Version-3 (Mar-Apr 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Educating a Dying Person under the Framework of Hindu-Testaments Series-I |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kumari Vineeta |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04230105 ![]() |
Abstract: My findings revolvesaround the epicenter of Hinduism and its wisdom based on scriptures, right from origin of Hinduism that describes two living God Rama and Krishna between 1000 & 2000 BC they have directly communicated what is righteousness and non-righteousness (Dharma & Adharma) the soul condition for sanctioning moksha (exemption from the cycle of rebirth) in the context of dying person. They have proclaimed to be the sole protector and responsible for establishing righteousness by taking birth on earth as and when needed and manifest myself in countless form and have proclaimed the indestructibility of soul. The desire to live or the fear of death neither effects the body nor the soul at the time of death one has to face bodily pain and mental suffering. Bodily pain originates from physical body and mental suffering comes from mind.An occult one experiences bodily pain but not at all mental one as they have linked their faith in God. I have described the happening from Hindu testaments compiled by Indian sage like Balmiki, Ashtabakra, Vyasa and others. For a mortal body no option is left but to die then why should we daunt of death, the body has to die either way with or without fear they why not we depart cheerfully visualising God's image in mind disconnecting all existing relations telling good bye to them with a promise to come back in the form of some new body if God denied to grant Moksha. Don't keep tears on face, kill your grief with your intelligence and bear yourself up with the strength your own self.
Keywords: daunt,moksha (exemption from rebirth cycle), righteousness (Dharma),consciousness, sheer,occultist.
Keywords: daunt,moksha (exemption from rebirth cycle), righteousness (Dharma),consciousness, sheer,occultist.
[1]. AlQur'an 2:28
[2]. AlQur'an 2:67
[3]. AlQur'an 3:185
[4]. Arthur Anthony Macdonell, ―History of Sanskrit literature‖ (Kessinger publishing, 2006).
[5]. Atharvaveda 2:34:5.
[2]. AlQur'an 2:67
[3]. AlQur'an 3:185
[4]. Arthur Anthony Macdonell, ―History of Sanskrit literature‖ (Kessinger publishing, 2006).
[5]. Atharvaveda 2:34:5.
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Abstract: The study mainly dealt with the causes and effects of students' unrest on higher education level in Bangladesh. The study has tried to explore the various causes of student unrest in higher education level institutions and at the same time has shown the various effects of it on society and individual. There are some duties to be performed of the govt., university authority, guardians and students equally. As a result of student unrest family of the guardians keep them always in anxiety, frustration and other mental troubles. They do not know whether their sons/daughters will complete their education or not or whether their sons/daughters will live up to the completion of their learning.
[1]. Brass, Paul R. 2003. The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in Contemporary India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. P-5.
[2]. Karim, S.A. 2005. Sheikh Mujibur: Triumph and Tragedy. The University Press Limited, Dhaka. P-9.
[3]. Monem, Mobasser. 2007. "Crisis of Democracy: The Nexus between Money, Crime and politics in Bangladesh‟. Paper for Regional Networking – a Chance for Science and Scholarship‟ Colloquium for Humboldt Fellows and Awardees in Thailand. P-18.
[4]. Parry, Jonathan. 2000. "The crisis of corruption" and the "idea of India": a worm's eye view. In Pardo, Italo ed. The Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and System. Berghahn Books, Oxford. P-21.
[5]. Rahman, A.T. Rafiqur. 2006. Bangladesh in the Mirror: An Outsider Perceptive on a Struggling Democracy. The University Press Limited, Dhaka. P-12.
[2]. Karim, S.A. 2005. Sheikh Mujibur: Triumph and Tragedy. The University Press Limited, Dhaka. P-9.
[3]. Monem, Mobasser. 2007. "Crisis of Democracy: The Nexus between Money, Crime and politics in Bangladesh‟. Paper for Regional Networking – a Chance for Science and Scholarship‟ Colloquium for Humboldt Fellows and Awardees in Thailand. P-18.
[4]. Parry, Jonathan. 2000. "The crisis of corruption" and the "idea of India": a worm's eye view. In Pardo, Italo ed. The Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and System. Berghahn Books, Oxford. P-21.
[5]. Rahman, A.T. Rafiqur. 2006. Bangladesh in the Mirror: An Outsider Perceptive on a Struggling Democracy. The University Press Limited, Dhaka. P-12.
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Abstract: This paper analytically explores the missing links between teacher education and social problems also known as social ills. A social problem is a condition which effects large number of people in an adverse manner. It can also be seen as a difficulty of misbehaviour which vast majority wants to correct. Social problem also arises when there is deviation from accepted social norms.
[1]. Aworawo, D. (2000). Mal-distribution and poverty as factors in the crisis of theNigeria state. The Constitution: A Journal of Constitutional Development 1 (2): 1-13.
[2]. Berends, M. (1992). "A Description of Restructuring in Nationally Nominated Schools." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
[3]. Bhatti, C. (2009). Selected Issues in World Economic System. Port-Harcourt:North/South Divide Pearl Publishing Company
[4]. Durkheim, E. (1951). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. New York: Free Press
[5]. Elegbeleye, O. S. (2005). Recreational facilities in schools: A panacea foryouths' restiveness. Journal of Human Ecology 18 (2): 93-98.
[2]. Berends, M. (1992). "A Description of Restructuring in Nationally Nominated Schools." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
[3]. Bhatti, C. (2009). Selected Issues in World Economic System. Port-Harcourt:North/South Divide Pearl Publishing Company
[4]. Durkheim, E. (1951). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. New York: Free Press
[5]. Elegbeleye, O. S. (2005). Recreational facilities in schools: A panacea foryouths' restiveness. Journal of Human Ecology 18 (2): 93-98.
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Abstract: The role of pre service teacher education is crucial for creating skilled science teacher for the society that develops competency to teach science effectively at secondary level. However it is found from various researches that science teachers are unable to express adequate level of pedagogical competency in secondary classroom. This would create tremendous challenges to future science education system. Therefore one action research is carried out to solve the problem of low pedagogical competency of science teacher in college of teacher education.
[1]. Panda, S.,(2012), Mapping Pedagogical Competency of Secondary School Science Teacher: An Attempt and Analysis, International Educational E-Journal, {Quarterly}, ISSN 2277-2456, Volume-I, Issue-IV, July-Aug-Sept 2012
[2]. Sharma, R. 2008. Pedagogics of Education and Critical Pedagogy, International Publishing House, Meerut, India.
[3]. Koetsier, C.P. & Wubbels, J. T. (1995). Bridging the gap between initial teacher training and teacher induction. Journal of Education for Teaching, 21(3), 333-345.
[4]. Cambourne, B., Kiggins, J. & Ferry, B. (2003). Replacing traditional lectures, tutorials and exams with a knowledge building community (KBC): A constructivist, problem-based approach to pre-service primary teacher education. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 2(3), 7-21. [verified 15 Oct 2004]
[2]. Sharma, R. 2008. Pedagogics of Education and Critical Pedagogy, International Publishing House, Meerut, India.
[3]. Koetsier, C.P. & Wubbels, J. T. (1995). Bridging the gap between initial teacher training and teacher induction. Journal of Education for Teaching, 21(3), 333-345.
[4]. Cambourne, B., Kiggins, J. & Ferry, B. (2003). Replacing traditional lectures, tutorials and exams with a knowledge building community (KBC): A constructivist, problem-based approach to pre-service primary teacher education. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 2(3), 7-21. [verified 15 Oct 2004]
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Abstract: The level of unemployment in the country is becoming alarming. To reduce, this, government decided to introduce entrepreneurial study in the educational system of the country. This study was therefore aimed at ascertaining the extent to which the teaching of Mathematics by the mathematics teacher influenced the development of entrepreneurial skills in secondary school students. It was carried out in Makurdi Metropolice of Benue State, Nigeria.
[1]. Aminu, J.(1995). Quality and stress in Nigeria education Kaduna. Northern Nigerian publishing company
[2]. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004). National policy in education. Ikeja: NERDC
[3]. Houston, K. & Muholland, G. (2003). Entrepreneurial Mathematics graduate. Downloaded from on 28/2/12
[4]. Nickels, W. G. & Mchugh, J. M.(2002). Understanding business (6th ed). New York: McGraw Hill.
[5]. Odili, G. A. (2006). Mathematics in Nigeria secondary schools: A teaching perspective. PortHarcourt: Rex Charles and practice limited.
[2]. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004). National policy in education. Ikeja: NERDC
[3]. Houston, K. & Muholland, G. (2003). Entrepreneurial Mathematics graduate. Downloaded from on 28/2/12
[4]. Nickels, W. G. & Mchugh, J. M.(2002). Understanding business (6th ed). New York: McGraw Hill.
[5]. Odili, G. A. (2006). Mathematics in Nigeria secondary schools: A teaching perspective. PortHarcourt: Rex Charles and practice limited.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Manajemen Education And Training In Improving Employee Performance On Sonder District Office |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Meike D. Mamentu |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04233645 ![]() |
Abstract: Management of human resources affect the quality of the workers. Education and training is an important element to improve the performance of employees at the district office Sonder Minahasa. The method can be used to prove the performance of employees, using correlational and quantitative approaches. The data analysis technique used is simple linear regression ,
[1]. Mangkunagara, Anwar P. 2005, Human Resource Management, London: Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. , 2003. Human Resource Development. Jakarta:Rineka Copyright
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[2]. ----------. , 2009. Human Resource Development. Jakarta: Rineka Reserved Riani L. Asri. , 2010. Organizational Culture. London: Graha Science Sedarmayanti. , 2007. Human Resource Management. Bureaucratic Reform and Management of Civil Servants.
[3]. London: Refika Aditama Sugiyono. , 2003. Administrasi.Bandung Methods: CV.Alfabeta Saliman. Employee Development through Education and Training.
[4].,% 20Drs.% 20M.Pd./Pengembangan% 20Pegawai.pdf
[5]. Law No. 8 of 1974 on the main points of staffing Act No. 43 of 1999, Article 1, paragraph 1: on Civil Servants Government Regulation No. 97 Year 2000 on the Formation of Civil Servants Government Regulation No. 54 of 2003;
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Abstract: The study was carried out to assess the impact of father's involvement on child's health and development. Father's involvement is reasonably important for a child's health and development. One hundred (100) teachers in Secondary schools in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area were selected through stratified random sampling. Four null hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 alpha level. Chi-square and one-way analysis of variance statistical methods were adopted for testing the hypotheses. The design for the study was a descriptive design method.
[1]. Amato, P. R. (1998). More than money? Men's contributions to their children's lives Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
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[3]. Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and loss: Retrospect and prospect. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 52, 664-678.
[4]. Biller H. B. (1981). Father absence, divorce, and personality development. New York: Wiley.
[2]. Amato, P. R., & Booth, A. (1997). A generation at risk: Growing up in an era of family upheaval. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[3]. Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and loss: Retrospect and prospect. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 52, 664-678.
[4]. Biller H. B. (1981). Father absence, divorce, and personality development. New York: Wiley.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Axiology in Teacher Education: Implementation and Challenges." |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Babita Tomar |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04235154 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper an attempt is made to draw out the contemporary challenges, implementation of axiology in teacher education. Axiology focuses on questions about what "ought to be‟. It deals with the nature of values and relates to the teaching of moral values and character development. Today we live in difficult times when peace and human security are facing new challenges at the individual and global level. With the rise in material advancement, we are lacking something very important that is our cultural and moral standards. So there is need of maintenance of mutual goodwill and world peace
[1]. Ahmad,A.(1999) Management of human values: An overview. Journal of Human Values.
[2]. Anand, S.P. (1980). Teacher's values and job satisfaction, Indian Education Review
[3]. Barrow ,Robin (1979) The philosophy of schooling, somer set New Jersey: the Halsted press.
[4]. Bharadwaj.Tilak Raj,(2001)Education of human values, Mittal publications New Delhi.
[5]. Bhushan, A, and Ahuja, M. (1980). Value System and value preference of Indian youth
[2]. Anand, S.P. (1980). Teacher's values and job satisfaction, Indian Education Review
[3]. Barrow ,Robin (1979) The philosophy of schooling, somer set New Jersey: the Halsted press.
[4]. Bharadwaj.Tilak Raj,(2001)Education of human values, Mittal publications New Delhi.
[5]. Bhushan, A, and Ahuja, M. (1980). Value System and value preference of Indian youth
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Abstract: The Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been one of the major concern of most academic institutions in Malaysia, especially among engineering departments since the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) has made it compulsory towards programme accreditation. However, various understanding towards the concept of OBE resulted to various attainment to Programme Outcome (PO) based on the Course Outcome (CO). Execution of the OBE may not be an easy matter as the mapping of the CO for each assessment may be mapped to multiple PO. This paper describe the analysis process of the CO and PO attainment for Product Design and Development subject, which is offered to all 2nd year students of Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. Two methods are incorporated, (1) direct measurement, and (2) segregated measurement.
[1] M.M.Noor, K.Kadirgama, M.M.Rahman, M.R.M.Rajab, R. A.Bakar, and I. Abdullah, "Education Reform Model at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang," in International Journal Conference in Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (IJCRTME09), 2009.
[2] S. M. Ali Askar, "Implementation of OBE in Engineering Education: Are we there yet?," in International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2009, pp. 164–166.
[3] A. M. Zaiton, A. H. Norihan, and H. Nurmala Irdawaty, "Emphasizing OBE in UTeM subjects to develop human capital," in International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2009, pp. 173–176.
[4] Z. Abidin, N. Omar, H. Hashim, M. Fuad, A. Latip, and M. M. Othman, "Outcome Based Education Performance Evaluation on Electrical Engineering Laboratory Module," in International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2009, pp. 153–158.