Version-4 (Mar-Apr 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Is India ready to incorporate Sex education in Academic curricula |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kumari Vineeta |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04240106 ![]() |
Abstract: Indian society is changing very rapidly. A fearsome scene is being created with the spread of STD/AIDS/HIV. As current data is also speaking that20% population of the world is adolescent and out of which 88% are from developing countries. India has about 243 million adolescent and more than 50% lying in urban area. What so ever be the reason, for those STD/HIV/AIDS are becoming like a death. Religious declaration about sex discussion is a non-righteous matter or simple talk. Our future generation is gradually falling in trap of this S.T.D. Our Rajya Sabha committee on petition-2009 in his 157th report has recommended that youth should be made a wave of marriageable age which is 21 years in case of boys whereas 18 years in case of girls and any indulgence in sex outside the institution of marriage was against the social ethics.
[1]. Aniebue P.N. ― Knowledge and attitude of secondary school teacher in Enugu to school based sex education‖,Dec.2007,vol.10(4) ,304-308,NCBI,USA
[2]. Bay Laina Y.andCheng ―The Trouble of Teen Sex: The construction of adolescent sexuality through school-based sexuality education‖, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1, Carfex publishing, USA.
[3]. Benzaken Tami, Papel Ashutosh H. and Gill S.Pramjit, ―Exposure to and opinion towards sex education among adolescent students in Mumbai: a cross sectional survey‖, BMC Public Health-Oct.2011.
[4]. Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna in 7.11
[5]. Gandhi K.M. ―self-Restraint versus Self-Indulgence‖, pg-8.
[6]. Garur Puran
[2]. Bay Laina Y.andCheng ―The Trouble of Teen Sex: The construction of adolescent sexuality through school-based sexuality education‖, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1, Carfex publishing, USA.
[3]. Benzaken Tami, Papel Ashutosh H. and Gill S.Pramjit, ―Exposure to and opinion towards sex education among adolescent students in Mumbai: a cross sectional survey‖, BMC Public Health-Oct.2011.
[4]. Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna in 7.11
[5]. Gandhi K.M. ―self-Restraint versus Self-Indulgence‖, pg-8.
[6]. Garur Puran
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Abstract:Education is the most important factor, which trains students towards social practices and moral ethics. It is not only restricted to pursue degree for economic gain, rather attaining moral values. As the social order is changing,children are more engaged in diverse society and extensively interacting with social media. Sound and value based education in this context has become very crucial to prepare youth to live within ethical boundaries.The research aims to find the attitude of school going students towards ethical goodness. Survey methodology is chosen to conduct a research.
[1]. Balakrishnan, V. (2010). The Development of Moral Education in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 25, 89-101
[2]. Berger, K. S. (2005). The play years: Psychosocial development. In C. Gardner & R. Falk (Eds.), The Developing Person: Throughout the Life Span (pp. 237-262). New York: Worth Publishers.
[2]. Berger, K. S. (2005). The play years: Psychosocial development. In C. Gardner & R. Falk (Eds.), The Developing Person: Throughout the Life Span (pp. 237-262). New York: Worth Publishers.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Making Conceptual Knowledge Connections to Clear Misconceptions in Fractions in Primary Classrooms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mithu Pal |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04241218 ![]() |
Abstract:This study aimed at investigating the effect of making conceptual knowledge connections through multiple representations in clearing misconceptions in the study of fractions. The study used a quasi-experimental research design with a pre-test- intervention- post-test format where in 40 students of Grade 4 of a primary school in New Delhi were randomly selected. The students in the control group were taught fractions using the conventional approach where as the experimental group was exposed to an instructional program that utilized a problem solving approach.
[1]. Ainsworth, S. (2008).The educational value of multiple-representations when learning complex scientific Concepts. In J. K Gilbert, M. Reiner, and M. Nakhleh (Springer), Visualization: Theory and Practice in Science Education. Volume3, Models and Modeling in Science Education. p.196
[2]. Canterbury, S.A (2007). An investigation of conceptual knowledge: Urban African American Middle School Student' use of fraction representations and computations in performance-based tasks. (Doctoral dissertation University of Georgia, 2006), pp. 19-80, 215
[3]. Cramer, K., & Bezuk, N. (1991) Multiplication of fractions: Teaching for understanding. Arithmetic Teacher 39, 34-37
[4]. Ellenbruch, L.W., & Payne, J.N.(1978). A Teaching sequence from initial fraction concepts through ther addition of unlike fractions. In M. Suydam (Ed.), Developing Conceptual Skills (pp. 129-147). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
[2]. Canterbury, S.A (2007). An investigation of conceptual knowledge: Urban African American Middle School Student' use of fraction representations and computations in performance-based tasks. (Doctoral dissertation University of Georgia, 2006), pp. 19-80, 215
[3]. Cramer, K., & Bezuk, N. (1991) Multiplication of fractions: Teaching for understanding. Arithmetic Teacher 39, 34-37
[4]. Ellenbruch, L.W., & Payne, J.N.(1978). A Teaching sequence from initial fraction concepts through ther addition of unlike fractions. In M. Suydam (Ed.), Developing Conceptual Skills (pp. 129-147). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Axiological competences: The role of teacher training programme in strengthens it. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pooja chaturvedi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04241923 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper addresses the impact of Axiological competences in teachers' training programme and its response to the demand for value development in the school & society. The author advocates the need for the preparation of a teacher as an agent for social change and future maker, to equip him to deliver the quality of values as per the situation and explore the process by which children develop values essential for living in the society. In this educational context, the research agenda must be re-opened for teachers to regulate their views on teaching and use a more value-laden approach to teaching and learning.
[1]. Ahmad,A.(1999) Management of human values: An overview. Journal of Human Values.
[2]. Anand, S.P. (1980). Teacher's values and job satisfaction, Indian Education Review
[3]. Bharadwaj.Tilak Raj,(2001)Education of human values, Mittal publications New Delhi.
[4]. Bhushan, A, and Ahuja, M. (1980). Value System and value preference of Indian youth belonging to different scio-metric levels‖, journal of Institute of Education Research
[5]. Dagar, B.S. &Dhull, A case for Value- Oriented Education. University News.
[2]. Anand, S.P. (1980). Teacher's values and job satisfaction, Indian Education Review
[3]. Bharadwaj.Tilak Raj,(2001)Education of human values, Mittal publications New Delhi.
[4]. Bhushan, A, and Ahuja, M. (1980). Value System and value preference of Indian youth belonging to different scio-metric levels‖, journal of Institute of Education Research
[5]. Dagar, B.S. &Dhull, A case for Value- Oriented Education. University News.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inculcating Patriotic Values in Curriculum Implementation |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Dr. Ikhsan Othman |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04242429 ![]() |
Abstract:Tremendous world development and globalization to some extent affect declination of patriotic values among younger generation. To teachers, this phenomenon becomes a great challenge. This article discusses findings of a study on teacher's perception regarding with factors affecting effort of inculcating patriotic values in curriculum implementation. A total of 45 male and 50 female teachers were involved in the study as respondents. Data were collected from the respondents using a four level Likert scale questionnaire consist of 30 items. The items were under five categories of factors namely curriculum; teaching and learning resources; teachers' knowledge; teachers' own skills; and teachers' teaching workload. Reliability of the questionnaire was calculated and has the value =.88. The validity of the questionnaire was ascertained with external criticsm method.
[1]. Abd Rahim Abd Rashid (2004). Patriotisme agenda pembinaan bangsa. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication Sdn. Bhd.
[2]. Ikhsan Othman (2010). Fenomena dalam masyarakat dan pendekatan menangani melalui pendidikan. Social and Welfare 1-16.
[3]. Malaysia Ministry of Education (2006). Education Development Master Plan (2006-2010). Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Education
[4]. Muhamad Ali Embi (2009). Patriotisme dan kepercayaan rakyat di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication Sdn. Bhd.
[5]. Norila Md Salleh & Ikhsan Othman (2013). Globalization via ICT: Impact on the Youth in Making of a Nation State. Journal International Affairs and Global Strategy. Vol.17. 2013. Page 20-24.
[6]. Primoratz, I. & Pavkovic, A. (2007). Patriotism philosophical and political perspectives. England: Aldershot.
[2]. Ikhsan Othman (2010). Fenomena dalam masyarakat dan pendekatan menangani melalui pendidikan. Social and Welfare 1-16.
[3]. Malaysia Ministry of Education (2006). Education Development Master Plan (2006-2010). Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Education
[4]. Muhamad Ali Embi (2009). Patriotisme dan kepercayaan rakyat di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication Sdn. Bhd.
[5]. Norila Md Salleh & Ikhsan Othman (2013). Globalization via ICT: Impact on the Youth in Making of a Nation State. Journal International Affairs and Global Strategy. Vol.17. 2013. Page 20-24.
[6]. Primoratz, I. & Pavkovic, A. (2007). Patriotism philosophical and political perspectives. England: Aldershot.
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Abstract:The data were collected from 320 students studying in class XII of Durg District, Chhattisgarh in INDIA. The investigator used stratified random sampling technique to select a sample of 320 students of class XII.There were 40 boys and 40 girls from government and private urban schools and 40 boys and 40 girls from government and private rural schools of Durg District of Chhattisgarh in INDIA. To collect the relevant data for the present study, the investigator used standardized instruments Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory.
[1]. Agrawal Mohini (2006).Does Emotional Intelligence affect relationship between Deprivation and Academic Anxiety?, Journal of Educational Studies,Vol.-4,No.(1,2),2006,17-20,Allahabad.
[2]. Ahuja, P. (2002). Effect of self-learning modules on achievement in environmental education in relation to altruism and emotional intelligence, Ph.D.(Edu.),Panjab University.
[3]. Ajawani Dr. J.C.(2009) Effective teaching : Role of Emotional Intelligence, Technical Intervention in Cognitive and Social Methodology of Teaching. Manthan Publication Bhilai Maitri College ,Bhilai C.G. ,India 2009.
[4]. Amirtha M.and Kadhiravan S. (2006). Influence of Personality on the Emotional Intelligence of Teachers, Edutracks, August, 2006, 25-29.
[5]. Pau A. K. H.,Croucher R.,Sohanpal R. ,Muirhead V. and Seymour K. (2004) .Emotional intelligence and stress coping in dental undergraduates- a qualitative study, British Dental Journal; vol. 197, 205-209.
[2]. Ahuja, P. (2002). Effect of self-learning modules on achievement in environmental education in relation to altruism and emotional intelligence, Ph.D.(Edu.),Panjab University.
[3]. Ajawani Dr. J.C.(2009) Effective teaching : Role of Emotional Intelligence, Technical Intervention in Cognitive and Social Methodology of Teaching. Manthan Publication Bhilai Maitri College ,Bhilai C.G. ,India 2009.
[4]. Amirtha M.and Kadhiravan S. (2006). Influence of Personality on the Emotional Intelligence of Teachers, Edutracks, August, 2006, 25-29.
[5]. Pau A. K. H.,Croucher R.,Sohanpal R. ,Muirhead V. and Seymour K. (2004) .Emotional intelligence and stress coping in dental undergraduates- a qualitative study, British Dental Journal; vol. 197, 205-209.
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Abstract: It is true that the discovery of oil and gas deposits in regions and countries of the world is often a blessing. However, the accompanying security and environmental challenges that heralded the exploration and production of oil and gas in any region of the world, can best be described as dangerous and a curse in some countries. This is due to the pollutions arising from gas flaring and oil spillages which often lead to serious health hazards, damages to the environment, social, cultural and occupational displacements, destruction of means of livelihoods and violations of human rights which adversely affect peace and security. The long neglect of host oil-bearing communities which manifest in the non-provision of basic development infrastructures such as lack of good sources of drinking water, electricity supply, good roads, health and educational facilities, lack of employment opportunities, and deliberate delays by oil producing companies to compensate for oil spills and gas flaring effects and at times, outright refusals to remediate such polluted sites often generate confrontations between oil companies and their host communities. The re-occurring environmental degradations and pollutions arising from gas flaring and oil spillages culminate in rising frustrations and consequent rebellions by youths of oil-rich, but unfortunately neglected Niger-Delta in particular and Akwa Ibom State in general. The futile attempts by the Nigerian central government to use military forces to suppress genuine demands from these regions, have always failed and often lead to stiff resistance and resort to arms-struggles and militant reprisals with consequences on peace, security and loss of lives on both warning parties. It is this abysmal relationship between the oil companies and the oil host communities that breeds regular conflict and security threats that this paper is predicted upon. This study vividly examines the impact of oil exploration on the internal security of the Niger-Delta with a particular attention on Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria.
Key Words: Oil exploration, Security challenges, Niger-Delta, Environmental problems, and Oil spillages.
Key Words: Oil exploration, Security challenges, Niger-Delta, Environmental problems, and Oil spillages.
[1]. Abali, D. (1996). Essay on Nigerian Politics and Government: Impact of Oil on Nigeria's Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Series Vol. 1 No 1.
[2]. Agbu, O. (2005). Oil and Environmental Conflicts in Saliu (1st Ed).Nigeria under Democratic Rule (1999-2003) University Press Plc, Ibadan, Nigeria.
[3]. Amnesty International Report (2007).Nigerian Oil Injustice and Violence. The State of the World's Http// the report
[4]. Barry, B. (1983). Peoples, States and Fear.Harvester Press, Wheatsheat, U.S.A.
[5]. Bassey, C. &Oshita O. (2007).Conflict Resolutions, Identity Crisis and Development in Africa.Malthouse Press Ltd, Ibadan, Nigeria.
[2]. Agbu, O. (2005). Oil and Environmental Conflicts in Saliu (1st Ed).Nigeria under Democratic Rule (1999-2003) University Press Plc, Ibadan, Nigeria.
[3]. Amnesty International Report (2007).Nigerian Oil Injustice and Violence. The State of the World's Http// the report
[4]. Barry, B. (1983). Peoples, States and Fear.Harvester Press, Wheatsheat, U.S.A.
[5]. Bassey, C. &Oshita O. (2007).Conflict Resolutions, Identity Crisis and Development in Africa.Malthouse Press Ltd, Ibadan, Nigeria.
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Abstract: For ages children have been victims of maltreatment, but for the past two decades the rate has taken a frightening dimension. Child maltreatment is the neglect of a child's survival and development needs, physical and emotional injury or harassment and the subjection of a child to measures, situations and experiences which interfere with a child's healthy development into adulthood. The study investigated causes, forms and strategies for curbing child maltreatment in Awka South Local Government Education Authority. 1023 primary school teachers constituted the population. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 360 teachers. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. A 20-item researchers developed questionnaire named Child Maltreatment Questionnaire (CMO) duly validated and reliability coefficient of 0.81 which was adjudged adequate for the research. A 4-point rating scale was used for data collection. Mean and frequency tables were used for data analysis. The findings revealed that causes of child maltreatment are personality problems of parents and lack of understanding in child development. Forms of child maltreatment are physical, sexual and emotional abuses, child labour and neglect. Strategies for curbing child maltreatment are supportive for parents against child abuse among others. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that government should ensure that the fundamental human rights of the child is enforced from the home and that parents should be given proper information education on all forms of activity that constitutes child maltreatment for the proper development of the child.
Keywords: child maltreatment, curbing, development, implications, Strategies,
Keywords: child maltreatment, curbing, development, implications, Strategies,
[1]. P.O. Ebigbo, Street children: The care of child abuse and neglect in Nigeria. (Enugu: Obuka Press,2003).
[2]. J. Latimar, The consequences of child maltreatment: A reference guide for health practitioners. (Canada: Slough Buck Hollen Street Press Ltd, 2003).
[3]. C. Nweke, Abuse prevention education , A publication by women action coalition child abuse and forum for African women educationist Nigeria.( Anambra :Art love and Graphic production. Nimo, 2002).
[4]. A. Goldman, T. Salus, C. Wolcott, & W. Kennedy, Child maltreatment and prevention. (USA: McGraw-Hill Company, 2003)
[5]. R.D. Parke & V.O. Locke, Child psychology : A contemporary view point. (New Jersey: McGraw-Hill company, 1998)
[2]. J. Latimar, The consequences of child maltreatment: A reference guide for health practitioners. (Canada: Slough Buck Hollen Street Press Ltd, 2003).
[3]. C. Nweke, Abuse prevention education , A publication by women action coalition child abuse and forum for African women educationist Nigeria.( Anambra :Art love and Graphic production. Nimo, 2002).
[4]. A. Goldman, T. Salus, C. Wolcott, & W. Kennedy, Child maltreatment and prevention. (USA: McGraw-Hill Company, 2003)
[5]. R.D. Parke & V.O. Locke, Child psychology : A contemporary view point. (New Jersey: McGraw-Hill company, 1998)
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Abstract: The effect of guided and structured inquiry techniques on the interest of technical college students in vocational education auto mechanics is the main concern of the study. The research adopted a quasi-experimental research design, precisely, pre-test, post-test non equivalent group design which involved groups of students in their intact classes. The population for the study was 195 year II Auto Mechanic (AM) students in the technical colleges in Ekiti State. Two research questions and three null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The instruments used for data collection was the Auto Mechanic Interest Inventory (AMII). The AMII, training manual, Guided and Structured inquiry lesson plans were all subjected to face and content validation by three experts. The trial test for determining the coefficient of internal consistency of the AMII items was carried out using Cronbach Alpha. The reliability coefficient computed for the AMII was 0.85. Mean was used to answer the research questions, while ANCOVA was employed to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that both guided and structured inquiries stimulate students' interest but that the guided inquiry instructional technique was more effective in stimulating students' interest than the structured inquiry technique in auto mechanic. The study also revealed that there was effect of gender on students' interest in auto mechanic favouring boys. There were no interaction effects of treatments and gender on interest of technical college students in auto mechanic. Thus the effectiveness of guided inquiry instructional technique on students' interest in auto mechanic was independent of gender. It was thereafter recommended that Ministries of Education, National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) and NBTE should organize workshops, seminars and conferences for technical teachers on regular basis to enlighten and improve their knowledge and skills on the use of the guided inquiry instructional techniques among other recommendations. This is with a view to stimulate student's interest and thus encourage recruits
Key words: interest, Technical College, students, automobiles, auto mechanic, guided inquiry, structured inquiry.
Key words: interest, Technical College, students, automobiles, auto mechanic, guided inquiry, structured inquiry.
[1]. Adeyemi M. A. (2000) The strategy of inquiry in the teaching and learning of science: Lagos, Goldprints publishers
[2]. Aina,, O. (2000). Nigeria technical and vocational education in the near future. In Federal Ministry of Education (2001), The National Master-plan for Technical and Vocational Development in Nigeria in the 21st Century with the Blue Print for the Decade 2010. Abuja, FME.
[3]. Agboola, O. S. and Oloyede, E. O. (2007) Effects of project, inquiry and lecture-demonstration teaching methods on senior secondary students achievement in separation of mixtures practical test. Journal of Educational Research and Review .vol . 2(6) 124-132.
[4]. Ashton P (1988). Teaching Higher-Order Thinking and Content : An Essential Ingredient in Teacher preparation. Gainesville Fla. University of Florida
[5]. Castelfranchi, C. & Lorini, E. (2003). Cognitive Anatomy and Functions of Expectations. In Proceedings of IJCAI'03 Workshop on Cognitive Modeling of Agents and Multi-Agent Interactions, Acapulco, Mexico, August 9-11
[2]. Aina,, O. (2000). Nigeria technical and vocational education in the near future. In Federal Ministry of Education (2001), The National Master-plan for Technical and Vocational Development in Nigeria in the 21st Century with the Blue Print for the Decade 2010. Abuja, FME.
[3]. Agboola, O. S. and Oloyede, E. O. (2007) Effects of project, inquiry and lecture-demonstration teaching methods on senior secondary students achievement in separation of mixtures practical test. Journal of Educational Research and Review .vol . 2(6) 124-132.
[4]. Ashton P (1988). Teaching Higher-Order Thinking and Content : An Essential Ingredient in Teacher preparation. Gainesville Fla. University of Florida
[5]. Castelfranchi, C. & Lorini, E. (2003). Cognitive Anatomy and Functions of Expectations. In Proceedings of IJCAI'03 Workshop on Cognitive Modeling of Agents and Multi-Agent Interactions, Acapulco, Mexico, August 9-11