete, Workability, Super plasticizers
[1]. Al-Mabrook, F.A. 2010. Utilization of dust profile path of cement factory in producing low-cost building materials. Civil Department, College of Engineering, Qar Younis, Libya. The 11th Arabic Conference of Mineral Wealth. Trablus
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Properties of Papercrete Concrete: Building Material |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Mr. Yogesh D. Shermale || Dr. Mahaveer B. Varma |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402072732 ![]() |
Abstract: A detailed investigation on papercrete specimen of size 100×100×100 mm made with different ingredients like sand, fly ash and glass fiber was carried out after 28 days of air curing. Papercrete is a new construction material made with waste paper, cement and water. Papercrete had been used to build low cost homes without much knowledge of its structural properties. The purpose of this study is to obtain compressive strength and mass density of papercrete by doing some trial mixes of papercrete with different ingredients. From this study it has been observed that the papercrete is a lightweight material and it can be used as an infill material in high rise buildings.
Keywords: Papercrete, wastepaper, compressive strength, mass density, lightweight material.
[1]. Fuller, B. J.; Fafitis, A. P.; and Santamaria, J. "Structural properties of a new material made of waste paper"Building Integration
Solutions (AEI) 2006, pp. 1-16.
[2]. Titzman, L. C., "Analysis of Low Cost Building Material for the Mix Alco Process" Texas A & M University, 2006.
[3]. Shukeri, R. B. and a Naser, A. G. "Concrete Mix with Wastepaper" 2nd international conference on built environment in developing
countries (ICBEDC 2008), pp. 567-575.
[4]. Yun, H.; Jung, H.; Choi, C., "Mechanical Properties of Papercrete Containing Waste Paper", Architectural Institute of Korea, 2007.
[5]. Mandlik, D. N. and Varma, M. B. "Effect of Anti-Crack High dispersion Glass Fibers on Split Tensile Strength of Self Compacting
Concrete", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD),Vol. 3, Issue 07, ISSN (online): 2321-0613,
pp.216-219, 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | In-Pipe Turbine Design for Turbo Solenoid Valve System |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Y.Mutlu || M.Çakan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402073341 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is about the design of a turbine for a turbo-solenoid system which is an innovative patented system. Turbo solenoid system is a newly developed, self-sufficient system, which can be used for flow control automation. Thanks to its self-sufficiency, flow control can be performed without any cables for energy supplying or control.In a turbo-solenoid system, turbine is certainly the most important element. Therefore the main aim of this paper is, design of a suitable in-pipe turbine for turbo solenoid system by using CFD analysis. In this context, different types of turbines; Darrieus, Gorlov and Lucid® which are suitable for in-pipe applications have been examined...........
Keywords: CFD, Flow Control , In-Pipe Turbine, Process Automation, Self-Sufficient Sysytem, Solenoid Valve
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of Steel Scrap in Structural Concrete |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Abdul Rahman || Syed Mustafa Ali || Syed Azeemuddin |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402074247 ![]() |
Abstract: This project work emphasis on the study of using steel scrap and manufacture sand in the innovative construction industry. "Steel scrap" concrete is a concrete containing fibrous material that is uniformly distributed and casually oriented. The steel scrap waste material which is obtainable from the lathe can be used as steel fiber for the innovative construction industry and in pavement construction. It is generated by each lathe industries Dumping of these wastes contaminates the soil and groundwater, which creates a harmful environment. In addition, to get sustainable...............
Keywords: Steel Scrap, Manufacture sand, Compressive strength, Tensile strength.
[1]. Aravindan, S., and Arunkumar, C.D., (2013), "Experimental Studies on Fiber Reinforced Concrete from Industrial Waste", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.18, pp 1738-1744.
[2]. Ashok, S.P., Suman, S. and Chincholkar, N., (2012), "Reuse of Steel Scrap from Lathe Machine as Reinforced Material to Enhance Properties of Concrete", Global Journal of Engineering & Application Sciences, Vol.10, pp.164-167.
[3]. Shrivastavaa, P., Joshib, Y.P., (2014), "Reuse of Lathe Waste Steel Scrap in Concrete Pavements", Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 12(Part 4), pp.45-54.
[4]. Shukla, A.K., (2013), "Application of CNC Waste with Recycled Aggregate in Concrete Mix", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp 1026-1031.
[5]. Vijayakumar, G., Senthilnathan, P., Pandurangan, K. and G Ramakrishna, (2012), "Impact and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Lathe Scrap Reinforced Concrete", International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER) ISSN 2319 – 6009, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 60-66.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modal Analysis of Hipped Hypar Shell by Using ANSYS |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Umale Shubhangi Tejrao || Dr. Shinde Sangeeta B |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402074851 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present work, Finite element analysis is done by using FEM based software ANSYS (version 15) on hipped hypar shell with uniform pressure. The results obtained for two different material properties of steel and aluminium are compared by using modal static structural analysis. The analysis result of deformation upto eight mode with varryig frequency obtained by ANSYS are compared for two material properties. And these results are compared with regression analysis for accuracy.
Keywords: ANSYS (V15), Hipped Hypar Shell, Modal analysis, Regression analysis
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Abstract: The sustainable production ofself-compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC) is an environment friendly concrete which has lower carbon footprint as compared to that of conventional concrete. This paper presents the study of the fresh and mechanical properties for self-compacting geopolymer concrete, In addition to the physical properties. Some parameters were studied such as varying the molarity of sodium hydroxide from 8M to 14M, ratio of sodium hydroxide to sodium silicate solution were between (1:2 to 1:2.75),alkaline solution to fly ash ratio, extra water ratio, fly ash content was between 400 Kg/m3 to 500 Kg/m3, curing time, and curing temperature. Compressive...........
Keywords: Geopolymer, Self-Compacting, Fresh Properties, Compressive Strength, Dry Shrinkage
[1]. M Freed.............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seismic Performance of RC Frame Buildings Resting on Sloping Ground |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Kiran.T || N Jayaramappa |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402076774 ![]() |
Abstract: The structures are generally constructed on level ground; however, due to scarcity of level grounds the construction activities have been started on sloping grounds. There are two types of configuration of building on sloping ground, the one is step back and the other is step back setback. In this study, G+ 12 storeys RCC building and the ground slope for 200,300 & 400 have been considered for the analysis. A comparison has been made with the building resting on level ground (setback). The modeling and analysis of the building has been done by using structure analysis.............
Keywords: Sloping ground, Linear static analysis, Stepback, Stepback setback and Response spectrum analysis.
[1]. Birajdar.B.G,"Seismic analysis of buildings resting on sloping ground", 13thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Paper No. 1472, 2004.
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[4]. Mohammed Umar Farooque Patel et al "A Performance study and seismic evaluation of RC frame buildings on sloping ground" IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X-,2014, pp 51-58
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Abstract: To avoid the economic and environmental lost caused by failing buried pipes, it is a must to predict the mechanical behavior of the soil-pipe system. That is because different stiffness between the pipe and its surrounding soil leads to different deformations. The objective of this research is to correlate deformation and failure of buried pipes with the soil-pipe relative stiffness. To achieve a reliable level of precision, a finite element methods analysis was carried out assisted by the software Abaqus. Different physical and mechanical parameters of both pipe and soil were tested on the FEM software in order to find the desired correlation. When discretizing the soil, an adaptive.............
Keywords: Buried pipes, finite element methods, relative stiffness.
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Abstract: As the location of the epicentre is not known, it is necessary to determine the response of a structure for all possible orientations of the principal axes and design for the largest or critical response. In this paper, study has been made to examine the influence of the earthquake excitation angle on different types of building. Regular and irregular shape of building with G+9 stories are considered.A set of values from 0 to 90 degrees, with an increment of 10 degrees, have been used for angle of excitation. Building columns have been divided into three categories, including corner, side, and middle..............
Keywords: Angle of Excitation, Axial force of column, Plan Irregularity, Response spectrum analysis, E-Tabs.
[1]. Lopez, Oscar A. And Torres, R. (Sept. 1997). The critical angle of seismic incidence and the maximum structural response, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 26,no. 9, pp. 881-894.
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[5]. Angelo Marinilli and Oscar A.Lopez Professor, Instituto de Materials y Modelos Estrucutrales IMME Facultad de Ingenieria. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Evaluation of critical response and critical incidence angles obtained with RSA and RHA" The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008, Beijing China.
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Abstract: Planning of projects in construction industry is assuming a critical part inside the advancement of development industry. In any case, illustrating a fitting development arrange constitutes a standout among the most convoluted difficulties for development extend group. An extensive variety of arranging procedures have been examined and actualized however they are not sufficiently qualified to fulfill the craving of development gatherings and enhance the development execution. There is as yet a gigantic uniqueness among execution and arrange. In this manner, a proficient and viable arranging technique is seriously expected to improve the venture execution and to limit the danger of cost invading and postponements...............
Keywords: 4D modeling, development, construction, planning, , project
[1]. Karlshøj, J. (2012). Not simply CAD ++. BIM Journal, Vol. 3: No. 28, pp. 39-42.
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[4]. Khosrowshahi, F., and Arayici, Y. (2012). Guide for execution of BIM in the UK development industry. Designing, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 19: No. 6, pp. 610-635.
[5]. Keegan, C. J. (2010). Building data demonstrating in support of space arranging and redesign in schools and colleges. MSc Thesis, Construction Project Management, Faculty of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), U.S.A