Version-2 (Mar-Apr 2018)
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Abstract: This paper focuses on the comparison of the behavior of a panel type MSE wall using the existing geosynthetic strip and steel strip reinforcement with the behavior of a suggested design of panel type MSE wall using wider geogrid reinforcement subjected to various compaction loadings and built above bedrock and stiff clay soil foundation. The behavior of the MSE wall is analyzed using finite element method in Plaxis 3D program. The numerical simulations showed that wider geogrid reinforcement exhibited similar lateral displacement with negligible difference compared to steel strip reinforcement having 26 times larger stiffness value. Also, wider geogrid reinforcement obtained higher stability level compared to strip reinforcements............
Keywords: MSE wall, compaction effect, geogrids, steel strips, geo-strips, lateral displacement
[1] Berg, R.R., Christopher, B.R. and Samtani, N.C. Design of mechanically stabilized earth walls and reinforced soil slopes – volume I. FHWA-NHI-10-024 FHWA GEC 011-Vol I. (National Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2009).
[2] Abdelouhab, A., Dias, D. and Freitag, N., Numerical analysis of the behavior of mechanically stabilized earth walls reinforced with different types of strips, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 29(2), 2011, 116-129.
[3] Castellanos, J.F. Mechanically stabilized earth wall inspector's handbook. (State of Florida Department of Transportation, 2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Part Selection Decision on the Performance of Additive Manufacturing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ashok || Sreenivasulu.A |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1502021014 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper input data has been collected from the real existing system and proposed AMS simulation models are developed using C programming. The flow of job through the system managed with multi-level scheduling rules related to launching of job in to a system. The proposed simulation models are modeled for the existing system and optimum part selection rule is determined for the performance parameters such as Make Span, mean flow time, average part waiting time.
Key Words: Part launching, Scheduling, and Simulation model.
[1]. Qiang Li, Ibrahim Kucukkoc and David Z .Zhang. Production planning in additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Computers and Operations Research.2017; 83:157-172.
[2]. Mellor S, Hao L, Zhang D. Additive MANUFACTURING; A frame work for implementation. International journal of production economics.2014;149:194-201.
[3]. Rickenbacher L, Spierings A, Wenger K. An integrated cost model for selective laser sintering (SLM).Rapid prototyping journal.2013; 19:208-14.
[4]. Lin X, Floudas CA, Modi S,Juhasz NM. Continuous–Time optimization approach for medium range production scheduling of multiproduct Batch plant.Industerial&engineering chemistry research.2002; 41:3884-906.
[5]. Shah, N. Single- And Multisite Planning and Scheduling: Current Status and Future Challenges. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations, Snowbird, Utah, July 5-10, 1998. Pekny, J. F., Blau, G. E., Eds;CACHE–AIChE: New York, 1998; pp 75–90.
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Abstract: This research has attempted to estimate and compute the greenhouse gases, primarily methane, emissions from Dandora Sewage Treatment Plant (DSTP) in Nairobi Kenya using the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines (1996) and IPCC Good Practice Guidance (2000).Operations data from year 2007 to year 2013 was obtained from Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC), the operator at the plant and analysed to determine the average BOD loading rate and flows to the Plant as well as the BOD removal rate across the anaerobic ponds from which the amount of methane being generated by the DSTP was computed..............
[1]. Peter M Czeplel,Patrick M.Crill and Robert C Harris,Methane (1993) Emission from municipal waste water treatment process, Environmental science and technology
[2]. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Program, vol.5 - Waste. IGES, Japan. IPCC, 2006b.Vol.1 – General Guidance and H. S. Eggleston, L. Buendia, K. Miwa, T. Ngara, and K. Tanabe, editors. 2006
[3]. Matthijs R.J. (2012) et al,Methane emission during municipal wastewater treatment
[4]. Otieno Odongo (1998), Nairobi Master Plan for Sewer, Sanitation and Drainage, Third Nairobi Water supply Project.
[5]. Sir Alexander GIBB and Partners,(1998).Dandora Sewage Treatment Plant ,Phase 2,Final Design Report.
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Abstract: The Petroleum Industry is one of the largest and broadest entrepreneurs of the world, and it grows each year, with new technologies and new innovation perspectives. The hydrocarbon exploration is a risk-filled activity, requiring dangerous tasks involving very high pressures and the manipulation of gigantic amounts of gas. Therefore, all equipment need to meet security standards. This paper was based on improving a machine component to meet the requirements on the API 610/671 Standards. The coupling used in the past could cause sparking, creating dangerous explosions, and if there were severe vibrations, their blades could come loose, becoming a danger for operators In order to meet the API 610/671 Standards, a change was made to the coupling design, where a study was carried out to select a new material with more adequate mechanical characteristics for the work, phosphatizing thermal treatment and salt spray tests to analyze the material life time.
Key Words: Blade coupling, API 610/671 Standards, Petroleum, Security
[1]. Manual "Perigos no AR " - Traduzido do livro "Hazard of Air " da The American Oil Conpany" – Editado pela Petrobrás/ Depin – Departamento Industrial, Refinaria Gabriel Passos
[2]. Manual "Caracterização do Petróleo e seus produtos "Elaborado pelo Engo. de Processamento Marco Antonio Farah – Jan 90. Petrobrás / Cenpes /Diven
[3]. Manual de Procedimentos Operacionais Simplificado – Unidade de Processamento de Gás Natural – Atalaia. Aracaju-SE. Abril 1991
[4]. Apostila de Química do Curso de Operações com Gás – Elaborada pelo Engo. de Processamento George Lopes Bezerra / Abril 1991
[5]. Normas Básicas de Segurança para armazenamento, manuseio, transporte e utilização de vasilhame de GLP – Elaborado pela Supergasbras
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Abstract: Elastoplastic dimensioning is an important step in the design of Tubesheets. Indeed, they must be as thin as possible in order to reduce the internal temperature gradients and the risks related to thermal fatigue, and at the same time, to reduce the industrialization costs related to the material and perforations. Several studies have been developed with the aim of finding an elastoplastic model of calculation which is the most appropriate in analytical theor1,2 or using finite element method. The aim of this work is, then to propose a 2D Typical model for the numerical simulation of the circular clamped perforated thin plates behavior in the elastic and elastoplastic domains. Unlike the majority of the literature calculations that are based on the equivalent solid plate model,this Model is based on the real geometry of plates and takes into account different perforation distribution patterns and ligament factors and it is then validated by experiments1
[1]. A. LAYAD (Faculté Polythechnique de MONS). Simulation du comportement des plaques circulaires perforées. (Faculté Polythechnique de MONS, 1999).
[2]. WIERZBICKI T & FLORENCE AL. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Impulsively Loaded Clamped Circular Viscoplastic Plates. Int. J. Solids Struct.6, 553–568 (1970).
[3]. Indus-, Y. C., Alto, P. & City, A. Heat-Exchanger Tube-Sheet D e s i g n — 3 . U-Tube and Bayonef Tube Sheets. (2016).
[4]. W.J O'Donnell, F. L. Design of Perforated Plates. ASME Ser. B, vol 84 (1962).
[5]. Lakce, R. H. & Onat, E. T. A comparison of experiments and theory in the plastic bending of circular plates. J. Mech. Phys. Solids10, 301–308 (1962).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seismic Analysis of RCC and Steel Frame Structure By Using ETABS |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | AnujDomale || L.G.Kalurkar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1502023842 ![]() |
Abstract: The residential housing sector (G+3,G+6 etc.) use of steel has increased, but RCC construction still predominates the Indian construction business.In the present study an attempt has been made to analyze the seismic behavior of RCC and steelframes using Etabs2015.The high self-weight and brittleness of concrete is not favorable to seismic prone structures whereas steel structures are 60% lesser in weight through they can withstand earthquake more effectively than the concrete structures. Aim of the study to compare the seismic performance of G+6 and G+9 frames for both steel and RCC. For current study all frames are analyzed under equivalent static method. In this comparative study it is concluded that steel frames are most effective than the concrete as it has the highest strength to weight ratio.
Keywords: Steel frame, RCC frame, Seismic Analysis, ETABS2015, IS 1893:2002
[1]. S. S. Charantimath and Swapnil B. Cholekar , "Comparative Study on Structural Parameter of R.C.C and Steel Building", Civil and Environmental Research, Vol.6, Issue.6, 2014,pp.2224-5790.
[2]. D.R. Panchal and P.M. Marathe, "Comparative Study of R.C.C, Steel-composite (G+30 Story) Building", Institute of Technology, Nirma university, Ahmedabad – 08-10 December, 2011, pp382-481.
[3]. IS: 1893, Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures – general provisions for buildings, Part 1, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2002.
[4]. IS: 456, Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete code of practice, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2000.
[5]. IS: 800, Code of practice for general construction in steel, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2007.
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Abstract: This paper summarizes the ongoing researches about the defects in Flexible and Rigid pavement and the maintenance in Flexible and Rigid pavements. In the past, lots of researchers have already studied the defects and problems of maintaining the Flexible and Rigid pavements all over the world. Efforts have been made to refer some of the publications related to this topic. Various defects in Flexible and Rigid pavements have been identified since the existence of Flexible and Rigid pavement. Pavement structure can be destroyed in a single season due to water penetration .Defects in Flexible and Rigid pavements is a problem of multiple dimensions, phenomenal growth of vehicular traffic (in terms of no. of axle loading of commercial vehicles), the rapid expansion in the road network, non-availability.............
Keywords: Defects, Flexible and Rigid Pavement, Maintenance, Road, Rutting, Paved Roads
[1] Al-Mustansiryah University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Highways and Transportation Engineering, "Highway Maintenance Course" (2015-2016).
[2] T. F. Fwa, "The Handbook of Highway Maintenance" By Taylor and Francis Group(2006).
[3] NRRDA's (National Rural Road Development Agency) guidance notes of "Managing Maintenance of Rural Roads" (October 2014)
[4] Zulufqar Bin Rashid, Dr. Rakesh Gupta "Review Paper On Defects in Flexible Pavement and its Maintenance", Associate Professor and Director, Civil Engineering department, SRMIET, Bhurewala, Haryana, India.
[5] Bureau of Indian affairs Division of transportation "BIA transportation facilities Maintenance handbook"
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Abstract: This paper gives a review of the vibration characteristics and its analysis associated with two stroke low speed marine diesel engines and its counteract measures.Marine diesel engines are variable speed engines and face resonance vibration in a narrow band speed within its speed range and this band is called as barred speed range. The historical strategy for vibration control has been sub-critical design criteria. This strategy adopts vibration analysis of local primary forces of machinery components and thereby neglects the impact of secondary forces. Recently, Global vibration analysis has been adopted to reduce the influence of barred speed rangeand secondary excitations. In this paper, we study the performance comparison of both sub-critical design criteria and global vibration analysis...
Keywords: Vibration, secondary excitations, barred speed range, sub critical design, Global vibration analysis.
[1] Vibration Characteristics of Two-stroke Low Speed Diesel Engines, MAN Diesel & Turbo paper, G60ME-C9 Vibration Performance - Marine Engines & Systems.
[3] StigBaungaardJakobsen, 1991, Coupled axial and trorsional vibration calculations on Long-Stroke diesel engines, SNAME Transactions, Vol. 99
[4],Vibration characteristics of two stroke low speed diesel engines.
[5] Sebastian Persson, Martin Frandsen, 2015,Position of barred speed range - Marine Engines & Systems- MAN Diesel & Turbo.
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Abstract: Air pollution is the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Those pollutants may be gases or particulate matter and can come from a variety of sources. These are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, particulate matter and lead. Most of this air pollution we cause results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles. 𝑆𝑂2, 𝑁02 𝑎𝑛𝑑 SPM is the good indicators of automobile pollution. In this paper, air quality of many places of Chennai in India was calculated and impact of human health is presented..
Keywords: Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, pollution, vehicles.
[1]. Study of air pollutions and its impact on human health in Chennai. by P.Thilagaraj, R.Ravinder, R.Kesavan IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) (2014).
[2]. TamilNadu Pollution Control Board (2016) , Advanced Environmental Laboratory, Guindy, Chennai-32.
[3]. TamilNadu Pollution Control Board (2017) , Advanced Environmental Laboratory, Guindy, Chennai-32.
[4]. Studies on Atmospheric Pollution over Chennai-Mega South East Coastal City in India, G. Sudhakar, M. Shanawaz Begum, D. Punyaseshudu (2014).
[5]. Spatial exploration of air pollution in Chennai city using GIS by Jothika Nair, Roshni Chopra Research Scholar, Department of Geology, Sri Meenakshi Govt Arts College for Women, India. (2016)
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Abstract: Engine is the most critical operating mechanism in industrial machines. Its function is to transmit power to the parts of the machine. Diesel power plants utilize two or four stroke engines in their operations and needs to be lubricated with the appropriate lubricant to maintain their performance and reliability. The lubricant creates a thin film between the sliding surfaces thus reducing friction in the machine. Base oil and additives are two ingredients of the lubricant. The base oil gives lubrication to the moving parts to protect them from wear caused by friction while additives prevents deterioration of oil under extreme temperature. Condition monitoring in power plants arises from the fact that in a power plant unexpected fault or shutdown may result to fatal accident or huge loss of output. The recent development in computer and transducer technologies, signal processing and artificial–intelligence (AI)............
Keywords: Used oil analysis,useful life of the lubricant, preventive maintenance, root cause analysis(RCA).
[1]. Adnani, S. A., Hashemi, S. J., Shooshtari, A., & Attar, M. M. (2013). The initial estimate of the useful lifetime of the oil in diesel engines using oil analysis. Tribology in Industry, 35(1), 61–68.
[2]. Fitch, J. (2007). The Truths About Oil Analysis Data Trending. Retrieved July 1, 2017, from
[3]. Juran, J. M., Godfrey, a B., Hoogstoel, R. E., & Schilling, E. G. (1999). Juran ' S Quality Handbook. Training for Quality (Vol. 1).
[4]. Kumar, M., Shankar Mukherjee, P., & Mohan Misra, N. (2013). Advancement and current status of wear debris analysis for machine condition monitoring: a review. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 65(1), 3–11.
[5]. Lucas, M., & Yurko, R. J. (1996). Current Technology in Oil Analysis Spectrometers and What We May Expect in the Future
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Abstract: The general public of service users have not understood about the value of construction consultancy services. This hampers marketing opportunities in the private sector for construction consulting services particularly, in South Kalimantan. The objective of the research is to create an appropriate marketing strategy for corporation construction consultancy services in South Kalimantan. It can be identified by SWOT analysis, AHP analysis, and Importance Performance-Analysis. This research is done by giving the questionnaire to the service users and construction consulting firms in South Kalimantan. The result of its are, a model of the marketing strategy of the construction consulting service, Strength-Opportunity strategy, grow and build it, service pricing strategy, and basic strategy. This model is a collaboration between the marketing-mix and service quality.
Keywords: AHP, construction consulting service, marketing strategy, SWOT
[1] Valarie A. Zeithaml and Mary J. Bitner, Service Marketing. (Singapore: McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 2000).
[2] Christopher H. Lovelock, Service Marketing and Management. 2nd edition. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall by Pearson Education Inc., 2004).
[3] Bernard H. Booms and Mary J. Bitner, Marketing Strategies and Organization. Structures for Services Firms, American Marketing Journal, 2001, Pp. 47-51.
[4] A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and its Implication for Future Research, Journal of Marketing, 49 (4), 1985, pp. 41-50.
[5] Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing. 14th edition. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall by Pearson Education Inc., 2011).