Version-5 (Jan-Feb 2014)
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of cervical cancer preventive education on cancer routine check-up by women in Akwa Ibom State. A cross sectional survey design was used for this study. The population consisted of women between 16 and 45 years of age from three hospitals in Akwa Ibom State. A total of 314 women participated in the study. A researcher developed questionnaire "Impact of Cervical Cancer Preventive Education on Practice of Cervical Cancer routine Check up questionnaire (ICC PEPCCRCU) was used for data collection. Chi-square and simple regression were used to test the null hypotheses at .05 level of significant. The results showed no significant impact of level of education on knowledge of cervical cancer prevention, no significant impact of knowledge of practice of cervical cancer prevention. There was significant relationship between knowledge and practice of cervical cancer prevention. It was recommended that policy makers should employ professional health educators on cancer prevention to educate the women on cancer preventive measures.
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[3]. United States Preventive Services Task Force (2013). Screening for Cervical Cancer. Accessed 01-03-2009.
[4]. Gottlied, N. (2002). A Premier on Human Papilloma Virus. National Cancer Institute. Accessed 01-03-2009.
[5]. World Health Organization (2006). Comprehensive Cervical Control: A Guide to Essential Practice. Accessed 01-03-2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Awareness of Trained Teachers in relation to Information and Communication Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nabin Thakur |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04150611 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was undertaken to study the level of ICT awareness among the trained teachers, to compare the level of ICT awareness among male and female as well as rural and urban trained teachers. The data was collected by self made questionnaire form in which thirty different secondary schools five from urban and five from rural of each three districts in West Bengal. Ten secondary trained teachers were allowed to administer the questionnaire from each school and the questionnaire was administered personally for each teacher. In that way all total three hundreds trained teachers participated to administer the questionnaire wherein fifty questions were pioneer and each question was carrying one mark. Based upon the scores of questionnaire, five categories were used like 1-10 very poor, 11-20 poor, 21-30 average, 31-40 good and 41-50 very good. To analyse the data Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.) and 't' test were used. Result revealed that there was overall the level of ICT awareness was poor, there was no significant difference in the level of ICT awareness among the male and female trained teachers and there was a significant difference between the urban and rural trained teachers.
Keywords: ICT, Awareness, Trained Teachers
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Abstract: The education of pastoral communities has assumed much importance in the past few years keeping in view the fact that in the changing world orders and globalization, the acquisition of literacy and numeracy has become a felt need among the nomads. In Jammu and Kashmir, one of the border states of India, Gujjars and Bakkarwals are among the 12 tribes which have been accorded Schedule Tribe status. The Gujjars and Bakkarwal tribes are also the two tribes which form the third largest community in Jammu and Kashmir and constitute 8.1 percent of the total population in the state.
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Abstract: For Nigerian education to aim at enhancing global competitiveness, physics education must ensure that it is translated into marketable product and processes. This study was designed to investigate physics teachers' perception of effective teaching/learning of physics in senior secondary schools for global competitiveness. The study therefore employed a descriptive survey design. The sample size for the study was seventy nine (79) Senior Secondary School physics teachers from Umuahia Education zone of Abia State of Nigeria. Two (2) research questions and one (1) null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The instrument for data collection is a researchers' developed structured questionnaire of the Likert type. The instrument was validated and the reliability coefficient obtained as 0.79. Data collected was analyzed using mean for the research questions and chi-square (X2) statistics for the hypothesis.
[2]. S.O. Oraifo Teaching Methodologies in Science and Technology Education. In U.M.O. Ivowi (ed) Science and Technology education for Department 2005 pp.1-24. Lagos: NERDC Press.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship skill education seeks to prepare people to be responsible, enterprising individuals who become entrepreneurial thinkers by immersing them in real life learning experiences thereby preparing them for global competitiveness. Physics education is a conveyor of science and technology on which the national economic transformation hinges. The study therefore employed a descriptive survey design to investigate secondary school teachers' perception of entrepreneurship skills needed for global competitiveness. Seventy nine (79) physics teachers from Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State were used for the study. Two research questions and one hypothesis tested at 0.05 significant level guided the study.
[2]. N. F. Okeke. Enhancing teaching and learning of mathematics in primary schools through pupils involvement. Journal of Issues and Mathematics, 2011, Vol. 14, 93-98.
[3}. S.O.Adeyemi. Studies of the effect of aptitude instructional leadership styles and Learning environment on students' achievement in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis, University of Lagos, Nigeria,.2003.
[4]. S.O. Oriaifo. Teaching Methodologies in Science and Technology Education. In U.M.O. Ivowi (ed.) Science and Technology Education for Development, 2005, (pp. 1-24). Lagos: NERDC Press.
[5]. J. J. Egbo. Science and mathematics education as instruction for achieving. vision20:20 for Nigeria. Journal of the School of Science, Federal College of Education, Ehaamufu, 2011, 5(1), 162-166.
[6]. World Economic Forum. The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 Geneva :World Economic Forum. 2011.i
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Abstract: Methodology of teaching English as well as teacher education program always has logic behind teacher education so as to teachers at primary level to higher secondary level in Indian school so far as nature of English language is concerned. Teaching English is a great task for English teacher to teach primary school students in multilingual society like India where English plays an important role however may be the different teacher training program like D.Ed., B.Ed., M. Ed. etc on the availability of trained teachers. Hence researchers in this research studies focus on the investigation on the problems of teaching English at primary level selecting 200 samples out of total population have proceed the research with required statistical methodology to identify the problem and suggest the remedial measure so as to findings and conclusion of this research work will be successfully analyzed and interpreted.
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[6]. Krishna Murti, R.(1995, March) English necessary for new knowledge, The Progress of Educational VOL.IX No.8
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of the Metacognition Levels of Student Teachers On The Basis Of Their Learning Styles |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Geeta Shetty |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04154351 ![]() |
Abstract: Metacognition and Learning styles are significant factors that influence learning. Metacognition is the awareness of one's own patterns of thinking. Metacognitive awareness helps a learner to be self directed and self regulated. Learners exhibit different learning styles that influence the way they make sense of the learning experiences. The study aimed at finding out the learning styles that showed higher levels of Metacognition. The Descriptive Survey Method was adopted for the study.
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[4] Stewart, P.W., Cooper, S. & Moulding , L., Metacognitive development in professional educators in The Researcher, 21 (1), (2007).
[5] Coutinho, S., Self-efficacy, metacognition, and performance retrieved on 2nd July, 2010 from (2008).
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to assess the teacher effectiveness of secondary and higher secondary school teachers. Survey method of research has been used in the present study. Teacher Effectiveness Scale developed by Umme Kulsum, was used for collecting the data. The investigator randomly selected one hundred and thirty secondary and higher secondary school teachers in and around chennai and Tiruvannamalai Districts of Tamilnadu. The data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation,"t‟- test and one way ANOVA. The major findings of the study are: The male and female school teachers do not differ significantly in their teacher effectiveness. The study reveals that there is a significant difference in teacher effectiveness among the school teachers with respect to locale, arts and science stream, secondary and higher secondary level, teaching experience and type of school management.
Keywords: Teacher Effectiveness, Effective teaching, School Teachers, Effective Teaching Skills, Teacher Performance, Effective Classroom Instruction.
[2] Amit Kants & Richa Saroj (2011).Teacher effectiveness and occupational stress in relation to emotional intelligence among teachers at secondary stage.Journal of History and Social Sciences, Vol. 2 (1).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Montessori Education in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dahunsi T.O. PhD |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04155760 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this work was to look into Montessori education in Nigeria. Is Montessori education practiced in Nigeria? What are the differences between Montessori and Traditional methods? Montessori education would be a better method, for this to succeed; it was recommended that for Montessori Method to be accepted in Nigeria government should provide all needed materials in public schools and private schools must be well equipped with the right materials available for use at the right time and right proportion. Enough inspectors of education are made available to monitor, supervise and assist schools to do the right thing at the right time. Keywords: Teaching, Methods, Improvement, Achievement, Development
[2]. Dahunsi T.O. (2010). Effect of Nigerian economy on the academic performance of students in Federal Capital Territory. Journal of Emmanuel
[3]. Alayande COE Oyo. Vol15, No 1, pp 122-130.
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[6]. Divya U, Anumeha B, Swati M, Insha N & Ila T. (2004). Illiteracy & poverty are the greatest problems affecting mankind.
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Abstract: "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" –(Altman D G and Bland MJ ) ,in the present era where health research is being focused on more evidence based practice, it has become imperative to comprehend the research findings with the support of statistics. Since most researchers these days exacerbate their research findings in an attempt to prove them as statistically significant, dissertation submitted in the department of epidemiology between the years 2006 to 2013 were reviewed. This article, discusses on how biostatistics could be applied to enhance the quality of research in its every sphere thereby avoiding the aberrant research methodology, thus promoting all our pain staking research to give us the pleasure of worth taking.
Keywords : Normality, presentation of data, testing of hypothesis, types of variables, value alignment.
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[4] David E.Matthews , Vernon.T.Farewell , Using and understanding medical statistics 3 rd revised edition, S.Karger AG,Switzerland,1996.
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Abstract: This paper analytically explores the interconnections within moral education and national integration and social order in Nigeria. The paper holds the viewpoint that national integration and social orderliness requires moral education. In lieu of this, Teacher education programs must help teaching students to link the moral purpose that influences them with the tools that will prepare them to engage in productive change. The paper argues for new rationale why moral education and teacher development are fundamental to national integration, insecurity challenges and the future of Nigeria society.
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[4]. Daya, K. (1954). Social Change: An attempt at a study in conflicting patterns of social action Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Vol. xiv. No. 4. Pp. 567-570.
[5]. Elegbeleye, O. S. (2005). Recreational facilities in schools: A panacea for youths' restiveness. Journal of Human Ecology 18 (2): 93-98.