Version-3 (Mar-Apr 2018)
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Abstract: Submerged Floating Tunnel is a new concept, It is a new type of transport structure. It is very different from other structures like bridges and tunnels, It is the new invention in which the conventional structure in crossing long , large and deep water areas. For construction of this type of structure it is an challenge to all the technology this article discuss some problems and challenges, which are faced in design and construction of SFT, Such as wave load determination, vibratuins,reduction of accidental load. The technology difficulties and corresponding solution were proposed. At last, the several key problems to be need further research were proposed, so as to provide for the design, construction and project risk analysis of future SFT.
Keywords: submerged floating tunnel , design, construction, durability, risk analysis
[1] Hongsheng Yan, Yang Yuan, Jinxing Yu, "Fatigue reliability analysis of cable considering corrosion," 2nd international Symposium on submerged floating tunnels and underwater tunnel structure, Procedia Engineering ( ELSEVIER) 166(2016)127-135.
[2] Ling Kang, Fei Ge, Youshi Hong, "A numerical studay on responses of submerged floating structures undergoing vortex-induced vibration and seismic excitation," 2nd international Symposium on submerged floating tunnel and under water tunnel structures, Procedia engineering (ELSEVIER) 166(2016)91-98
[3] Hongsheng Yan, Liyang Wu, Jianxing Yu, "Mode analysis of the submerged floating tunnel tether," 2nd international Symposium on submerged floating tunnel and underwater tunnel structures, Procedia Engineering (ELSEVIER) 166(2016) 136-142
[4] Bolin Jiang, Bo Liang, "Study on the Main Influence Factors of Traffic loads in Dynamic Response of Submerged Floating Tunnel," 2nd international Symposium on Submerged floating tunnels and under water tunnel structures, Procedia Engineering (ELSEVIER) 166(2016) 171-179
[5] Zhi-Nan Hu, Yong-li-Xie,"Mechanical and failure characteristics of shear keys on immersed tunnel segment joints under differential settlements," 2nd international Symposium Floating Tunnels and Underwater Tunnel Structures, Procedia Engineering (ELSEVIER) 166(2016) 373-378
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Abstract: This paper presents a novel 3D printing technology using recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to produce a 3D printing filament. The commonly used 3D printing filaments are acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polylactic acid (PLA), but they are very expensive and not environment friendly.There is a great interest about how the filament should be made from recycled materials and be eco-friendly. In addition, there has been extreme growth and excitement about the possibilities of using 3D printing technology to boost world economy. In this research, the recycled waste PET materials were converted into high value and useful products such as dog bones test samples, 3D printing filaments, mobile robot chassis, drone blades etc. This technology involves the conversion of............
Keywords: 3D printing filament, PET, PLA, ABS, Reprap printer.
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[5] Anil Kumar, Rakesh K. Gupta (2003), Fundamentals of Polymers Engineering, 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc. Pp437-480
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Abstract: This study was designed to assess the effects of automobile emissions on People's Healthin Taraba State, Nigeria. The study answered research questions and tested one null hypothesis. These research questions showed the quantity of CO, NO2 and SO2 being emitted in Taraba state, the health effects of these emissions on the respondents and government measures necessary to reduce the effects of automobile emissions. The readings was taking each morning, afternoon and evening at six different road where there is high traffic concentration in the six study areas for three days. Q-Trak Plus IAQ Monitor was used to collect data on CO. The results revealed that the pollutants............
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Abstract: The study investigated the effects of using neem oil as base in cutting fluid for machining operation in Adamawa state polytechnic., The growing demand for biodegradable materials has opened an avenue for using vegetable oils such as neem seed oil, castor oil and water melon seed oil as an alternative to conventional cutting fluids. In this study, some aspects of the turning process on mild steel using HSS cutting tool at variety of spindle speed, feed rate and constant length of cut were observed using neem seed oil, soluble oil and straight oil in comparison. The findings to this study serves as the basis for drawing conclusion that temperature reduction was best obtain using neem oil as base cutting fluid than soluble oil and straight oil whereas minimum surface roughness and best surface quality was obtained using neem seed oil as cutting fluid as compared to straight oil and soluble oil cutting fluid in turning operation of mild steel work piece using HSS cutting tool. The least surface roughness...........
[1]. Alessandro, A. (2011).Principles of Machining Process. Hillsborough community college, Brandon Campus.
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[3]. Berkari, S.Bouzid, L.Bensouilab, H. Yallese, M. A., &Girardin, F. (2015).Model and optimization of tool wear and surface roughness in turning of austenitic stainless steel using response surface technology.Mechanical Engineering Department, Mechanics and Structures Research Laboratory (LMS), Guelma University, Algeria.
[4]. Kuram, E.,Ozcelik, B.&Simsek, B.T. (2011). Experimental investigation of vegetable based cutting fluids with extreme pressure during AISI 204L. Green Manufacturing Processes and Systems,Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013Tribol Int44:1864-1871.
[5]. Nuhu, A.A., Jovita, H.D. &Danladi, K.G. (2016). Comparative performance of neem seed, water melon seed and soluble oil as metal cutting fluids. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 4 142-152
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Abstract: Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a fundamental reliability analysis tool used in industrial systems with many interacting components for failure modes identification and prioritization with the ultimate goal of eliminating the failure modes causal factors. It entails identifying equipment failure modes using a structured approach. The ability to perform effective failure modes identification and accurate procedure for failure elimination is critical for effective maintenance management. This paper aims to identify and prioritise critical recurrent and potential failures in corn milling plants using selected control parameters through the application of FMEA for purposes of improving critical milling plant sub systems reliability. Past research on corn milling plant..........
Keywords - Equipment Optimization, Failure Identification, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Failure Prioritization, Maintenance Management, Run to Failure
[1]. Bloch-Mercier, S. (2002). A preventive maintenance policy with sequential checking procedure for a Markov deteriorating system. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 142(3), pp 548-576.
[2]. Doostparast, M. and Kolahan, F. (2014). A reliability-based approach to optimize preventive maintenance scheduling for coherent systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 126, 98-106.
[3]. Jardine, A. K. S., Joseph, T., & Banjevic, D. (1999). Optimizing condition-based maintenance decisions for equipment subject to vibration monitoring. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 5(3), 192-202.
[4]. Chee-Cheng C. (2013). A developed autonomous preventive maintenance programme using RCA and FMEA.
[5]. Liao, W., Pan, E., & Xi, L. (2010). Preventive maintenance scheduling for repairable system with deterioration. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 21(6), 875-884.
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Abstract: In this study we tried a series of nanoindentation test on nanocrystalline (nc) tungsten (W) specimens, using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and Embedded Atom Method (EAM). We studied the grain size effect in the range of 6 to 15 nm, with a penetration rate of 5 Å /ps and at room temperature 300 K. We found the reduced elastic modulus Er and the Young elastic modulus E dependent of grain size. On the other hand, we investigated the effect of the penetration velocity ranging from 3 Å/ps to 5 Å/ps. We found that the elastic modulus increases when the rate of penetration increases. The found results are in good agreement with data experiment and the literature...
Keywords -Nanoindentation, nanocrystalline tungsten, Molecular Dynamics simulations, grain size, indenter velocity.
[1] Gleiter, "Nanocrystalline Materials," Progress in Materials Science, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1989, pp. 223-315.
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[4] Jia Li, JiawenGuo, HaoLuo, Qihong Fang, Hong Wu, Liangchi Zhang, "Youwen Liu, Study of nanoindentation mechanical response of nanocrystalline structures using molecular dynamics simulations", Applied Surface Science 364 (2016) 190–200.
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Abstract: This paper deals with a statistical and critical analysis of concentration of air pollutants in Chennai for a span of 10 years (2007 – 2017). Three major portions of the city is considered, that is Anna Nagar, a residential area, Manali , an industrial area and Thyagaraya Nagar (T. Nagar) , a commercial area. The concentration of air pollutants like NOx , SO2 and Respirable Suspended Particle Matter (RSPM) over a decade has been analyzed. And their effect on health, environment and rainfall has been discussed..
Keywords -air pollutants, rainfall, health, environment
[1]. Jothika Nair, Roshni Chopra "Spatial exploration of air pollution in Chennai city using GIS", SSRG International Journal of Geo informatics and Geological Science (SSRG - IJGGS), V3(5),19-24 September to October 2016
[2]. P.Thilagaraj, R.Ravinder , R.Kesavan " A Study on air pollution and its impact on human health in Chennai", IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e- ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X PP 01-05
[3]. Kanakiya, R.S., Singh, S.K. and Mehta, P.M. Urban Canyon Modelling: A Need for the Design of Future Indian Citie, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences. 2015. 8; 118-28.
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[5]. Barman, S.C., Kumar, N., Singh, R., Kisku, G.C., Khan, A.H., Kidwai, M.M., Murthy, R.C., Negi, M.P.S., Pandey, P., Verma, A.K., Jain, G. and Bhargava, S.K. (2010) Assessment of Urban Air Pollution and It's Probable Health Impact. Journal of Environmental Biology, 31, 913-920.
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of R.C deep beam with web openings retrofitted by ferrocement laminates. In order to achieve this objective, a total of fifteen simply-supported deep beams were tested under central point load. Three of them kept as reference specimens (un-strengthened specimens) and the remaining twelve beams were externally strengthened by ferrocement overlays with different strengthening schemes such as all sides of the beam and around the opening. The essential parameters that were considered include the number and the type of steel wire meshes, thicknesses of plastering mortar, mortar strength and the opening location (bending and shear zone). The experimental work confirmed that the behavior of R.C. deep beams with openings has...............
Keywords -Deep Beam, Ferrocement, Strengthening, Openings..
[1] ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M.14) and Commentary", American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, 2014.
[2] ECP 203-2009. Egyptian code of practice for design and construction of Reinforced concrete structures. Third edition
[3] ACI Committee 549-1R-199 (1993), "Guide for Design Construction and Repair of Ferrocement", ACI 549-1R-93, Manual of Concrete Practice, Detroit.
[4] ACI Committee 549, (1997), "State of the Art Report on Ferrocement, ACI 549–R97, in Manual of Concrete Practice, ACI, Detroit.
[5] M. Islam, M. Mansur, and M. Maalej, Shear Strengthening of RC Deep Beams Using Externally Bounded FRP Systems. Cement & Concrete Composites, 27, 2005, 413-420..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Printing Press Operations |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Moses B. Kataka || Jean B. Byiringiro || Peter N. Muchiri |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1502035363 ![]() |
Abstract: Printing technology has seen technological advances in the field of automation because it is a very dynamic and innovative process. A good printing factory layout maximizes production with minimum investment in new equipment. However, a good factory layout alone cannot achieve the intended objectives unless tightly coupled with production process monitoring and improvement which entails monitoring of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to pinpoint areas of production losses and identify areas of performance improvements.This research focused on carrying out a process and facility layout analysis with the aim of identifying gaps, bottlenecks and challenges in productivity that contributed to poor production throughput, and to redesign the layout and optimize the production........
Keywords -ARENA, CRAFT, Optimization, OEE, Printing, Simulation.
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[5] M. Holland, Taking Control:A Simple Approach to World-Class Manufacturing., 2014
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Abstract: Global warming and the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will affect temperature and rainfall.This rise in temperature ultimately results in evaporation losses from storage reservoirs. As water is limited resource and its conservation and management is important, so that there are different method to reduce evaporation from open reservoirs. These methods are mainly categorized as physical and chemical methods. Water losses by evaporation from storage reservoirs must be minimized for greatest utility of limited supplies. Hence in this paper we have focused on evaporation losses from the open reservoirand carried out test on artificial reservoir using low density polypropylene balls as floating cover to predict how much percentage of evaporation losses can be reduce from open reservoirs. From analysis 80-82% evaporation losses can be reduced to actual losses from water bodies..
Keywords -Evaporation, Floating covers,Open reservoir, Polypropylene balls, seepage losses..
[1] AshwiniGaikar "Stored potable water- evaporation reduction by thin film surface coating" , IJIFR/V2/E8/k2, 5 Aug, 2017.
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[3] Elba E., Urban B., Ettmer B., Farghaly D., "Mitigating the impact of climate change by reducing evaporation losses: sediment removal from the high Aswan Dam reservoir." American journal of climate change, 6, 230-246.
[4] Evaporation control in reservoirs, Report 6 no 1087/ECR, Jan 1987, CSMRS, New Delhi.
[5] Gozalvez J., Gisbert P., Gisbert C., Santafe M., Puig E., "Covering reservoirs with a system of floating solar panels: technical and financial analysis" 16th International Congress on Project Engineering, Camino de Vera s/n 46022, Valencia 11-13 July 2012...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Mixing Fibers on Flexural Strength of Concrete Mix |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nikunj Patel || C. B. Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1502036873 ![]() |
Abstract: Economic growth of the country depends on good infrastructural facilities, as good roads are the life line of country to meet ever increasing demands of users. The sustained efforts need to be made from long run point of view with respect to quality and quantity of roads in terms of load carrying capacity; performance of pavement, durability, length and economy is needed. Nano innovation is most encouraging region of science. Now-a-days different types of Fibres are used as a part of the Fibre Reinforced Concrete Pavement. In this study, M40 concrete with and without additive Brass Coated Micro Steel Fibers (BMSF) is prepared and strength values using Compressive strength test, Flexural strength test is found out and from such values the optimum dosage of additives is determined which can be suggested to highway contractors.
Keywords -Brass Coated Micro Steel Fiber, Compressive, Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Flexural S, M40 Grade
[1] Experimental Study on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete for M-40 Grade. A.M. Shende, A.M. Pande, M. Gulfam Pathan. September 2012, International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES), Volume 1.
[2] Application of Steel Fiber in Increasing the Strength, Life-Period and Reducing Overall Cost of Road Construction (by Minimizing the Thickness of Pavement). Abdul Ahad, Zishan Raza Khan, Shumank Deep Srivastava. 2015, science research publishing, World Journal of Engineering and Technology.
[3] Experimental study on behavior of fiber reinforced concrete for rigid pavements. K. Vamshi krishna, J. Venkateswara Rao. Jul- Aug. 2014, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Volume 11.
[4] The effect of micro-reinforcement steel fibers addition on the size of the shrinkage of concrete and corrosion process of the main reinforcement bars. Raczkiewicz, Wioletta. 2017, Elsevier, Procedia Engineering...
[5] Effect of Steel Fibers on Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete. S. A. MAHADIK, S. K. KAMANE, A. C. LANDE. October 2014, International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering.
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Abstract: Turkey is an important stopping point for the distribution of Russian and Middle East energy resources, agricultural products grown in the Middle Eastern lands, and commercial products, which are produced cheaper in Asia and the Middle East, than Europe and the world. However, the existence of a transportation system that is dependent on the highway transportation and, therefore, an unbalanced transportation network causes serious problems. In order to overcome these problems, the transportation system should be considered as a whole. Transportation systems should be planned in such a way as to ensure coordinated operation of the country's resourcesand also, the modes of transport must be fast, economic, safe andsensitiveenvironmentally. In this study, transportation.........
Keywords -Cost Analysis,Highway, Railway, Seaway,Transportation.
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[5] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). [Date of Access :05.11.2016]...