Series-1 (May - Jun. 2020)May - Jun. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to explore the present status of income generating programs in Bangladesh, to find out how those programs can be more effective to earn livelihood of the people, make them self-sufficient. This study suggests what will be the future of these programs. The study is conducted in Narsingdi and Gazipur District of Dhaka divisional region. Two NGOs Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) and Population Services & Training Center (PSTC)-local partner of ActionAid Bangladesh have been selected. From the two NGOs four Community Learning Centers (CLCs) have been selected for this study, Six NGO personnel, four facilitators, twenty participants who are currently enrolled in income generating programs and twenty participants who have completed the training are the sample of this study. Interview schedule, FGD guidelines and questionnaire have been selected as tools for this study. Two interview schedules have been used for NGO personnel and CLC facilitators......
Key words: Continuing Education, CLCs (Community Learning Centers), IGPs (Income Generation Programs)
[1]. APPEAL. (1993). Income Generating Programs (VolumeV). Bankok: UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
[2]. APPEAL. (2001). Handbook for Non-formal Community Education Facilitators:Community Mobilization. Bangkok: UNESCO PROAP.
[3]. APPEAL. (2003). Income-generating programs for poverty alleviation through non-formal education: summary of research studies on innovative approaches to income-generating programs for poverty alleviation. Bangkok: UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education.
[4]. Creswell, J. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches(3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication
[5]. Edward Vockell, P. (n.d.). Chapter 9:Qualitative and Natuarelistic Research. Retrieved November 29, 2011,from http://education. calumet .purdue .edu / vockell /research/chapter9.htm
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Abstract: The study investigated the perception of teachers on the challenges to social studies implementation in Enugu State education zones. The study was a descriptive survey research design involving three hundred and thirty-nine (339) social studies teachers from the six education zones in Enugu State. There was no sampling because the 339 social studies teachers were considered manageable size. One research question and one hypotheses guided the study. A researcher-designed-questionnaire titled "Challenges to Social Studies Curriculum Implementation Questionnaire" was used for data collection. The research question was answered using mean and standard deviation, while the hypotheses was tested with t – test statistics. The findings of the study showed that junior secondary....
Keywords: social studies, challenges, implementation, relevance to society, perception of teachers
[1]. Achonye, K. & Nyenwe, E. C. (2013). ICT and curriculum innovation. Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 4: (2) 86 – 98.
[2]. Adengideh, M. E. (2009). Curriculum implementation at the basic education level In: Ivowi, U. M. O. et al (Ed) Curriculum theory and practice. Jos: Curriculum organization of Nigeria.
[3]. Agwu, S. N. & Dorgu, T. E. (2015). Towards effective teacher education for proper implementation of the secondary education curriculum in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal ofCurriculum Studies, 22: (3) 33 – 47.
[4]. Ahmad, T. S (2009). Social studies curriculum for the total person. Nigerian Journal CurriculumStudies, 16: (2) 215 – 225.
[5]. Akpa, G. O (2014). Teaching Profession and global challenges. A guest speech delivered at the Introduction of graduating teachers. University of Jos.
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Abstract: The present study intends to find out the relationship between social adjustment and self concept of students at secondary level. The study was conducted on a sample of 100 secondary level school students of Kollam district, Kerala through stratified random sampling technique. The tools used for the study were Social adjustment scale and self conceptscale. The collected data wasanalysed using appropriate statistical techniques. The findings of the study revealed that there existed no correlation between social adjustment and self concept of students at secondary level. There existed significant difference between boys and girls in their social adjustment at secondary level. There existed no significant difference between boys and girls in their self concept at secondary level.....
Key Words: Social adjustment, self concept, secondary level
[1]. Anju(2013).Relationship between self concept and achievement in biology of secondary students, Unpublished masters thesis,
University of Kerala
[2]. Baumeister .(1999).Simple Psychology .Retrieved from
[3]. Bindhu, S.&Biju, Y.J. (2010)Self concept scale,NewB.Ed College,Nellimoodu, Thiruvanathapuram, University of Kerala
[4]. Campbell(1996).Psychiatric Dictionary. Definitions of social adjustment, Retrieved from http://
[5]. Hameed, A., &Thahira, K (2010) Emotional maturity and social adjustment of student teachers, Edutracks, 10(3),29-31.
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Abstract: The aim of this research is how to overcome the problems in teaching and learning at SMA N 6 grade X in mastering chemistry. The researcher developed the material teaching about computer-based learning media with a chemo edutainment (CET) approach. The research was development using a model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations).The measurement results show that learning motivation is better after using CET chemical teaching materials on acid-base solution with an average of 77.92 while in the control class with an average of 63.78. The average value of the percent increase in learning outcomes in class X experiment was 63.26% while the average value of the control class was 46.95%.
[1]. Akbar, Sa'dun. 2013. InstrumenPerangkatpembelajaran. Bandung :Rosda.
[2]. Amri, SofandanLifKhoiruAhmadi. 2010. KonstruksiPengembanganPembelajaran. Jakarta: PrestasiPustaka.
[3]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2013. ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik. Jakarta: RinekaCipta.
[4]. Depdiknas.2008. PenulisanModul, Jakarta: DirektoratJenderalPeningkatanMutuPendidikdanTenagaKependidikan.
[5]. Hasyim, A. 2016. MetodePenelitiandanPengembangan di Sekolah. Media Akademi: Yogyakarta.
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Abstract: The focus of the present study was to find out whether students' make excellent or weak achievements in integrated science in colleges of education in Nigeria. It also focused on whether the students' perceive integrated science tricky or not-difficult. The population of the study comprised of all the students' that study integrated science in colleges of education in Nigeria. The sample consists of a total of 751 integrated science students' of Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Enugu State Nigeria who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The designs of the study were ex-post-facto and survey. The instruments for data collection were Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) summary.......
Key Word: Study, Perception, Integrated Science, Achievement, College of Education, Tricky.
[1]. FGN (2012). Nigerian Certificate in Education Minimum Standards for Sciences (12th ed.). Abuja, Nigeria: National Commission for Colleges of Education. 1-98.
[2]. Joseph, E. A. & Ikechi (2018). Academic achievement of students' in basic science among secondary schools in Rivers State: A synergy of parents' educational background, socio-economic status and school location. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 1185-1192).
[3]. Obafemi, D. T. A. & Onwuioduokit, F. A.(2013). Identification of difficult concepts in senior secondary two (SS 11) physics curriculum in Rivers State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 1(05), 317-322).
[4]. Uchegbu, R. I., Oguama, C. C., Elenwoke, U. E. & Ogbuagu, O. E. (2016). Pereption of difficult topics in chemistry by senior secondary 11 students' in Imo State. AASCIT Journal of Education, 18-23.
[5]. Achor, E. E. & Agbidye, A. (2014). Students' perceived difficult concepts and its influence on their performance in basic science in Makurdi metropolis: Implications for primary teacher education. NASHERT, 12(1), 24-31.
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Abstract: The aims of this study to find out the difference of the students' reading skill after being taught by using modified Think- Pair- Share (TPS) based on Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique and non-modified design in the convention class and also to find out whether there is improvement or not to the students' motivation after being taught by using modified Think- Pair-Share (TPS) based on Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition ( CIRC). In this study, the design uses qualitative and quantitative approach. The researcher uses two classes of the first grade of Senior High School, experimental class for modified Think – Pair-Share (TPS) based......
Keywords = Think-Pair-Share (TPS), Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), Reading, Motivation
[1]. Awalani, I, Sutarno, H., & Ali, E. N. (2010). Implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC) Based of Computer to Improve Students‟ Achievement in Computer Program. Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (PTIK).
[2]. Ayu , Yuniska Murti. (2017 ). The Implementation of CIRC ( Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition ) Technique to Improve Students‟ Reading Narrative Twxt in The Second Grade of Junior High School 7 . Bandar Lampung: Universitas Lampung .
[3]. Blachowicz, C., and Ogle, D. (2008 ). Reading comprehension, strategies for independent learners. New York: The Gullford Press.
[4]. Cathy, Allen., (2013). Strategy Guide Using the Think-pair-share technique. (Online).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prospective teachers views on collective reflection |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Marina Sounoglou |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1003013339 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The reflection process is considered an extremely critical phase for the self-improvement of prospective teachers. During the practicum, students design, implement and evaluate their observations on children during the school program. The later phase of feedback to the university gives them the opportunity to reflect on a group level. The process of critical reflection is important because they detect the errors and redesign the observation process......
Key Word: reflection, collective reflection, prospective teachers views, practicum, teacher education
1. Fairclough, N. Critical Discourse Analysis. London and New York: Longman; 1995. 2. Foong, L., Binti, M., & Nolan, A. Individual and Collective Reflection: Deepening Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers' Reflective Thinking during Practicum. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 2018;43(1): 43 - 51. Available from:
3. Giroux, H. Border Crossings. Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education. New York: Routledge; 1992. Available from:
4. Harvard, GR, & Hodkinson, P. (Eds.). Action and reflection in teacher education. Greenwood Publishing Group; 1994. 5. Hong, HY, Lin, PY, Chai, CS, Hung, GT, & Zhang, Y. Fostering design-oriented collective reflection among preservice teachers through principle-based knowledge building.
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Abstract: Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) in public secondary schools in Makueni County, Kenya has consistently been on the decline over years. Studies have not identified any particular cause to this trend. Principals' being heads of academic issues in the schools have a responsibility to correct this trend through among other ways, promotion of staff professional development in their respective schools. This down trend in KCSE performance created the need for this study. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of principals' promotion of staff professional development on KCSE performance in public secondary schools......
Key words: Staff professional development, Promotion of staff professional development, teacher capacity- building and teacher training
[1]. Allison, G. (2013). Effective professional Development in Eva of High Stakes Accountability. Washington. Centre for Public Education.
[2]. DuFour, R. (2002). "The learning –centered Principal". Educational leadership 59, (8) 12-15.
[3]. Hallinger, P. (2012). School leadership that makes a difference: Lessons from 30 years of International Research. Rome. Ministry of Education.
[4]. Kaindi R.M., Kimiti P.,Kasivu G.M. (2019) Influence of the Curriculum Support Materials Procured Through Free Secondary Education Tuition Fund and Quality of Curriculum
[5]. Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in MakueniCounty.Journal of Education and Practicewww.iiste.orgISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)Vol.10,No.32, 2019.
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Abstract: Teacher's questioning and its effectiveness is an important aspect of teaching-learning process with significant influence on students' academic performances. This study examined the effect of Modified Questioning Strategy (MQS) in small class size on academic achievements of students in Physics and Human Kinetics and Health Education (KHE), compared to Lecture Method (LM). The study employed quasi-experimental research design, using a sample of 80 students selected from Physics and Human Kinetics and Health Education (KHE) departments. The selected students were divided into 4 groups: Physics experimental and control groups as well.....
Key words: Questioning, Academic achievement, Physics, Human Kinetic and Health Education
[1]. Adeyemi, B. A. (2018). Relative Effects of Discussion and Questioning Instructional Strategies on Middle School Students' Social Studies Learning Outcomes in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of CUDIMAC (J-CUDIMAC), 5(1), 37 – 47.
[2]. Akandi, S. O. (2009). Relationship between Teachers' Questioning Style and Senior Secondary School Students achievement in English Language in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area, Bayelsa State. An Unpublished M.Ed Project, University of Ibadan.
[3]. Aydemir, Y. & Çiftçi, Ö. (2008). Literature Teachers' Questioning Skills: A Study on (Gazi University Faculty of Education Case), Centenary University. J. Faculty Educ. 6(2), 103 – 115.
[4]. Berger W. (2014). Why it's Imperative to Teach Students How to Question as the Ultimate Survival Skill.>mindshift (Mind Shift, March 14, 2014).
[5]. Dos, B. & Demir, S. (2013). The Analysis of the Blogs Created in a Blended Course through the Reflective Thinking Perspective. Educ. Sci. Theory Practice, 13(2).
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Abstract: As an important part of professional construction, The overseas internship is an important link to improve the intercultural communication ability of master degree students of Chinese International Education and ensure the quality of personnel training. The adaptation problems of life, psychology, work and other aspects of intercultural communication in the process of overseas internship of graduate students must be highly valued by the relevant departments and training units. The volunteers and service organizations such as the Hanban should reform the contents and methods of volunteer training, and strengthen the training of volunteers' cross-cultural communicative competence. The training unit should place the intercultural communication in the core position of professional......
Keywords: Chinese International Education; intercultural communication; Overseas internship
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Abstract: This paper makes a conceptual clarification of some research elements---paradigm, methodology, design and method which have proved confusing to early career researchers, postgraduate supervisors and authors. This confusion has often been created and perpetuated by many research textbooks and journals over the years. By using a literature review and author's experience, this paper provides an exposition of the distinction and relationship between these concepts with a view to better the understanding and application of the concepts, for early career researchers, especially Master's and PhD students and post-graduate supervisors.
Keywords: Research, Paradigm, Methodology, Design, Method, Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed method, Early Carrier Researchers
[1]. Alise, M. A., & Teddlie, C. (2010). A continuation of the paradigm wars? Prevalence rates of methodological approaches across the social/behavioral sciences. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 4(2), pp.103-126.
[2]. Anney, V.N. (2014). Ensuring the quality of the findings of qualitative research: looking at trustworthiness criteria, Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(2), pp.272-281, jeteraps.scholarlink
[3]. Antwi, S.K. & Hamza, K. (2015). Qualitative and quantitative research paradigms in business research: A philosophical reflection. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(3), pp.217-225.
[4]. Bhatta, T.P. (2018). Case study research, philosophical position and theory building: A methodological discussion, Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 12, pp.72-79.
[5]. British Sociological Association (2017). Statement of ethical practice, Online. Available at:, December 19, 2018).