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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimum Design of Automobile Chassis Bracket Based on Topography Optimization |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Polusani.Sampath Rao |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501010106 ![]() |
Abstract: A Bracket is a component used to support load or any attachments to structural element for heavy vehicle. It is subjected to different types of loading while the vehicle is in motion. One of the main common loading is static load which is assumed to be constant throughout the operation. This static load is main causes for the failure of bracket. To reduce the failures stress concentration needs to be reduced at vicinity of the joint hole of the bracket, as the hole is highly stressed region. The objective of the research work is study the static behavior of the truck cross member bracket, failure analysis and reduction of weight by changing the geometrical features and structural properties. The failure analysis of the cross member bracket is effected by design and analysis approach. The failure analysis has been carried out by using standard FE tools. In this investigation FEA model has been generated for truck cross member with the specified quality criteria and analyzed for the optimized results. The results show the reduction in stress values and leads to safe design. The final geometry of bracket weight is reduced to 61%..
Keywords: Bracket, High Carbon Steel , Carbon fiber Composite Material, Hypermesh, FE model, displacement and stress.
[1]. G. Phani Sowjanya, P. Divakara Rao and Dr. C.Udaya Kiran, "Finite Element Analysis of Vibration Fixture Made of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys", International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET),Vol. 2,(2012), pp 84 – 89 ,
[2]. Nouby M. Ghazaly, Sufyan Mohammed andAli M. Abd-El-Tawwab, "International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)", Vol. 2,(2012), pp241 – 250.
[3]. Pavan B. Chaudhari and Dr. D. R. Panchagade "Comparison of Magnesium, Aluminium and Cast Iron to obtain Optimum Frequency for Engine Bracket using Finite Element Analysis", IJERA Vol. 2, (2012), pp1016-1020.
[4]. Senthilnathan Subbiah, O.P.Singh, "Effect of muffler mounting bracket designs on durability", Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (2011) 1094–1107.
[5]. Jeong Woo Chang and Young Shin Lee "Topology optimization of compressor bracket", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 22, (2008), pp1668-1676..
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Abstract: Water Bound Macadam (WBM) is widely used as sub-base or base course for National and State highways and also as a wearing course for low volume roads. WBM consists of mixture of conventional aggregates, a binder and screenings (fines). Usually moorum is used as screenings and quarry dust as binder. The present paper, brings out the results of experimental investigation of strength and rutting characteristics of two WBM mix consisting of expansive soil as binder, steel slag as fines and conventional aggregates with and without steel slag.............
Keywords: CBR, RCRA, Rut depth, Steel Slag, WBM.
[1]. G Madhavi Latha, Asha M Nair and M S Hemalatha, "Performance of Geosynthetics in Unpaved Roads", IJGE P:337-349, April 2010.
[2]. B V Kiran Kumar, H S Jagadeesh and R Sathyamurthy, "Roller Compactor cum Rut Analyzer an Alternative Compactor for Bituminous Mix Design", The Masterbuilder, February 2012.
[3]. Erol Tutumluer and Ahmet Demir, "Evaluation of Geogrid Reinforced Unpaved Roads using Large Scale Tests", ResearchGate Conference paper, September 2016.
[4]. Faisal I Shalabi, Ibrahim M Asi and Hisham Y Qasrawi, "Effect of By-Product Steel slag on the Engineering Properties of Clay Soils", JKSUES, July 2016.
[5]. G Ramulu, S Shankar, Venkaiah Chowdary and C S R K Prasad, "Influence of Unbound Material Properties on Rutting Potential of Low Volume Roads", Elixir P:6377-82, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Metallic 3d Printer- New Era In Printing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Orugonda Ravali || D .V.Srikanth || T.N.Ravi Kanth |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501011621 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aimed at Design and Development of metallic 3D printer. The main focus is design of metallic 3D printer and its applications. The study on design of 3D printer involves the basic analysis of present 3D printers, their parts and mechanism. The requirements that are suitable for working of 3D printer. 3D printing machine is designed and developed with different parts like extruders, nozzle, stepped motors, Teflon tube etc which are assembled, tested and also printed some objects. The development involves the preparation of the filament that could print the metallic objects. Trials were made on different filaments and conclusions are drawn. Betterments are made to improve the performance of the filament in all the aspects required.
Keywords: Metallic, 3D Printing, Teflon tube, Filament
[1]. T. Prabhu (2016), Modern Rapid 3D printer- A Design Review, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, pp. 29–37.
[3]. Jabbar Qasim Al-maliki, Alaa Jabbar Qasim Al-Maliki (2015), The Processes and Technologies of 3D Printing,International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, pp. 161–165.
[4]. Vishal N. Patel, Kamlesh P. Kadia (2014), Parametric Optimization of the process of Fused Deposition Modelling in Rapid Prototyping Technology –A Review, International Journal for innovative Research in Science and Technology (IJIRST), pp. 80–82.
[5]. Kaufui V. Wong and Aldo Hernandez (2012), A Review of Additive Manufacturing, International Scholarly Research Network, pp 1–10.
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Abstract: Earth air heat exchanger (EAHX) is a subterranean ventilation system that explores soil temperature below the surface to pre-cool or pre-heat ventilation air. Performance of the earth air heat exchanger varies with climatic and soil condition of the area. In this paper, an Earth air heat exchanger (EAHX) was designed constructed and installed and its actual field performance was evaluated. The results suggested that the earth air heat exchanger alone is not sufficient to create thermal comfort, but can provide significant portion of heating load. The average coefficient of performance (COP) in the cold (Hamadan) was 3.2.The earth air heat exchanger was able to raised the cold ambient air by 3.40C during cold season.
Keywords: Earth to air heat exchanger, Coefficient of performance, Earth undisturbed temperature
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[4]. Bisoniya, T.S., kumar, A., and Baredar, P. (2013). Experimental and Analytical Studies of Earth Air Heat Exchanger System in India: A Review, Renewable Sustainable Energy Review, 19, 238 – 246.
[5]. Chel, A., and Tiwari, G. (2010). Stand alone photovoltaic (PV) integrated with Earth to air heat exchanger for space heating and cooling. Energy conversion and management (51), 393 – 409.
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Abstract: The problems facing the river transportation in estuarine region of Niger Delta were studied. The study revealed the problems, the effect of river transportation on the social-economic life of the communities, and the state of the terminals and jetties in those communities. The study also made some useful observation and recommendations were made. It is hoped that this study will assist in understanding, planning, operations and management of river transportation in estuarine region of Niger Delta. For researchers, the study will provide a useful insight into this aspect of transport systems which is relatively neglected in the past research efforts. The role of river transportation in the estuarine region of Niger Delta is felt to be very important, especially in those more remote places.........
Keywords: Water Transportation, Niger Delta Estuarine
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Abstract: A developed novel solar cooker is introduced and constructed using the locally available materials. The absorber plate is exposed to solar radiation from the top and the bottom sides. A frame work of parabolic mirror reflector is used to direct the solar radiation onto the lower side of the absorber plate while a plane diffuse reflector is used to direct the solar radiation onto the upper side. This is therefore referred to as double exposure solar cooker. The thermal and cooking performance of the new cooker and the conventional box type solar cooker is extensively investigated and compared. The first and second figures of merit for the double exposure solar cooker were found to 0.17............
Keywords: Solar cooker, Locally materials, Absorber plate, Diffuse reflector and Air temperature
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strength of CFST at Elevated Temperature |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | A.T.Kassem |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501014147 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper deals the strength behavior of concrete filled steel tubes at elevated temperature. The main purpose of such a research is to figure out the significance of various structural parameters on the strength of CFST at elevated temperature. Two separate models have been prepared. The first to deal with temperature distribution within the CFST section, when subjected to interfacial ISO 834 fire. The second to determine buckling load of the CFST using a composite frame element model, considering structural material properties, compatible with Euro-code models, based on temperature outputs resulting from the first model.. Keywords: Solar cooker, Locally materials, Absorber plate, Diffuse reflector and Air temperature.
Keywords CFST, buckling, fire
[1]. Aashish Y. Soni*, R.V.R.K Prasad, "Analysis & Design Of Fire Damage Structure", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013
[2]. J.Ramaniah1 K.Jagan Mahon Rao, Buckling Analysis of Orthotropic Composite Shell with and Without Cutouts Using Fem, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 8, August 2013
[3]. Ghannam M., Tao Z., and Uy B. (2012), "Heat transfer analysis of concrete filled stainless steel columns exposed to fire", Proceedings of the 10th, International Conference on Advances in Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures, Singapore. 2012; pp. 873–880.
[4]. Tao Z., and Ghannam M. (2012), "Refined FE model to predict the temperature field within concrete-filled steel tubes", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Nanjing, China. 2012; pp. 781–789.
[5]. Ghannam M., Tao Z., and Song T.Y., "Fire resistance tests of concrete filled stainless steel tubular columns", Proceedings of the Composite Construction VII Conference, Queensland, Australia. 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modelling Confined Hydrocarbon Gas Explosions Part I: Algorithm Development |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Alon Davidy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501014863 ![]() |
Abstract: Unexpected releases of combustible vapors/gases can lead to explosions, which threaten the integrity of equipment and structures. Multiple explosions can destroy plants, jeopardize lives, and inflict large economic losses; outdated parts of the pipe system can leak flammable gas in air and pose the danger of explosion. Therefore, it is important to be able to predict explosion properties and to design pipes and storage tanks that can withstand such catastrophic events. Such efforts enable plant engineers to evaluate risks associated with their designs subject to various possible explosions. Pressure rises almost instantaneously because of the overpressure from an explosion causing structural damage or deformation of pipes and storage tanks. Explosive pressure and structural damage can be estimated..........
Keywords: Hydrocarbons, Gaseous concentration, Explosion, Detonation, Gaseq code, FDS code
[1]. Bang, B., Park, H., Kim, J., Al Deyab S.S., Yarin, A.L., Yoon, S.S., Analytical and numerical assessments of local overpressure from hydrogen gas explosions in petrochemical plants, Fire and Materials: 2016, DOI: 10.1002/fam.2390.
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Abstract: This study used simple modification of septic tank using capillarity action of different fabrics such as (cotton, nonwoven polyester, non-woven polypropylene geo-textile 300gm, non- woven polypropylene geo-textile 800 gm. and filter labbad). Study results show that using cotton and non-woven polypropylene geo-textile 800gm improve the removal efficiency of septic tank to (97 % - 98 %) for TSS & (82%-83% )for BOD & (62% - 64%) for COD.
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