Series-5 (May – Jun. 2022)May – Jun. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Test anxiety has long been considered the main cause of negative effects on test results of young language learners, especially in the speaking test. There have been many studies on test anxiety around the world as well as in Vietnam. However,little has been conducted in the context of EFL young learners. This study aimed to understand the factors affecting the level of EFL young learners' anxiety test in the Flyers speaking test. A total of 129 young learners from different foreign languages centers in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam participated in this study. Questionnaires and interviews were conducted to collect data, which were then analysed using descriptive statistics and content.......
Key words: Speaking anxiety,test anxiety, Flyers Test, factors affecting test anxiety
[1]. Andreade, M., & Williams, K. (2009). Foreign language learning anxiety in Japanese EFL university classes: Physical, emotional, expressive, and verbal reactions. Sophia Junior College Faculty Journal, 29, 1-24.
[2]. Aydin, S. (2008). An investigation on language anxiety and fear of negative evaluation among Turkish EFL learners. Asian EFL Journal, 30(1), 421-444.
[3]. Aydin, S. (2012) The effects of young EFL learners' perceptions of tests on test anxiety, International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. Education 3-13, 40:2, 189-204.
[4]. Aydin, S, Karakuzu, M , Elkilic, G. (2009). Teacher Effect on the Level of Test Anxiety among Young EFL Learners. Conference Paper, Asian EFL Journal.
[5]. Aydin, S. (2013). Factors Affecting the Level of Test Anxiety among EFL Learners at Elementary Schools . e-international journal of educational research. Volume: 4 Issue: 1, pp. 63-81..
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Abstract: BACKGROUND Covid-19 is an outbreak of atypical respiratory disease that began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. After that, it spread universally with extraordinary speed to become the most urgent public health concern frightening all spirits over the world. AIM to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of an Iraqi family, who have less than fifteen years of age child, towards COVID-19 disease in Children including clinical signs of the.......
Key words: COVID-19, Children, Parents, transmission, prevention, Iraq
[1]. Novel CP. The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China. Zhonghualiuxingbingxue za zhi= Zhonghualiuxingbingxuezazhi. 2020 Feb 17;41(2):145.
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[3]. Sarhan AR, Flaih MH, Hussein TA, Hussein KR. Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak in Iraq: The First Wave and Future Scenario. medRxiv. 2020 Jan 1
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Abstract: The effectiveness of practical guidelines on qualification standards for teachers of Business studies is a vital component of the teaching profession and occupation in Kenya for ensuring successful service provision. Despite a wide consensus among practitioners and researchers that qualification standards for teachers matter to professional proficiency and learner achievement in Business studies, the substantive impact of precepts guiding the standards of efficiency remains elusive. This study examined the Influence of precepts directing teachers of Business studies teaching practice, professional ethics, and teacher registration on pedagogical adroitness. A descriptive survey design was adopted to address these issues, with a population of 42 respondents selected using random and purposive sampling. Context evaluation, Input evaluation, Process evaluation, and Product evaluation (CIPP) model formed the.....
Key words: Pedagogical adroitness, Precepts, Professional ethics, Qualification standards, Teacher registration, Teaching practice
[1]. Bekele, S. G., Odundo P. A., Mwangi, J. K., & Ganira, K.L. (2021). Teaching Methods and Quality of Business Studies Textbook in Secondary Schools in Kenya. Journal La Edusci, 2(5), 19-29.
[2]. Bekele, S. G., Odundo P. A., Mwangi, J. K., & Ganira, K.L. (2022). Instructional Policy and Quality of Business Studies Textbook in Secondary Schools in Kenya. European Journal of Educational Studies. ISSN: 2501-1111. Vol. 9(3), 156-167. DOI: 10.4627/ejes.
[3]. Buddin, R., &Zamarro, G. (2019). Teacher qualifications and student achievement in urban elementary schools. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation.
[4]. EALA. (2019). Raising Teacher Standards. Dar eslaam, Tanzania.
[5]. Flinders, M., & Pal, L. A. (2020). The moral foundations of public engagement: do political science, as a discipline, have an ethics? Political Studies Review, 18(2), 263-276..
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Abstract: Background:This study evaluates and forecast the effect of interest and attitude as a correlate for academic performance of students in Agricultural Science in Ekiti State Secondary Schools. It investigated which of the two variables (Interest and Attitude) will mostly influence the study of Agricultural Science using a particular teaching method. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Material and Method:The researchers adopted the pretest – posttest and control group design of quasi – experimental research type. The study sample consisted of 90 Senior Secondary School One Students (SSS I) randomly selected from Ekiti south senatorial......
Key words: Student's attitude, Interest, Academic Performance, Diagnostic remediation method, Career Counselling
[1]. Abdullahi, M.S (2019). Three things Nigeria must do to end extreme poverty. Paper presented at World Economic Forum. Retrieved online
[2]. Adebowale, T. (2012). Guidance and Counselling in the Sustainability of Educational System. African Research Review, 6(2), 215–225.
[3]. Akinleye, G. A., & Makinde, V. I. (2012, April 16). Effect of Cognitive Restructuring on Students' attitude towards Examination Malpractice in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Ireland International Conference on Education, Dublin, Ireland.
[4]. Arhin, D., & Yanney, E. (2020). Relationship between students' interest and academic performance in mathematics: A study of Agogo State College. Global Scientific Journals, 8(6), 102–108.
[5]. Awodun, A. O., Adekunle, R. F., & Femi-Adeoye, K. O. (2016). Students' attitude and interest as correlates of student academic performance in Biology in senior secondary schools. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4(3), 40–45.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis Of Lecturer's Language Style Through Whatsapp Chats By Using A Pragmatic Theory |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Sari Indrayani |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1203053842 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the language style used by the writer when communicating with her lecturer through the Whatsapp application. It is expected that give some knowledge about language, especially the theory of pragmatics in communication between students and lecturers through the media Whatsapp social media, so that there are no deviations in its use. Type of research used in this mini research is qualitative research. Content analysis method carried out in dense documents contained in the text. While the content of communication is the message contained as a result of communication that happened. The object of this research is the content of writer's communication or speech that sent via Whatsapp (WA) to UNILA Bandar Lampung Lecturers in Master of English......
Key words: utterances, lecturer, Whatsapp, language style, theory of pragmatics
[1]. Erlinda, Rita. (2019). Introduction to English Pragmatics Applying Research-Based LearningModel. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group
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Abstract: The studyexplored some EFL teachers' application of shadowing technique in teaching English and its impacts on English as a foreign language (EFL) students' pronunciation at Thai Nguyen University (TNU). A six-week action research was conducted with the participation of 27 freshmen from an English class. During the time of the study, students received a number of sound files and were required to practice shadowing technique when listening to the files. Frequent voice records were requested to make sure that students follow the teachers' instructions. Pre-test and post-test were delivered with the results analyzed and compared to evaluate the impacts of shadowing practice on students' pronunciation. Post-intervention questionnaires were also conducted to investigate students' attitudes towards the effects of shadowing technique on their English pronunciation. The outcomes of the study showed that frequent shadowing practice made students' English pronunciation improve..
Key words: Shadowing, shadowing technique, teaching English pronunciation, action research
[1]. Bovee, N., & Stewart, J. (2009). The utility of shadowing. In A.M. Stoke (Ed.), JALT 2008 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT.
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[4]. Hamada, Y. (2015). Shadowing: Who benefits and how? Uncovering a booming EFL teaching technique for listening comprehension. Language Teaching Research. Advance online publication.
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Abstract: The paper is on curriculum delivery and security challenges in language education in Nigeria. Curriculum delivery is always the primary objective of every curriculum development. The delivery of a curriculum rests on various stakeholders in curriculum planning to ensure that each stage of the curriculum is actualized. The delivery of a curriculum is to attain its goals and objectives with the requirements in the curriculum contents. That is notwithstanding, Nigerian education system as a whole has been bedeviled with a lot of security challenges which ranges from kidnapping of school children, banditry, Boko Haram and other security challenges that have affected the proper......
Key words: Curriculum, delivery, security, challenges and language.
[1]. Adebakin, M. A. (2012). National Security challenges and sustainable Economic Development. Evidence from Nigeria. 1(2) 30-36.
[2]. Adegbite, W. (2009). The psycholinguistics of English Language in Nigeria. Ibadan; Kraft Book Ltd
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[5]. Chand, D. (2015). Problems and issues of teacher Education. International Journal of Applied Research. 2(2) 220-226.
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Abstract: MBKM is a part of the "Freedom in Learning" policy by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Republic of Indonesia which provides opportunities for students to hone skills according to their talents and interests by going directly into the working world as preparation for future careers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the achievement of 8 university's IKU before and after the implementation of the MBKM program. Mixed-method research design was employed to analyze the data quantitatively and qualitatively through 5.480 student respondents, 227 lecturer respondents, and 70 education staff respondents using questionnaire linked at an internal......
Key words: implementation;MBKM;IKU;Indonesia
[1]. Amin, K. F., Muliadi, and Rahman, A. A. (2021). Implementasi program MBKM berbasis IKU-7 (Prodi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia UMI). Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmian Indonesia, 6(2), 1697-1706.
[2]. Andari, S., Windasari, Setiawan, A. C., and Rifqi, A. (2021). Student exchange program of Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in Covid-19 pandemic. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, 28 (1), pp. 30-37.
[3]. Ardini, S. N., Dwijayanti, I., Ulfah, M., and Saputro, B. A. (2021). Implementasi Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka di Universitas PGRI Semarang. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Profesi Pendidik, 7(2), pp. 163-179.
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Abstract: This study focused on effects of gender on Assessment Supported Instructional Model (ASIM) on students' achievement and interest in secondary school mathematics in Delta Central Senatorial District. The study adopted quasi-experimental design. A sample size of 200 Senior School 2 students was drawn from population of 7,452 Senior School 2 Mathematics students in Delta Central Senatorial District offering mathematics. Instruments used for this study were Mathematic Achievement Test on Indices and Logarithms (MATIL) and Mathematics Interest Inventory on Indices and Logarithms (MIIIL). MATIL and MIIIL had 0.74 and 0.72 reliability coefficients respectively. The researcher.......
Key words: Achievement, Assessment, Gender, Instructional, Mathematics
[1]. Aigbomian D. O.(2002). Science for All: Implication for the Teacher and NationalDevelopment: 14th Inaugural Lectures of the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria, Benin City: Ambik Press
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