Series-1 (Mar. – Apr. 2022)Mar. – Apr. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Online Learning in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | L. Wijewardene |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1202010106 ![]() |
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has closed educational institutes across the world jeopardizing academic calendars. Most educational institutes have shifted to online learning platforms to keep the academic activities going (Muthuprasad, et al., 2021). The transition into online learning and blended learning modes has created pedagogical challenges in relation to teacher education, teaching strategies and the taught curriculum, and, attempting to transform syllabi into a virtual lesson format has been a key challenge (Al-Zaabi, 2021). However, areas such as preparedness, designing and effectiveness of e-learning are still vague, particularly in developing countries such as Sri Lanka , where technical limitations have become hindrances with suitability of devices and bandwidth availability......
Keywords: Sri Lankan undergraduates, online learning challenges, COVID-19 pandemic
[1]. Adaderana. (2020). All universities to be temporarily closed over coronavirus fears. Retrieved from
[2]. Agarwal, V. K., and Khara, S. (2021). Student Perception of Online Learning During Covid: Findings From A Indian University. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 8(10), 16-32.
[3]. Agba, A. M. O., Ocheni, S. I., and Agba, M. S. (2020). COVID-19 and the World of Work Dynamics: A Critical Review. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 10(5), 119.
[4]. Alipio, M. (2020). Education during Covid-19 Era: Are Learners in a Less-Economically Developed Country Ready for E-Learning? SSRN Elec-tronic Journal.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Analysis of interference of L1 to L2 in "Kelas Internasional" Sitcom |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Lidya Setiasari |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1202010709 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: There are some studies done by the researcher that focus on sociolinguistic says that there are some interference of someone that transfer their native language into their second language. In this study, the researcher find a sitcom in Indonesia called "Kelas Internasional". The sitcom consist of five people from different countries. They went to Indonesia and learn Indonesian Language. However, they have difficulties due to their native accent. The researcher tried to analyzed the interference of their native accent into Indonesian pronounciation.......
Key Word: Interference in sociolinguistic; First language; Second language; Kelas Internasional sitcom
[1] Creswell, J. . (2007). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches, 2nd ed. California : Sage Publication.
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[3] IPEK, Hulya. (2009). Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition: Implications for Language Teachers. CCSE Journal: Volume 2 Number 2 June 2009, 155-163.
[4] Renariah. (2002). Bahasa Jepang dan Karakteristiknya. Journal: Sastra Jepang Fakultas Sastra Universitas Kristen Maranatha, 1 (2), hlm. 1-16.
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Abstract: Education is a more comprehensive term that implies acquisitions of a man's experience of life. Education cannot be acquired without formal learning. Academic achievement is the outcome of education-the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. It can be defined as excellence in all academic disciplines, in class as well as extracurricular activities. It includes excellence in sporting, behavior, confidence, communication skills, punctuality, assertiveness, Arts, Culture, etc Secondary level of education is the most important.....
Keywords: Academic Achievement, gender, secondary level students
[1]. Agarwalla,Sunita.(2006).Systematic Approach to Education. Guwahati: Bookland
[2]. Best & Khan. (2004).Research in Education. New Delhi: prentice Hall of India pvt ltd.
[3]. Das Phunu, Goswami Sadhana, Sharma Nirupama. (2008). Principles and Theories of Education. Guwahati:Santi Prakashan
[4]. Kochhar, S.K. (2004). Pivotal Issues in Indian Education. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
[5]. Koul, Lokesh.(2006).Methodology of Educational Research. New Delhi: Vikas publishing house pvt ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Innovation Rules the World: Bridging the Gap between Industry and the Academia |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Chukwu Uche P. || Amonye Michael C. |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1202011420 ![]() |
Abstract: Innovation is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates worthy values of economic worth. Innovation entails deliberate application of information, imagination and initiative in deriving greater and new values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into useful products. Indeed innovation is about creating new knowledge, applying knowledge and making the knowledge productive. The Universities and other higher institutions are basically knowledge creators and imparters in all facets of life and economy. Knowledge driven economies recognize their role and thereby succeed......
Keywords: Innovation, Knowledge, Productivity, University, Incubation, Industry
[1]. Adelowo C. M, Olaopa R. O and Siyanbola W. O. (2012). Technology Business Incubation as Strategy for SME Development: How Far, How Well in Nigeria? Science and Technology 2(6), pp. 172-181.
[2]. Ayozie D. O., Oboreh J. S. and Umukoro. Ayozie V. U. (2013). Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMES) in Nigeria the Marketing Interface. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Marketing Volume 13 Issue 9 Version 1.0; p. 1.
[3]. Braunerhjelm P. (2010). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth: Past experiences, current knowledge and policy implications. Swedish Entrpreneuril Forum; Working Paper, 2010: 0 2; p. 3.
[4]. Drucker P. F. (2002). Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Practice and Principles. Published by HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.; ISBN 0060546743, p. 19-23.
[5]. FMST (2005), Policy functions structure and operational guidelines of Technology Incubation Programme in Nigeria. Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (FMST), Abuja
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Abstract: The study investigated perception and experience of dating violence among secondary school adolescents in Etche Local Government Area, Rivers State. Descriptive survey design was adopted. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study consisted of 610 secondary school adolescents, out of which 400 adolescents were selected as sample size from the target population. Purposive sampling technique was used in carrying out this study. The instrument for data collection was a self-developed 12 item instrument. It was titled "Adolescents' Dating Violence Questionnaire (ADVQ)". ADVQ was used to get the desired information from the respondents (adolescents). The instrument was divided into two sections (A and B). Section A is called demographic data......
Keywords: Dating, dating violence, adolescent, psychological injury.
[1]. Amar, A.F. & Gennaro. S. (2005). Dating violence in college women: Associated physical injury, healthcare usage, and mental health symptoms. Nursing Research, 54, 235-242. [2]. Audrey, H., Miguel, A., Campo, M & and Ulloa, M.C. (2012). Age and gender differences in teen relationship violence. Journal of Aggress Maltreat Trauma, 21(3), 351–364.
[3]. Capaldi, D.M., Dishion, T.J., Stoolmiller, M., & Yoerger, K. (2001). Aggression towards female partners by at risk young men: The contribution of male adolescent friendships. Developmental Psychology, 37, 61-73.
[4]. Carr, J.L. & Deusen, K.M. (2002). The relationship between family of origin violence and dating violence in college men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 630-646.
[5]. Cercone, J., Beach, S., & Arias, I. (2005). Gender symmetry in dating intimate partner violence: Does similar behavior imply similar constructs? Violence & Victims, 20 (2), 207-208.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Examination of Legal Issues in Classroom Management |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Prof. M, Koko || Chika Uriri |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1202012836 ![]() |
Abstract: The studyexamined legal issues in classroom management. The essence is how school management administrators and teachers must adhere to state laws in implementing classroom management policies and procedure. The study reviewed the concept of In loco parentis, due process protections and classroom management, federal law and classroom management, state law and classroom management, case law and classroom management, school management, policies on classroom management, legal responsibilities of teachers, the law and classroom management. The study was also able to consider procedural due process. The right to fair procedures, substantive due process: the right to reasonableness. The study still considered the guidelines that the teachers and school administrators need to follow; i.e implication for administrators, develop school district or....
Keywords: Legal issues, classroom management
[1]. Antonio School District v. Rodriquez, 411 U.S. 1 (1973).
[2]. Bagiev. VV.C. (2017). Classroom Management, Norwood, MA: MacMillan.
[3]. BeM v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).
[4]. 'chinnne), i),,Stcllman, I R.. & Fischer, I (2011). Teachers and the law (Slhed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Education.
[5]. Cole v. Creen/ield- Central Conimiijnly Schools, 657 p. Supp. 56 (S.l>. hid. 1986).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching and Learning News Item Text by Using English Newspaper |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rany Julia Kesuma.S |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1202013742 ![]() |
Abstract: Backgroud: Materials and Methods: This study was conducted to describe teaching and learning news item text process by using English newspaper, to describe the teacher's problems and students' problems in teaching and learning process. This research used qualitative descriptive research. The sample of this study was class XI.IPS1 which consisted of 28 students. In collecting the data used three kind instruments were observation, interview, and questionnaire and used three major phases of data analysis were data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verification.......
Key Word: English Newspaper, News Item Text, Reading Comprehension
[1]. Ahmmed, Raju. (2016). Effectiveness of Reading English Newspapers for Improving Vocabulary and Reading Skills of Students of Dhaka University. Bangladesh: The Millennium University Journal; Vol. 1, No. 1; 2016 ISSN 2225-2533
[2]. Ariansyah, Muthia, and Fitrawati.(2013). Annotation Straregy for Teaching Reading Comprehension of Exposition Text. Sam Higginbottom; Journal of English Language. Volume 2, Issue 1
[3]. Ary, Donal, (2010). Introduction to Research in Education. Canada: Wasworth
[4]. Banville, Dominique (2005). A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Use of Teaching Style. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Bloomington:AJSC. Vol. 76(2), 193-20.
[5]. Djamal, Murni. (2009). Improving Reading Skill in English for University Students. Jakarta: Kencana
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Abstract: The raging trend of linguistic incompetence in Kiswahili and English amongst a majority of highs school students despite them being compulsory and examinable subjects baffles the general public in Kenya. Students who use mother tongue language in interaction are disadvantaged as they end up performing poorly in English and Kiswahili. Thus, the introduction of a language policy in secondary schools which differs across schools based on their geographic situation. Despite this students opt to code-mix, to fit their circumstances. There is limited literature focusing on mother tongue influence on performance in English and Kiswahili in Nandi North Subcounty. In this regard the study........
Key words: Mother tongue, Kiswahili, English, Performance
[1]. Adebayo, D. O. (2008). The impact of mother tongue on students' achievement in English language in Junior Secondary Certificate Examination in Western Nigeria. Ibadan:. University of Ibadan.
[2]. Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., & Tiffin, H. (1989). The Empire writes back. London: Routledge
[3]. Atetwe, J. ( 2015.). Analysis of the influence of mother tongue on students' performance in English in KCSE in public day secondary schools in Gatundu District, Kiambu County, Kenya. Diss. Catholic University Unpublished Theses.
[4]. Gudu, B. O. (2015). Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language Using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(35), 55-63.
[5]. Hancock, D. R., & Algozzine, B. ( 2017). Doing case study research: A practical guide for beginning researchers. Teachers College Press..
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Abstract: Learning Mathematics is not fun for most female and male learners enrolled in public and private schools, instead, it is viewed with trepidation and described as a nightmare. To turn this situation around, the teaching strategies applied by the teacher need to help both female and male learner overcome these difficulties. For this cause a quasi-experiment was carried out on three schools in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. The individual variables (Gender#Teaching_strategies) were significant. According to the marginal means, the male and female learners' average scores were higher under cooperative teaching strategy (CTS) than in the traditional teaching strategy (TTS), but with a gap between female and male scores (females>males), while under TTS, males and females exhibit the narrowest difference in scores between scores. Both the male and female learners in the cooperative.......
Keywords: Gender, Teaching Strategy, Interaction Effect, Analysis of Variance, Mean Scores.
[1]. Adeyemi, B.A. (2008). Effects of cooperative learning and problem-solving strategies on junior secondary school students' achievement in social studies, Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology, 6(3), 691-708. Retrieved from http://www.investigacion-
[2]. Ajai, J.T., & Imoko, I.I. (2015). Gender differences in Mathematics achievement and retention scores: A case of problem-based learning method. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 1(1), 45-50. Retrieved from fulltext/EJ1105194.pdf
[3]. Chinyere, N.M., Ngozi, A., & Chinelo, O.F. (2018). Effect of metaconceptual teaching intervention on students' conceptual understanding in physics. International Journal of Science and Research (IJRS), 8(5), 1484-1489. Retrieved from
[4]. Dania, P.O. (2014). Effect of gender on students' academic achievement in secondary school Social Studies. Journal of Education Practice, 5(21), 78-85. Retrieved from
[5]. Gbenga, A. J., & Effiong, O. E. (2015). Effects of two methods on student's achievement in junior secondary schools in Yakurr, Cross River State. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 61, 70-81. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Background: Innovation and entrepreneurship education is an important means to cultivate the innovation spirit and entrepreneurial ability of college students.With the development of the times, in the context of the new era where new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence have emerged, the teaching of innovation and entrepreneurship education is facing brand new opportunities and challenges.For the teaching of innovation and entrepreneurship courses, the teaching organization mode is single.......
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Blended Learning; Implementation Effectiveness; Quantitative Analysis
[1]. Yang J ." Research on innovation of blended teaching mode in vocational colleges under the background of "three teachings" reform. Continuing Education Research.2022; (3): 92-96
[2]. Ho, K. K . New Developments in Educational Technology Theory from Blending Learning (Part one). Research in Electro-Chemical Education. 2004; (3):1-6.
[3]. Tian, Y, Xi, Y.T . Research on the application of hybrid classroom teaching model in higher education. China University Teaching. 2020; (8):78-96.
[4]. He B, Cao Y. MOOC-based teaching process innovation. China's Electro-Chemical Education. 2015; (3):22-29.
[5]. Wang X.C, Zhang J. Q, Yang H, Zhang S.H. Research on flipped classroom teaching model in colleges and universities from the perspective of deep learning. Electrochemical Education Research. 2020; (12):85-91+128.
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Abstract: External factors influencing student interaction in oral English language classes are very important and at Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA), it is not an exception. Classroom interaction here is observed to be quite low with a large number of students finding it hard to interact with their teachers and classmates; therefore, it is extremely necessary to conduct this research with the aim of investigating external factors affecting Vietnamese student interaction in their oral EFL (English as Foreign Language) classes and seeking appropriate solutions to help students improve their oral EFL classroom interaction. The findings of this study suggest that the primary external factors influencing student interaction include classroom apprehension......
[1]. Anderson, G. (1990). Fundamentals of educational research. Bristol, PA: The Falmer Press.
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[5]. Hall, J.K., & Walsh, M. (2002). Teacher-student interaction and language learning. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 22, 186-203..