Series-2 (Jan. – Feb. 2025)Jan. – Feb. 2025 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Educational administrators have incorporated the Computer-Based Examination (CBE) system for assessment as a remedy to the mirage of challenges confronting the traditional paper and pencil method in Nigeria. The system is being utilized to promote effective, efficient, and reliable assessment of courses with hundreds or thousands of student enrolments across hundreds of higher institutions. It is being used by different private and public agencies for recruitment, professional, scholarship, bursary, and career assessments. This paper presents findings on the......
Keywords: Examination, invigilation, remote monitoring, educational technology, electronic proctoring
Abubakar, A. S., And Adebayo, F. O. (2014). Using Computer-Based Test Method For The Conduct Of Examination In Nigeria: Prospects, Challenges And Strategies. Mediterranean Journal Of Social Sciences, Mcser, 5(2)
Aderogba K. A. (2020): Prospects Of Computer Based (Cb) And Paper Based (Pb) Tests In Adult Education, Vocational And Technical Education Journal (Votej), 2(2)
Assaf W., Elia G., Fayyoumi A., & Taurino C. (2007). The Prospect Of E-Learning: The Case Of Jordan". E-Society Iadis Multi Conference On Computer Science And Information Systems, Lisbon, 5(4): 414-424,3-8 July 2007
Azor, R. O., & Ogwu, E. N. (2019). Computer-Based Test (Cbt), Innovative Assessment Of Learning: Prospects And Constraints Among Undergraduates In University Of Nigeria, Nsukka. Adect 2019 Proceedings.
Barde, S. (2013). A Certificate Of Identification Growth Through Multimodal Biometric System. International Journal Of Emerging Trends & Technology In Computer Science, 2(2)..
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Abstract: Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Timely diagnosis and intervention are very important in managing stroke. With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing focus on using machine learning and deep learning algorithms in stroke prediction, screening, management, prognosis etc. Through this systematic review, we try to synthesize the current evidence on the use of AI in predicting stroke outcomes, mainly sICH, LVO, final infarct and 90 day mRS. A comprehensive search of PubMed/Medline, Wiley Online Library, and ResearchGate yielded 33 studies meeting the inclusion......
Alaka, S. A., Menon, B. K., Brobbey, A., Williamson, T., Goyal, M., Demchuk, A. M., Hill, M. D., & Sajobi, T. T. (2020, August 25). Functional Outcome Prediction In Ischemic Stroke: A Comparison Of Machine Learning Algorithms And Regression Models. Frontiers In Neurology, 11. Https://Doi.Org/10.3389/Fneur.2020.00889
Bagher-Ebadian, H., Jafari-Khouzani, K., Mitsias, P. D., Lu, M., Soltanian-Zadeh, H., Chopp, M., & Ewing, J. R. (2011, August 10). Predicting Final Extent Of Ischemic Infarction Using Artificial Neural Network Analysis Of Multi-Parametric Mri In Patients With Stroke. Plos One, 6(8), E22626. Https://Doi.Org/10.1371/Journal.Pone.0022626
Bentley, P., Ganesalingam, J., Carlton Jones, A. L., Mahady, K., Epton, S., Rinne, P., Sharma, P., Halse, O., Mehta, A., & Rueckert, D. (2014). Prediction Of Stroke Thrombolysis Outcome Using Ct Brain Machine Learning. Neuroimage: Clinical, 4, 635–640. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Nicl.2014.02.003
Bivard, A., Churilov, L., & Parsons, M. (2020, August 24). Artificial Intelligence For Decision Support In Acute Stroke — Current Roles And Potential. Nature Reviews Neurology, 16(10), 575–585. Https://Doi.Org/10.1038/S41582-020-0390-Y
Brugnara, G., Neuberger, U., Mahmutoglu, M. A., Foltyn, M., Herweh, C., Nagel, S., Schönenberger, S., Heiland, S., Ulfert, C., Ringleb, P. A., Bendszus, M., Möhlenbruch, M. A., Pfaff, J. A., & Vollmuth, P. (2020, December). Multimodal Predictive Modeling Of Endovascular Treatment Outcome For Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Machine Learning. Stroke, 51(12), 3541–3551..
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Abstract: Resumo Este artigo investiga a formação de professores na educação infantil à luz da Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos Digitais (ABJD) e da integração das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) no processo educativo. Utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa, a pesquisa se fundamenta em análise documental e revisão de literatura, investigando políticas educativas, diretrizes curriculares e legislações pertinentes, como a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. A revisão inclui referencial de autores como Oliveira, González, Santos e Almeida, enfatizando a necessidade de uma formação docente que articule teoria e prática, promovendo competências essenciais para o desenvolvimento integral da criança. O estudo destaca a importância da formação continuada, abordando desafios........
[1]. Almeida, R.; Santos, L. (2023). Jogos Digitais E Aprendizagem Cognitiva Na Educação Infantil. Revista Brasileira De Educação, 28(1), 112-128.
[2]. Barata, C., Gomes, W. J.; Oliveira, L. (2018). Formação De Professores Para O Uso De Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação: Desafios E Perspectivas. Educação E Pesquisa, 44(3), 623-639.
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[4]. Clarke, J. (2016). Personalized Learning: A Guide For Engaging Students With Technology. International Society For Technology In Education
[5]. Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., &Amp; Nacke, L. (2011). From Game Design Elements To Gamefulness: Defining" Gamification". Proceedings Of The 15th International Academic Mindtrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, 9-15..
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Abstract: Biology, as a core subject in secondary education, plays a pivotal role in understanding the natural world and contributing to advancements in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and industry. However, poor performance in Biology remains a concern in many regions, including Guyana, where recent data reveals a significant decline in the number of students achieving high grades in the subject. This study investigates whether the application of Differentiated Instruction (DI), an instructional approach designed to cater to diverse learning needs, can improve student performance........
Key Word: Differentiated Instruction, Biology, K-12 Education, Teaching strategies
[1] Agrawal, D. (2004). Modern Methods Of Teaching Biology. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.
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Baumgartner, T., Lipowski, M., & Rush, C. (2003). Increasing Reading Achievement Of Primary And Middle School Students Through Differentiated Instruction. Retrieved From ERIC Database. (ED479203)
Berbice Educational Institute CSEC Results (2007-2015).
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Abstract: The relationship between epilepsy and cancer has been widely debated, particularly regarding whether individuals with epilepsy have a higher risk of cancer and whether antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) influence cancer development positively or negatively. Evidence from animal studies, genotoxicity research, and clinical epidemiological observations offers insights into this association. In rodent studies, phenobarbital and phenytoin have been shown to promote tumor development. Phenobarbital was linked to liver tumors, while phenytoin caused lymphoid cell and liver tumors in rats. Epidemiological studies in humans have suggested possible associations between........
Key Words: Epilepsy, Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), Cancer risk, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Valproate, Tumor development, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Lung cancer, Brain tumors, Lymphoma, Neuroblastoma, Histone deacetylase inhibition, Carcinogenicity, Fetal hydantoin syndrome, Antiproliferative effects ETC
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Allen RW, Ogden B, Bentley FL, Jung AL. Foetal Hydantoin Syndrome, Neuroblastoma And Hemorrhagic Disease In A Neonate. J Am Med Assoc 1980; 244: 1464–5..
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Abstract: Background: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has started to significantly impact the education sector, raising both excitement and concerns among teachers. The ability of generative AI to generate new data, interact with natural speech and understand context, as in the example of ChatGPT, opens up new horizons in teaching practice. However, the introduction of........
Key Word: Artificial Intelligence, Education, Teachers, Training
Almeida PGR, Santos CDD, Farias JS. Artificial Intelligence Regulation: A Framework For Governance. Ethics And Information Technology. 2021;23(3):505–525.
Al-Zyoud HMM. The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Teacher Professional Development. Universal Journal Of Educational Research. 2020;8(12):6263-6272.
Bryman A. Social Research Methods (5th Ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2016.
Chen L, Chen P, Lin Z. Artificial Intelligence In Education: A Review. IEEE Access. 2020;8:75264-75278.
Chiu TKF, Moorhouse BL, Chai C, Ismailov M. Teacher Support And Student Motivation To Learn With Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Chatbot. Interactive Learning Environments. 2023..
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Abstract: Language plays a pivotal role in child development by shaping cognitive abilities, enhancing communication skills, supporting social interactions, and contributing to better problem-solving, critical thinking, and overall learning. The goal of this research was to analyze the status of language and speech developmental delays among preschool children ages 3-6 in selected schools of Dagoretti- South Sub county, Nairobi County, Kenya. The total sample size was 155 children attending the selected preschools. This study used the descriptive survey design and the sampling technique was purposive. The research utilized Wellcomm Screener to identify the developmental.......
Key Word: Language, speech, developmental delays, identification, assessment, intervention, referral
Adebayo, S.A., & M. Mabuku (2014). The Impact Of Speech And Language Disorders On Pupils’, Learning And Socialization In Schools Of Kalomo District-Zambia. Https://Files.Eric.Ed.Gov/Fulltext/EJ1236778.Pdf
Burgoyne,K., Lervag,A., Malone,S., & Hulme,,C.,(2019). Speech Difficulties At School Entry Are A Significant Risk Factor For Later Reading Difficulties, Early Childhood Research Quarterly,Volume 49,2019,Pages 40-48,ISSN 0885
[3] Ducharme, S. M. (2016). Childhood Speech And Language Disorders: Supporting Children And Families On The Path To Communication. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Incorporated
[4] Hammer, C. S., Hoff, E., Uchikoshi, Y., Gillanders, C., Castro, D., & Sandilos, L. E. (2014). The Language And Literacy Development Of Young Dual Language Learners: A Critical Review. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(4), 715–733. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Ecresq.2014.05.008
[5] Habibullah, H., Albradie, R., & Bashir, S. (2019). Identifying Pattern In Global Developmental Delay Children: A Retrospective Study At King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam (Saudi Arabia). Pediatric Reports, 11(4), 8251. Https://Doi.Org/10.4081/Pr.2019.8251.