Series-7 (May - Jun. 2020)May - Jun. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: Background: The foundations of the medical education model include: the foundation in the basic sciences, the acquisition of scientific thinking in the biomedical sciences, and clinical learning in clinical and healthcare fields. When questioning how one learns and what is taught, the search for answers led to the displacement of passive educational models towards active models. Being found the medical education in the constructivist current, the ignorance of this pedagogical current continues, reason for which, a horizon is presented that broadens the understanding of the theoretical-practical relationship of constructivism in medical pedagogy and didactics.....
Key Word: Constructivism; Medical education; Learning; Teaching; Evaluation of learning.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pragmatic Analysis Of Deixis Found In "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" Movie |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dewi Ambarwulan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1003071315 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim of this research is to find out how many deixis found in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" movie. This research using descriptive qualitative research which aims to find out how many deixis found in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" movie. The data used in this research is movie script containing deixis found in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" movie. To collect the data, the researcher was helped by observation and documentation. From the analysis of 916 data numbers of deixis, the result of the study shows that there are three kinds of deixis namely person deixis (81.33%), spatial deixis (15.06%), and temporal deixis (3.60 %)..
Keywords descriptive qualitative, charlie and the chocolate factory movie, deixis
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the leadership variables of the principal, organizational culture, teacher professionalism, work motivation, and teacher performance, analyze the principal's leadership variables, organizational culture, teacher professionalism, teacher professionalism, and work motivation simultaneously affect teacher performance, analyze the principal's leadership variables, organizational culture, teacher professionalism, teacher professionalism, and work motivation partially affect teacher performance and to find out and analyze among the principals' leadership variables, organizational culture, teacher professionalism and work motivation that have a dominant effect on teacher performance, in high schools and state vocational schools in the Ile Ape......
Keywords: Headmaster Leadership, Organizational Culture, Teacher Professionalism, Work Motivation, and Teacher Performance..
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Abstract: This study focused on the effectiveness of the animations embedded in e-learning materials produced at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development. Animations embedded in Form Three Physics interactive content were studied. The first objective of this study was to find out the effect of e-learning materials with animations on the performance of learners in Physics. The second one was to find out if animations enhance conceptual understanding of text within the interactive Physics digital content. The other one was to determine the effect of animations on the concentration span of learners while learning Physics and the last one was to develop a process model for the effective utilization of animations in Physics education.The study was guided by the Piaget's theory of learning and was done in Nairobi City County. Four public secondary schools were purposively sampled out of sixty public secondary schools in the City County. One hundred and four students from the sampled schools.......
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Abstract: Home and school environment has profound influence on many circumstance Home and School Environment pose a great threat on student attitude towards examination malpractice. Most studies are on effect of home and school environment on student achievement. This work particularly examined the extent to which home and school variables (parent socio economics status, moral value, parent marital status, parenting style, school location, school facilities and class size) relatively and collectively predict student attitude towards examination malpractice. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The sample for the study comprise of 450 senior secondary II (SS2) students drawn randomly from twelve (12) secondary school in Eket Education Zone of Akwa Ibom State. Multi stage......
Keywords:Predictive, Students' Attitude, Examination Malpractice, Home Variables, School Variables
[1]. Abdullahi, O. E.(2009).Examination malpractice at the post-primary school level.African Journal of Educational Studies,6(1),14-24.
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Abstract: This study sought to determine the influence of management of pupils' discipline (independent variable) on pupils' academic performance (dependent variable) in Njoro sub-county.The study targeted all 76 primary schools in Njoro sub county and 886 teachers in all these schools. Descriptive survey research design was used in the study. Simple random sampling was used to select 269 teachers.Stratified random and Purposive sampling were used for selecting 6 head teachers from two stratums, one for high performing schools and the other for low performing schools based on kenye certificate of primary education(KCPE) average mean scores for the years 2012 to 2016.A sample size of 276 respondents was selected for the study which included the quality assurance and standards officer. A questionnaire and two interview guides one for head teachers and the other for education officer were used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data.Data was analyzed using......
Key words: Teachers' perspective, Influence, Discipline, Academic Performance
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Abstract: The current study is investigating the provisions made for teacher education under the Ghana 2007 educational policy in the Wa Municipality in the Upper West Region of Ghana. There is a gap in terms of evaluating programmes of national interest in the Municipality, including educational policies. Educational goals are very clear, and yet educational institutions are unable to fulfill these goals, leaving lots of gaps in the professionalism of teachers. The gaps created in the education system are because teachers are the pivot around which educational policies revolve. A sample of 350 members was selected using purposive sampling and the lottery sampling methods. Members responded to a questionnaire and an interview session, and this exercise was conducted over an eight-week time......
Keywords: Teacher, Education, Policy, Formulation, Evaluation, Supervision
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