Series-2 (Sep. - Oct. 2020)Sep. - Oct. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: The purpose of the present research was to investigate the impact of the Multi-sensory method to improve the reading skills of dyslexic pupils in public primary schools in Obio-Akpor in Rivers East Senatorial District of Rivers state. The work focused on identifying learners in the class range (primary two) who display signs of dyslexia so as to determine a suitable strategy for teaching dyslexics reading, writing and spelling skills. The study is a quasi-experimental design, the sample size of 50 dyslexic pupils, 25 each in the control and experimental class were selected from two public primary schools. The instruments used for this study were, Letter sound test (EGRA), Burt reading test (BURT), Word blending test (EGRA), Sentence reading test (EGRA), Dictation/ writing test (EGRA......
[1]. A Dyslexic Child in the Classroom. (A guide for teachers and parents) Retrieved January 04, 2016 from Davis Dyslexia Association Internationalhttp://www,
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[3]. Alyssa, A. (2016). Multi -sensory techniques in spelling instruction: An action researchstudy for students with dyslexia Masters thesis. Paper 6
[4]. Boeree, C.G. (1998). B.F.Skinner. Accessed September 2003; Retrieved February 15,2016 from;
[5]. British Dyslexia Association
[6]. Bradley, L and Bryant, P.E. (1985). Rhyme and reason in reading andSpelling in InternationalAcademy for Research in Learning Disabilities Series. University of Michigan press. Michigan.
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Abstract: Introduction: Teaching methods used by academicians contributes significantly to the academic performance of student. Health Institution like ours utilizes various teaching methods to achieve effective result. Objective: Appraise and assess the impact of the teaching methods on the academic performance of students in the study area. Methodology: Weadopted a stratified sampling technique in selecting our sample. One hundred questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and retrieved back. The reliability of the instrument was tested using a sample different from actual sample for the study, the reliability test was 0.89.The authors also employed experimental study for easy understanding of the results and its interpretation and they were divided into two groups namely 'Experimental group' and 'Control group'. The results were analyzed statistically using SPSS software (version 17.0 for.....
Keywords: Learning, Teaching, Methodology, Performance, Impact
[1]. Achievement according to PISA 2006. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 54845488.
[2]. Acat, B. and İ. Dönmez, 2009. To compare student centered education and teacher-centered education in primary science and technology lesson in terms of learning environments. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1): 1805-1809.
[3]. Anil, D.,& Ozer, Y. (2012). The effect of the aim and frequency of computer usage on student achievementaccording to PISA 2006. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 54845488.
[4]. A. T. Agbele, E. A. Oyelade, & V. S. Oluwatuyi: Assessment of Students' Performance in Physics Using Two Teaching Techniques. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol. 5 issue 6, June 2020 Pp.795-799)
[5]. Banda, B., V. Mudenda, E. Tindi and K. Nakai, 2014. Towards learner centered science lessons in Zambia: An Experience of Problem Solving Approach in Biology Lessons. Zambia Journal of Teacher Professional Growth, 2(1): 86-92.
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Abstract: The study aimed at analysing the impact of problem solving teaching approach towards gender differences in mathematics self-concept in Kenyan secondary schools. Students from one hundred and nine (109) schools from Vihiga County formed the population of the study. Stratified random sampling was used to select twelve schools from the 109 schools. The sample of the study was 1459 students constituting 742 males and 717 females, purposively and randomly drawn from the twelve schools. Solomon Four-Group design was adopted in the study. The students were assigned to two experimental groups and two control groups. Both groups were taught Commercial Arithmetic. The experimental groups were taught using PSA treatment while control groups were taught by conventional methods....
Keywords: Problem solving approach, Gender differences, Mathematics, Self-concept, Kenya
[1]. Adekoya, Y.M. (2010). Effect of Project-Based, Demonstration and Lecture Teaching Strategies on Senior Secondary Students' Achievement in an Aspect of Agricultural Science. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 1(1): 19 – 21.
[2]. African Curriculum Organization (1979). Basic Training Course in Systematic Curriculum Develoment. Nairobi: Kenya Institute of Education.
[3]. Borg, W.R. & Gall, M.D. (1989). Educational Research: An Introduction (5th ed). White plains, NY: Longman.
[4]. Burton, L. (1995). Moving towards a feminist epistemology of mathematics. In P. Roges & G. Kaiser (Eds). Equity in Mathematics Education: Influences of Feminism and Culture (pp. 209-225). London: The Falmer Press.
[5]. Chaika, G. (2012). Ten activities to improve students' self-concepts. Retrieved from a_lesson/lesson/lesson085.shtml
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Abstract: The study examined the effect of social media integrated learning and group study on the achievement of pre-service chemistry teachers in colleges of education in Delta state. Two research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The quasi-experimental design was used, specifically the pretest posttest nonrandomized control group design. A sample of 71 second year pre-service Chemistry teachers from Federal College of Education, Asaba and College of Education, Agbor were involved in the study. The instrument for data collection was Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) validated by lecturers in science education, and education foundation and one experienced chemistry teacher. The reliability of the instrument was established using Kudder-Richardson formula 20 which yielded coefficient of internal consistency of 0.93. The data obtained were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results showed that there was a significant....
Keywords: social-media, pre-service, teachers, group study, chemistry
[1]. Alonso, J., Guzman, J. &Amescua, A. (2013).Use of mobile applications in Spanish universities: Present status and future challenges. Retrieved From
[2]. Ayla, Ç. D., Oktay, B.&Ayse, Y. Ç. (2010). What are the pre-service chemistry teachers' explanations on chemistry topics? International Journal ofResearch in Teacher Education, 1, 32-41.
[3]. Heyam, A. A. (2014). The influence of social networks on students' performance.Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences,5(3), 200-206.
[4]. Hinz, O., Bernd, S., Christian, B.& Jan, U. B. (2011).Seeding Strategies for viral marketing: an empirical comparison.Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 55–71.
[5]. Jacobsen, W. C. &Forste. R. (2011), The wired generation: academic and social outcomes of electronic media use among university students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(5), 275–280..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the implementation of inclusive school curriculum for children with special needs at Public Primary School (SD Negeri) 1 Nambah Rejo. The focus of study is to determine the planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating in the curriculum of inclusive school at Public Primary School (SD Negeri) 1 Nambah Rejo in accordance with the values of education management. In conducting the research, a qualitative approach with a natural setting was used with case study. Tecniques used in data collection are interview, observation, and document studies. Public Primary School (SD Negeri) 1 Nambah Rejo took four stages the management of inclusive school curricula. The stages are planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. The curriculum used is Kurikulum 2013, which is a regular curriculum. Public Primary School (SD Negeri)....
Keywords: management, curriculum, inclusive schools, students with specialneeds, coordinator.
[1]. AhmadidanUhbiyati. 2007. IlmuPendidikan. Jakarta: RinekaCipta
[2]. Ainscow, M., Booth, T., & Dyson, A. (2004).Standards and inclusive education: Schools squaring the circle. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Research Programme annual conference, Cardiff, UK.
[3]. Gardner, Howard. 2003. Kecerdasan Majemuk (Multiple Intelligences) : Teori dalam praktek. Penerbit Interaksa. Batam
[4]. Holmberg, J. B. &Jeyaprathaban, S. (2016). Effective Practice In Inclusive and Special Needs Education. International Journal Of Special Education, 31 (1), 119-134.
[5]. Illahi,MuhammadTakdir. 2016. PendidikanInklusif:KonsepdanAplikasi.Yogyakarta:ArRuzzMedia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reconceptualizing Teaching And Learning For Sustainable Development In Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Dr. Reginald Maudlin Nalugala |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1005023952 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the top trade mark advertisements on Kenya radio and mainstream television stations has been about this woman from Kano Plains, Kisumu County crying to the government for help. Floods had wreaked havoc on her village in April, 2012. Her property had been destroyed, she could not trace her children and husband. She famously cried out, ‗Serikali tafadhali saidia,' ‗Please the government help'. Her state of helplessness, sorrow and tragedy was later turned into national humour. She became known as ‗Serikali Saidia' in most social media groups and on television. She managed to find part of her family. The Kisumu County government appointed her the county flood preparedness ambassador under the department of Special Programmes.
[1]. Affective and calculative solidarity: the impact of individualism and neoliberal capitalism. European Journal of Social Theory.
[2]. Deerness, S. (2016). Reclaiming social justice in neoliberal times. Pacific-Asian Education.
[3]. Sunday Standard. Push to ensure students transit to colleges starts. P.8.
[4]. UNESCO. (2017). A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education. In UNESCO.
[5]. Boeren, E. (2019). Understanding Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on ―quality education‖ from micro, meso and macro perspectives. International Review of Education.
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Abstract: In the recent past, our country has been bedeviled by several social problems that tend to breed insecurity in the lives of the populace. This ranges from unemployment, adult illiteracy, poverty, terrorism, moral decadence, youth restiveness, drug abuse, armed robbery, kidnapping, gender violence, rape to bribery and corruption. It becomes more worrisome as the effect of all these fall back to the community crippling its development. In the face of such structural problems, one has to learn, relearn and unlearn to fit into the dynamism of modern organization. It therefore becomes pertinent to revitalize learning in families and communities through community education to address the social problems in communities. In this paper, the researchers x-rayed the concepts of family, community and community education.......
Keywords: Learning, family, community, community education,community learning centers
[1]. Akande, J.O (2007). The practice of community education in Nigeria. Educational Research and Review vol. 2 (10), page264-270. http://www.academic
[2]. Armin, F. (2017). The model of community learning centre development: A case study of CLCs increases the community capacity and skill to deal with socio-economic challenges. PKBM Assolahiyah in West Java Province.
[3]. Amirinze, M.A (2002). Adult and community education policy and designin Nigeria. Unique Publishers, page 70-73.
[4]. Anyanwu, C.N. (1999). Introduction to community development. Ibadan: Gabesther Educational Publishers.
[5]. Anyanwu, C.N (2002). Community Education: The African dimension, Ibadan: Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.