Series-4 (Mar. – Apr. 2022)Mar. – Apr. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: Background:Teachers nowadays can design applications for subject matter through google sites.Designing interactive learning activities with interesting presentations and fun material can focus students' attention on teaching and learning activities, so that they become more motivated.To design interactive learning, teachers require the readiness of material sources, design forms, and time.Usually, teachers did not design interactive teaching and learning activities. Therefore, the teaching and learning activities that occur in the classroom on the distribution do not get a positive response from students.Designing interactive learning activities with interesting presentations and fun.....
Keywords: learning; interactive.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Examination of Delayed Doctoral Completion |
Country | : | Africa |
Authors | : | Betty M. Mwangi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1202040711 ![]() |
Abstract: Most postgraduate students report delayed doctoral completion times. It is therefore necessary to examine the factors that contribute to the delay of postgraduate studies in their dissertation completion process. Delayed doctoral completions are undesirable to universities and to students as it leads to higher attrition and termination rights. Delays in PhD studies is attributable to a loss of valuable time, resources and individual stress. In other instances, students who overstay in their doctoral programs could lose a competitive advantage in the marketplace as they are unable to deploy their skills in their careers. Studies indicate that doctoral completion is influenced by many interacting......
[1]. Chidi, N., & Sylvia, O. A. (2020). Determination of Factors that Contribute to Postgraduate Students' Delay in their Thesis/Dissertation Completion. The Universal Academic Research Journal, 2(2), 78-86.
[2]. Jiranek, V. (2010). Potential predictors of timely completion among dissertation research students at an Australian faculty of sciences. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 5(1), 1-13.
[3]. Lim, H., Li, X., & Jung, H. (2019). Exploring Factors Associated with Doctoral Students' Concern about Completing Their Degree in Time: a Case from a Research-Focused University in Korea. International Journal of Chinese Education, 8(2), 265-292.
[4]. Marshall, S. M., Klocko, B., & Davidson, J. (2017). Dissertation Completion: Higher Education's Invisible Problem. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 7(1), 6.
[5]. Matheka, H. M., Jansen, E. P., & Hofman, W. H. (2020). PHD Students' background and Program Characteristics as Related to Success in Kenyan Universities. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 15(1).
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Abstract: The study design was based on quantitative approach while applying descriptive analysis on the Likert-scale used. The study focused on determining practice of PA, type of PA preferred, perception regarding PA use, learning, processes and grading. The results were such that one could not make a conclusive statement regarding trends and theoretical basis of what constitutes good practice of an integrated PA strategy in secondary schools in Kenya. The problems associated with the results was in regards to the processes of PA that were critical to PA effectiveness regarding PA understanding, construction as well as grading of portfolios. Thus one can argue that learning as desired is yet to be embedded in PA as applied in learning and as desired in practice, one that leads to mediation......
[1]. Apple, M., & Shimo, E. (2006). Learners to teacher: Portfolios, please! Perceptions of portfolio assessment in EFL classrooms. Retrieved November 26, 2006, from 2004
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Abstract: Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country. The Northern mountainous area of Vietnam has many ethnic minorities living together. Each ethnic group has its own cultural characteristics. The issue of educating traditional cultural values through ancient literature for ethnic minority students in the Northern mountainous areas of Vietnam is very important in the current context of integration and development. To obtain the research results in this paper, the authors used specific and appropriate scientific research methods, such as theoretical research methods (retrospective, documentary, analytical and synthetic, etc…); practical research methods (investigation, survey, statistics.......
Keywords: education, traditional culture, students, ethnic minorities, the Northern mountainous area of Vietnam
[1]. Tran Van Ai, Vietnam's Ethnic Communities, Vietnam Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 2010.
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[4]. Phan Huu Dat, Some issues on Vietnamese Ethnology, Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2014.
[5]. Nguyen Van Huy, A cultural picture of Vietnam's ethnic minority groups, Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 1997..
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Abstract: The provision of infrastructural facilities to accommodate the activities in the education industry is germane to the effective implementation of programmes within the sector. The efforts to match the prevailing surge in demand for university education with requisite infrastructural facilities present a conspicuous challenge to stakeholders in the country. This is even more daunting following the uncertain aftermath of COVID-19 and the ensuing new normal characterised by remote working and general social distancing. In the face of the existing challenges, this study observes user's perceptions of impact of available physical infrastructural facilities on the quality of teachers produced........
Keywords: Infrastructural Facilities, University Education, Teachers, Quality
[1]. Abdullahi, I., & Wan Yusoff, W. Z. (2015). State of physical facilities of higher education institutions in Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 1-5.
[2]. Ademola, E. O., Ogundipe, A. T., & Babatunde, W. T. (2014). Students' enrollment into tertiary institutions in Nigeria: The influence of the founder's reputation- A case study. Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal, 5(3), 55-64.
[3]. Akomolafe, C. O., & Adesua, V. O. (2016). The impact of physical facilities on students' level of motivation and academic performance in senior secondary schools in south west Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(4), 38-42.
[4]. Amadi, N. S., & Ohaka, A. O. (2018). Influence of Poor Infrastructure on Vocational Teacher Education in Rivers State Universities. International Journal of Innovative Social & Science Education Research , 54-62.
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Abstract: Architectural technology programme in Nigeria has steadily affected the trajectory of indigenous identity and environmental awareness to contextual issues peculiar to the Nigerian milieu. As the world grapples with the aftermath of COVID-19 and the ensuing new normal characterised by a preponderance of remote activities, attention is drawn to the design and utility of spaces. This study examined the academic curriculum contents of professional courses offered in architectural technology programmes in Nigerian polytechnics to ascertain inherent factors that enable implementation of design principles for sustainable built environment. This is imperative since the products of this programme constitute.......
Keywords: Architectural Technology, Curriculum, Sustainable, Built environment, Lifelong learning
[1]. Abdullahi, A. T. (2005). Practical components of technological training: Critical issues. Capacity building workshop for polytechnics and monotechnics in Nigeria for higher competence and productivity, pp. 5-7.
[2]. Abdulrahman, M. E., & Lawal, L. A. (2007). Use of computer as alternative to drawing boards for the training of architecture students in Nigeria. AARCHES Journal, 106-109.
[3]. Akeredolu, F. (2019). Solving Nigeria's 22 million housing deficit with the blockchain. Retrieved December 22, 2019, from
[4]. Aliyu, A., Ramli, A., & Saleh, M. (2013). Nigeria electricity crisis: Power generation capacity expansion and environmental ramifications. Energy J, 354-367 .
[5]. Armstrong, G., & Allwinkle, S. (2017). Architectural Technology: the technology of architecture. In M. Aurel (Ed.), 51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (pp. 803-812). The Architectural Science Association and Victoria University of Wellington
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Abstract: Background: Since Covid-19 ruled the globe for the past two years, it is not strange that teaching and learning online have been popular more than ever. Various virtual conferencing platforms such as Zoom meeting, Google meets have been applied in almost all educational levels ranging from primary to post-graduate across Vietnam. The task of online teaching and learning is believed to be beneficial to students as it is the only choice. However, the reality shows that students and teachers also encounter challenges.......
Keywords: online learning, advantages and disadvantages of online learning, students' attitude
[1]. Abdelrahim, Y. (2021). How COVID-19 quarantine influenced online exam cheating: a case of Bangladesh University Students. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 56(1).
[2]. Amhag, L., Hellström, L., & Stigmar, M. (2019). Teacher educators' use of digital tools and needs for digital competence in higher education. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 35(4), 203-220.
[3]. Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995). From teaching to learning—A new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change: The magazine of higher learning, 27(6), 12-26.
[4]. Brothen, T., & Peterson, G. (2012). Online exam cheating: A natural experiment. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 9(2), 15-20.
[5]. Cao, W., Fang, Z., Hou, G., Han, M., Xu, X., Dong, J., & Zheng, J. (2020). The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China. Psychiatry research, 287, 112934.
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Abstract: Started in the Spring 2020, the COVID-19 has dramatically changed the college educational instruction dynamics i.e., switched from traditional in-person learning to distant remote learning. It will take years to fully understand the impact of the shift to remote instruction in higher education forced by the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many challenges college students face including media outlets, food insecurity, and adequate technology. This study focuses on how communication technology affects URM students' satisfaction level with remote learning delivery method, and with the communication technology provided/used during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the possible solutions to the issues identified regarding the communication technology provided/used for remote learning.......
Keywords: Information Technology (IT), Communication Technology, Underrepresented Minority (URM),First Generation Student, COVID-19, Pandemic, Remote Learning, Online Instruction, Virtual Class
[1]. Adelson, J. (2020). 'To bridge the digital divide': Here's why New Orleans officials are pushing for citywide internet. The Times-Picayune.
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[3]. Barber, P. H., (2021), Disparities in Remote learning Faced by First-Generation and underrepresented Minority Students during COVID-19: Insights and Opportunities from a Remote Research Experience, Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 22 (1), page 1-25.
[4]. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (2020). Today's college students.
[5]. Bowen WG, Chingos MM, McPherson MS. 2009. Crossing the finish line: completing college at America's public universities. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
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Abstract: Learning is an integral part of man that promotes the wellbeing of the learners in diverse ways. In the economics of education literature, little emphasis was placed on student happiness in learning that would assist in increasing human capital stock. Although there are works of literature on gross national happiness (GNH) used in place of gross domestic product (GDP) to explain growth, the student happiness indicator in educational processes requires attention for optimal productivity, performance, achievement and future wages satisfaction of the student. This paper, therefore, is a literature perspective that links the economic, physical, psychological and psychosocial concepts of happiness in association with cognitive, affective, mind and emotions. Thus, the paper is of the view that student growth in learning is determined by gross student happiness (GSH) during school activities and that the promotion of happiness in learning can be justified by economic, social, environmental and status inequality.
Keywords: Happiness, Subjective wellbeing, Gross National Happiness, Gross domestic product, capabilities, life-ability
[1]. Agrawal, T. (2014). Educational inequality in rural and urban India. International Journal of Educational Development, 34, 11-19.
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