Series-1 (May – Jun. 2022)May – Jun. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Background: Fostering nursing students to begin assessing potential errors, in addition to recognizing and prioritizing concerns regarding identified errors upon entering a patient's room. This active learning strategy promoted nursing students to identify and correct these preventable errors, therefore, increasing patient safety and outcomes. Materials and Methods: Each group of students was read a script and were given five minutes to identify and write down as many errors as observed. Next, students prioritized the top three errors that cause concern, the rationale for each concern, and three potential findings that could result in a medication error. Results: Students were able to identify forty of the forty-two possible errors, The lowest number of errors that a nursing student recognized was eight and the highest number....
Key words: Nursing Students; Active learning strategies; Patient safety; Error identification
[1]. Gaffney T, Hatcher B, Milligan R, Trickey A. Enhancing patient safety: Factors influencing medical error recovery among medical-surgical nurses. Online J Issues Nurs. 2016;21(3). doi:10.3912/ojin.vol21no03man06 [2]. American Nurses Association. Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. 3rd ed. Silver Spring, MD: 2018. [3]. Institute of Medicine. To err is human. 2000. doi:10.17226/9728 [4]. Clay AS, Chudgar SM, Turner KM, et al. How prepared are medical and nursing students to identify common hazards in the intensive care unit? Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017;14(4):543-549. doi:10.1513/annalsats.201610-773oc [5]. Institute of Medicine. The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Published 2011. Accessed April 29, 2022..
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Abstract: Effective teaching at secondary school is a major concern in many countries of the world in which suitable teaching method selection is one of the most important factors affecting students' learning output. Although warm-up activities are not the key things in the teaching and learning method, they have contributed to creating an active learning environment and motivating them to learn English more effectively. This paper aims at investigating the perception and practice of warm-up activities by English teachers in Thai Nguyen with participation of 20 teachers at secondary schools in Thai Nguyen city. There were several data collection instruments used, including teachers' interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The results of this research showed that all teachers have a positive opinion towards using warm-up activities in their classes. They also have some similarities and principles in implementation. Hopefully, this study will make a small contribution to clarify the perception as well as the practice of teachers in using warm-up activities in English classes.
Key Word: perception, practice, secondary schools, teaching methods, warm up activities
[1]. Akther, A. (2014). Role of warm-up activity in Language classroom: Tertiary Scenario.
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Abstract: The research was carried out to determine the factors affecting the use and management of science laboratories in Plateau State. Sixty secondary schools from the three geopolitical zones in Plateau State were chosen for the research. Five science teachers were chosen each representing chemistry, biology, physics and integrated science and one other science teacher from the sampled schools giving three hundred respondents as well as twenty technicians found in some of the sampled schools. Secondary School Science Laboratory Management Questionnaire (SSSLMQ) as well as check list were used to collect data. Data obtained were analysed using means and percentages and presented in tables........
[1]. Agbogun, F. T. (200). Senior secondary school students' perception of biology practical. (M.ed thesis, University of Ilorin Ilorin).
[2]. Arnold, M. L. (2003). The efficiency of physical science laboratory in promoting general education. Journal of Experimentation Education, New York. 2(1).
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[4]. Bybee, R. W. (2002). The effectiveness of an individual approach to education on earth science laboratory. Journal of Science Education, 54 157-161.
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Abstract: This study examined the perceived impact of using improvised instructional materials on teaching and learning chemistry in secondary schools in Owerri Municipal Council Area of Imo State. The study adopted a descriptive design. Two hundred and thirteen (213) students and fourteen (14) chemistry teachers were sampled across four secondary schools in Owerri Municipal Council Area of Imo State. Data for the study was collected quantitatively using both a checklist and questionnaire and data analysis was done with Microsoft excel with consideration of mean and percentage. The result of the study highlighted the unavailability and ineffective use of improvised instructional materials across the schools selected for the study. It also showed that improvised instructional materials influence teaching and learning. In conclusion, there is a need for teachers to be trained on improvisation of materials as this will enable them to acquire the necessary skills and appropriate techniques required for teaching students. Hence, it was recommended that teachers should accept the use of improvised instructional materials as a method in teaching chemistry since it is found to be most effective..
Key Word: Chemistry, Improvisation, Instructional Materials, Teaching
[1]. Abdulmunini G, Garba S, Babangida A.S &Kamisu M. Effect of Improvised Teaching Aids for Teaching Separation Techniques and Students' Achievement in Chemistry in Misau Local Government Area, Bauchi State. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. 2019; 9, (1)49-53
[2]. Emendu N B. The Role of Chemistry Education in National Development. International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) . 2014. 3 (3) 12-17.
[3]. Adu F.O & Adu E.I. Improvisation as a Tool for Improving the Teacher's Knowledge in Basic Technology. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. 2014; 4 (1) 14-18
[4]. Omiko A. Investigating the Availability and the Extent of Use of Instructional Materials by Secondary School Chemistry Teachers in Nigeria. Instructional. Journal of Education, Learning and Development. 2016; 4, (3), 1-11.
[5]. Omiko A. and Okata L.O. Effect of Improvised and Standard Instructional Materials on Students Achievement in Chemistry in Secondary School. 2016..
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of multiple intelligence-based instructional strategy on secondary school Biology students' achievement and interest in Delta State.Two research questions and two hypotheses directed the study. The study adopted quasi-experimental design. Population of the study was 29,031 SS II students. 226 SS II Biology students were used in the study. Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and Biology Interest Scale (BIS) were used for data collection. The reliability index of BAT was 0.77 and that of BIS was 0.73 which were established using Kuder-Richardson formula 21 and Cronbach-Alpha respectively. BAT and BIS were administered to students as pre-test before treatment and posttest after treatment. The generated data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation.........
Keywords: Multiple intelligence-based, Achievement, Interest,Instructional Strategy
[1]. Ajaja, O. P. (2013). Which way do we go in the teaching of biology: Concept mapping, cooperative learning or learning cycle? International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, 4(2), 18-29.
[2]. Ali, A., Soosan, L.,& Hamze, A. (2013). The effect of teaching strategy based on multiple intelligences on students' academic achievement in science course. University Journal of Education Research, 1(4), 281- 284.
[3]. Al-Zoubi, S. M., & Al-Adawi, F. A. (2019). Effects of instructional activities based on multiple intelligences theory on academic achievement of Omani students with dyscalculia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(1), 1-14. Available at
[4]. Anaduaka, U. S. (2008). Effect of Multiple intelligences teaching approach on students' achievement and interest in geometry. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
[5]. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy on education. Abuja: NERDC.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modified Story Pyramid Strategy to Improve Students' Reading Comprehension |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Alifah Nurmei Yulida |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1203013136 ![]() |
Abstract: The aims of this study were to find out whether or not the modified story pyramid strategy based on cooperative learning improve students' reading comprehension better than non-modified story pyramid strategy. This study was quantitative research. The participants were 40 students of second grade of Junior High School in Lampung, Indonesia. The researcher uses reading comprehension test as the instrument. Independent samples T-test uses to analyze the data. The results show that there was statistically significant difference between experimental and control group in their reading comprehension p<0.005 (ρ= .001). It means the modified story pyramid strategy better than non-modified story pyramid strategy.
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Modified Story Pyramid Strategy, Cooperative Learning, Narrative Text
[1]. Ageasta, Y. Marza and Oktavia, Witri. 2018. Using The Think-Pair-Share Strategy in Teaching Reading Narrative Text for Junior High School Students. Journal of English Language Teaching (JELT). Vol. 7 No. 3.
[2]. Anastasia et al. 2018. Using Graphic Organizer as A Media in Students' Writing Project. Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 02, Issue 02.
[3]. Anderson and Cathy Anderson. 1997. Text Types in English. South Yarra: McMillan.
[4]. Aritonang et al. 2019. Applying Story Pyramid Strategy In Increasing The Students' Ability In Writing Narrative Text. Jurnal ESTUPRO, Vol. 4 No.1.
[5]. Ayiz et al. 2018. The Effectiveness of Graphic Organizers and Gist Strategies on Students with Different Reading Habits in Reading Comprehension. English Education Journal (EEJ), Vol 8 (1), 10-17..
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Abstract: Assessment is an activity that plays a vital role in the teaching process. Evaluation results will provide critical feedback on the effectiveness of the educational process. Teachers can adjust their teaching process to improve student learning outcomes. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 until now, there have been many periods when society has had to close schools. Most countries, including Vietnam, have gradually adapted to the online teaching model. However, that new context also puts a lot of pressure on schools, teachers, and students in management, teaching, and learning. One of the most challenging problems is how to organize online testing and evaluation while ensuring fairness and objectivity. In this study, we introduce some software for online testing and assessment; and propose......
Key Words: online test, assessment, moodle, Safe Exam Browser This article is sponsored by the scientific project of University of Education - Thai Nguyen University, code: CS.2021.29
[1]. Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2006), "Assessment for learning in the classroom". In J.Gardner (Ed.), Assessment, and learning (pp.9-25). London: UK.
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[5]. Khairil, L. F., & Mokshein, S. E. (2018), "21st Century Assessment: Online Assessment", International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 659–672.
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Abstract: The Effect of Time Out and Differential Reinforcement Procedures on the Reduction of Early Childhood Aggressive Behavior. This study aims to reduce aggressive behavior in early childhood using time out procedures and differential reinforcement. This study used a single subject research method with A-B-A-B design. The research subject is a child aged 5 years. Data were collected using interviews, observations, and documents which were finally analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the time out and differential procedures showed positive changes by reducing the frequency of aggressive behavior. The average number of aggressive behavior was 26.5........
Keywords: time out, differential reinforcement, children's aggressive behavior
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Abstract: Language Teaching has always looked for an all-inclusive ideal method applicable to all contexts but ironically this search has bred many methods of language teaching. CLT method has been the most preferred method of ELT in non-English speaking countries like Bangladesh for several decades. Though CLT promised a lot in terms of developing English language skills, in most contexts it has failed to fulfil those promises. In the context of Bangladesh, English proficiency has seen a gradual decline since the introduction of CLT as the prescribed method of instruction for ELT. Therefore, a necessity to go beyond the concept of method in ELT has now become a priority. The concept of Post Method Pedagogy (PMP) provides ELT practitioners in Bangladesh with that opportunity. PMP entails.......
Keywords: Method-based ELT, CLT, challenges, contextual realities, PMP, particularity, practicality, possibility, classroom instruction etc.
[1]. Afroze, R., Kabir, M. M., & Rahman, A. (2008). English teachers' classroom practices in rural secondary schools: An exploration of the effect of BRAC training. Bangladesh Education Journal, 7(1), 07-16.
[2]. Ahmad, A. M. (2014). Kumaravadivelu's Framework as a Basis for Improving English Language Teaching in Saudi Arabia: Opportunities and Challenges. English Language Teaching, 7 (4), 96 - 110.
[3]. Alam, M. (2016). Challenges in implementing CLT at secondary schools in rural Bangladesh.
[4]. Al-Kadi, A. (2020). Reflections on Kumaravadivelu's Post-Method Pedagogy: Juxtaposing Perceptions and Practices. MEXTESOL Journal, 44(4), n4.
[5]. Ansarey, D. (2012). Communicative Language Teaching in EFL Contexts: Teachers Attitude and Perception in Bangladesh. ASA University Review, 6(1)..