Version-1 (Mar-Apr 2014)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4
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Abstract: The man who uses yesterday's formula in today's world will not be in business tomorrow. This statement buttresses the fact that we live in a rapid changing world such that whatever knowledge and skills teachers acquired in their pre-service training becomes stale very fast as new challenges and realities emerge in the socio-economic and political environment. In this respect, professional development serves to bridge the gap between the present and the future. This paper sets out to examine teachers' accessibility to professional development as a tool for sustainable development.
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Abstract: Formal education is of various levels in which the curriculum is designed in a spiral form; wherein a level is meant to be a prerequisite to the next level. When a given level of formal education suffers, its effects are always enormous on the next level. The idea of alternative educational systems also operates in Nigeria wherein, education are either provided by the government (public), individuals or organizations (private). These two forms of education produce students for university education. The quality of these schools could be accessed by examine their products in terms of access to university education, self-efficacy and academic performance at university level. This study adopted descriptive survey, and undergraduate students in 200 level in University of Ibadan were used as a case study. The results reveal that there is a significant difference among the number of undergraduate who attended public and private primary schools among others.
Keywords: Alternative education, Primary education, University education, Self-efficacy, academic performance.
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Abstract: The study focused on peer pressure and disposition to alcohol drinking among some single women. Descriptive research design was adopted to describe causes and effects of alcoholism among single women in Somolu Local Government Area of Lagos state. The study consisted of one hundred and twenty respondents randomly selected across the local government area. Data was collected using a self-constructed 4-point Likert type questionnaire. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested using t-test for independent sample. The findings show that there is significant influence of peer group on predisposition to engage in alcohol consumption by single women in Somolu Local Government Area; there is significantsignificant influence of alcohol drinking on social life of single women in Somolu Local Government;there is significant negative effect of alcohol consumption on the health of single women in Somolu Local Government and there is significant influence of alcohol drinking on social life of single women in Somolu Local Government Area of Lagos State. Based on these findings, it was recommended that single women attitudes can be regulated through moral education, counselling services and cooperation of members of the community.
[2]. Ashley, M.J., Olin, J.S., le Riche, W.H., Kornaczewski, A., Schmidt, W., &Rankin, J.G. (2007). Morbidity in alcoholics.Evidence for accelerated development of physical disease in women.Arch Intern Med. 137(7):883-887.
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[6]. Cloninger, C.R., Christiansen, K.O., Reich, T., &Gottesman, I.I. (2008).Implications of sex differences in the prevalences of antisocial personality, alcoholism, and criminality for familial transmission.Arch Gen Psychiatry. 35(8):941-951.
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Abstract: The study investigated the effect of Autonomous learning using matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) on Integrated Science Education Students of the University of Agriculture, Makurdi. Post-test quasi-experimental control group research design was adopted. Thirty students (16 males & 14 females) formed the experimental group while 44 (29 males, 15 females) formed the control group. The instrument used was Systems of linear Equations Achievement Test (SLEAT) validated by 3 experts in Mathematics Education. The reliability of SLEMAT was 0.74 using split-half and spearman moment correlation coefficient-r. Two hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that there was a significance difference in the mean achievement scores of students of the experimental group. However, there was no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of male and female students in the experimental group. It was therefore suggested that students be encouraged to adopt independent mathematics learning strategies rather than depending on what the teacher does in the mathematics classroom.
Keywords: Learners' Autonomy; undergraduate; Students' Achievement; Liner Equations
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[5] Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN, 2004). National Policy on Education (4" edition Lagos NERDC Press
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Abstract: Organization cannot be run only with machines and ignoring the human resource. Human resource performance can be stimulated with the training and development programs in the organization. Humans can learn from Training and development programs but they are accountable to the organization through performance evaluation process conducted by the organization. Many researches have been conducted on performance evaluation but this study fulfills the gaps which exist in previous literatures. No doubt performance evaluation make accountable to the employees in front of their organization but it is beneficial for them because after evaluation process efficient and talented employees are promoted and there fringe benefits may move towards increment. As for as organization is concerned, due to performance evaluation process organization productivity increases. This study used five exogenous variables named as ADO, AT, TD, TT, FS and endogenous variables such as performance evaluation. This research investigated the relationship of independent variables and dependent variables. Therefore it is concluded that four variables such as ADO, AT, TD, FS have significant positive association with performance evaluation while TT has insignificant positive relationship. The concept of transfer of training is not used more in Pakistan.
Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Colleges teachers, Regression, Collinearity, Pakistan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study Habits of Higher Secondary Students of Shillong in Mathematics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. Lamar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-04213638 ![]() |
Abstract: The study was undertaken to find out the Study Habits of Higher Secondary Students towards Mathematics. The researcher selected 200 Higher Secondary Students from 5 Higher Secondary Schools in Shillong. The researcher used the "Study Habit Inventory by Dr B.V. Patel to collect the data from the students. Appropriate statistical techniques like percentage, Mean and S.D. were worked out to find the nature of score distribution of the data collected. The"t‟ test was applied to find out the significance of difference between different male and female students.
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Abstract: Using the concept of 2 j,k - symmetrical conjugate points, the classes * 2 , 2 , , , , j k j k S A B K A B are introduced. For functions belonging to these classes certain interesting properties are discussed.
Keywords and Phrases: Janowski functions, Convex Functions, Starlike Functions, 2 j,k - Symmetric Conjugate Points.
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Abstract: This study was focused at examining the relevance of educational media and multimedia technology for effective service delivery in teaching and learning processes. It also highlighted the various classifications of educational media and multimedia technology with diagram and tabular illustration. Using relevant content analysis method, pertinent empirical evidences that revealed positive effects on learning from computer and television technology programs were re-visited. Relevant conclusion and recommendation were made that educational media and technology is inestimable in teaching and learning activities and the Federal and State Governments, Non Governmental Organisations and School Administrators should embrace it.
Keywords: Media, Multimedia, Service, Teaching and Learning
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Abstract: "Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man" -Swami Vivekananda Education is a great conservative and transmitting force. According to John Dewey, Education is not something to be forced upon children and youth from without: but it is the capacity with which human beings are endowed at birth. As per the changing trends in education there are new innovations in teaching in order to facilitate the learning opportunities for the students. One among the new method is the small group learning. The current study was conducted among post graduate Nursing students using quantitative approach with pre-experimental research design. The findings of the study showed a significant level of difference in the pre-test and post test level of knowledge of the students.
Keywords:Education, Active learning, small group method, post graduate Nursing students
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Abstract:A good higher education system is required for overall development of a nation. A remarkable growth in the higher education sector had made the administration of higher education institutions intricate. Many researches reveal that the integration of ICT helps to reduce the intricacy and enhance the overall administration of higher education. Electronic Governance (e-Governance) is the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of government programs, projects, and activities. E-Governance is expected to help deliver cost-effective and easy-to-access citizen services, and improve processing of transactions both within the government, and between the government and other agencies.
[2]. Dr.R.Krishnaveni and J.Meenakumari(International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2010)Usage of ICT for Information Administration in Higher education Institutions – A study
[3]. Harshita Bhatnagar.( International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 5, May-2013) e-Governance in Higher Education: A Case Study of IGNOU, New Delhi.
[4]. Jatinder Garg, Sonu Bala Garg and Navdeep Choudhary (Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences. Issue Sept 2011, Vol. 4) Effective Implementation of E-Governance in Technical Institutions in India using ICT to Make them World Class.
[5]. Mr. Sanjeet Kumar Tiwari, Mr. Jubraj Khamari, Anjali Singh.( IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. Volume 2, Issue 3, Jul. –Aug. 2013) Promoting E- Governance Culture in Higher Education Institutions.