Version-4 (Mar-Apr 2017)
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Abstract: Key quality characteristics identification of complex electromechanical products can be abstracted as the problem of dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data in the model. Its purpose is to reduce irrelevant and redundant quality characteristics under the condition of information without loss as far as possible. The definition and classification of quality characteristics are introduced in the paper based on the research on quality characteristics. The principle and method of key quality characteristics identification are analyzed and described, and the current researches at home and abroad are summarized. At last, a summary and outlook. are given..
Keywords: Complex electromechanical products, quality characteristics, key quality characteristics.
[1]. Li B H. The important technology of complex product manufacturing information system integrated manufacturing system of complex products. China Manufacturing Information, 2006, (14): 18-23.
[2]. Bai Y X, Zhao Y. Development trend and Countermeasures of China's equipment manufacturing industry in post crisis era Fujian Forum (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2010, (7): 4-8.
[3]. Wei S, Ruxin N, Jianhua L, et al. Assembly process simulation for flexible cable harness in complex electromechanical products. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2012, 6: 016.
[4]. Tang W B, Yu J F, et al. Study on the application of quantitative identification and decomposition method of the key characteristics of the product. Integrated Manufacturing System, 2011, 17 (11).
[5]. Pang J H. Research on some key technologies of design quality of complex electromechanical products. Chongqing University, 2011.
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Abstract: The work is carried out on composite leaf spring of a commercial vehicle. The purpose of this work is to carryout design and analysis of composite leaf spring with experimental design consideration and loading condition. The material of leaf spring is E-GFRC (Glass Fiber reinforced composite). The GFRC leaf springs are manufactured by hand lay-up method which were evaluated and study. The model of composite leaf spring is prepared and analyzed using ANSYS16.2 for the modal analysis under defined loading condition. The experimental and FEA result compared for validation.
Keywords: Composite Mono Leaf Spring, Vibration Analysis, FEA, FFT Analyzer..
[1]. Mohansing R. Pardeshi, Dr. (Prof.) P. K. Sharma, Prof. Amit Singh, Vibration Analysis of E-Glass Fiber Resin Mono Leaf Spring Used In Lmv, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, Volume No.02, Issue No. 05, May 2014,pp.305–311.
[2]. Pramod K Shinde,Piyush R Talekar,Y.Y.Kamble,Sandip Desai, "Vibration analysis of composite leaf spring used for passenger car", International Journal, Innovative Research in Science and Engineering, Vol.No.2,Issue 03,March 2016, pp. 676-683.
[3]. Prof.N.D.Patil,Prof.P.P.Awate,Prof.N.V.Hargude, "Analysis of Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composite Leaf Springs", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Vol.No.2,Issue 12, 2015, pp. 355-357.
[4]. Sagar B Mahajan, M.C.Swami, Parmeshwar Patil, "Experimental and FEA Analysis of composite leaf spring by varying thickness," International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol.No.4,Issue 01,January 2015, pp. 79-87.
[5]. N.Anu Radha, C.Sailaja , S.Prasad Kumar , U.Chandra Shekar Reddy & Dr. A.Siva Kumar, "Stress Analysis And Material Optimization Of Master Leaf Spring", International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013,pp.324-329..
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Abstract: Aerospace vehicle is divided into number of sections. Section-I is nosecone, Section-II contains payload, Section-III contains Navigation & Guidance systems & Section-IV contains Avionics Batteries and other Aerospace electronics sub-systems. The Section-IV is of 500mm length and 420mm diameter with 5mm thick airframe accommodating control batteries (thermal batteries 3 Nos) and Avionics battery (thermal, 1 No), Battery Voltage Monitoring Circuit (BVMC) package, Contractor Box and an Interface Mounting Plate. Control Batteries and Avionics Battery are mounted on a plate using clamps and brackets and other electronic units like BVMC and contractor Box are mounted using fasteners...........
Keywords: Aerospace Vehicle, Analysis, Battery, Mounting Plate, Section-IV
[1]. MIL-HDBK-5B, Metallik Material and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures, Department of Defence (DoD), Washington DC.
[2]. Theory of Plate & Shells-THIMOSHENKO
[3]. Finite Element Analysis by CS KrishnaMurhty
[4]. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering Practice by " Tirupati R. Chandrapatla and Ashok D. Belugundu"
[5]. Theory of Machines by SS Rattan.
[6]. Strength of Materials-B.C. Punmia.
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Abstract: Traffic related issues and road accidents are two of the major and persistent issues faced in everyday life. Traffic congestion can lead to drivers becoming frustrated and engaging road rage. Mostly these accidents mainly depend upon traffic conditions and driver behaviour. Driver's behaviour is one of the most concerned factor among this which includes aggressive or passive drivers, young inexperience drivers. The perceptual and cognitive factors involved are driver expectancy effect, glare, visibility, driver's dark adaption, road illusions & driver's perception reaction time........
Keywords: Accidents, Driver behaviour, Driving Simulator, Reaction time of Driver, Speed of Vehicle, Traffic conditions.
[1]. Anastasiya Shevtsova, Ivan Novikov, Alexey Borovskoy, "To determine methods and issues related to the determination of drivers reaction time", Transport Problems, Volume 10 Issue 3, 2015.
[2]. Jurecki R, Jaśkiewicz M, Guzek M, Lozia Z, Zdanowicz P. "Driver's reaction time under emergency braking a car – Research in a driving simulator," Eksploatacjai Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability 2012; 14 (4): 295–301.
[3]. Johan Olstama, Andreas Tapani, "A Review of Guidelines for Applying Traffic Simulation to Level-of-service Analysis", Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences 16 (2011) 771–780, 6th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Stockholm, Sweden June 28 – July 1, 2011.
[4]. Rafał Stanisław Jurecki, Tomasz L. Stańczyk, "The test metod and the reaction time of drivers", Eksploatacjai Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability · January 2011.
[5]. Atif Mehmood and Said M. Easa, "Modelling Reaction Time in Car-Following Behaviour Based on Human Factors," World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering Vol:3, No:9, 2009..
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Abstract: Mivan Technology is latest trend followed by developing and developed countries for mass housing projects. India being a developing country and shortage of houses for poor, this technology is nowadays widely used for government housing schemes and also by private construction companies. Mivan technology gives monolithic cellular structure with most minimum weight and the post failure damages get reduced considerably. The site selected for this project represents the rehabilitation of Malin village which was severely affected by landslide two years ago..............
Keywords: Aluminium Formwork, Mivan Technology, Honey-combing, Cracks, Super Plasticizer.
[2]. Dr. M. N. Bajad, Pawan S. Khandelwal, Avihv Vyavhare. "Comparative study of formwork" (ijoer, vol. 4., issue.32016 may-june) issn: 2321-7758 building construction)
[3]. Prof. C. S. Chavan, Lalit V. Rathod, Vishwas L. Nachare, Atul, B. Suryawanshi. "Cost Effective House by Using Various Construction Techniques and Materials"(IJOAR Volume : 4 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X)
[4]. Mr. Shankar Bimal Banerjee, Mr. Pawan Dilip Barhate, Mr. Vipul Pradip Jaiswal. "Mivan Technology"(.International journal of innovations in engineering research and technology [ijiert] Issn: 2394-3696 Volume 2, issue 3 march2015)
[5]. Umang Patel, Bhupendra M Marvadi, Ninjal M. Parekh. "Comparative Studies of Construction Techniques (Conventional Technique Vs Aluminium Formwork Techniques) ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 14 TO OCT 15 | Volume 3, Issue 2
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Abstract: Mivan Technology is latest trend followed by developing and developed countries for mass housing projects. India being a developing country and shortage of houses for poor, this technology is nowadays widely used for government housing schemes and also by private construction companies. Mivan technology gives monolithic cellular structure with most minimum weight and the post failure damages get reduced considerably. In this review paper we have studied the problem like Honey-combing, Cracks due to shrinkage of concrete and segregation. To tackle these deficiencies, improvements in characteristic in concrete for reducing the problems faced in constructions by using aluminium formwork or Mivan Technology.
Keywords: Aluminium Formwork, Mivan Technology, Honey-combing, Cracks.
[2]. Dr. M. N. Bajad, Pawan S. Khandelwal, Avihv Vyavhare. "Comparative study of formwork" (ijoer, vol. 4., issue.32016 may-june) issn: 2321-7758 building construction)
[3]. Prof. C. S. Chavan, Lalit V. Rathod, Vishwas L. Nachare, Atul, B. Suryawanshi. "Cost Effective House by Using Various Construction Techniques and Materials"(IJOAR Volume : 4 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X)
[4]. Mr. Shankar Bimal Banerjee, Mr. Pawan Dilip Barhate, Mr. Vipul Pradip Jaiswal. "Mivan Technology"(.International journal of innovations in engineering research and technology [ijiert] Issn: 2394-3696 Volume 2, issue 3 march2015)
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Abstract: In general, wind turbine blades operate in subsonic regions along with turbulent flow conditions. This paper deals with noise due to turbulent inflow around the blades based on Amiet's and Lowson's model formulation .This mechanism is predicted using numerical simulation for different observer azimuth positions and various rotor speeds of turbine. The influence of turbulence intensity, length scales on the sound pressure levels is illustrated. The effect of blade geometry characteristics on sound pressure levels is implemented. The influence on power production.......
Keywords: Turbulence intensity, Integral length scale, Sound pressure level, Wind Turbine, Airfoil.
[1]. R.K Amiet. Noise due to turbulent flow past a trailing edge. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 47(3) 387-393. (1976)
[2]. R.K. Amiet. High-frequency thin airfoil theory for subsonic flow. AIAA J., 14(8), 1076{1082, (1976).
[3]. M. S. Howe. The influence of vortex shedding on the generation of sound by convected turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 76(4), 711{740, (1976).
[4]. Richard D. Sandberg¤, Neil D. Sandham Noise due to unsteady flow past trailing edges University of Southampton, Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group, U.K.
[5]. P. Moriarty, P. Migliore. Semi empirical aero-acoustic Noise prediction code for Wind turbines. Technical Report, NREL. December 2003. NREL /TP-500-34478
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Abstract: The cardiovasualar diseases have become contemparary and continueosly growing problems. The main reason for such problems are the intra vessel depositions of plaque, cholesterol ect,. A traditional cure for such problems is implanting a stent. Stenting is one of the most impartent methods to treate atherosclerosis. Coronary stents are small metallic tubes in heart arteries to prevent the arteries from clossing up. Over 40 different types of stents are commercially available or in development and they are made up of stainless steel, Co-Cr alloy, plantinum, tantalum ect........
Keywords: CT Scan Data, Slices, 3D printing, FEA, Biocompatability
[1]. Pericevic, I., C. Lally, D. Toner and D.J. Kelly, 2009 "The influence of plaque composition on underlying arterial wall stress during stent expansion: The case of lesion-specific stents" Med. Eng. Phys., 31: 428-433.
[2]. Gu, L., S. Zhao, A.K. Muttyam and J.M. Hammel, 2010 "The relation between the arterial stress and restenosis rate after coronary stenting "
[3]. Chua S.N.D., MacDonald B.J., Hashmi M.S.J., 2002 " Finite-element simulation of stent expansion", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 120, 335-340
[4]. De Beule M., Van Impe R., Verhegghe B., Segers P., Verdonck P., 2006 "Finite element analysis and stent design- Reduction of dogboning", Technology and Health Care, 14, 233-241
[5]. Walke, W., Z. Paszenda and J. Filipiak, 2005 "Experimental and numerical biomechanical analysis of vascular stent". J. Mater. Process. Technol., 164-165: 1263-1268
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Abstract: The combustion process taking place inside the engine cannot be directly visualized for the analysis purpose but the same can be possible by performing the experiment and listing the data into graphical form and by the curves of graphs we can conclude the main core of the experiment. Generally combustion is divided into three major parts pressure-crank angle study, pressure-volume study & fuel-line pressure. This paper includes the study of combustion of CI engine when it is experimented by two different types of nozzles. The study gives a brief idea of the amount of pressure and volume attained inside the combustion chamber of CI engine.
Keywords: CI engine, Combustion analysis, pressure, volume, fuel line, nozzle
[1] R. Chen, & N. Milovanovic (2002), A computational study into the effect of exhaust gas recycling on homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion in internal combustion engines fuelled with methane. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 41(x), 805-813.
[2] H. Chen, S. Shuai & J. Wang, (2007), Study on combustion characteristics and PM emission of diesel engines using ester – ethanol – diesel blended fuels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31, 2981–2989.
[3] N. Saravanan, G. Nagarajan, G. Sanjay, C. Dhanasekaran & K. M. Kalaiselvan (2008), Combustion analysis on a DI diesel engine with hydrogen in dual fuel mode. Fuel, 87(17–18), 3591–3599.
[4] M. Canakci, A. N. Ozsezen, & A. Turkcan, (2009). Combustion analysis of preheated crude sunflower oil in an IDI diesel engine. Biomass and Bioenergy, 33(5), 760–767.
[5] K. Muralidharan, & D. Vasudevan, (2011). Performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a variable compression ratio engine using methyl esters of waste cooking oil and diesel blends. Applied Energy, 88(11), 3959–3968.
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Abstract: The performance of any engine can be determined by the efficiencies of engine. The research work in the field of performance includes the calculation and analysis of efficiencies and fuel consumption. The overall idea about the performance can be achieved by conducting the experiment. Moreover the study regarding the nozzle is also integrated in the research so that the main working principle and design of nozzle can be studied in detailed. Also the pollution is a major problem in today's life so this paper also includes the study and analysis regarding the exhaust gas emission created by the vehicles on road. Thus the integration of performance and emission study gives the perfect idea about the actual CI engine.
Keywords: CI engine, Efficiency, Emission, Nozzles, Performance, Combustion, Analysis
[1] D. H. Joshi & T.M. Patel, (2012). Parametric optimization of single cylinder diesel engine for pyrolysis oil & diesel blend for mechanical efficiency using taguchi method, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 1(4), 1–6.
[2] M. L. S. D. Kumar, S. Drakshayani, & K. V. K. Reddy, (2012). Effect of Fuel Injection Pressure on Performance of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine at Different Intake Manifold Inclinations. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2(4), 20–28.
[3] J. Kim, E. Yim, C. Jeon, C. Jung, & B. Han, (2012). Cold performance of various biodiesel fuel blends at low temperature. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 13(2), 293–300.
[4] K. Varatharajan & M. Cheralathan, (2013). Effect of aromatic amine antioxidants on NOx emissions from a soybean biodiesel powered di diesel engine. Fuel Processing Technology, 106(x), 526–532.
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Abstract: Currently several construction companies in USA, UK, Australia, Brazil, and Singapore have started to implement the lean construction to obtain better productivity in their current project. There are many challenges to implement the lean concept in construction industry. Due to lack of attention and illiteracy towards the lean management principle the owner, contractor, engineers etc. are still in developing stage to implement this principle in their project. This study has been carried out to explore the impact of lean construction practices and their applicabilityin the Indian construction industry.........
Keywords: Buildings, India,Lean construction
[1] Al-Aomar (2012), "Analysis of lean construction practices at Abu Dhabi construction industry", Lean Construction Journal pp 105-121.
[2] Alves, T., Milberg, C., and Walsh, K. (2010). "Exploring Lean Construction Practice, Research, and Education", Proceedings of 18th Annual Conference International Group for Lean Construction(IGLC 18), Haifa, Israel.
[3] Howell, G., Ballard, G. and Tommelein, I. (2011), "Construction Engineering Reinvigorating the Discipline", Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 137, No.10, pp. 740-744.
[4] Howard H., Bashford, Kenneth D., Walsh and Sawhney A. (2005), "Production System Loading–Cycle Time Relationship in Residential Construction", Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 131, No. 1, pp.15–22
[5] Chandrasekar A. and Logesh M (2014), "Effective Utilization of Lean Management in Construction Industry", Intl Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 12, pp.29-33.
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Abstract: This investigation was carried out to find the replacement of fossil fuels for solving the problem of large exhaust emissions from engine. The main purpose of research was to mix water with diesel and make stable emulsion using various types of surfactants for achieving the performance of engine as well as reduce the exhaust emissions from it. ED5( 93% Diesel, 5% Water, 1% Span 20, and 1% Tween 80) and ED10 ( 88% Diesel, 10% water, 1% Span 20, and 1% Tween 80) were made . These two fuels were stable in nature. So these both fuels were used as fuel in engine and results were obtained. Emission characteristics were also compared by taking parameters such as oxides of nitrogen (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2).
Keywords: C.I engine, Exhaust Emissions, Micro-explosion, NOx, Span20-tween80, W/D emulsion
[1] M. Reza, S. R. Hassan-beygi, B. Ghobadian, U. Desideri, M. Antonelli, and M. Ferguson, "Experimental investigation of a diesel engine power , torque and noise emission using water – diesel emulsions," vol. 166, no. November, pp. 392–399, 2016.
[2] R. R. Hegde et al., "Factors affecting emissions from diesel fuel and water-in-diesel emulsion," Energy Sources, Part A Recover. Util. Environ. Eff., vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1771–1778, 2016.
[3] M. Nadeem, C. Rangkuti, K. Anuar, M. R. U. Haq, I. B. Tan, and S. S. Shah, "Diesel engine performance and emission evaluation using emulsified fuels stabilized by conventional and gemini surfactants," Fuel, vol. 85, no. 14–15, pp. 2111–2119, 2006.
[4] M. E. A. Fahd, Y. Wenming, P. S. Lee, S. K. Chou, and C. R. Yap, "Experimental investigation of the performance and emission characteristics of direct injection diesel engine by water emulsion diesel under varying engine load condition," Appl. Energy, vol. 102, pp. 1042–1049, 2013.
[5] S. Patel, G. P. Rathod, and T. M. Patel, "Experimental investigation of diesel engine with water injection system on emission parameters," vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 47–51, 2014.
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Abstract: This investigation was carried out to find the replacement of diesel fuel for achieving the better performance with reduction of emissions from exhaust. The main task of research was to mix water with diesel and make stable emulsion fuel using various types of surfactants for achieving the good performance of engine as well as reduce the exhaust emissions from it. ED5( 93% Diesel, 5% Water, 1% Span 20, and 1% Tween 80) and ED10 ( 88% Diesel, 10% water, 1% Span 20, and 1% Tween 80) were made . These two fuels were stable in nature.........
Keywords: Diesel engine, Micro-explosion, Performance, Span-tween, Water-diesel emulsion
[1] W. J. Ithnin, A. M., Ahmad, M. A., Bakar, M. A. A., Rajoo, S. Yahya, "Combustion performance and emission analysis of diesel engine fuelled with water-in-diesel emulsion fuel made from low-grade diesel fuel," Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 90, pp. 375–382, 2015.
[2] S. Vellaiyan and K. S. Amirthagadeswaran, "The role of water-in-diesel emulsion and its additives on diesel engine performance and emission levels: A retrospective review," Alexandria Eng. J., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 2463–2472, 2016.
[3] S. Patel, G. P. Rathod, and T. M. Patel, "Water Injection Effects On Performance Characteristics Of A Ci Engine," vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 66–70, 2014.
[4] A. Maiboom and X. Tauzia, "NOx and PM emissions reduction on an automotive HSDI Diesel engine with water-in-diesel emulsion and EGR: An experimental study," Fuel, vol. 90, no. 11, pp. 3179–3192, 2011.
[5] S. Patel, G. P. Rathod, and T. M. Patel, "Experimental investigation of diesel engine with water injection system on emission parameters," vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 47–51, 2014.
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Abstract: The need of high strength and better performance construction materials to keep pace with the rapid development in the construction field elevates researchers to deal with new types of concrete by adding different admixtures to the normal concrete to accomplish desired performance. Meanwhile the researches studying the strength characteristics of such concrete mixes are numerous, the structural performance of casted elements using such new concrete mixes are still under investigation........
Keywords: Structural performance, Nano-Meta-kaolin, Shear failure characteristics, stirrups, shear span to depth ratio.
[1]. Amer B. Yusuff "Behaviour of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Beam with Meta-kaolin Under Static Loading", Master thesis, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia April, 2005.
[2]. Aiswarya S. et al., (2013) "Experimental Investigation on Concrete Containing Nano-Meta-kaolin", IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), Vol.3, No.1, and February, 2013.
[3]. M. S. Morsy, et al., (2008) "Effect of Nano-Caly on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ordinary Portland cement Mortar", International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp: 23-27, 2008.
[4]. C. N. Sushma et al., (2016) "Experimental Study on Shear Strength Behavior of Super Plasticized Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams with High Reactive Meta-kaolin", International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol. 05, Mar 2016.
[5]. Deepthi Dennison et al., (2014) "Effect of Meta-kaolin on the Structural Behavior of Normal and Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2014.
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Abstract: The behavior of G+10 multi story building of with and without Base isolator under seismic loads were studied. In this paper a G+10 multi story building of dimensions 18m*21.5m with each story height of 3.5m and total height of the building 38.5m is studied for different seismic loads in ETABS. These analyses are carried out by considering different seismic zones and for each zone the displacement is analyzed for different load cases with and without Base isolator. The method includes seismic coefficient method as recommended by IS 1893:2002.
Keywords: Seismic loads, Base-Isolator, Displacement Analysis, Lead-Rubber Bearing Isolator.
[1]. IS: 456 (2000), Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
[2]. T. K. Datta Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, Seismic analysis of structure.
[3]. IS: 1893 (Part1), Indian standard criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, 2002.
[4]. Uniform Building Code UBC (1997), Chapter 16, Division IV—Earthquake regulations for Seismic-Isolated Structures.
[5]. Prof.R.B.Ghodke, Dr.S.V.Admane, "Effect of Base-Isolation For Building Structures", International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use of Recycled Coarse Aggregates in SCC |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Purva P. Awari |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1684-140204104108 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays major challenges faced by civil engineering field is to execute project which comes harmonised with the character. This is achieved to some extent by judicious use of natural resources in construction practices. In the recent years the demand for construction materials has grown hugely, so has the quantity of construction and demolition waste, putting tremendous pressure on the surroundings. This has encouraged the use of recycled mixture in concrete that not solely permits for a additional economical life cycle of natural resources however conjointly contributes to environmental protection resulting in property development............
Keywords: Recycled coarse aggregate, Self-compacting concrete..
[1]. Prashant O. Modani, Vinod M Mohitkar, Recycled Aggregate Self Compacting Concrete: A Sustainable Concrete for Structural use, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 4 Issue 01,January-2015.
[2]. V.W.Y.Tam,X.F,Gao,C.M.Tam,(2006),comparing performance of modified two-stage mixing approach for producing recycled aggregate concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research,58(7)477-484.
[3]. IS 8112,(1989),Indian standard code of practice for ordinary Portland cement 43 grade,Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
[4]. IS 383, (1970), Indian standard code of practice for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
[5]. Anagal Vaishali, Nagarkar Geeta, Atnurkar Kanchan & Patel Anisha, Construction and demolition waste – A case study of Pune, TwentyEight National Convention Of Civil Engineers on Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development, organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), Roorkee, October 12-14, 2012.
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Abstract: This study was initiated to find the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) of single cylinder diesel engine operating on palm seed biodiesel and compare them with SFC of engine when operated on pure diesel and blend of 50% diesel and 50% palm seed biodiesel. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the effects of variable parameters like Blend ratio, Compression ratio, Injection pressure and load on performance parameter, Specific fuel consumption. Since there are higher number of parameters and levels, the number of probable models are high. So, for selection of optimum parameters, huge analysis work is required which takes somuch time. To neglect this problem, Taguchi method is used. The set of combination for factors and levels are achieved with the help of orthogonal array.
Keywords: Palm seed Biodiesel, Compression ratio, Load, Injection pressure, Specific Fuel Consumption, Taguchi method, Orthogonal Array.
[1] A. M. Liaquat,H. H., Masjuki,M. A. Kalam, & Rizwanul Fattah, I. M. (2014). Impact of biodiesel blend on injector deposit formation. Energy, 72, 813–823.
[2] M., Mofijur, H. H., Masjuki, M. A., Kalam, M. G., Rasul, A. E., Atabani, M. A., Hazrat, & Mahmudul, H. M. (2015). Effect of Biodiesel-diesel Blending on Physico-chemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Moringa Oleifera. Procedia Engineering, 105(Icte 2014), 665–669.
[3] C. M., Patel, Pragna, P., Prof, R. P., Patel, T. M., & Gaurav, P. (2015). Parametric Optimization of NO x Emissions using Taguchi Method for C . I Engine Fuel with Plastic Pyrolysis Oil. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 3(1), 1373–1376.
[4] T. M., Patel, &N. M. Bhatt, (2015). FEM based Taguchi method to Reduce the Automobile Structural Member Weight. GIT-Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8, 2–11.
[5] Balki, M. K., Sayin, C., & Sarikaya, M. (2016). Optimization of the operating parameters based on Taguchi method in an SI engine used pure gasoline, ethanol and methanol. Fuel, 180, 630–637.
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Abstract: This study was initiated to find the Mechanical Efficiency & Brake Thermal Efficiency of single cylinder diesel engine operating on palm seed biodiesel and compare them with Mechanical Efficiency and Brake Thermal Efficiency of engine when operated on pure diesel and blend of 50% diesel and 50% palm seed biodiesel. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the effects of variable parameters like Blend ratio, Compression ratio, Injection pressure and load on performance parameter, Specific fuel consumption. Since there are higher number of parameters and levels, the number of probable models are high. So, for selection of optimum parameters, huge analysis work is required which takes so much time...........
Keywords: Palm seed Biodiesel, Compression ratio, Load, Injection pressure, Specific Fuel Consumption, Mechanical Efficiency, Brake thermal Efficiency, Taguchi method, Orthogonal Array
[1] A. M. Liaquat, H. H., Masjuki, M. A. Kalam, & Rizwanul Fattah, I. M. (2014). Impact of biodiesel blend on injector deposit formation. Energy, 72, 813–823.
[2] M., Mofijur, H. H., Masjuki, M. A., Kalam, M. G., Rasul, A. E., Atabani, M. A., Hazrat, & Mahmudul, H. M. (2015). Effect of Biodiesel-diesel Blending on Physico-chemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Moringa Oleifera. Procedia Engineering, 105(Icte 2014), 665–669.
[3] C. M., Patel, Pragna, P., Prof, R. P., Patel, T. M., & Gaurav, P. (2015). Parametric Optimization of NO x Emissions using Taguchi Method for C . I Engine Fuel with Plastic Pyrolysis Oil. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 3(1), 1373–1376.
[4] T. M., Patel, & N. M. Bhatt, (2015). FEM based Taguchi method to Reduce the Automobile Structural Member Weight. GIT-Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8, 2–11.
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Abstract: Advance composite materials of Aluminum alloys Al8090 have high Strength to weight ratio. This feature of this metal has been a matter of study among the engineers. The recent manufacturing processes have solved the misery of manufacturing using aluminum alloys. This resulted in a strong eager for Aluminum alloy application in all the fields of engineering. The development stages started in aerospace, Automobile and aircrafts in earlier stages itself. The connecting rod is a subject of study. The project here deals with application of Aluminum alloy and boron carbide in connecting rod components replacing steel with design change accompanying that can improve the material change aggressively. Design of connecting rod using ANSYS 13.0.
Keywords: Stir casting, connecting rod, boron carbide, and Aluminum 8090-LM3.
[1]. A.Kalaiyarasan,C.Srinivasan,S.Vijayakumar,K.Pasupathi,S.Sasidharan.,,Experimental Investigation On Vibration Characteristics Of Jute Fiber Reinforced Composite Material., International Journal For Scientific Research & Development., Volume 4 Issue 08,ISSN (Online): 2321-0613.
[2]. A.Kalaiyarasan, C.Srinivasan, R.Ramesh, S.Sasidharan, S.Palanisamy., Oxidation Of Soot Particles In Diesel Exhaust Emission Using Plasma Source., International Journal For Scientific Research & Development., Volume 4 Issue Issue 09, 2016 | ISSN (Online): 2321-061
[3]. Kalaiyarasan A, Sankareswaran N., Finite Element Analysis Of Drive Shaft Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced With Sic And Al2o3., IJSRSET Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-19
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | IC Engine Performance Using Ceramic Coated Piston |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ravi S Modi || Prof.Maulik A Modi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-140204130137 ![]() |
Abstract: Internal combustion engine convert potential chemical energy in the form of heat derived from a fuel into mechanical energy. Probability 31% of the energy removed in an IC engine is transform into work. The reaming energy is lacking in the form of heat and friction in the engine. Engine components are designed to convert energy in an IC engine for maximum efficiency. Material used for engine components must withstand heat and stress created inside the engine during operation, and meet size and weight requirements. Engine components commonly required in reciprocating engines include the block of engine, cylinder head, crankshaft, piston and piston rings, connecting rod, bearings, flywheel, and valve train.............
Keywords:Petrol engine, Thermal Barrier, Piston Coating, Performance, Exhaust emission
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