Version-4 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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Abstract: This study introduces a real-time condition assessment diagnosis system for landing pier-type wharf structures based on the Internet of things. This system is comprised of (a) installation of FBG sensors (strain, displacement, and speedometer) to the wharf structure, (b) wireless transmission of collected data, and (c) real-time data analysis to determine structure stability. The real application of this system has been carried out on a wharf structure situated in Marayng-Meon, Korea. This system utilizes LTE communication protocol to transfer sensed data to the IoT gateway. The proposed system utilizes assessment algorithm to comprehensively analysis the stability of the structure and determines the damage information. This system stores data and share information in real time with the remote.........
Keywords: Condition Assessment;Structure Health Monitoring;Wharf Structure; FBG Sensing; Internet of Things
[1]. Andrea Del Grosso, Daniele Inaudi, and Frencesca Lanata(2000) Strain and Displacement Monitoring of a Quay. 2nd ENPC European Conference. 3-6.
[2]. Andrea Del Grosso, Daniele Inaudi, G. Brunetti, and M. Fedolino(1999) Monitoring of the SanGiorgio Pier in the Port of Genoa with Fibre Optic Displacement Sensors. Int. Conf. Monitoring and Control of Marine and HarbourStructures, Genoa, 1-4.
[3]. JaeHyung Park, JeongTae Kim, and SoYoung Lee (2011) Performance Evaluation of Imote2-Platformed Wireless Smart SensorNode for Health Monitoring of Harbor Structures. Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers. 26-33.
[4]. SooBong Shin, and SungWoo Lee (1999) Development of Inspection and Maintenance of Pier-Type Port Structures. Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference.1-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Laser& Electrical Beam Welding |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | AhmadJassem |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501040811 ![]() |
Abstract: Both laser welding and electron beam welding produce extremely high-quality joints. Many consider laser welding first, simply because it's less costly in many circumstances—but not all. Which to choose depends, as always, on the job at hand. laser beam welds a circumferential seam on a rotating workpiece.Which works best?" Who hasn't heard that question when consulting with a customer about the fabrication of a part? In some cases, the question has a simple answer, but often not, and the decision to use process A or process B comes down to a comparison of pros and cons, with cost as the thumb on the scale that tips the balance.
[1]. "Electron Beam Welding Process, Applications and Equipment"
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cost, Time, And Quality factors: A case Study of The Rivers monorail Construction Project |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | oba, K.M. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501041217 ![]() |
Abstract: Over time, several parameters have been employed to measure the success/failure of construction projects. However, the most common factors employed are Cost, Time and Quality. This research is a case study of the Rivers Monorail Construction Project. It gives a detailed overview of the project, and outlines its challenges and opportunities regarding Cost, Time, and Quality. Questionnaires were distributed to selected stakeholders of the project, and it was found that 10% believe that the project's failure was as a result of political reasons; 5% believe the failure was as a result of social/community reasons; 10% believe the failure was the contractor's fault; while 75% believe that the project failed because of the lack of funding from the client and present economic issues. The........
Keywords: Cost, Time, Quality, Rivers Monorail, Iron Project Triangle, success/failure of construction projects, Rivers State.
[1] Atkinson, R. (1999), "Project Management: Cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, a time to accept other success criteria", International Journal of project Management, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 337-342.
[2] Ayodele, E. O. and Alabi, M. O. (2014), "Effect of cost control on Building Projects Delivery in Nigeria", Civil and Environmental Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 76-79.
[3] El-kholy, A. M. (2013), "Time-Cost Tradeoff analysis Considering Funding Variability and Time Uncertainty", Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 113-121.
[4] Guo-li, Y.(2010), "Project Time and Budget Monitor and Control", Management Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 56-62.
[5] Issa, U. H. and Eid, M. A. (2013), "An Application of Genetic Algorithms to Time-Cost-Quality Trade-off in Construction Industry", Civil and Environmental Research, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 11-19.
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Abstract: Simulation model is descriptive in nature, and mimics characteristics of a real system offering a better understanding of the system performance. However, over the years, it has been adopted in hospitals for improving healthcare processes and optimizing resources, but it has not been linked directly to the concept of lean management. Despite public hospitals in Kenya focusing on improving structures, communication technologies and adopting modern medical equipment, they have lagged behind in improving patients' preferences in relation to the care pathway processes and utilization of the available resources effectively. This paper reviews lean concept in healthcare, and how simulation can be adopted as a lean tool to improve patient flow in Kenya's public hospitals using the case study of a public hospital. The main waste identified in the care pathway was long patient waiting times........
Keywords: Simulation, Lean, Patient Flow, Resources.
[1]. Ahlsrom, P. (2004). Lean service operations:translating lean production principles to services operations. International Journal of services,technology and management , pg5-6.
[2]. Armony, M., Israelit, S., & Mandelbaum, A. (2015). On Patient Flow in Hospitals :A data- based queueing -science perspective . imsart-ssy ver. , 1-50.
[3]. Choi, B. K., & Jamjoom, A. A. (2013). Simulation based Operation Management of Outpatient Departments In University Hospitals. Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 1-12). Carolina : R. Pasupathy, S.H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill, and M. E. Kuhl, eds.
[4]. Donabedian, A. (1966). Evaluating quality of medical care. Milbank Q. , 166-206.
[5]. Elkhuizen, D., Bakker, P. J., & Hontelez, J. A. (2008). Using computer simulation to reduce access time for outpatient departments. QSCH Online , 1-6..
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Abstract: Many constructions built using the techniques of daub, paving clay or adobe have presented many pathologies and sometimes even risk of ruptures of some walls. In order to reinforce such walls, it is suggested in this work the use of mortar plaster, or reinforced mortar plaster with welded steel mesh, applied to the wall with non-structural blocks.Nine walls were tested for compression, being three walls of non-structural blocks without mortar plaster, three walls withmortar plaster and finally three walls with the same blocks plastered with reinforced with welded steel mesh.Three specimens had the dimensions of 1.20 m by 2.60 m andthe other six, called small walls,had dimensions of 0.90 m by 1.04 m. Simple compression loads capacity were obtained and it can be concluded that.......
Keywords: experimental analysis,non-structural clay brick,reinforced mortar plaster,wall with mortar plaster, welded steel mesh
[1]. Oliveira, N. C. Fases da alvenaria e pioneirismo do Manual Técnico de Alvenaria. São Paulo, 1990. ABCI. 280p
[2]. Oliveira, F.L.,Reabilitação de Paredes de Alvenaria pela Aplicação de Revestimentos Resistentes de Argamassa Armada. São Paulo, 2001. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Estruturas), Escola de Engenharia, Universidade de São Carlos.
[3]. Cyrino, L.F.Influência do reboco e do reboco armado com tela soldada na resistência de alvenaria de vedação submetida a esforços de compressão. Belo Horizonte, 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado Em Engenharia de Estruturas), Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
[4]. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 15270-3:2005 – Ceramic Components – Part 3: Structural and non-structural ceramic blocks – Test methods. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 27p..
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Abstract: A numerical simulation has been performed to investigate blood flow behavior of three dimensional idealized carotid arteries. Non-Newtonian flow has been taken for the simulation. The wall of the vessel is considered to be rigid. Physiological and parabolic velocity profile has been imposed for inlet boundary condition. Reynolds number at the inlet hasbeen ranged approximately from 86to 966 for the investigation. Low Reynolds number k-w model has been used as governing equation. The investigations have been carried out to characterize the flow behavior of blood. The numerical results have been presented in terms ofwall shear stress distributions, streamlines contours and axial velocity contours.However, highest wall shear stress has beenobserved in the bifurcation area. Unexpectedly,transient or unstable flow hascreated flow disturbance regions in the arteries. Moreover, the disturbance of flow has risen as the severity of stenosis in the artery has been increased.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis, Carotid artery, Physiological flow, Stenosis, Viscoelastic fluid
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Numerical simulation of compressible viscous flow |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Nacer E. EL KADRI E. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501044456 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is the study and improvement of numerical methods to solve viscous compressible flows. The equations represent these flows are solved in the conservative form with a comparison between conservative variables and new variables called pseudo-primitive variables. The discretization in space is performed by the finite element method and the discretization in time is accomplished by a finite difference method. Among the objectives of this work is the simulation of dominant convective flows, the case where the Reynolds number and the Mach number are high. Knowing that when advection flows dominate diffusion flows, the discretization of advection-diffusion........
Keywords: Advection-diffusion, Compressible Viscous Flow, Finite element, GMRES, Petrov-Galerkin..
[1] Elkadri E. Nacer E., 1992. Modélisation des écoulements compressibles visqueux par la méthode des éléments finis, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie mécanique, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
[2] Elkadri E. Nacer E., 1995. Une méthode d'éléments finis pour la dynamique des gaz et conception orientée objet du code de calcul. Ph.D., Thèse de doctorat, Département de génie mécanique, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
[3] Hansbo P. and Johnson C., 1991. Adaptive streamline diffusion methods for compressible flow using conservative variables. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 87, pp. 267-280.
[4] Hansbo P., 1993. Explicit streamline diffusion finite element methods for the compressible Euler equations in conservation variables. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 109, No 2, pp. 274-288.
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Abstract: In the past, damage resulted from load application to highway pavements focused primarily onthe magnitude and frequency of axle loads. In recent years, the effect of increased truck tire pressure on flexible pavements responses has become a subject of great concern. The tire inflation pressure of trucks causes severe deterioration to the pavement and thus reduce its life. This paper aims to evaluate the effects of tire inflation pressure on the pavement response and failure life of pavement. The research uses the ELSYM5 software and pavement materials conditions to estimate the tensile strains occurring under the asphalt concrete (AC) layer and the compressive strains above the subgrade surface. The calculated strain is then utilized to estimate the number of load repetitions to failure due to fatigue cracking and rutting using the asphalt institute (AI) method..
Keywords: Fatigue life, Rutting life, Tensile strain, Compressive strain, Flexible pavement, ELSYM5, Tire inflation pressure...
[1]. Eisenmann, J., and Hilmer, A. (1987). Influence of Wheel Load and Inflation Pressure on the Rutting effect at Asphalt Pavements (Experimental and Theoretical Investigations), Proc., 6th International Conf. on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Vol. I, Ann Arbor, 392-403.
[2]. Machemehl, R.B., Wang, F. and Prozzi, J.A. (2005). Analytical Study of Effects of Truck Tire Pressure on Pavements with Measured Tire-Pavement Contact Stress Data, 111-120.
[3]. Southgate, H.F. and Deen, R.C. (1987). Effects of Load Distributions and Axle Tire Configurations on Pavement Fatigue, Proc., 6th Int. Conf. on Struct. Design of Asphalt Pavements, Michigan, 82-93.
[4]. Peiwen, H. and Yoshitaka, H. (2004). Stress Analysis ofAsphalt Pavement under Non-Uniform Load, Proceedings of 8th International ASCE Conf. on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Eng.
[5]. Yoder, E.J. and Witczak, M.W. (1975). Pricipals of Pavement Design, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York..
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Abstract: Fly ash is an inorganic alumino silicate, a by product of thermal power plant, responsible for air pollution. If we use it as second phase or reinforcement material in composite it will produce a suitable composite material as well as the pollution will be reduced. In this experiment for obtaining composite we have mixed the fly ash with epoxy resin, a matrix material in different ratio such as 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Different mechanical testing such as tensile test, hardness test and impact test are conducted to get the mechanical properties of composite. Roughness (Ra and Rz) test is done to check the smoothness. TGA and DSC analysis of 40% fly ash epoxy composite is carried out to find the thermal stability of composite.
Keywords: Fly ash, Epoxy resin, Impact test, TGA-DTA
[1]. William F Smith, Javed Hashemi, Ravi Prakash, "Materials Science and Engineering", fourth edition, pp 656-665.
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[3]. A. Nehad Saleh, M. H. Al-Maamori , B. Mohamed Al-jebory,"Evaluating the mechanical properties of Epoxy resin with Fly ash and Silica fume as fillers", Journal of advances in physics theories, Vol. 30, 2014, pp. 1-7.
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[5]. Mishra s and Shimpi N G, "Comparison of nano CaCO3 and fly ash filled styrene butadiene rubber on mechanical and thermal properties" Journal of scientific and industrial research Vol.64, 2005, pp.744-751.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lagrangian Coherent Structure Analysis of Jellyfish Swimming Using Immersed Boundary FSI Simulations |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | A. Taheri |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501046974 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, medusan swimming in a quiescent fluid flow environment is simulated via a two-way nonlinear fluid-structure interaction (FSI) technique with the aid of immersed boundary method (IBM). In this regard, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled with Lagrangian interaction equations between fluid and immersed structure are solved using IB2d code. For the simulations, immersed jellyfish bell membrane is modeled in a spring fiber built-in case available in the code. Afterwards, Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) of the flow field are extracted to capture transport barriers in the case of jellyfish swimming. These hidden structures depict formation of distinct regions in the animal wake, including starting and stopping vortices.
Keywords: LCS, Jellyfish Swimming, FSI, IBM, Bionic
[1]. K. N. Lucas, N. Johnson,W. T. Beaulieu, E. Cathcart, G. Tirrell, S. P. Colin, B. J. Gemmell, J. O. Dabiri, and John H. Costello, Bending rules for animal propulsion, Journal of Nature Communications, 5(3293), 2014, 1-7, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4293.
[2]. J. O. Dabiri1, S. P. Colin, J. H. Costello and M. Gharib, Flow patterns generated by oblate medusan jellyfish: field measurements and laboratory analyses, Journal of Experimental Biology 208, 2005, 1257-1265.
[3]. N.A. Battista, A.J. Baird, L.A. Miller, A mathematical model and MATLAB code for muscle-fluid-structure simulations, Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55(5), 2015, 901-911.
[4]. N.A. Battista, W.C. Strickland, and L.A. Miller, IB2d: a Python and MATLAB implementation of the immersed boundary method, Bioinspiration and Biomimicry Journal, 12(3), 2017, 036003.
[5]. S.C. Shadden, J.O. Dabiri, and J.E. Marsden, Lagrangian analysis of fluid transport in empirical vortex ring flows, Journal of Physics of Fluid, 18, 2006, 1-11, 047105, 2006..
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Abstract: The project deals with usage of "Human locomotion" to generate electricity . The whole bio energy is being wasted but with a possible technical implementation this energy can be harnessed ,Which will be of optimum use in a densely populated region .A non -conventional method by simple walking in the staircase. The mechanical setup used is "Rack and pinion mechanism"
[1] Rai. g.d. "non-conventional energy sources", khanna publishers, delhi.
[2] ramesh. r, udayakumar, k.anandakrishnan "renewable energy technologies", narosa publishing house, madras.
[3] a.k.sawhney. "a text book of electrical, electronics, instrumentation and measurements"
[4] b.l.therja, a.k. theraja. "a text book of electrical technology"
[5] g.r.nagpal. "power plant engineering" khanna publishers, delhi..
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Abstract: Activated carbon (AC) is frequently used for purification due to its ability to remove pollutants either from air or water. Its porous structure allowed it to capture the pollutants and is widely recommended for numerous applications in water and wastewater treatment. However, AC application fields are restricted due to high cost. In this project, AC prepared from locally available date seeds is used for the removal of Methylene blue (MB) from Textile Water, in order to find alternative to commercial activated carbon (CAC). Physical properties of date seeds activated carbon (DSAC) and CAC were compared and batch adsorption processes were obtained to find the best condition for using DSAC in the removal of MBA. The experimental outcomes found that DSAC got high percentage removal and it has a good potential for economic removal of MB.
Keywords: Activated Carbon, Adsorption Isotherm, Date Seeds, Textile Wastewater, Phosphoric Acid
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