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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis Of Gradually Built Structural System |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Binsar H. Hariandja |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501020111 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals withthe analysis of structural system that built gradually such that the structural stiffness varies with time of construction. The analysis of such structural system is carried out by applying finite element method. First, all of the finite elements are included in the computation of number of degrees of freedom. Then, the analysis is initiated by considering all of elements and the numbering of degrees of freedom are carried out. Assembled elements are denoted by assigning the value of modulus elasticity, and absent elements are denoted by assigning zero modulus of elasticity. Nodal degrees of freedom that are located in absent elements are suppressed from the global equilibrium equation. Hence, the analysis is performed with changing global structural stiffness. A computer package program in FORTRAN is written for the analysis. The new package program is applied in the analysis of several study cases.
Keywords: finite element method, gradually built structural system, suppressing of inactive degrees of freedom.
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[4]. Hariandja, B., Metoda Elemen Hingga, Penerbit Teknik Sipil, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta (2015)...
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Abstract: Modern geotechnical practice often uses technique of reinforced soil – a composite of soil and reinforcement mostly geogrids. In civil engineering application geogrid is widely use to reinforce embankment, retaining wall, roads and railway ballast. Therefore studying the geogrid soil interaction is important for any successful design. In this paper, a new type of geogrid has been evaluated for the interaction properties for different backfill soils using direct shear test. The test results are compared based on the type of sands and interface mechanical property. Two soils namely natural sand and crusher dust in combination with three different geogrids are tested at various loading conditions in direct shear test. High angles of internal friction of these materials are determined using direct............
Keywords: Direct shear test, Geogrid, Interface shear strength, Reinforced crusher dust
[1]. A. Cancelli, P. Rimoldi and S. Togni, "Frictional Charac-teristics of Geogrids by Means of Direct Shear and Pull-out Tests," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
[2]. C.A. Bareither, T.B. Edil, C.H. Benson and D.M. Mickelson, Geological and physical factors affecting the friction angle of compacted sands, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134 (10), 2008, 1476-1489.
[3]. Chia-Nan Liu, Jorge G. Zornberg, M.ASCE; Tsong-Chia Chen, Yu-Hsien Ho, and Bo-Hung Lin (2012),"Behavior of Geogrid-Sand Interface in Direct Shear Mode," American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Volume 4 (2012) PP 42-47
[4]. E. M. Palmeria and G. W. E. Milligan, "Scale and Other Factors Affecting the Results of Pull-Out Tests of Grids Buried in Sand," Geotechnique, Vol. 39 No. 3, 1989, pp. 511-524.
[5]. G. M. Ayininuola, O. A. Agbede and S.O. Franklin, Influence of calcium sulphate on subsoil cohesion and angle of friction. Journal of Applied Sciences Research. 5(3), 2009, 297 – 304...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis of Guyed Towers to Wind Loading |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Ayman M. Ismail || Sherif H. M. Hassnien |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501022129 ![]() |
Abstract: A nonlinear deterministic approach for predicting the windresponse of guyed towers is described in this paper. The nature of wind, static and dynamic wind effect are defined. In the present approach, the time space history of wind is simulated and fed into the system's equations of motion. These are integrated in the time domain and the response of the guyedtower is obtained. Linear and non-linear response of a guyed tower are evaluated to simulated wind histories by a multi-regressive technique. In addition, comparative studies have been performed on the tower in order to check the effect of windvelocity and roughness length on their response. A comparison of mean and dynamic responses and a discussion of these results relative to the quasi static analysis are presented...........
Keywords: Nonlinear analysis, guyed towers, wind loading, dynamic analysis
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Abstract: Materials which improve damping and ductility during structural response to earthquakes are very beneficial. Concrete incorporating scrap rubber is one of them. This study analyseddynamicresponse of a 3-bay,4-storey reinforced concrete frame designed according to Eurocode 8 and the response of the same frame on an FRP-confined rubberized concrete foundation. Using confined rubberized concrete as short foundation columns between the ground and the frame lowered shear demand on a structure by 70%, and acceleration demand was reduced by 75 %. The reduction in seismic demand was mainly due to deflection of the earthquake force by the deformable foundation system in a manner analogous to base isolation systems.The base-isolated frame performed efficiently with an average of over 60% reduction in interstorey drifts. The implication of this is that a less expensive frame designed...........
Keywords: Base Isolation, Dynamic response, Earthquake, FRP, Developing Countries, Rubberized, Seismic
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[4] RedaTaha, M. M., A. S. Dieb, M. A. AbdElwahab and M. E. Abdel-Hameed..Mechanical, fracture, and microstructural investigations of rubber concrete.Journal of materials in civil engineering 20(10):2008. 640-649.
[5] Eldin, N. N. and A. B. Senouci. Engineering Properties of Rubberized Concrete. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(5):1992.912-923....
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Abstract: The innovation of relevant nanotechnology and its significance in water purification is illustrated in this paper for broadening vision. Nanotechnology deals with understanding, controlling and manipulating matter at the level of individual atoms and molecules in the range of 0.1–100 nm. It creates materials, devices, and systems with new properties and functions.The adaptation of highly advanced nanotechnology to traditional process engineering offers new opportunities for development of advanced water and wastewater technology processes. Here, an overview of recent advances in nanotechnologies for water and wastewater processes is provided.
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[3]. Y. Qing et al., influence of nano-SiO2 addition on properties of hardened cement paste as compared with silica fume, Constr. Build. Mater. 21(3)(2007) 539-545
[4]. Baetens,R.,B.P, Jelle and A.Gustaven,Phase change material for building applications a-state-of-the-art review .energy and building,2010
[5]. Butala, V, and U.Strithi, Experimental investigation of PCM cold storage.Energy and building...
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Abstract: Nanotechnology is one of the most active research areas that encompass a number of disciplines, including civil engineering and construction materials. The Nano-materials and their applications in civil engineering field across its different sections are exemplified. The properties like self-sensing, self- rehabilitation, self-structural health monitoring, self-vibration damping, self-cleaning and self-healing are studied. The objective of this study is to review the role of nanotechnology in civil engineering applications. Furthermore, it has been observed that better understanding and engineering of complex structures made by cement, steel or composite materials at nano-level will definitely result in a new generation of construction materials with higher performance in strength, durability, and other properties..
Keywords: Nanotechnology; Nano-material; Nano-level; Nano-science;
[1]. M. O. Zakir, B.S. Rzayev, and E.A. Soylemez, Functional Copolymer/Organo-MMT Nanoarchitectures. VIII. Synthesis, Morphology and Thermal Behavior of Poly (maleic anhydride-altacrylamide) - Organo-MMT Clays Nanohybrids, Scientific Research, Engineering (2011)
[2]. F. Pacheco and S. Jalali, Nanotechnology: Advantages and drawbacks in the field of construction and building materials, Journal of construction and Building Materials (2011)
[3]. sanchez, florence, and konstantin sobolev. "Nanotechnology in concrete--a review." construction and building materials nov. 2010: 2060+. General onefile. Web. 9 oct. 2012.
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Abstract: Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a type of concrete that has the capacity to consolidate under its own weight. Self compacting concrete has ability involves not only high deformability of paste or mortar, but also resistance to segregation between coarse aggregate and mortar when the concrete flows through the congested reinforcement. One of the major challenges faced by civil engineering industry is to execute projects in harmony with the nature. In the present study is focused to investigate the rheological properties and strength properties of bagasse ash and rice husk ash self compacting concrete produced with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of the cement (by mass) replaced by bagasse ash and rice husk ash and sand replaced by 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 70% by quarry dust. For Fresh property was done for all the replacement and hardened properties were done at 7, 28, 91 and 180 day for compressive strength, 7, 28 and 120 day for split tensile strength and flexural strength. Attempts have been made to study the properties of such SCC and to investigate the suitability of Quarry Dust to be used as partial replacement materials for sand in SCC..
Keywords: Bagasse ash, compressive strength, flexural strength quarry dust, Rice husk ash, split tensile strength and Self Compacting Concrete.
[1]. Okamura, H. Self-compacting high-performance concrete, Concrete international, 19 (7), 1997, pp.50-54.
[2]. Okamura H, Ozawa K. 1995. "Mix design for self-compacting concrete". Concrete Library of Japanese Society of Civil Engineers 25(6):107-120.
[3]. EFNARC-2002, "achieving and highest standards", Specification and Guidelines for Self-Compacted Concrete. EFNARC, Association house, 99 West Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7EN, UK.
[4]. Ferries, C.F., Obala, K.H. and Hill, R. The influence of mineral admixtures on the rhelogy of cement paste and concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 2001 Vol 31, and pp: 245-255.
[5]. N.Belaribi, G.Pons, B.Perrin, Delayed behaviour of concrete influence of additions and aggregate characteristics in relation to moistures variation, Cement and concrete Research 27 (9) 1997 1429-1438.....
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Abstract: This paper displays the numerical study on fortifying reinforced concrete (RC) beams with opening exposed to unadulterated torsion. The finite elements implemented by ANSYS-2013 are used for this study. For the purpose of confirmation of the finite element model established, the numerical study is first carried out on the RC beam fortifying by external bonded-carbon fiber reinforced polymers (EB-CFRP) that were experimentally tested and described in the literature. Then the study has been stretched for the same RC beams fortifying with steel plates. The major parameter involved in this study is the fortifying effect of different schemes of steel plates and the plate's thickness on the behavior of RC beams with opening underneath torsion. The present study reveals that the finite element models can ascertain the structural behavior of the tested beams and can be an excellent alternative of damaging...........
Keywords: Nonlinear, Torsion, RC beams, CFRP, Steel plate.
[1] M. A. Mansur, and A. Hasnat, Concrete beams with small openings under torsion, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, vol. 106, no. 11, 1979, pp. 2433-2447, Nov.
[2] M. A. Mansur, and K. H. Tan, Concrete Beam with Opening Analysis and Design, U.S.: CRC Press LLC, 1999.
[3] M. A. Mansur, P. Paramasivam, and S. L. Lee, Torsional Behavior of RC Beams with Web Opening, International Journal of Structures, vol. 2, no. 3, 1982, pp. 89-98, July - Sept.
[4] M. A. El-Badawy, A. S. Essawy, A. H. Khalil, Torsion in reinforced concrete beams containing circular opening, M.Sc., AIN SHAMS University, CAIRO, 2010.
[5] Panchacharam, S., and Belarbi, A., Torsional Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Composites, in First Congress, Osaka , Japan, 2002, PP. 1-11..
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Abstract: Fly ash is an inorganic alumino silicate, a by product of thermal power plant, responsible for air pollution. If we use it as second phase or reinforcement material in composite it will produce a suitable composite material as well as the pollution will be reduced. In this experiment for obtaining composite we have mixed the fly ash with epoxy resin, a matrix material in different ratio such as 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Different mechanical testing such as tensile test, hardness test and impact test are conducted to get the mechanical properties of composite. Roughness (Ra and Rz) test is done to check the smoothness. TGA and DSC analysis of 40% fly ash epoxy composite is carried out to find the thermal stability of composite.
Keywords: Fly ash, Epoxy resin, Impact test, TGA-DTA
[1]. William F Smith, Javed Hashemi, Ravi Prakash, "Materials Science and Engineering", fourth edition, pp 656-665.
[2]. William D Callister, Jr, David G. Rethwisch, "Callister's Materials Science and Engineering", Second edition, pp 540-546.
[3]. A. Nehad Saleh, M. H. Al-Maamori , B. Mohamed Al-jebory,"Evaluating the mechanical properties of Epoxy resin with Fly ash and Silica fume as fillers", Journal of advances in physics theories, Vol. 30, 2014, pp. 1-7.
[4]. R.Satheesh Raja, K.Manisekar, V.Manikandan "Effect of fly ash filler size on mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites", International journal of mining, metallurgy and mechanical engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 34-37.
[5]. Mishra s and Shimpi N G, "Comparison of nano CaCO3 and fly ash filled styrene butadiene rubber on mechanical and thermal properties" Journal of scientific and industrial research Vol.64, 2005, pp.744-751..
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Abstract: Fire resistance/endurance potential of structural timbers was investigated. The experiment was carried out as what the case may be under natural burning flame at varying interval of time. From the result obtained and analysed, structural timbers known as hard woods have varying fire resistance capacity under flexural and compression loads. All the species tested submitted to ASTM standard time-temperature control curve. Charring behavior of teak ( tectona grandis) is more at 1220c of 60 minutes fire exposure compared to others, thus it's rate of ignition is faster than other species. Iroko (milicia excels) demonstrated highest compressive strength at moisture content up to 18% while mahogany proved better in tension ( bending) at same moisture content.
Keywords: Timber, moisture content, fire resistance
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