Series-5 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: In the present paper, the effect of atomizing air swirl intensity on the combustion and emissions of liquid fuel is investigated experimentally.An external mixing air assist atomizer is used in order to qualitatively analyze the flame structure in a small scale water cooled laboratory furnace. The atomizer design allows changing the atomizing air swirl angle. Three cases of swirl angles (15, 30 and 45o) in addition to no swirl case are studied. In each case, the exhaust emissions, axial and radial inflame temperature profiles; exhaust gas temperature, flame length and the heat transfer distributions for the water jacket are measured. Experimental results indicated that the inflame temperature increased and the flame length decreased with increasing the atomizing air swirl angle. Decreasing the atomizing air swirl angle leads to an increase in the overall heat transferred to the cooling water jacket. In addition, increasing the air swirl angle decreases the CO and NOx emission level........
Keywords: Air assist atomizer, Spray combustion, Emissions, Swirl intensity, Inflame temperature, Flame length.
[1]. S. Rah, Combustion of liquid fuels and pollutant formation : a review part I. Liquid fuel combustion process, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 1(2), 1984, 89–97.
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[5]. H. Yilmaz, I. Yilmaz, Combustion and emission characteristics of premixed CNG/H2/CO/CO2 blending synthetic gas flames in a combustor with variable geometric swirl number. Energy, 172, 2019, 117-133.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Steel Structures Residual Life's Determination with the Safety Index |
Country | : | Ukraine |
Authors | : | Sergiy Kolesnichenko |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602051218 ![]() |
Abstract: The article is dedicated to problem of safety for building steel structures which operations is exceed the design time or very close to the end of design validity. The safety for structure proposes to determine by the reliability index β. The main problem here is the lack of statistical information, which could be obtained only on the results of technical inspections. The methodology of calculation for structures' technical parameters as a basis for determination of index reliability β has done. For each element the reliability index should be calcu-lated first, and then for all structure it should be defined with accordance of elements connection principles. The values of β forms the technical states for structure: satisfactory, need to repair and unfit to use. The residual life of structure also proposed to use as a safety parameter. The approach of calculation for residual life proposed on the results each of theoretical determination of reliability index and also on the results of technical inspec-tions. The residual life could be determined as the time until the approximating curve will not cross the line of relevant β value reflected the related technical state of structure (normally "the unfit to use")..
Keywords: safety index, residual life, steel structures
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Abstract: The article contains a description of some features of erection building constructions. Special attention is paid to technology and methods of warming up of concrete. Conditions of efficiency of production work.
Key words: energy efficiency, monolithic constructions, concrete mix, winter concreting
[1]. STO NOSTROY 26.54-2011 "Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures" Technical requirements for the production of works, rules and methods of control.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Non Linear Dynamic Analysis of Regular Shaped &L-Shaped Building |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sawan S. Toshniwal || Prof. L.G.Kalurkar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602052227 ![]() |
Abstract: Earthquake is one of the very important aspects to be considered while designing every structure. Lot of work has been reported by many researchers who worked to study the effect of structures with Different irregularities. By inspiring from their works the project is done using time history analysis in E Tabs 2015. In this paper two models of rectangular shape and L-shape each of G+5 are taken for analysis. Both the buildings are assumed to be in Zone V and having medium soil type. The previous Elcentro earthquake 1940 data has been take for analysis. For this analysis listed parameters are considered namely Maximum displacement and drift, Base shear, Maximum story acceleration and Time period. It is observed that Irregular shaped building leads to increase in displacement, drift, story acceleration, time period and member forces, but reduces the base shear.
Key words: L-shaped Building, Time History Analysis, E Tabs, Lateral Displacement, Base Shear
[1]. ShivkumarHallale, H SharadaBai , "Seismic Behavior of Buildings with Plan Irregularity with and Without Structural Infill Action", ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-4, Issue -4, 2016.
[2]. Imran ullahkhan , Shri Satya Eswar Sanyasi Rao, "Seismic analysis of L-Shaped Building in various zones", DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0608247.
[3]. G. Nagasai , B.D.V. Chandra Mohan Rao, "comparative study on time history analysis of plan irregular RC buildings", i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, Vol. 6 l No. 1 l March - May 2017.
[4]. Milind V. Mohod, " Effect of shape and plan configuration on seismic response of structure", International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 4, Issue 09, September 2015 Issn 2277-8616.
[5]. Pradeep Pujari, Amaresh, " Seismic plan irregular multi storied building with and without shear wall", IRJET, Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017, ISSN: 2395-0056.
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Abstract: Clay is an unconsolidated rock matter, with very fine grain which is plastic when wet and undergoes ceramic change to become hard and stony when heated. This research is aimed at carrying out physiochemical analysis of selected clay samples obtained from Bunza and Kalgo local government of Kebbi state. The samples were coded as A and B, The chemical composition of the clay samples was determine using X-ray fluoresce (XRF) method. While the physical properties were determine using American Society for Testing Material (ASTM) method. The physical properties tested include: porosity, linear shrinkage, cold crushing strength, thermal shock resistance. and loss on ignition. The results of the chemical analysis has showed that both the samples A and B contained Al2O3,.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Buckling and Post buckling Analysis of SSSS Rectangular Plates using Modified Iyengar's Equation |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | E. I. Adah |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602053540 ![]() |
Abstract: This research work is aimed at modifying the postbuckling equation derived by Iyengar based on classical approach for a plate simply supported alround (SSSS). The equation in its present form lacks numerical application to postbuckling analysis of SSSS rectangular thin plate because of the difficulties of determining the variables 'EI' which is the slope of the stress-strain curve at the inelastic range and 'A' the amplitude of deflection. In order to circumvent this, mathematical manipulation has been carried out on the equation to make the equation easily usable. The new expressions were applied using polynomial shape function to determine the postbuckling load of SSSS plate and the numerical factor 𝛽. From the results gotten, comparison was made with those in literature and it was found that the values agreed very closely with those compared with and the numerical factor '𝛽' was found to be 0.025. Therefore, the conclusion that the new expressions in this work are adequate and an easy expression for postbuckling analysis of SSSS rectangular plates.
Key words: Postbuckling, Simply supported, rectangular plate, numerical factor, polynomial shape function
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Abstract: This paper presents the stability analysis of slopes based on translational mechanism of failure. It is aimed at determining the stability of exposed rocks with respect to nearby structures, with case studies on some outcrops in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. In this research, oral interviews were conducted to determine if those residing in the areas of study are aware of the dangers associated with rock slope instability. Field investigation was also carried out in order to determine the in situ state of the outcrops under investigation in the three locations, the discontinuities were mapped using window and scanline mapping. The in situ compressive strength was determined, indirectly, using the Schmidt hammer...........
Key words: Rock, slope stability, discontinuity, failure.
[1]. Abdellah, W.R., Beblawy, M.M. and Mohamed, M.T. 2018. Evaluation of open pit slope stability using various slope angles and element types. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Vol. 12. pp 47-57.
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[5]. Bisleshana, B.F. 2009. Design of stable slope for open cast mines. Final project report. The department of Mining Eng. National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India.
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Abstract: Due to the decrease in fuel resources, intense research is being carried out on the combustion of biodiesel, one of the main alternative fuels available in the world market. The present experimental study aims to investigate the combustion and emission characteristics of diesel and blend biodiesel 10% (B-10) under conditions of different air to fuel ratios of twin fluid air assist atomizer. In order to analyze the flame structure, a small scale water cooled laboratory furnace is used. Comparative Biodiesel is prepared and mixed with diesel liquid as 10% biodiesel and 90 % diesel. The combustion characteristics of blend is compared with those of pure diesel at different values of air to fuel ratio.............
Key words: Biodiesel, Spray combustion, Emissions, EGR, Inflame temperature.
[1]. C. Pereira, G. Wang, and M. Costa, "Combustion of biodiesel in a large-scale laboratory furnace," Energy, vol. 74, pp. 950–955, 2014.
[2]. Bazooyar, B., Ebrahimzadeh, E., Jomekian, A., Shariati, A., 2014. NOx formation of biodiesel in utility power plant boilers. Part A: influence of fuel characteristics. Energy & Fuels 28, 3778–3792.
[3]. Daho, T., Vaitilingom, G., Sanogo, O., Ouiminga, S.K., Zongo, A.S., Piriou, B., Koulidiati, J., 2014. Combustion of vegetable oils under optimized conditions of atomization and granulometry in a modified fuel oil burner. Fuel 118, 329–334.
[4]. Bazooyar, B., Shariati, A. and Hashemabadi, S.H., 2015. Characterization and Reduction of NO during the Combustion of Biodiesel in a Semi-industrial Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 29(10), pp.6804-6814.
[5]. Bazooyar, B., Hashemabadi, S.H. and Shariati, A., 2016. NOX formation of biodiesel in utility power plant boilers; Part B. Comparison of NO between biodiesel and petrodiesel. Fuel, 182, pp.323-332.