Series-2 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exergy Analysis of a Cement Manufacturing Plant in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | A. Folorunso || CJ Diji |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602020112 ![]() |
Abstract: Exergy balances at each stage of the cement production line of a cement manufacturing plant of installed capacity 10.25 million metric tonnes located in the North - Central region of Nigeria were carried out. Data for the period of 2010 – 2014 were collected from the plant and the energy-intensive operations considered in the study include quarrying, raw materials' preparation, pyroprocessing and finish grinding. Pyroprocessing,was observed to be the most energy-intensive unit operation as it required over 50% of the total energy input for the whole plant due to the huge amount of energy needed for drying, preheating, and calcining processes. Therefore, from the study the efficiency of the plant was estimated between 39.3 – 47.8% over the period selected. The variance in the efficiencies was attributed.
Keywords - Cement plant, Efficiency, Exergy, Exergy balances, Pyroprocessing
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Abstract: Penetration of chlorides in cement concrete structures in marine environmental conditions is becoming a serious issue especially when structures experience dry-wet cycles. To determine the depth of convection-zone formed by capillary-suction, three types of cement concrete, ordinary, high performance and fly ash (FA) were used in the experiment. Samples were test in sodium chloride (Nacl) solution in dry-wet cyclic immersion conditions. Exposure time was 30 and 60 weeks. By the experimental profiles of chlorides concentration, the depth of convection-zone was found between of 7-13.5mm. Depth of convection-zone has shown the increasing trend when the drying-period was increased in on cycle and also when the exposure-time was increased. The effects of capillary-absorption on the depth of convection-zone were discussed. Fly ash cement concrete has shown better resistance against the chlorides..
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Abstract: This study explores the use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in the prediction ofwater absorption of lateritic blocks. Lateritic blocks were produced and cured for mix ratios ranging from 1:4 to 1:12. Water absorption results of the different mix ratios were obtained.The model was developed with Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network and Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. The test data used to develop the model were a total of 135 samples. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model consists of three input parameters that covers the cement, water and laterite. For the training phase, learning rate, momentum, transfer function for hidden layers, transfer function for output layer.........
Keywords: Prediction, Water absorption, Lateritic blocks, Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network, Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm.
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Abstract: Due todifferentarchitectural and mechanical reasons, openings in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams are needed. The behavior of an RC beam with an opening is;in somehow, different from that of solid beams whether these openings are located at mid-span or near the maximum shear zone. In well-coordinated projects, the openings' locations and sizes are determined during the design phase of the project. Accordingly, the beam's dimensions and reinforcement are determined considering the existence of the openings. However, in many cases, the decision of making an opening in an existing RC beam may come a while after the construction due to different reasons such as changing the function of the building which needs architectural or mechanical modifications. This, in turn, results...........
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Abstract: This study presents a smart arm exoskeleton roboticdevice that designed to perform the physical therapy for disabled patients in order to rehabilitate the affected limb. The basic principle of this exoskeleton is its dependence on electromyography signal; MyoWare sensor was used to measure surface electromyography signal. Surface electrodes were used between skin and MyoWare to pick up the signal from biceps brachii muscle. The microcontroller processes the signal of muscle activity and outputs a voltage to control the direction of a motor. The motor moves the actuator arm through Bowden cable. The exoskeleton robot is one degree of freedom performs the flexion and extension of the elbow joint. After the design was completed, it was tested according to some parameters to check its efficiency. The resultsindicated the feasibility of this exoskeleton to move according to muscle's signal and to tolerate the human arm's weight whatever the human weight
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Abstract: In Korea, as most of harbor structures were developed from the 1960s to 1970s, deteriorating of the port facilities has been progressing rapidly. Although pier-type harbor structure is the most popular type that majority of structure health monitoring for the harbor structures are focused on pier type, there are many gravity type harbor structure in Asia continent like Japan and Korea. Therefore, gravity type harbor structure health monitoring platform is developed and presented in this paper. The platform is composed of three main parts converged with new technologies to monitor the structure efficiently and effectively in real-time at anywhere. Three types of fiber bragg gratings sensors were used to detect the necessary data precisely for condition of the harbor structure.......
Keywords: Harbor Structure, Structure Health Monitoring, Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing
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Abstract: Achieving sustainability-related targets in construction industry is increasingly becoming a key performance driver. The paper work attempts to establish ways of achieving sustainable development through total quality management in Nigerian construction industry. The study further sought to find the correlation between the total quality management principles and the dimensions of sustainable development in other to find out how important they are to sustainable development.In achieving the objectives, a survey instrument using structured questionnaires and interview were developed and used to collect data to test the sustainable development using total quality management. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22. In addition.....
Keywords: Sustainable Development (SD), Construction Industry, Total Quality Management (TQM), Continuous Improvement, Customer's Satisfaction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of Empirical Equations for Queue Management in Vegetable Oil Plants in Imo State |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Owuama, K. C. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602026571 ![]() |
Abstract: Management of queue in vegetable oil plants, in Imo State, had been going on without the established parametric relationship to enable guided and more effective management. This research paper presents the development of empirical equations for the queue management in vegetable oil plants in Imo State. The plants form an (M1/M2/s): (∞, FCFS) queue model with consequent assumptions. Mathematical analyses of the queue system established that arrival rate and processing rate of palm kernel in the plants follow a Poisson distribution with the plants' mean palm kernel arrival rate and mean palm kernel processing rate as λm = 22.5T/day and μm = 5.74T/day respectively.......
Keywords: Equation, management, queue, vegetable oil plant
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Abstract: This work focused on the evaluation of compressive strength of concrete produced with cow bones as partial replacement for coarse aggregates. Cow bones were cut to 20 mm size manually to same size with coarse aggregates used. The mixing ratio used was 1:2:4. The percentage replacements were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The slump values were 36.0mm, 42.7mm, 45.2mm, 47.8mm and 52mm for 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% replacement respectively The concrete cubes of size 150mmx150mmx150mm were cast and cured for 7, 14, 28 , 56 and 112days and the compressive strength for each curing age was determined. Compressive strength obtained for different.......
Keywords: evaluation, compressive, cow, bones, replacement
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Advance Differential Gear Backlash Measurement Sensor System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Y.Lethwala || Rishabh Jain |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602027579 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's generation everyone loves speed power and torque, especially when it comes to the heavy duty vehicle the power and torque is most important factor which costumer demands. But this power and torque can't be permanent in the heavy duty vehicle, as they are subjected to the heavy load application, the transmission losses starts in the early years, and these transmission losses leads to wear and tear in other mechanical component. So to avoid these failures something has to be done for better interaction between the component and the user. These transmission losses usually start with the removal of material from the gear teeth or the differential gear. So keep the record of removal of material from transmission something has to be done, and we come up with the solution for this problem. We have made the sensor attached along with the gear and the differential gear that keep the record on the removal of material. This system allows the user to understand when to change the transmission system or the differential gear box by giving the signals in form of light on the dashboard...
Keywords: Differential Wear Measurement, Wearing Measurement Sensor, Gear Tooth Backlash Sensor, Differential Bevel Gear Tooth Wear.
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Abstract: Many times people may get stuck in the middle of the roads due to lack of fuel in the automobile. Our research aims to eliminate this problem by detecting and navigation to the nearest fuel stations. This can be solved by using advanced technologies like NavIC and IoT. By using the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) with an accuracy of 10 metre, the nearby fuel stations can be located. The above stated problem can be overcome by using a hardware system which is fixed with the automobile .Using the fuel gauge, we can know the fuel level and if it goes below the reserve point then the device will automatically open up the application to find the nearby fuel station and it will help in navigation of fuel station. This device and the fuel gauge will communicate with each other by the means of wireless communication called wireless fidelity. If there is a condition of fuel theft or leakage, the fuel gauge can find the rapid decrease in the fuel level and it has the capability to denote the fuel level in percentage. This entire system works over the Internet
Keywords: Fuel Gauge, Fuel Station, Internet of Things (IoT), IRNSS, NavIC.
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Proceedings Papers:
[5]. O.Montenbruck,P.Steigenberger,"IRNSS Orbit Determination and Broadcast Ephemeris Assessment",ION International Technical Meeting (ITM), Dana Point, CA, 26-28 Jan 2015...
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Abstract: In this paper, an analytical model is developed to predict the maximum stress of an axially compressed simply supported isotropic rectangular plate with a circular opening located at the centre of the plate based on the maximum principal stress theory of elastic failure. An isotropic plate of size 600 x 500 x 12 mm with varying hole to plate width ratios of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 was studied. A MATLAB script was developed based on the analytical model to find the maximum stress occurring on the plate corresponding to each plate opening. An illustrative example was given to demonstrate the applicability of the present models and the results obtained......
Keywords: Maximum stress, rectangular plate, maximum principal stress theory, circular opening, elastic failure
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