Version-2 (Jan-Feb 2014)
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Abstract: This is a quantitative study stressing on the need to rebalance research and teaching nexus. Research and teaching are intertwined characteristics of a university. There should be stronger connections between research activities and teaching roles. Effective teaching-research links are not automatic and have to be consciously constructed and implemented. The changing world to be faced by today's students and tomorrows graduates will demand unprecedented skills of intellectual flexibility, analytical ability and sense of enquiry fostered by research-oriented approach to teaching. Universities need to be reformulated to help students and society deal with the ever changing complex society. The teaching research nexus is central to university education. This paper examined the link between teaching and research in relation to quality teaching and learning environment at the tertiary level in Nigeria. It highlighted the inherent benefits of a balanced teaching and research, identified the reasons for apparent disconnect, the basic assumptions fueling this disconnect and streamlined possible ways of strengthening the link and integrating research into teaching in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This paper is intended to expand and improve existing knowledge and inform policies in the area of research and teaching nexus.
Keywords: Learning environment, Nigeria, quality teaching, teaching-research nexus, tertiary education,
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Abstract: The aim of the research was to investigate the level of quality customer service of the restaurant in order to deal with its current problems and achieve its target. Data was collected using an online questionnaire. It was distributed to 20 randomly selected customers. All the customers were selected from technical and further education (TAFE) institutes who were studying at hospitality department. The survey requested the level of satisfaction of customers with service, food and beverage quality, atmosphere, music, cleanliness of restaurant, and other issues related to presentation as well as customers' perceptions. The survey results showed product knowledge, communication skill of staff; food and beverage quality and waiting time which were the areas of most concern. The significance of this study is to address the current problems and will achieve long-term goals. This study has been concluded with few recommendations and guide for future research in this paradigm.
Keywords:Customer service, improving knowledge and skills, quality food.
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to examine the causes for absenteeism among primary school children in Baireddypalli Mandal of Chittoor District. In this study, stratified random sampling method was adopted. The participants of the study were 240 students of IV and V classes of six M.P.P. Schools, in Baireddypalli Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India in 2013 – 2014 session who had below 90% of attendance. The tool used in the study for data collection was a 70 – item checklist developed by the researchers. The content validity of the tool was established. The reliability of the tool was established using test – retest method. Data was analyzed using Descriptive statistical methods (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation), Skewness, Kurtosis and Differential analysis using t – test. The findings of the study revealed that entire sample of students had a very low significant difference towards causes for their absenteeism from school. Based on the findings, suggestions were made that same study may be extended to large number of Mandals in Chittoor District, other Districts, other classes of primary and secondary schools etc.
Keywords: Absenteeism, Primary, Stratified random sampling, Descriptive statistical methods, Differential analysis
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Abstract: Most students in learning institutions in Africa have little or no knowledge or education on space sciences and technology. On the other hand strong space science researches are hindered due to a lot of factors such as insufficient funding and lessened political will. Only few educational institutions in Africa are solely involved in projects related to satellite activity that will widen the horizon or ignite students' interest on space sciences from scratch. There are no strong facilities in these endeavours in most of the countries secondary or tertiary institution. This is really a setback and a clear indication of backwardness in space education in the school system. Space Science Project Initiative for African Schools (SPIAS) is a good strategy for the development of space education from the scratch in countries that are lagging behind in space Education.
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Abstract: Mock examination as a formative assessments criterion also acts as a fallback in case of a need to predict early university intake, or investigate any suspicions or malpractice in the final examinations. Mock therefore as an assessment tool, must meet the guidelines on examination procedures to ensure reliability. The study was conducted with the objectives of determining whether the mock examinations are reliable enough in terms of quality assurance indicators for use in predicting the results of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (KCSE). The research used the survey design with questionnaire as the research tool. The questionnaire was administered to a population sample of 65 secondary schools that represented all the categories and quantitative and qualitative analysis done. The study found that the quality assurance indicators that guide examinations are practiced in most schools during the preparation and administering of mock examinations. The research further found that there is high positive correlation (0.949) between the mock and KCSE examinations results. The study concluded that mock examinations are reliable but there is need to harmonize the structures for setting, moderation and invigilation to make it more stringent.
Keywords: Assessment, Correlation, Examinations, Formative, Invigilation Performance, Quality.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Attitude of Women Teachers towards the problems of Girl's Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. S. Anitha, T. N. Rama |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04123757 ![]() |
Abstract: Education has always been important in the development of a nation. And it plays a vital role in the development of human race and nation. So education is a third eye to the every human-being both man and woman. The development of human, culture, social, economic and political, depends on education. Girl's education is like sowing the seed which gives rise to green, cheerful and full grown family plant. Today's girl child will be the mother of tomorrow. As a mother she can give her child a sound nursing and capable upbringing. A woman has the maximum impact on the social, economical decisions making in the family generally. At micro level, educated woman help in making the whole family including the older family members, understand the values and importance of education, and at macro level, educated women add to the social and economical development of the nation.
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Abstract: Automatic segmentation of brain tumor using computer analysis aided diagnosis in clinical practice but it is still a challenging task, especially when there are lesions needing to be outlined. In the applications of image-based diagnosis and computer-aided lesion detection, image segmentation is an important procedure. Features extracted from image analysis in companion with image segmentation algorithms are used to provide region-based information for clinical evaluation procedures. Brain tumor diagnosis is easy by using these medical equipments. The physician needs the correct measurement of the tumor area for the further treatment, this need to extract the abnormal part from the 2D MRI scan accurately and measure the region of interest. The Human-Computer interaction is helpful for this procedure. In this search the Enhanced Thresholding Algorithm is used to Area calculation of tumor.
Keywords: Medical Image Enhancement, Thresholding Algorithm , Area calculation , Matlab.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: The mainstream of tertiary education has seen a massive transformation over the last few decades and the move towards student centered learning is finding support in the physiological sciences. It is becoming increasingly urgent to find ways of evaluating teaching/learning strategies. So, there is a need for educational research and on-going evaluation must be considered to be a fundamental part of educational advance.
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