Series-4 (May - Jun. 2020)May - Jun. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality of Sleep in the First Trimester of Pregnant Women |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs.AnneJarone || Mrs.EbenezerEllenBenjamin |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1003040106 ![]() |
Abstract: Back ground: Sleep is a multidimensional, biobehavioral process that is essential to human health and function. During the child bearing phase of life a woman's sleep can be profoundly altered with increased risk to the woman and her fetus. Sleep quality is an issue that is rarely discussed nor given any importance in thedepartment of obstetrics. Thus, astudy was designed to assess the quality of sleep in pregnant women in the ObstetricsOut Patient Department (OPD)of Christian Medical College, Vellore. Materials and Methods:A descriptivelongitudinal study isbeing doneon 40 pregnant women in their three trimestersattending theObstetrics and....
Key words: sleep quality,Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
[1]. Won CH. Sleeping for two: the great paradox of sleep in pregnancy. J Clin Sleep Med.2015;11(6):593.
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Abstract: The present study aimed to study the effect of using KWL strategy in the academic achievement and motivation promotion of first secondary graders in mathematics. It also aimed to identify the correlation between achievement and motivation. The sample consisted of (60) participants who were studying at Yarmouk secondary school in Najran city. They were all divided into two equal groups, control and experimental where each group included (30) students. The experimental group was taught via the use of KWL strategy while the control group was taught through the traditional way.Study materials and tools consisted of an achievement test in the "Quartet Shapes" module at the Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation levels, the motivation scale in mathematics, the teacher's guide that was prepared......
Keywords KWL strategy; academic achievement; motivation; and teaching mathematics
[1]. Abu Al Hadeed, F. (2011). The Effect of Using the Constructivist Model, Bybee, in Developing Achievement and Motivation for Achievement in Mathematics among Slow Learning Female Students in the Intermediate Stage, Journal of Mathematics Education, Egyptian Society for Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Benha University, 14 (3), 166-238.
[2]. Abu Sultan, C. (2012). The Effect of KWL Strategy in Developing Concepts and Logical Thinking in Mathematics among Ninth Graders, Unpublished Master Thesis, College of Education, Islamic University, Gaza.
[3]. Abu Zina, F. (2011). School Mathematics Curricula and Teaching, Al Falah Library, Amman, Jordan.
[4]. AkhoIrshaideh, A. (2017). The Effect of Using the Flipped Classroom Strategy in Developing Mathematical Thinking and Motivation towards Learning Mathematics among First Secondary Graders, Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Al-Bayt, College of Educational Sciences, Jordan.
[5]. Al Asbali, R. (2013). The Effect of Teaching Jurisprudence (Al Fiqh) Using What I know, What I want to learn, and what I have learnt On the Achievement and Development of Critical Thinking Skills among Intermediate School Students, Unpublished Master Thesis, College of Education, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia.
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Abstract: India's National Policy on Education 1986 has boldly opined 'No people can rise above the level of its teachers'. It further stated that the 'status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of a society'. The society is, indebted to the teachers for shaping the destiny of the nation. Teacher education is said to be very significant investment for bringing qualitative improvement in education. If a revolution in education has to be initiated, it is the teacher education which can be taken as a starting point. Improvement in the quality of education is not possible without improving the quality of teacher education and teachers. Teacher education by and large is conventional in its nature and purpose. The integration of theory and practice in the teacher education programmes still remain inadequate...
[1]. Bhatia,R.(1987). Evaluation of new B.Ed. programme in the colleges of education affiliated to the University of Bombay. Fourth Survey of Research in Education, 2, 923. New Delhi: NCERT
[2]. Bhatnagar,T.N.(1988).A report on the study of the development of tools for supervision and evaluation of student-teaching and practical work in colleges of education. National Council of Educational Research and Training
[3]. Devi,Usha,P.(2002).Qualitative improvement of teacher education.Edutracks,28-30
[4]. Hemabujan, K.(1983).A critical study of Teacher Education at the Secondary Level in Tamil Nadu.(Doctoral dissertation), Chennai University
[5]. Kakkad,G.M.(1983). Secondary teacher education curricula- an analytical study and developing teacher education programme. Fourth Survey of Research in Education 2, 947. New Delhi: NCERT
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Abstract: The study examined the effects of Peer MentoringTeaching Strategy (PMTS) on Basic Science undergraduates' learning outcomes in some universities in South-West, Nigeria. The study adopted a pretest, posttest, control quasi-experimental design. The sample for the study was 32 undergraduates in Basic science selected from two Universities in South West, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select two states out of the six states in South-West, Nigeria and the two Universities used in this work. To ensure that only the Basic Science Undergraduates were used in the study, purposive sampling technique was adopted in their selection. The instrument used for the study was a self-constructed 20 item multiple choice performance test titled "Basic Science Undergraduates.....
Keywords: Peer Mentoring, Undergraduates, Performance, Retention, Learning outcomes, Basic Science
[1]. Lev, L., Kolassa J., Bakken, L., (2010). Faculty mentors' and students' perceptions of students' research self-efficacy. Nurse Education Today. 30,169-174.
[2]. Collier, P.J. (2017). Why peer mentoring is an effective approach for promoting college students success. Metropolitan Universities. 28(3) 9-19
[3]. Irby B.J. (2014). Editor's overview: a 20 year content review of research on the topic of development. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 22(3) 181-189.
[4]. Flores, G. and Estudillo, A.G. (2018). Effects of a Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program: Supporting first-year college students' academic and social integration on Campus. Journal of Human Services: Training, Research and Practice.3(2) 1-25
[5]. Bunling, B. & Williams, D. (2017). Stories of transformation: Using personal narrative to explore transformative experience among undergraduate peer mentors. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 2. 166-184
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Abstract: Resumo: This article has as its theme the management of Academic activities, delimiting itself for the Management of the activities of the Academic Secretariat of a Higher Education Institution / public HEI in Santa Catarina / Brazil. It aims to analyze the management of the main activities of the Support Processes Subprocesses of the Academic Secretariat of Primary Processes Graduation of the referred IES. It assumed that the Academic Secretariat is the main legal communication link between students and the institution. And for this reason, the activities of the processes that are being processed by it become a relevant theme because they directly impact the academic life of undergraduate students of the institution itself. Therefore, it was used as methodology a research that....
Keywords: Management, processes, activities, process owner, IES legal documents
[1]. ABPMP (2013). BPM CBOK V3.0 – Business Process Management Common
[2]. BARBETTA, P. A. (2005). Estatística aplicada às Ciências Sociais. 5. ed. rev. Florianópolis: Ed. Da UFSC.
[3]. BPM CBOK V3.0 (2013). Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge 3.0. São Paulo, Brasil: ABPMP.
[4]. BPM CBOK V3.0 v.2 (2014), ABPM-BR 2014. Guia SRF – Secretaria da Receita Federal; Andajur, A. J. e Sell, Denilson, N.(2016), Notas de aula, Florianópolis.
[5]. BRASIL. Lei nº 9.394/1996 - Lei de Diretrizes e Bases para Educação Nacional, Planalto do Governo Brasileiro
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Abstract: Background: There are numerous skills which have been ascribed to the learning of Mathematics. Such skills becomes Mathematics values when developed in the students while learning Mathematics. These may let the students that have acquired them valuable to the society and the world at large. But, some students are not performing up to expectation in their examinations, which may be because of their views or orientation towards Mathematics. Much studies have not been done in the area of the students' Mathematics value or orientation. Qualitative research is useful when trying to understand how individuals interpret information or think about a particular subject. It focuses on generating detailed information. Its research data cannot be directly linked to a numerical value but, may help to explore and discover indicators that will enable the latent (unobservable) variables to be studied. Such.....
Keywords: Inductive Approach, Qualitative research, Interview, Mathematics Value, Scale Development
[1]. Falaye, 2018. Qualitative Research and Evaluation Basic Issues and Methods. 2nd Edition. Ibadan University Press. Pgs 4-33.
[2]. Johnson, J. 2019. Where Can Mathematical Economics Take Me? https://www.mathnasium
[3]. Kellinger and Lee. 2000. Foundation of Behavioural Research,Earl McPeek, 4th Edition, 1992, USA. pp 692-703.
[4]. NPE, 2013. Federal Republic of Nigeria National Policy on Education. 6th Edition. NERDC Press, Yaba, Lagos.
[5]. Shetty, S. 2018. Determining Sample Size For Qualitative Research: What Is The Magical Number?
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Abstract: In this paper, the background of the structural design course and the methodology of partially flipped classroom approach are presented. Details of the learning activities and the various assessment components are discussed. These activities and components involve 1) a set of tailor-made, pre-class, self-learning videos that demonstrates the concepts and usage of a software that facilitates the structural design process; 2) a set of in-class design tasks which coverage aligns with the content of the self-learning video and the curriculum and 3) an after-class, building design project that offers an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they learn in class and to create an innovative and effective solution to a practical problem. The effectiveness of the flipped classroom and its learning environment were evaluated through the use of student surveys. Overall, student survey about the flipped classroom approach is positive. In addition to the survey results, analytics extracted from Youtube channel give direction as to how the pre-class video could be improved in future. Based on the experience gained from this course, some of the essential elements for success in implementing flipped classroom are summarized.
Key Word: Flipped Classroom; Structural Design; Computer-aided Design.
[1]. Shawn P. Gross, Eric S. Musselman.Implementation of an Inverted Classroom in Structural Design Courses.Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice ASCE.2018; 144(3).
[2]. Ignacio Evangelista, Florencia Nardoni, Matias Cadierno.Flipping the High-School Classroom: Contributions for Learning in a Case Study.Conference: World Engineering Education Forum, At Albuquerque, NM, USAIEEE. 2018;DOI: 10.1109/WEEF-GEDC.2018.8629637
[3]. NuchidaSuwapaet.Introducing a flipped classroom to engineering students: A case study in mechanics of materials course.AIP Conference Proceedings1941, 020041.2018;
[4]. CSI Analysis Reference Manual for SAP2000®. Computers & Structures, Inc., 1978-2016.
[5]. Effective Implementation of Flipped Classroom Approach in Hong Kong Higher Education for Enhanced Learning Outcomes. Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Benefits and Challenges to Integrate ICT in EFL Teaching and Learning Activities |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | LE THI MAI |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1003044650 ![]() |
Abstract: ICT as a medium for teaching is becoming more and more acknowledged. This paper takes a closer look at the benefits, as well as the barriers faced by teachers and students in integrating ICT tools in teaching and learning the English language in the classrooms. The integration of ICT will enable teachers to vary teaching and learning activities, to gradually change the teaching style to be more student-centred, to train students to have more active role in learning, and to access a huge range of authentic learning materials. Hence, some recommedations for action are proposed at the end..
Keywords: English LTL, Vietnamese ELT, ICT, benefits, challenges, EFL
[1]. Brown, H. D., & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment; Principles and classroom practices. White Plains, New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
[2]. Bullock, D. (2004). Moving from theory to practice: An examination of the factors that preservice teachers encounter as they attempt to gain experience teaching with technology during field placement experiences, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 12(2), 211-237.
[3]. Chapelle, C. A. (2003). The potentials of technology for language learning (Vol. I). Amsterdam: Johs Benjamins.
[4]. Dang, X.T. (2011). Factors Influencing Teacher's Use of ICT in Language Teaching: A Case Study of Hanoi University Vietnam, International Conference "ICT for Language Learning".
[5]. Davies, G., & Rendall, H. (2011). Using word-processing and presentation software in the modern foreign language classroom. Module 1.3.
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Abstract: The study adopted a survey design of ex-post facto type. Two hundred and fifty secondary school students were sampled. Five instruments were used to generate data. Seven research questions were raised and answered using t-test and regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance while the scores obtained from mathematics achievement test were normalized with the use of histogram and Q-Q normality plot while Kolmogorov Smirnov and Shapiro Wilkwere used to test for normality and control chart was used to test for degree ofnormality gained after transformation.The results showed that mathematics scores collected were skewed and were however normalized. Student attitude towards mathematics and study habit were found out to be good indicators of students performance in mathematics and predictors of variations in mathematics test scores of students. Research analysts, educators, school administrators, test assessors and examination bodies should always endeavour to transform the data collected from students' scores.
Keywords: Asymmetric data, Attitude and Interest towards mathematics, Academic Motivation, Teacher Subject Mastery, Achievement Test.
[1]. Abu-Hilal, M. M. 2000. A structural model of attitudes toward school subjects, academic aspirations, and achievement. Educational Psychology, 20, 75–84.
[2]. Akinsola, M.K. 2011. Mastery Learning, Cooperative Mastery Learning Strategies and Students'achievement in Integrated Science.Retrieved from +learning+cooperative+mastery on 12/06/2016.
[3]. Angoff, W. H. 1984. Scales, Norms, and Equivalent Scores. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
[4]. Aremu, A. O. &Sokan, B. O. 2003.A Multi-Causal Evaluation of Academic Performance of Nigerian learners: Issues and implications for national development.Department of Guidance of Counselling, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
[5]. Bankov, K., Mikova, D., & Smith, T. M. 2006. School quality and equity in central and eastern Europe: Assessing between-school variation in educational resources and mathematics and science achievement in bulgaria. Prospects, 36 (4), 448-473.