Series-4 (Nov. – Dec. 2021)Nov. – Dec. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Background: It is important for a prospective mathematics teacher to have problem solving skills as well as other skills such as reasoning and proofing, communication, connections, and representation as stated in NCTM. Problem solving skills are also needed by students. In order to improve their problem-solving skills and their learning achievement, innovation and a new mindset to achieve the purpose of education are necessary. The models, methods, and strategies of learning mathematics should be varied to optimize students' potential. Lecturers' efforts to organize and use various learning variables are important factors determining students' success in achieving learning goals......
Key Word: MEAs, local wisdom, problem solving skill, learning model
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Abstract: Background: Policies reflect the rules guiding the implementation of the organizational process. Procedures, on the other hand, represent an implementation of policy and need to be responsive to the changing work environment over time as new tools emerge, new processes are designed, and the risks associated with an area changes in response to internal or external environmental changes. This paper aimed to come up with a strategy for developing a student mobility procedures manual for an international office in a university. Materials and Methods: In this paper content......
Key Word: International office; student mobility; procedures manual
S. Mukerji, P. Tripathi and A. Anjana, "Leadership Dynamics in Higher Education Institutions in India.," in In Handbook of Research on Ethical Challenges in Higher Education Leadership and Administration , IGI Global, 2020, pp. 309-331.
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D. G. J. Dei, " Assessing quality assurance practices in institutions of higher learnings," International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(12, pp. 30-45, 2019.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Students' Perception about the Implementation of English Word Games in English Class |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Annisa Farah Ardila |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1106041316 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Since vocabulary becomes the most important thing to be mastered in commmunication and help students to compose good sentences, English word games comes as a solution to hel sudents to be more confident and increase their vocabulary in fun way. However, perception about the implementation of English Word Games should be considered to measure the impact of students' vocabulary mastery.
Materials and Methods: In this quantitative research, there are 18 students in one class of SMPN 33 Bandar Lampung grade seven were choosen to be the sample of this research. Each student is asked to did pre-test and post-test consists of 30 questions.....
Key Word: Vocabulary, Students' Perception, English Word Games
[1]. AlQahtani, M. (2015). The Importance of Voabulary in Language Learning and How to be Taught. Vol.3 (3). DOI:10.20472/TE.2015.3.3.002.
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[4]. Seashore, R.H. (1948). The Importance of Vocabulary in Learning Language Skills. Vol.25(3), 137-152). National Council of Teachers of English.
[5]. Hu, R. 2016. The Age Factor in Second Language Learning. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 6(11), 2164-2168.
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Abstract: This paper has aimed to investigate tow of the qualitative research data collection methods: namely, unstructured interview and biography. Each approach of them has had its benefits and drawbacks. The review suggests that both unstructured interview and biography are suitable to collect sensitive and personal information. It also suggests that This information can be used to find out the difficulties in teaching and learning, and for depth understanding it is suggested the integration of both of unstructured interview and biography would be better.
Key Word: unstructured interview, biography, mathematics education research, qualitative method
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Abstract: The study determined the effect of adaptive learning approach (ALA) on students' retention in chemistry in Awka Education Zone. Two research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The design of the study was Quasi-experimental design. The population of the study was 1, 942 senior secondary three (SS3) students offering chemistry in Awka Education Zone out of which a sample size of 109 students was drawn using purposive and random sampling techniques for the study. The instrument for data collection was Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) validated by three experts. The reliability of CAT was established using Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 to be 0.70. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation awhile analysis of covariance......
Key Word: adaptive-learning, conventional, chemistry, retention
[1]. Adeyemi, B.A. (2017). Effects of collaborative and adaptive teaching strategies on students' learning outcomes in civic education in senior secondary schools in Osun state, Nigeria. Journal of Science, Technology & Education (JOSTE), 5(3), 6-15.
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Abstract: The rapid pace of economic development in the world has initiated and demand for technological growth in education and training system as a global yard stick for continuous improvement. As internet connectivity expands, online education and training content becomes readily available. This, therefore, calls for broader networking opportunities and adoption of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to improve access and performance in education and training for lifelong learning. There is a marked improvement by the government investment in e-learning in tertiary institutions in Kenya while trainees' performance in national tests is declining. The specific objectives of this study were: to determine the influence of trainers' based individual factors about e-learning.....
Key words: Performance, e-learning adoption, institutional factors
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