Series-3 (Sep. - Oct. 2020)Sep. - Oct. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the needs of e-books as a learning resource, on the topic of matter classification in Junior High School. This study used a survey method involving 6 science teachers and 85 students in class IX as respondents. Research data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of six questions for teachers and seven questions for students, which included: learning resources used, e-book usage, appearance, layout, and e-book content. The results showed that: 1) 84% of teachers and 94% of students used textbooks for learning material classification, and only 38% used e-books; 2) Students state that they have difficulty understanding the matter classification that is abstract in nature, so students need learning resources that can represent the matter to be more concrete; 3) In general, all respondents revealed that they wanted an e-book that could be interesting with interactions equipped with various representations to help understand the topic of matter classification.
[1]. Manley, L. and Robbert P.H. 2012. History of the Ebook: The Changing Face of Books vol 29 (Technical Service Quarterly) p 292-311.
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[3]. Munadi, Y. 2010. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press.
[4]. Abiwara, A. T. 2014. Hubungan Pemanfaatan Buku Elektronik dengan Kreativitas dan Keaktifan Siswa dalam Belajar di Kelas XI Program Keahlian Teknik Audio Video dan Teknik Komputer Jaringan SMKN 2 Depok Sleman. Skripsi. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta.
[5]. Haris, D. 2011. Panduan Lengkap E-Book. Yogyakarta: Cakrawala.
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Abstract: Background and objectives: Even with the widespread repetition of organizing events and conferences by hosting organizations, little is known about the influence of such meeting on attendee's satisfaction. However, up to our knowledge, there is no exploratory survey measured the satisfaction of conference attendees in Libya. Hence, this study sought to reveal the that impact of the effectiveness of conference messages on the attendee's satisfaction. Methods: A self-report survey designed to assess satisfaction with conference attributes was completed by 78 attendees following their participation in the 3rd Libyan conference on medical and pharmaceutical sciences held in Libya. The questionnaires.....
Keywords: Conference – Attendees – satisfaction – Libya
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On the Ways to Improve the Lifelong Learning Ability of Postgraduates of MTCSOL |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Han Lijuan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1005031013 ![]() |
Abstract: The ability of lifelong learning is a basic survival ability of human beings in the era of knowledge economy and an important condition for individuals to achieve all-round development. Graduate students, as the backbone of the country's modernization in the future, their behavior will have a huge impact on the value orientation of awhole unit, a whole industry and evena whole society. The professional characteristics of teachers determine that graduate students ofMTCSOL must have the ability to learn for life.It is necessary to explore ways to improve the lifelong learning ability of graduate students ofMTCSOL from the three aspects of graduate students, tutors and universities.....
Keywords: Postgraduates of MTCSOL; lifelong learning ability; autonomous learning; teaching model
[1]. Chen Fuxiang. Cultivation of lifelong learning ability of college students from the perspective of lifelong education [J]. Journal of Higher Correspondence Education
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[5]. Tang Zhiliang. On the Cultivation of Lifelong Learning Ability of College Students [J]. Journal of Kaifeng Institute of Education, 2017, 37(02):141~142.
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Abstract: The main aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of academic supervision module use in Madrasah (Islamic school) supervisory education & training through Google Classroom as distance learning held at Makassar Religious Education & Training Center.The study was conducted in the form of pre-test, treatment and post-test as data collection techniques,where the pre-test was employed to experimental group, the treatment was to implement distance learning system using Google Classroom and the post-test was undertaken at the end of the session of the education.....
Keywords: Effectiveness; Academic supervision module;Madrasah supervisor; Distance learning
[1]. Amiroh. 2012. KupasTuntasMembangun E-Learning dengan Learning Management System Moodle. Sidoarjo: Genta Group.
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Abstract: According to the evaluation model of student source quality, several indicators reflecting the quality of student source are selected. Taking the enrollment data of recent five years as an example, the multi-dimensional analysis is carried out. Through the data analysis, it is concluded that there are three main problems in the current student source, such as the low proportion of first choice student, the poor overall quality of student source, and the unreasonable structure of student source There are five feasible measures, such as paying attention to propaganda, cultivating environment,attracting local school student, and paying attention to employ job.
Keywords: Quality of students Statistical analysis International Chinese Education
[1]. Guo Wei. Research on the Status Quo of the Quality of Postgraduate Students and Improvement Measures[J]. Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University: Social Science Edition, 2020(2):201-206.
[2]. Zhang Xiufen, Wei Gang, XueJunfang, etc. Strategies for the cultivation of graduate students in universities in underdeveloped areas[J]. Higher Education: 2019(9):184-185.
[3]. Wang Pei. Research on the Evaluation System of Graduate Enrollment Quality[J]. Journal of Leshan Normal University: 2015(4): 133-136.
[4]. Pan Xing, Zou Zhigang, Zhang Hongjun. Application research on improving the quality of graduate students with PDCA management[J]. Bulletin of Science and Technology: 2015(2): 252-255.
[5]. Xu Chunbi, Peng Yuanchun, Zou Rui, etc., Research on the Status Quo of "Dual Tutor System" Cultivating Compound and Innovative Professional Graduate Students[J]. Forum on Industry and Technology, 2019, 18(6): 124-126.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious Value in Nyambai Oral Literature |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Erika Oktora Kesuma Aini || Edi Suyanto || Farida Ariyani |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1005032631 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: One of the local wisdoms of Lampung culture is Nyambai. Nyambai is a paired group dance performed by muli (girl) and meRanai (single boy) as a meeting or gathering place to find a mate in the traditional ceremony of Nayuh balak (large traditional ceremony). There is a reading of a poem or a rhyme in Nyambai. This poem is used as a means of communication between single girls and single boy or parties involved in nyambai. The poem in nyambai is read and packaged in the dance. This makes nyambai has a great performing art to follow. Related to religious values, the people of Lampung is a person who have a religion and religion he adheres to is Islam, Moslem. Values religious exploration in nyambai oral literature is needed because of culture and religion is closely related......
Keywords: Lampungnese; Nyambai; Religious Value; Oral Literature
[1]. Ariyani, Farida, et al. 2015. Concept of Piil Pesenggiri according to Indigenous Peoples Lampung Waykanan in Waykanan Regency. Bandar Lampung: Aura Publishing.
[2]. Irvan, Muhammad. 2018. The values of Ta'aruf Muli Mekhanai in Islamic Perspective Saibatin Marriage Ceremony. Bandarlampung: UIN Radin Intan.
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[5]. Nurhasan, Tambat, Holilluloh, and Hermi Yanzi. 2013. Factors that are Influencing the Decrease in Community Interest in Practicing Cultural Adat Nyambai in the village of Genesis. Bandarlampung: University of Lampung
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Abstract: Background: Character education is an effort that is designed and implemented systematic to help students understand the values of human behavior relate to The Almighty God, yourself, fellow humans, the environment, and nationalism that manifests in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on religious norms, law, manners, culture, and customs. According, Grummell (in Koesoema, 2015) said that character education is a conscious and deliberate effort to help someone understand himself intact completely through the various dimensions. The dimensions are religious, moral, personal, social, cultural, and others. The success of the learning process is determined by many factors. Teaching materials are one of the important factors besides the factors of educators, students, facilities, and other components. The interaction between these components is very important in achieving....
Keywords: Character Education; Short Stories; Teaching Materials
[1]. Achmad Binadja Supartono and Danu Aji Nugraha. (2013). Development of Redox Reaction Teaching Materials with Vision Sets, Constructivist Oriented. Journal of Innovative Science Education 2. Unnes Bendan Ngisor, Semarang.
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[3]. Aminuddin. (2009). Introduction to Appreciation of Literary Works. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algensindo.
[4]. Anwar, Efendi. (2020). Character Value in Hatta's Biographical Novel: I Come Because History of the Work of Sergius Sutanto. Journal of Character Education, Year X, No. 1, April 2020.
[5]. Apri, Damai Sagita Krissandi. (2014). Compass Short Stories 1970—1980 in Hegemony The New Order State (Critical Discourse Analysis). Poetika Journal Vol. II No. 1, July 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effectiveness of Khan Academy Videos in Teaching Mathematics at the first-year level of University |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Shafeak Ghanie |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1005033948 ![]() |
Abstract: A number of innovative approaches are being employed at the university level in an effort to improve academic performance in underprepared students especially in high risk courses such as Algebra, Calculus and Statistics. This study was designed to ascertain whether tutoring first-year university students with the aid of mathematics tutorial videos from Khan Academy is more effective than tutoring students in the traditional problem-solving demonstration and discussion approach and thus can be a plausible alternative teaching strategy that can be employed by universities to improve Mathematics performance among freshmen. Comparison of the mathematics performance of.....
Keywords: Mathematics Tutorial Videos, Khan Academy, First-year University, Mathematics
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[5]. Brandel, G., Hemmi,K., & Thunberg, H. (2008). The widening gap – a Swedish perspective. Mathematics Education Resource Journal, 20, 38–56..
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between School Climate and Teachers Effectiveness in Secondary Schools. The study employed correlation study design. Data was collected through questionnaire interview and observation checklist from the study area. Respondents were selected using systematic random sampling technique and a total of 155(N=155) teacher respondents were participated as the sources of data. Also, ten school principals and supervisors were purposively selected and participated in the study. The data collected were organized, analyzed, tabulated and interpreted using simple percentage, mean, standard deviation and...
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