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Abstract: A Water Quality Index (WQI) provides a single number that expresses overall quality at certain location and time based on several water quality parameters. The objective of an index is to turn complex quality data in to information that is understandable and useable by the public. For calculating the WQI 12 physico-chemical parameters such as pH, Electric Conductivity, Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Chloride, Sulphate, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Fluoride, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity were taken to assess the impact of pollutants due to anthropogenic activities. The present work deals with the monitoring of variation of seasonal water quality index of some strategically selected points of Kuroorthodu river. The Water Quality Index value for the Surface water ranges from 8.6 to 190.9 during the monsoon season and 15.3 to 103.8 during the post-monsoon season.
Keywords: Ground water, Water Quality Index, Physico-chemical parameters, Water quality standards
[1] APHA (1995). Standard Methods (18 Ed.) for the examination of water and waste water, APHA, AWWA, WPCE, Washington DC.
[2] Bhaven N. Tandel, JEM Macwan and Chirag K. Soni (2011). Assessment of Water Quality Index of small lake in south Gujarath region, India, Proceedings of ISEM-2011, Thailand.
[3] BIS 10500, (1991), Specifications for drinking water, Indian Standard Institutions (Bureau of Indian Standards), New Delhi.
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[5] ICMR Manual of standards of quality for drinking water supplies (1975). ICMR, New Delhi
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Abstract: This research paper aims at designing and developing an air intake manifold to be used in FSAE competitions. According to the rule imposed by the FSAE committee, a 20 mm restrictor should be a part of the intake manifold through which only the engine breaths in air for combustion. This rule is imposed to reduce the maximum power produced by an engine. This paper is documented as an introduction on how to design and fabricate an air intake manifold according to FSAE norms. Software tools used designing and developing an air intake manifold are Solidworks (for CADD modeling), Solidworks Flow Simulation (for flow analysis), RICARDO WAVE (for engine simulation). The results from CFD analysis and RICARDO are compared to find the most suitable design of IM for deriving maximum engine performance. The complete study and research of the IM here is done in accordance to the need of a KTM RC390 engine..
Keywords: Air intake manifold, FSAE, RICARDO, Restrictor, Solidworks
[1] SachinWaghmare, Nikhil Karekar "Design & Analysis for Intake System of Formula SAE Car",IJETMAS vol.04, Issue2, ISSN 2349_4476, Rajendra Mane college of Engg& Technology, Ratnagziri, Maharashtra, India,2016.
[2] Logan M. Shelagowski and Thomas A. Mahank, Formula SAE Intake Restrictor Design and Performance. Saginaw Valley State University,2015.
[3] Shinde, P. A.,Research and optimization of intake restrictor for Formula SAE car engine. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(4).,2014.
[4] AnshulSinghal, MallikaParveen, "Air flow optimization via a venturi type air restrictor", London UK, WCE 2013.
[5] Blair, G. P., Cahoon, W. M. (2003). Breathing Easy. Race Engine Technology. Issue 002. 46-51.
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Abstract: An experimental study is carried out to evaluate the thermal performance of wicked horizontal heat pipe (WHHP).R134-a is used as working fluid with mass 123 gram. The WHHP was made of three parts condenser, evaporator and adiabatic section. Condenser and evaporator sections were made of copper with 100 mm length, 35 mm outer diameter,24 mm inner diameter and 5.5 mm thickness wall. Adiabatic section was made of UPVC with 100 mm, 43.5 mm outer diameter, 24 mm inner diameter and 9.75 mm wall thickness.The evaporator section of the heat pipe was surrounded by heater coil representing the heat source. The condenser was jacketed with plastic cylinder to accommodate the cooling water flow. The entire WHHP was insulated. WHHPconsists of a copper and UPVC..........
Keywords: Heat pipe, screen mesh wick, thermal performance, working fluids, R134-a.
[1]. Dunn,P.;Reay,D.A.; Heat pipes, 3rd ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford(1982).
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[3]. Majeed and Skheel , EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF WICK STRUCTURE MATERIAL AND SCREEN MESH ON HEAT PIPE PERFORMANCE, The Iraqi Journal For Mechanical And Material Engineering, Vol.16, No4, 2016.
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[5]. Shwin-Chung Wong and Yi-HuanKao,‟‟Visualization and Performance Measurement of Operating Mesh-wicked Heat Pipes‟‟. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.51 (2008) 4249–4259.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of A Semi Mechanize Gari Fryer |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ejiko, S. O. || Oigbochie, D. || Emmanuel, A. A |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1502042330 ![]() |
Abstract: The application of technology to improve the lives of the rural populace is pivotal in increasing their life expectances. In order to minimize the stress (drudgery) and energy wastage involved in carrying out specific task traditionally, several mechanize machines have been developed. In processing gari the heating can be done either by the use of fossil fuel or electricity and probably interchangeable. The processor is exposed to the heat generated which is detrimental and hazardous to his health. Hence, there is need to developed a semi mechanize fryer to maximize the production capacity..........
Keywords: Gari frying, maximum load, Density, Torque.
[1]. Agbetoye, L.A.S (1999): Development in Cassava Harvesting Mechanisation West Indian.Eng., 22, Pp11-19
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Abstract: Numerical methods have been developed in the past decades to study the flow field and pressure distribution around buildings. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique is one of the most efficient methods. The CFD technique includes a wide range of turbulence models suitable for predicting airflow and mean pressure coefficient values. These models include Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence models (RANS), Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES) model and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) models. In this paper, a cubic building shape, which include five square faces, was studied to evaluate and validate the numerical results of various CFD turbulence models with available experimental works. The contours of wind pressure coefficients and wind flow around the cube have been determined using these different turbulence models. The results have been compared with experimental and other theoretical results. Further, the values of mean pressure coefficient (Cp) on cubic faces are compared with those values in codes and standard. The results are summarized and discussed.
Keywords: .Wind Pressure, Turbulence Models Sensitivity, CFD, Numerical Simulation, Cubic Building
[1]. Zhang, Z., Zhai, J.Z., Zhang, W., Chen, Q, Evaluation of Various Turbulence Models in Predicting Airflow and Turbulence in Enclosed Environments by CFD: Part 1-summary of Prevalent Turbulence Models, HVAC&R Res,2007, 853-870.
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[3]. Montazeri, H., Blocken, B, CFD Simulation of Wind-induced Pressure Coefficients on Buildings with and Without Balconies: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis, Build. Environ. 60, 2012, 137-149.
[4]. Tominaga, Y., Mochida, A., Murakami, S., Sawaki, S,Comparison of Various Revised K-ε Models and Les Applied to Flow Around a Highrise Building Model with 1:1:2 Shape Placed Within the Surface Boundary Layer, J. Wind. Eng. Ind. Aerod. 96, 2008.
[5]. Biao Lia, Jing Liua,b, Feifei Luoa, Xiaoxin Manc, Evaluation of CFD Simulation Using Various Turbulence Models for Wind Pressure on Buildings Based on Wind Tunnel Experiments, 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC) Procedia Engineering 121,2015, 2209 – 2216.
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Abstract: Concrete consumption has becomes multi-fold over last few decades, and such usage of concrete has increased on large scale world over. Concrete ingredients used are becoming more costly day by day and also demand for the same is increasing widely all over. The present experimental investigation is aimed to compare the glass fibre reinforced concrete on partial replacement opc with mineral admixtures (Fly ash, GGBS &Metakaolin) with concrete grade of M30. The mix proportioning for M30 grade was done according to the IS:10262-2009. The work is focused on replacing the opc i.e. Fly ash20%+GGBS20%, Fly ash20%+Metakaolin20%, Matakaolin20%+GGBS20% by mineral admixtures with and without Alkali Resistant (AR) glass fibres0.5%, 1.0% content. And..........
Keywords: Alkali Resistant(AR)glass fibres, Workability,Pozzolana, Fly Ash, GGBS, Metakaolin, Super Plasticizer, Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength.
[1]. Dr. P. SrinivasaRao , Chandra Mouli K and Dr. T. SeshadriSekhar (2012), "Durability studies on glassfiber reinforced concrete", journal of civil engineering science: An international journal , vol 1 no 1-2, pp 37-42.
[2]. Yogesh Iyer Murthy, Apporv Sharda and Gourav Jain (2012), "Performance of glass fiber reinforcedconcrete", International journal of engineering and innovative technology, vol 1, Issue 6.
[3]. "Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete"
[4]. Komal Chawla (2013), "Studies on Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete composites", International journal of structural and civil engineering research, Vol. 2, No. 3,pp 176-182.
[5]. S.Harle, Prof.R.Meghe (2013). "Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete & Its Properties" International Journal of Engineering and computer science, Volume-2, Issue-12, PP-3544-3547, December 2013..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Construction of Indigenous Strain Gauge Equipment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ejiko, S.O. || Olakolegun O. D. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1502044959 ![]() |
Abstract: Strain is an important factor that establishes the mechanical behavior of varieties of metal used in machine development. The strain experienced in a metal is directly proportional to the stress. Equipment such as resistance strain gauge, piezoelectric strain gauge and extensometer are used for measuring strain. These devices are expensive and the costs of maintenance are high, hence the need to develop an indigenous strain gauge that is affordable. This device is simply design for easy application in carrying out materials' strength experiment by student. The developed indigenous strain gauge has a height of 1.22m and could accommodate samples of 5 to 10 mm diameters with a gauge length of 200mm; couple to it is a transducer to magnify the strain signal for efficient strain calibration. The equipment was able to withstand a load of 1000N. The ratio of deformation (Strain) with reference to load increment correlates with theoretical response.
Keywords: Design, Equipment, Experiment Indigenous, Strain and Stress
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Abstract: This Study Evaluated The Experimental Effect Of Corrosion On Bond Existing Between Steel And Concrete Interface Of Corroded And Resins / Exudates Coated Reinforcement With Ficus Glumosa Extracts From Trees. Resins / Exudates Paste Were Directly Layered On Reinforcing Steel Of Varying Thicknesses Of Thicknesses 150μm, 250μm And 350μm, Embedded Into Standard Cube Size Of 150 Mm X 150 Mm X150 Mm. Uncoated And Coated Concrete Cube Members Of 18 Samples Were Immersed In Saline Marine Environment Of Sodium Chloride (Nacl), Accelerated For 60days For Corrosion Potential Possibility Observation. Results Obtained Indicated Corrosion Potential........
Keywords: Corrosion, Corrosion Inhibitors, Pull-Out Bond Strength, Concrete And Steel Reinforcement.
[1] BS. 882; Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete. British Standards Institute. London, United Kingdom, 1992.
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Abstract: The tool "e2Construct" was developed as part of research work and was validated initially with select contractors to help construction industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Substantial use of this tool to the construction industry would help better use Indian and other labor forces in the UAE and save billions of dollars. This paper concludes the series of papers, in which the model was developed to include the current practices and standards of UAE construction Industry in relation to labor skill development and recruitment strategy. The model was tested initially with three construction companies independently to validate their understanding. Their acceptance was the basis of using this tool in the future work towards industry-wide application of the e2Construct tool. This paper describes results of initial testing and stages that were followed for successful implementation in the industry..
Keywords: construction projects, quality factors, labor skills, recruitment and skill development Keywords: Effective Use of Indian Skills, better construction, Construction in United Arab Emirates.
[1] Sayah, E. B. and Ranadive, M.S. (2008), "The effects of unskilled labor on the quality of concrete construction" Proceedings of OWIC&S, Singapore.
[2] Sayah, E. B. and Ranadive, M.S. (2017), "A study of the factors influencing the construction in the UAE", Vimarsh: An Endeavor to Share Knowledge 2017.
[3] Sayah, E. B. and Ranadive, M.S. (2016), "A study on construction skilled workforce perception towards the project management standards of UAE", Business Vision.
[4] Sayah, E. B. and Ranadive, M.S. "Construction skilled workforce perception towards the project management standards of UAE – A Fresh Look
[5] Sayah, E. B. (2017), "e2Construct: A model for Indian Skill Development and Construction Labor in UAE", PhD. Thesis submitted to University of Pune, India.
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Abstract: Strengthening reinforced concrete beams by a thin layer of ferrocement gives favourable properties such as smaller crack spacing and width, greater toughness which increases their impact load capacity, excellent bond in contact surface, and superfluity of formwork. The purpose of the experimental program in the present work is to show the effect of combination of conventional reinforced concrete beam encased by a thin layer of ferrocement. In this work, the first part of the experimental program covers the effect of some variables that affect the application of ferrocement in strengthening of reinforced concrete beams that are subjected to impact loads. The effect of number of layers of wire mesh, thickness of ferrocement............
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