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Abstract: North coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh, India has been connected with number of industrial infrastructural projects. Red gravel soils are well promising geotechnical construction material which can be widely used in civil engineering application, especially in infrastructure projects. In this region Red gravel soil are prominent resource material on which several construction activities have been running. To consider the above, 75 gravel soil samples were collected and tested for various geotechnical characteristics. Based on the test results these gravel soils are characterized and can make suitable for geotechnical applications in various civil engineering projects.
Keywords: gravel soils, suitability, characterization.
[1]. Gourley C.S. and Greening, P.A.K. (1997) , " Use of Sub-standard Laterite Gravels as Road Base Materials in Southern Africa", International Symposium on Thin Pavements, Surface Treatments and Unbound Roads, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
[2]. Ministry of surface transport MORTH, clause N0.500-2001
[3]. Nunan, T.A and Humphrey D.N(1990), " A Review and Experimentation of Gravel Stabilization methods, executive", Technical services division, Technical report 90-2, Departments of Civil Engineering, University of Maine, Orono, Maine
[4]. NCHRP. (2003). Guide for Mechanic – empirical design of new and rehabilitated pavement structures. National Co-operative Highway Research Program Transportation Research Board National Research Council, Illinois 61820.
[5]. Omar, M., Abdallah, S., Adnan Basma and Samer Bakarat (2003), " Compaction characteristics of granular soils in United Arab Emirates", Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 21: 283-295, 2003.
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Abstract: Silk reelers in Sidlaghatta taluk, Chikkaballapur District in Karnataka state use traditional ovens called as Italian based ovens (IBO) for cocoon cooking. Solid lengthy pieces of wood are used as a fuel in the oven for heating water in which cocoons are cooked to release the silk thread ends. The oven consists of a simple firebox with a chimney, which operates at a low efficiency of 12-15%. A large amount of heat generated is wasted in the form of hot flue gases, which escape through the chimney. The temperature in the flue gases is above 300OC, thus a lot of heat dissipates from the chimney creating a hot and uncomfortable work environment. Due to the low efficiency of the oven, more wood is consumed and cooking takes a lot more time. As a solution to the problem, a simple system called Heat Recovery Unit (HRU) was...........
Keywords: Biomass oven, cocoon, silk, waste heat, HRU, Preheated water.
[1]. - Accessed on 24/06/2018
[2]. - Accessed on 24/06/2018
[3]. Mahesh G. (2012). Business Analysis of silk reeling units in Chintamani taluk of Chikkaballapura district, Karnataka Project report submitted to University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore , Vol 7(2), October. pp 15
[4]. Sanjay Mande, B.R. Pai and V.V.N. Kishore (2001) - Study of stoves used in Silk reeling industry, Asia industrial and institutional Stove compendium, published by Asia Regional Cookstove Program
[5]. Sunil Dhingra, Sanjay Mande, P. Raman, S.N. Srinivas, V.V.N. Kishore (2004), Technology intervention to improve the energy efficiency and productivity of silk reeling sector, Biomass and Bioenergy 26 (2004) 195 – 203..
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Abstract: Supadio Pontianak Airport with total traffic in 2016 reaches ± 90 movement per day, but service less than optimal because the strength of pavement on Taxiway Alpha only have PCN 40 FDXT, while for taxiway Bravo with PCN 51 FDXT. The size of the PCN Strength of pavement on the Alpha taxiway is considered less able to support large-bodied aircraft types such as the B737-800 and A320-200 types as it has a MTOW 78.240 kg and 73,500 kg. The aims of this research is to improve the Pavement Classification Number (PCN) on Taxi way Alfa to be able to serve the aircraft type B-737 series 800 and Airbus 320 series 200. The research method is descriptive qualitative and quantitative based on pavement calculation graph of pavement thickness according to maximum take off weight (MTOW) against the currently operated aircraft. Increased PCN taxiway Alfa to serve B-737 series 800 and A-320 series 200 can be done through reconstruction of pavement with thick sub base: 52 cm, base 32 cm and surface 10 cm.
Keywords: Taxiway Alpha, PCN and Aircraft B-737 series 800
[1]. Supadio International Airport Pontianak, Last Accessed on May 10th, 2018
[2]. Morlok, Edward K., 1978. Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd, Tokyo.
[3]. Horonjeff, Robert, 1975. Planning and Design of Airports Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, United States of America. [4]. Doc. 9157, AN/90, 2016. Aerodrome Design Manual Part 1 Runway, Approved by secretary General and Pubiisher under his authority, Third Edition – 2006 International Civel Aviation Organization
[5]. Doc. 9157,AN/901, 2005. Aerodrome Design Manual Part 2 Taxiway, Apron and Holding Bays, Approved by secretary General and Pubiisher under his authority, Fouth Edition – 2005International Civel Aviation Organization..
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Abstract: Traditionally, Cement concrete has been perceived as a material for newpavement construction, in particular for streets with heavy axle loads. However, with respect to pavement rehabilitation, agencies many a times consider bituminous overlays as the first option, regardless of the condition of the existing pavement structure. It is in this environment that Ultra-Thin White Topping (UTW) gaining popularity. The urban streets exhibit well stabilized base due to the repeated wheel load applications, but the riding quality of these streets are not satisfactory due to the deterioration of the surface layer, hence it is required to rehabilitate these pavements. At present these pavement are being rehabilitated with a bituminous overlay frequently, which is causing hindrance and delay to the traffic and the road user. To overcome this it is advisable to rehabilitate these pavement sections with such rehabilitating..........
Keywords: Thin White Topping, Ultra-Thin White Topping, Admixtures, Cement Concrete, Rehabilitation, Bituminous Pavement.
[1]. AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., 1993.
[2]. Accelerated Rigid Paving Techniques: State-of-the-Art Report, FHWA Special Project 201, Report FHWASA- 94-080, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1994.
[3]. Accelerated Techniques for Concrete Paving, Technical Committee Document ACI 325.11R, Committee 325, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., Jan. 2001, 18 pp.
[4]. Alternatives in Pavement Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction, Publication IS-178, Asphalt Institute, Lexington, Ky., 1994.
[5]. American Concrete Pavement Association, "Thin Whitetopping Sections Measure Up at MN/ROAD," Concrete Products, Vol. 103, No. 2, Feb. 2000, pp. 8–10...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Upgraded the Performance of the Fortifying R.C. beam by CFRP In Flexural |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Khaled Fawzy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1504012638 ![]() |
Abstract: The use of carbon fiber fortified polymer (CFRP) has been comprehensively utilized for the reinforcing of concrete structures. Some development organizations utilize CFRP in flexural fortifying of reinforced concrete beams, with bonded fully covering surface, without taken into account the concrete cover thickness and the low tensile strength of the concrete. Consequently, the point of this investigation is examine, through an exploratory program. Twelve reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened with different scheme bonded surface CFRP sheet and two un-strengthened beam (CB) were prepared and tested. The basic parameters of fortified concrete beam flexural fortified by CFRP are the concrete cover thickness, replacement the concrete cover by high strength material..........
Keywords: Flexural behavior, Cover, Bond, Wrapping, Load capacity, CFRP
[1]. Buyukozturk, O., Gunes, O., & Karaca, E. , Progress on understanding debonding problems in reinforced concrete and steel members strengthened using FRP composites. Construction and Building Materials, 18, 9–19, 2004.
[2]. Arduini, M., & Nanni, A, Parametric study of beams with externally bonded FRP reinforcement. ACI Structural Journal, 94(5), 493–501, 1997.
[3]. Duthinh, D. and Starnes, M., Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Carbon FRP, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2001, PP.,
[4]. Smith, S. T., & Teng, J. G. , FRP-strengthened RC beams. II: Assessment of debonding strength models. Engineering Structures, 24, 397–417, 2002.
[5]. Harmon, T. G., Kim, Y. J., Kardos, J., Johnson, T., & Stark, A., Bond of surface-mounted fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcement for concrete structures. ACI Structural Journal, 100(5), 557–564, 2003..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quenching & Partitioning In Stainless Steels |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G V S Karthik || G Rakesh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1504013943 ![]() |
Abstract: In the modern age, stainless steel (SS) can be used for the variety of applications because of its unique properties-resistance to corrosion and high strength. Typically, most of the steels are quenched to obtain martensite for high strength. In line with philosophy, when the SS is worked for high strength, by way of quenching, it loses ductility and hence the formability. Thus, the loss of formability limits its applications where we need material to bend at most but not to break. Recently, a new concept, known as quenching and partitioning (Q & P) is followed to realise both high strengths as well as ductility in the same material. In the two-step Q&P process, SS is heated first to single phase zone of austenite and quenched to a temperature just below the start of martensitic transformation (Ms) where a considerable amount of soft austenite retained along with hard martensite. In the second step, the temperature of quenched SS is raised above Ms so that trapped carbon atoms in the BCT martensite can move and make austenite richer in quantity. This enriched austenite with carbon is stable at room temperature.
Keywords: Martensite, Quenching and Partitioning, Ductility, Formability, Austenite.
[1]. Andrews, K. W. (1965). Empirical formulae for the calculation of some transformation temperatures. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Vol. 203(July), 721-727.
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[3]. Bain, E. C. (1924). The nature of martensite. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol. 70, 25-46.
[4]. Bhadeshia, H. K. (1979). The theory and significance of retained austenite in steels. Cambridge: Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Darwin College.
[5]. Cahn, R. W., & P. Haasen, e. a. (1992). Constitution and properties of steels, Materials science and technology. VCH...
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Abstract: The regional development often causes a disparity phenomenon. This research aims to analyze the potential of production of natural resources in terms of regional disparity and the availability of road network infrastructure in supporting logistic transport to the potential of each region, and to prioritize development of road network infrastructure at production nodes as an effort to reduce regional development disparities. This research was conducted in 9 districts in Palopo City. Analysis used (1) Williamsons Index Analysis, (2) Entropy Index Analysis, (3) Regional Typology Analysis, (4) Scalogram Analysis, (5) Location Quotient Analysis, (6) Qualitative and Quantities Descriptive Analysis, and (7) Process Hierarchy Analysis. The results of the research determined 5 districts with disparities, although very potential from agriculture, plantation, forestry and fishery sectors. The transportation mobility aspect of logistics in 5 districts has not been well served because there is 49.63% of pebble/ground surface and damaged by 47.68%. The priority arrangement of road network development is directed to improve road structures, road network maintenance, and road farm development..
Keywords: Regional Development, Disparity, Road Networks
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[4] Sakti Adji Adisasmita, Transportation and Regional Development. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Graha Ilmu, 2011.
[5] Ika Juliantina. (2012) Journal of Engineering Sriwijaya. [Online].
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Abstract: The recent advancements in the construction industry necessitate the development of new materials which have high performance than the ordinary conventional concretes. In the present scenario light weight aggregate has been the subject of extensive research which affects the strength properties of cement concrete. Light weight aggregate concrete has become more popular in recent advancements owing to the tremendous advantages, it offers over the conventional concrete but at the same time light in weight and strong enough to be used for. Lightweight concrete has been successfully used since the ancient Roman times and it has gained its popularity due to its lower density and superior thermal insulation properties. Compared with normal concrete, light weight concrete can significantly reduce the dead load of structural elements, which makes it especially attractive in multi-storey buildings. The most important characteristic of light weight concrete is its low thermal conductivity as this.........
Keywords: Pelletization, cold bonding, light weight aggregate, silica fume aggregate.
[1]. Bijen , J.M.J.M, 1986 manifacturing process of artificial light weight aggregate from fly ash , The international journal of cement composites and light weight concrete, 8, PP 191-199.
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[4]. V. Bhaskar Desai, D. Jagan Mohan, V. Vijay kumar, " Some studies on strength properties of Metallic aggregates", Proceedings of the International conference on advance in concrete composites and structures, January 2005, pp. 235-246.
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