Series-4 (Sep. - Oct. 2020)Sep. - Oct. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: The study investigated the effects of action learning and concept mapping strategies on Academic performance of Biology. Students in Senior Secondary Schools in South West Nigeria. The study also examined the gender difference and school location on the performance of students in Biology. The study was a quest-experimental pre-vectorpotential and control group design. The population comprised all the SSSII Biology student in all the secondary schools in South West Nigeria. The sample was made up of three hundred (300) Biology students selected from six school from three states out of six states in South West Nigeria. The selection was done by using multistage sampling procedure. Three groups were selected to two experimental groups and a control group. The student in experimental groups were taught using Action learning and, concept mapping strategies while....
[1]. Afolabi, F.A (2011). Effect of inquiry and experimental learning in secondary school physics Anunpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
[2]. Ajaja, O.P (2013). Which strategy best suits biology teaching? Lecturing, concept mapping, corporative learning on learning cycle. Electronic journal of science education (Length western University).
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[4]. Dorgu, T.E. (2015). Different Teaching methods: A parallel for effective curriculum implementation in the elution. International journal of secondary education, 3 (6) 77-78
[5]. Fantuzzo; K Walker J. (2002). Appalling psychology to non-teaching of basic mathematics: A core study inquiry 6 (2) 6045.
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Abstract: Background: The study assessed the availability and use of guidance and counselling services in selected female Secondary Schools in Sokoto Metropolis of Sokoto State Nigeria.The Nigerian secondary school educational system particularly in Sokoto State expects that students are to be properly guided on their educational activities, vocational choices, emotional and socio-personal problems. Materials and Methods:. the sample size was 100 respondents using well-structured questionnaires collected from three selected secondary schools. The data of the survey was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: In the study, it was observed that the main factors influence the choice of Subjects by respondents is meanly personal preference (49%) and Parents....
Keywords: guidance, counselling, female, Schools, Metropolis
[1]. Conchi-Miriam Brown, (Undated). Issues and Challenges Facing Counsellors in Nigerian Schools Setting: A Dilemma to Education, Department of Educational Foundations, College of Education, AfahaNsit, AkwaIbom State.
[2]. Peters and Farewel, (2008). Educational Vocational Guidance, University of Ilorin/University of Ile-Ife press Ltd. Pp1.
[3]. Action Health Incorporated (AHI). (2011).Atankwarai: Insights into Early Marriage and Girls' Education in Northern Nigeria, a Nigerian nongovernmental organization dedicated to improving adolescents' well-being and development
[4]. Bamgbaiye, (2000). NCE Lecture Note on guidance and counselling, ShehuShagari College of Education Sokoto, Sokoto State Nigeria.
[5]. Conchi-Miriam Brown, (Undated). Issues and Challenges Facing Counsellors in Nigerian Schools Setting: A Dilemma to Education.
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Abstract: The ability to creative thinking is one of the focuses in informatics learning on algorithmic and programming materials. Through the process of creative thinking, students learn how to see a solution to a problem from various perspectives and learn how to find innovative answers and solve problems in various ways. One of the competencies that high school students must have in informatics subjects is the ability to understand concepts and use algorithms and programming in the computer field to solve various programming problems, without a well-designed algorithm, the programming process will be wrong, damaged, or slow and not efficient. The purpose of this research is to develop e-learning for students to creative thinking in algorithms and programming in high school. The research.....
Keywords: e-learning ; creative thinking ; algorithms and programming
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[5]. Amidi, & Zahid, M. Z. (2016). Membangun Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Berbantuan E-Learning. Seminar Nasional Matematika X Universitas Negeri Semarang 2016, 586–594.
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Abstract: This research is a Research and Development research. This research and development problem is how to describe the development of fine arts learning models to improve drawing creativity in students in junior high schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the fine arts learning model to improve drawing creativity in students in junior high schools. The type of research and development that produces a product is the AKSI learning model to increase drawing creativity in students in junior high schools. The AKSI learning model (active, social, creative and innovative) is made according to the concept....
Keywords: development, learning models, fine arts, increasing creativity in the drawing.
[1]. Borg, WR & Gall, M.D. 1983. Educational Research: AnIntroduction. New York. Longman.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | VET in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools leads to increased employability |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rumi Sikdar || Dr. Shubha Chandra |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1005042836 ![]() |
Abstract: Employability is crucial for every society and needs to be addressed through its education system especially the higher education system nevertheless with its foundation in the secondary and higher secondary schools. Students need to possess employability skills to get a job and retain it. This pilot study is to study the link between the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) introduced in the secondary & higher secondary schools of India to increase the employability
Key words: Employability, NSQF, Domain Skills and Generic Skills, Vocational Education & Training
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[4]. Jovinia Dania, Ab Rahim Bakar&Shamsiah Mohamed, "Factors Influencing the Acquisition of Employability Skills by Students of Selected Technical Secondary School in Malaysia", 2013
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to describe the variables of accreditation implementation, learning motivation, facilities and infrastructure and quality of education, to analyze the effect of the accreditation implementation variable, learning motivation, facilities and infrastructure simultaneously on the quality of education, to analyze the influence of the variable accreditation implementation, learning motivation, facilities and infrastructure. partially on the quality of education and to find out and analyze among the variables of accreditation implementation, learning motivation and facilities and infrastructure that have a dominant effect on the quality of education at the Army Polytechnic.....
Keywords: Accreditation Implementation, Learning Motivation, Facilities and Infrastructure, and Quality of Education
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Abstract: Background: Learning style and emotional intelligence are identified to have impact on the academic performance of the students. Teachers can identify the learning style of the students in the beginning of the program which will broaden their perspective of the diversity in learning style within the same classroom and thereby plan efficacious teaching strategies in alignment with the student preferences. Nursing is a field dealing with patients and require a systematic approach to manage the emotional demands. An emotionally intelligent nurse is bestowed with the ability to effectively blend thoughts and feelings in order to create and sustain more mutually respectful relationships with her patients and also makes optimal decisions. Learning style and emotional intelligence poses as vital concepts to prepare nursing students as professional nurses. The favourable feature of Learning style.....
Key Word: academic performance, emotional intelligence, learning style, demographic characteristics, undergraduate nursing students
[1]. Moyer, B.A., & Price, R.A.W.. Nursing Education: Foundations for Practice Excellence. 2008; Philadelphia: F.A Davis Company.
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Abstract: Thepurposeofthisstudyis to develop and describe a performance assessment instrument based on discovery learning which is valid and reliable in assessing student performance in fourth grade elementary school. This research and development refers to Borg and Gall theory. Thestudypopulationwasfourth-gradeteachersintheElementarySchoolinthe Gading RejoDistrict, andthesubjectwas determined bya simple randomsamplingof19teachers who are included in the Cluster III of Gading Rejo and Cluster V of Gading Rejo . Data werecollectedthroughobservation sheets and questionnaires.The data analysis technique used validity and reliability. The performance assessment......
Key Word:instrument,performance assessment,discoverylearning
[1]. Atac,BenguAksu.2012.ForeignLanguageTeacher'sAttitudetoward AuthenticAssessmentinLanguage.TheJournalof Languageand LinguisticStudies,8(2):7-19.
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Abstract: The problem in this study is that there are still many fourth grade students of the Margajaya Elementary School whose learning outcomes are below the minimum completeness criteria. This study aims to develop worksheets based on the appropriate Discovery Learning Model, to analyze the effectiveness and attractiveness of the worksheets, to find out the differences in learning outcomes of students who use Discovery Learning Model-based worksheets and those that do not. Research and development (R&D) refers to the theory of Borg and Gall. The study population was all fourth grade students of elementary school, Metro Kibang sub-district and the sample was determined by the multi-stage random sampling technique, they are fourth grade A students of one margajaya elementary school and fourth grade A of two kibang elementary schools....
Key Word: worksheet, Discovery Learning Model, learning outcomes
[1]. Akhmad, dkk. 2015. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Memperbaiki Unit Kopling Dan Komponen-Komponen Sistem Pengoperasiannya Dengan Model Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas Xi Otomotif Smk Negeri 2 Tarakan. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi: Teori dan Praktek. ISSN : 2302-285X Vol.3 No.1
[2]. Akinyemi Olufunminiyi Akinbobola and Folashade Afolabi. 2010. Constructivist practices through guided discovery approach: The effect on students' cognitive achievement in Nigerian senior secondary school physics. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education. Eurasian J. Phys. Chem. Educ. 2(1):16-25
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