Version-4 (Jan-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5
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Key words: Silkworm Bombyxmori L, Flacherie, Muscardine and Bed Disinfectant.
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Keywords: chicken cutlets, potato, physicochemical analysis, proximate, sensory attributes.
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Keywords: Pink eye, goat, Moraxella caprae, bacteriology.
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Keywords: Sambar deer, Trypanosomosis, clinical signs, Diminazene Aceturate.
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Keywords: Xylanase, cellulase and, palm-kernel meal.
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Key words: climate change, crop production and adaptation.
[2]. Biazin Birhanu Geert Sterk, Melesse Temesgen, Abdu Abdulkedir, Leo Stroosnijder, 2012. Rainwater harvesting and management in rainfed agricultural systems in sub-Saharan Africa – A reviewPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Volumes 47–48, 2012, p 139-151.
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[2]. Andohol, J. (2012). Nigeria's Food Security Programs: Implications for MDG's Goal of Extreme Hunger Eradication, International Journal of Business and Social Science 3 (9): 243.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Antibiotics effect on salmonella spp .isolated from young chicks in chicken fields |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Hameedh Hamza Al-Hababy |
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: | 10.9790/2380-07145660 ![]() |
[2]. Habrun, B. and M. Mitak. Monitoring for faecalSalmonella spp. in poultry. (2003). Croatian Veterinary Institute, Poultry Centre. Hrvatska, Zagreb, Croatia, pp: 161-163.
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ABSTRACT: A 350kg Friesian cross was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University Putra Malaysia with a complaint of a bulging vagina one month after paturition. On physical examination, there was evidence of a grade I vaginal prolapse with presence of a yellowish mucoid secretion from the vulva. All the vital parameters were normal. Blood workout showed leucocytosis accompanied by neutrophilia with left shift, lymphocytosis and monocytosis. Creatine kinase was elevated ten folds, while serum globulin was only slightly elevated. There was a slight decline in calcium level in the blood. The prolapse was corrected surgically by applying Buhner's suture. Systemic analgesic, antibiotic, multivitamin and calcium infusion were administered to minimize pain, prevent bacterial complication and normalize the calcium level in the blood, respectively. The prognosis was good and the prolapse regressed completely after a week. Prompt and timely management of vaginal prolapse is necessary in order to avoid serious complications that may predispose to uterine infections, infertility and death due to septicemia.
Keywords: Vaginal prolapse; Diary cow; Buhner's suture; Calcium
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ABSTRACT: The research reported in this paper is carried out as a part of the larger project on retort processing. Evaluation of small scale retort processing plant with a capacity of 1,20,000 pouches of Deccan Chicken Curry per year is carried out using project evaluation techniques. Data is taken from the experiments of the larger project. Financial feasibility analysis indicates that the retort processing plant is economically feasible. The plant is financially viable with an Internal Rate of Return of 72% and a Net Present Value of Rs. 1,86,62,503 discounted at 12%. Risk is also found to be less. Sensitivity analysis showed that the project is less sensitive to changes in input and output prices but sensitive to changes in Sales volume. This study may be useful for the enterprenuers interested in processing sector to get first hand information on investment opportunities in retort processed ready to eat products.
Keywords: Evaluation, Food processing, Investment analysis, Meat products, Retort technology
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jiribam, the Ornamental Fishes' Hot Spot Zone Of Manipur, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bijoya Khomdram, Bishal Dhar, Sankar Kumar Ghosh |
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: | 10.9790/2380-07148591 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: An investigation on the ornamental fish species availability was carried out in the Jiribam sub division, Imphal east district, Manipur, India. All the possible areas were surveyed and many experts were interacted. Out of the total 139 ornamental fishes found in the state of Manipur, 61 were recorded from Jiribam alone which comprise ~44 %. Therefore, we can categorize Jiribam as one of the hot spots of ornamental fishes in Manipur. The total 61 species belonged to 22 families and 7 orders. 42 species were recorded as threatened species and 3 species are endemic.
Keywords: Jiribam, ornamental fish, hot-spot, endemic, threatened
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Alchornea cordifolia leaf meal (ACLM)/Pawpaw leaf meal (PLM) on the haematology of young rabbits aged 12-14 wks. The study involved twenty four (24) young rabbits of both sexes and of mixed breeds randomly allocated to four treatment groups of two replicates per treatment with three rabbits in each replicate. The treatment groups were designated as T1, T2, T3 and T4, for rabbits fed control meal of concentrate and forage,
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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in Delta State to examine, how unemployment in Delta State can be reduced through Agricultural Extension and Management programme. A purposive sampling technique was implored to select all the student of HND 1 and HND11 (2012/2013 session) from the Department of Agricultural Extension and Management .Distribution of respondents were HND I was 35 and HND 11 was 38. Data collected with the questionnaires were carefully assembled. The results obtained were systematically and scientifically organized and presented in tables. The simple percentage was used to present data.
Volume 12 page16
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of egg size, age of hen and storage period of eggs before incubation on fertility, hatchability, embryo mortality and chick malformations in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The study was carried out in quail farm located at Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Totally 1441 eggs of quail were set into the incubator by applying 9 treatments groups: 3 groups for egg size (6-7 g, 8-9 g and 10-11 g), 3 groups for hen age (≥ 3 - <5 month, ≥5 - <8 month and ≥8 - <10 month) and 3 groups for egg storage period (≥ 4 - ≤6 days, ≥7 - ≤9 days and ≥10 - ≤14 days).
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