Series-3 (May – Jun. 2022)May – Jun. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: In the digital world with the development of the internet and the mass media, the corporations and companies attempt to advertise their range of products in the social networking sites and the mass media with the hope that they can improve their sales. Advertising strategies these firms create have brought positive effects on production and benefits for these corporations. According to approach to language functions, advertising is examined from structural and lexical perspectives in this study. In the study, syntactic features including imperative sentences, ellipsis in declarations, and active and passive voice were specified. The affirmative imperative is more likely to be chosen than the negative imperative. Along with the imperative, the simple phrase, and the ellipsis in the statement demonstrate that advertisers like to utilize sentences with basic syntax that leave an impact on readers. Advertisers utilize simple language to describe the benefits, characteristics, and activities of their products.
Keywords: discourse analysis, advertising, advertising strategies, recruitment advertisement
[1]. Adam, H.A.A. (2019). Analyzing Linguistic Features of Advertising Language. Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Graduate Studies College of Languages.
[2]. Bovée. (1997). Contemporary Advertising. Irwin.
[3]. Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[4]. Chapman, D.S. and Webster, J. (2003) The use of technologies in the recruiting, screening, and selection processes for job candidates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11(2-3), 113–120.
[5]. Cook, G. (2001). Discourse of Advertising. New York: Longman.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Critical Discourse Analysis of an English Lesson In Terms Of Values |
Country | : | Viet Nam |
Authors | : | Cao Duy Trinh || Lai Thi Thanh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1203031119 ![]() |
Abstract: Foreign language teaching is not merely the introduction of a language but also the transmission of values. Language teachers do not only aim at learners' language competence and performance but also the attitudes and behaviors of the learners towards their language speakers' community. In the course-book "American Headway 4-2005", a lesson is chosen for a critical discourse analysis. Specifically, certain values are worked out in the light of a critical discourse analysis. The analysis is done mostly through the wordings and the illustrations in the lessons. Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) and Norman Fairclough's textual analysis were used as theoretical foundation and analysis framework. Certain values are purposely introduced and reinforced throughout the lesson. These values can be the main stream of American. It may be beneficial to our Vietnamese learners to be aware of the values introduced.
Key Words: Critical Discourse Analysis, values, foreign language teaching
[1]. Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Chomsky, N. (2002). Understanding Power. New York: The New Press.
[3]. Điệp, T.X. (2005). The U.S.A from elt perspectives. Hà nội: NXB Đại Học Sư Phạm.
[4]. Fairclough, N. L. (2001). Language and Power. London: Longman.
[5]. Halliday, M. A. K. (1994). An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Second edition. London, Melbourne, Auckland: Edward Arnold..
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Abstract: The research paper is on effects of broken homes on students academic performance in English language learners academic performance is critically determined by home backgrounds, even in all subjects not only in English language. The learners' psychology is the determinant actor in learning process. Learning do no doubt starts from home. When a child is in a peaceful home the performance is expected to be positively but the reverse is the case where the child comes from a broken home. In this research paper, efforts have been made to highlight some of the problems facing learners of the English language who come from broken homes. Some of the important facts discussed in the paper include: Broken homes, causes of broken homes, broken homes and students academic performance......
Keywords: Broken homes, Effects, Students, academic and performance
[1]. Ayodele, H. M. (2006). Why do parents become involved in their children's education? Review of Educational Research, 67(1) 3-42.
[2]. Banjo, W. (2000). Conduct disorder: parsing the confounded relation to parental divorce and antisocial personality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 97: 334 - 337.
[3]. Bliss, E. (2004). Effect of parental divorce and youth Unemployment on adolescent health. Patient education and counseling 29: 269-276
[4]. Bosanquet, N. (2006). Family Size and Educational Attainment in Kenya. Population and Development review, 10 (4): 647 - 660
[5]. Burdon, J. R. (2001). The levelling of divorce in the United States. Demography 36: 409 - 414.
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Abstract: This study aimed to see the influence of students' religiosity, critical attitude, and creativity on self-concept. It was a survey research with quantitative approach. 184 junior high school students consisting of 124 females and 60 males participated as the sample of this study. For data collection, it used questionnaires that contained 40 items. The result showed that: 1) students' religiosity influenced their self-concept; 2) students' religiosity had no indirect influence on self-concept through their creativity; 3) students' critical attitude had no indirect influence on self-concept through their creativity; 4) students' creativity had no influence on their self-concept; 5) students' religiosity influenced their critical attitude during hybrid learning. Therefore, teachers were expected to encourage and develop students' creativity and critical attitude although these two characters had no direct influence on students' self-concept. Hybrid learning with technology integration could be implemented comprehensively.
Keywords: Religiosity, Critical Attitude, Creativity, Self-Concept
[1]. Brata, D. N. P., Mahatmaharti, R. A. K., Istianingrum, R., Hasanudin, C., & Hadi, S. (2020). Developing Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKN) Based on. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(1), 768–773.
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[3]. Landa-Blanco, M., & Cortés-Ramos, A. (2021). Psychology students' attitudes towards research: the role of critical thinking, epistemic orientation, and satisfaction with research courses. Heliyon, 7(12), 0–5.
[4]. Utomo, Edy S, Juniati, D., & Siswono, T. Y. E. (2017). Construction of Generating Objects in Mathematical Visualization : ACase Study of Male - Field Independent Student. 7(6), 48–53.
[5]. Utomo, Juniati, D., & Siswono, T. Y. E. (2018). Exploring aspects of mathematical visualization of Junior High School student in a problem-Solving task. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 12(3), 421–436
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Abstract: The study sought to determine the methods of provision of library and information resources for visually impaired primary school pupils in South East Nigeria. The population of the study comprised of four librarians of the four special education centres in South East zone of Nigeria. One research question guided the study and survey research design was adopted. The instrument for data collection was interview. Data collected were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the interview showed that librarians adopted various methods in providing information resources for visually impaired pupils especially soliciting help from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government should have a written policy on the provision of information resources for the visually impaired so that this may serve as a guide for the provision of information resources to the special education centres in the zone.
Keywords: Library and information resources, School library, Visually impaired, Primary school pupils, Nigerian National Policy on Education
[1]. Adetoro, N. (2011). Availability and use of information materials by persons with visual impairment in Nigeria. Information, Society and Justice, 4(2), 5 – 18. Retrieved from
[2]. Ajobiewe, T. (1999). Developing library information policy for persons with visual impairment in developing countries. Retrieved from vi_wc200603%20%20%20access%20_to_%20literacy_th---
[3]. Alemna, A. (n.d.). Library provision for the blind in Africa. Retrieved from
[4]. Atinmo, M. I. (2000). Including the excluded: The challenges of library and information services for visually handicapped in Nigeria in the new millennium. A paper presented at the International Special Education Congress, University of Manchester 24th - 28th July, 2000.
[5]. Babalola,Y. T. & Haliso, Y. (2011). Library and information services to the visually impaired – the role of academic libraries. Canadian Social Science 7(1), 140-147.
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Abstract: Background: In recent days, in a Medical Curriculum, students are taught in different departments, subject-wise, without integration to interrelate the subjects & this results in compartmentalization of medical education. The effort to introduce integrated teaching in medical curriculum in order to have a better contextual knowledge among medical students.
Objective: This study was conducted among medical students of different years of studies to know about their perception, knowledge and awareness about integrated teaching methods.
Methods: This Cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted in India among medical students. The data was analysed.......
Keywords: Awareness, Perception, Integrated teaching, Medical Students
[1]. Lomte D B & others. The effectiveness of integrated teaching over traditional teaching in second year MBBS students & faculties of a medical College in Maharashtra. International J of Medical Science & Applied research, 2020; 3 (1): 1-4
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[3]. Medha Mathur et al. Integrated teaching: The novel Approach. Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics, 2019; 9 (3): 165-173
[4]. Dr. V. Aruna. Teaching -Learning Methods in Medical Education Merits & Demerits. International J of Research & Review, 2019; 6 (8): 215-221
[5]. Shilpa Khullar. Integrated teaching in Medical Education in India. International J of Basic & Applied Physiology, 2016;5(1): 1-9
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Career and Professional Development Equality the Concern of Female Teachers in Tanzania |
Country | : | Tanzania |
Authors | : | Clara Rupia |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1203034852 ![]() |
Abstract: Career and professional development of employees are some of the crucial correlates of gender equality in progressive employment systems and work organisations (Mullins, 2002). Unfortunately, in Tanzania like in many developing countries, despite measures to enhance employee development in their career and profession, there are wide allegations that female employees are being sidelined in programmes arranged for teacher career and professional development, something that is hitherto worrying and frustrating the female teachers and tainting the national socio-economic development agenda (Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania). Hence there was need to carry out a desk top study to assess whether there was equity in career and professional development among gender.........
Key Words: Gender equality, professional development, staff development, careers, female teachers
[1]. Acker J. (2013). "Gender, Capitalism, and Globalization." Critical Sociology 30:24 retrieved on September 15, 2017
[2]. Amin, M. (2005). Social Science Research: Conception, Methodology and Analysis. Kampala: Makerere University Printers. retrieved on October 14, 2017
[3]. Bryman W.D. (2010) Social Research Methods. London; David Fulton Publisher
[4]. Bandiho, H. (2009). Status of Educational Leadership and Female Participation: The Case of Tanzania. In Sobehart H.C (2011) Women Leading Education across the Continent. Lanham:
[5]. Rowman & Littlefield Education Http/ retrieved on November 28, 2017
[6]. Bandura, A. (2014). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: retrieved on November 20, 2017
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teachers' Communication Skills as a Factor For A Good Organizational Climate In The Schools |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | PhD Mirjana Aleksova |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1203035359 ![]() |
Abstract: Communication is something that enriches our life as well as the life of others. It is one of the key terms of our time. Also, it is much more than an exchange of words, thoughts and ideas. We meet our basic physical and social needs with communication, and that is why its importance is big. In these modern times, teachers are given new roles as an addition to the ones related to teaching and learning. Considering the fact that the teacher is constantly establishing relationships with other people (students, parents, other teachers, the rest of the school staff, the principal...........
Key Words: communication, communication skills, organizational climate, assertiveness, emotions, teachers, school
[1]. Alexander, R. (1992): Policy and Practice in Primary Education. London: Routledge
[2]. Argyle, M. (1994): The psychology of interpersonal behaviour. London: Penguin Books
[3]. Barclay, A. (2012): Measuring teacher immediacy and communication competence on student achievement in calculus: A sequential explanatory mixed method design. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
[4]. Baringer, D. K. i McCroskey, J.C. (2000): Immediacy in the classroom: Student immediacy, Communication Education
[5]. Brajša, P. (1996): Umijeće razgovora. Pula: C.A.S.H
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Abstract: From a Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, this study is an attempt to exploit and uncover the underlying ideologies of the Former US President Obama in his two speeches of 2010 and 2014 at the West Point commencement ceremony. Specifically, in order to explore how linguistic elements manifest the Former President's ideologies, general linguistic features of two speeches related to vocabulary, grammar and textual structure are put into focus. In terms of vocabulary, only overwording, antonyms and metaphor are analyzed to reveal his ideologies encoded through language. Then, grammar features with his use of pronouns, voices and modality are mainly focused. In terms of textual structure, the author pays special attention to the larger-scale structure used in both speeches........
Key Words: Former US President Barack Obama's Speeches; 2010 and 2014 Cadets; Critical Discourse Analysis.
[1]. Chouliaraki, L & Fairclough, N. (1999). Discourse in Late Modernity: Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
[2]. Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. London: Longman.
[3]. Fairclough, N. (1992). Critical Language Awareness. London: Longman.
[4]. Fairclough, N. (1993). Critical Discourse Analysis and the Marketization of Public Discourse: The Universities. Discourse and Society. London: Longman.
[5]. Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical Discourse Analysis. Boston: Addison Wesley.
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Abstract: Integrated teaching is a modern educational trend that has been implemented in many countries around the world (Desyandri et al., 2019; Lorenzo et al., 2010; Mirascieva, 2010; Petkovska et al., 2010). Integrated teaching plays an important role in educating, training and developing thinking skills, synthesizing, analyzing, generalizing, and abstracting for learners (Aziz Hussin, 2018; Bonfield et al., 2020). The rapid development of science and technology in the current period is demanding a radical and comprehensive change in the content, methods, and organization of educational and teaching activities........
Key Words: Integrated, integrated teaching, primary school students, general education program, competence, Vietnam
[1]. Arnold, I. (2011). John Hattie: Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. International Review of Education, 57(1–2), 219–221.
[2]. Aziz Hussin, A. (2018). Education 4.0 Made Simple: Ideas For Teaching. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6(3), 92.
[3]. Ministry of Education and Training. (2018a). General Education Program 2018, Master Program.
[4]. Ministry of Education and Training. (2018b). General Education Program on Citizenship Education.
[5]. Ministry of Education and Training. (2018c). General education program in Nature and Society.