Series-4 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Corrosion is one of the major durability problems that causes serious damage to reinforced concrete slabs in harsh environments. The flexural behavior of concrete slabs subjected to corrosive effects during mixing and/or curing is experimentally investigated in this paper. The harsh environments are simulated by subjecting concrete slabs to different Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) concentrations in deionized water during mixing and/or curing. The effect of adding Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) as nano-material to mitigate the corrosion problem in concrete slabs is examined. Thirty-one simply supported slabs subjected to corrosive environment are experimentally tested in flexure. One slab is used as reference specimen, while thirty slabs are divided into three groups according to corrosion acceleration periods (one month or three months). In the experimental program, the primary variables are corrosion time, concentrations of the HCl solution in mixing or curing water as well as concentrations of the nanoparticles. Corrosion behavior for the tested slabs is studied by using linear polarization techniques...........
[1]. Balapour, M., Joshaghani, A. and Althoey, F., 2018. Nano-SiO2 contribution to mechanical, durability, fresh and microstructural characteristics of concrete: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 181, pp.27-41.
[2]. Bhargava, K., Mori, Y. and Ghosh, A.K., 2011. Time-dependent reliability of corrosion-affected RC beams—Part 1: Estimation of time-dependent strengths and associated variability. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 241(5), pp.1371-1384.
[3]. Chung, L., Najm, H. and Balaguru, P., 2008. Flexural behavior of concrete slabs with corroded bars. Cement and Concrete Composites, 30(3), pp.184-193.
[4]. Darmawan, M.S., 2010. Pitting corrosion model for reinforced concrete structures in a chloride environment. Magazine of Concrete Research, 62(2), pp.91-101.
[5]. Egyptian Concrete Committee. 2003. The Egyptian Manual for Laboratory Tests of Concrete Materials-The Egyptian Code for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures. ECP Committee 203-2003.
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Abstract: Bantaeng Regency is an area directly conterminous to the high seas with wave currents and energy which has the potential to damage the embankments, and it has coastal road. Abrasion caused by damage to embankments and road infrastructure, design of road embankment construction is planned in general and does not take into account the environmental burden so that it can threaten the safety of road users and the people who live in the vicinity. This research identified and analyzed the damage to coastal road embankments, the effects of abrasion factors and alternative solutions to the construction of road embankments. This research can be used as a reference in determining alternatives to road embankment protection along coastal areas prone to abrasion............
Keywords: Wave energy, abrasion, embankment construction, coastal protection
[1]. Government of the Republic of Indonesia, 2014. Law Number 1 of year 2014 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. Jakarta
[2]. Jinca, M.Y., 2011. Fundamentals of Transportation. Transportation apparatus training center, Ministry of Transportation
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[4]. Shuhendry, R., 2004. Coastal Abrasion in the Coastal Area of the City of Bengkulu: Analysis of the Factors of the Causes and the Concept of Countermeasures. Thesis published. Semarang: Postgraduate Program at Diponegoro University; (last accessed on 25th July 2018)
[5]. Triatmodjo, B., 1999.Coastal Engineering. Beta offset: Yogyakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Flat Slab with Resisting Earthquakes Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rupesh Kumar Mishra || Kapil Soni |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602042032 ![]() |
Abstract: Flat slabs are highly versatile elements widely used in construction, providing minimum depth, fast construction and allowing flexible column grids. Common practice of design and construction is to support the slabs by beams and support the beams by columns. Here large Bending Moment & Shear Forces are developed close to the columns. These stresses bring about the cracks in concrete & may provoke the failure of slab, thus there is a need to provide a larger area at the top of column recognized as column head.Flat slab is a developing technology in India. This is built either by conventional RCC method or post tensioning method and it is a very costly in India. Usually flat slab method is used basically 10 m span. In post tensioning method conducts are given in which strength (wire ropes) after design interval of post tensioning in RCC method and steel is design two-way gain desire strength
[1]. Gasparini, D. A. (2002). Contributions of CAP Turner to development of reinforced concrete flat slabs 1905–1909. Journal of Structural Engineering, 128(10), 1243-1252.
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[4]. Nichols, J. R. (1914). Statical limitations upon the steel requirement in reinforced concrete flat slab floors. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 77(1), 1670-1681.
[5]. ACI Committee, & International Organization for Standardization. (2008). Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-08) and commentary. American Concrete Institute.
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Abstract: The research on the development of the calculation methodology for the system of automatic centering of the belt on a drum with curvilinear generatrix was conducted. The structural scheme for the system of belt centering on the drum was proposed. Recommendations on the choice of conveyor parameters and the system for stabilizing the belt on the drum are provided to ensure trouble-free operation of the transport installation..
Keywords:belt conveyor, transient process, lateral belt run-off speed and value, drum with curvilinear generatrix, system of automatic belt centering
[1]. Gavryukov, O.V. (2007). Teoriya i praktika ispolzovaniya lentochnyih konveyerov, rabotayuschih pri izmenyayuscheysya dline. Makeevka: DonNACEA, 119.
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[3]. Gavryukov O.V. (2017). Rozvytok teoriyi trubchastykh, strichkovykh konveieriv. Kramatorsk: DonNACEA, 277.
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[5]. Troschilo V.S. (1970). Eksperimentalnoe issledovanie protsessa vzaimodeystviya lentyi konveyera s perekoshennyim rolikom. Voprosyi rudnichnogo transporta, 2, 80–84.
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Abstract: This research presents an experimental study to examine the effect of opening on shear behavior of self-compacting lightweight concrete (SCLWC) deep beams. Five medium scale beams were statically tested to failure under a concentrated load and one medium scale beam tested under four concentrated loads. The test parameters were beam type (solid, with opening), opening dimensions and places, shear reinforcement, loading type.
Keywords: opening, shear behavior, lightweight concrete, deep beams, shear reinforcement, concentrated load, solid beams, diagonal crack.
[1]. Satish Chandra and Leif Berntsson; Lightweight aggregate concrete publ. Noyes publications/ William Andrew publishing; Unaited States of America (2002).
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[3]. Mohammad Abdur Rashid and Ahsanul Kabir., " Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beam Under Uniform Loading", Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, vol. CE24,No. 2, 1996.
[4]. Shah D.L. and Modhera C.D., " Evaluation of Shear Strength of Self- Compacting Concrete Deep Beam", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, IJAET, vol. I, Issue II, July-Sept., 2010,292-305.
[5]. J.K. Lee , C.G. Li and Y.T. Lee., " Experimental Study on Shear Strength Reinforced Concrete Continuous Deep Beams with Web Opening", The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17,2008,Beijing, China..
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Abstract: The present work had the intention of developing an automated prototype for cutting glass bottles, which is able of reusing materials that were previously discarded in inappropriate places, causing a great impact on the environment, as well as to donate the same to a philanthropic entity non-profit private law, being the APAE of Barra do Pirai-RJ. The project was developed integrally in the Machining Laboratory of the University Center Geraldo Di Biase - UGB, using bibliographical, descriptive and exploratory researches, in order to establish the necessary concepts for the construction and execution of the project, besides experimental stages that were divided between the computational modeling until the construction of the prototype. The reuse of the material through the prototype generated qualitative results, being these, the transformation of glass bottles into pencil holder, candle holders, glasses, lamps, among other by-products
Keywords: Automated prototype, Glass bottle, Material, Reuse, Sustainability.
[1]. D. S. De Vasconcelos. Consumo colaborativo e meio ambiente: um estudo da relevância da preocupação com a questão ambiental e da crítica ao consumismo em redes autogestionadas. Dissertação de Mestrado: Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 2016.
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Abstract: Construction as well as performance of an unmanned underwater vehicle is discussed in this paper. The unmanned underwater vehicle is developed to exploit the underwater environment. The body is 0.56 m long and 0.254 m diameter torpedo shaped. Different components of the vehicle are made by aluminum to reduce the weight. Four submersible pumps are used in two ballast tanks for water intake and exert through two solenoid valves. One propeller is used and a rudder is set behind the propeller. The thrust force generated by the propeller gives forward motion to the vehicle. In the present research, an UUV was developed and experiment was conducted. During experiment, major problems were water leakage and system stability. Very little amount of water enters into the pressure hull through different joints. To avoid this situation, glue is used in different joints and tape is wrapped at the outer surface of the body. In this study it is found that this small flat form can be used in various purposes like underwater research, military and civil works.
Keywords: Ballast Tank, Drag, Submarine, Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, Wireless Communication
[1]. Augus Budiyono, Advances in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Technologies: Modeling, Control and Guidance, Perspectives, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol. 38, 2009, 282-295.
[2]. Sandeep Kumar, Sultan Mohammad, Suyog Bora, Mahender Singh, A Review Paper on: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 6(2), 2015.
[3]. W.H. Wang, X.Q. Chen, A. Marburg, J.G. Chase, C.E. Hann, Design of Low-Cost Unmanned Underwater Vehicle for Shallow Waters, International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 2009.
[4]. Chris Roman, Oscar Pizarro, Ryan Eustice, Hanumant Singh, A New Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Imaging Research, Deep Submergence Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2000.
[5]. Robert W. Button, John Kamp, Thomas B. Curtin, James Dryden, A Survey of Missions for Unmanned Undersea Vehicle, RAND Corporation, NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, 2009..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Friction Losses in Pipe with Analytical Method |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Divyesh A. Patel || Vimal N. Chaudhari || Deep R. Patel |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1602046368 ![]() |
Abstract: The frictional loss is complex phenomenon even in single-phase or multi-phase fluid flow. A lot of modifications have been carried out from many years and various formulas have been developed to calculate head loss based on the experimental data. Darcy-Weisbach and Colebrook and white are still in used for predicting the losses in the commercial pipeline system. But Colebrook and white approximation is implicit in nature, requires iteration process to develop the accurate friction factor value. Three different pipe materials stainless steel, Cast iron and PVC for all the pipe materials have been used to predict the results for Reynolds number up to 50000.
Keywords: Analytical method, Colebrook and White equation, Friction losses, Flow pattern Reynold number
[1]. Ibrahim Can et al, "Simplified Equations Calculates Head Losses in Commercial Pipes". The Journal of American Science, volume 1(1), 2005.
[2]. S. He et al, "A computational study of wall friction and turbulence dynamics in accelerating pipe flows", Computers & Fluids, volume 37, pp. 674–689, 2008.
[3]. D.H. Yoo et al, "Explicit design of commercial pipes with secondary losses", Journal of Hydro-environment Research", volume 4, pp.37-45, 2010.
[4]. Eva Romeo et al, "Improved explicit equations for estimation of the friction factor in rough and smooth pipes", Chemical Engineering Journal, pp. 369-374, 2002.
[5]. Daniel D. Joseph et al, "Friction factor correlations for laminar, transition and turbulent flow in smooth pipes", Physica D, volume 239, pp.1318–1328, 2010.
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Abstract: In the present work, the spray momentum of airblast atomizer is determined under different operating and atomizer geometrical conditions. The airblast atomizer the atomizing air entering with a swirling motion given by a centrally atomizing air swirler. Four different atomizing air swirlers with atomizing air swirler angle (AASA) of 0º, 15º, 30º, and 45º were used. The axial distance between the fuel nozzle exit and atomizing air exit orifice is investigated and taken as 0, 1, 2 and 3 mm to give the ratio of distance between the fuel nozzle exit and the atomizing air exit orifice to fuel nozzle diameter (l/D) of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively (taking the fuel nozzle diameter as 1 mm). Also the atomizing air to liquid ratio was studied and changed from 2 to 8. A modified air blast atomizer was designed and constructed to study the different parameters. An experimental test ring with the required measuring..........
Keywords: Airblast atomizer, spray concentration, atomizing air swirling, spray momentum
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