Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Environmental Factors Increase Incidence of Dengue Fever in Indonesia |
Country |
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Indonesia |
Authors |
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Musdalifah Syamsul || Nurlita Pertiwi || Sapto Haryoko || Lahming |
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10.9790/2402-1402036064  |
Abstract: Dengue fever is an increasing public health problem in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Dengue endemic area and dengue fever cases occur for the last 3 years is Maros regency. The important question is what environmental factors related with dengue fever incidence based on clean water management, and waste management in Maros regency. Type of analytic research with cross sectional study approach. The number of samples in this study was 112 respondents. Data collection through interview using questioner. Data analysis using chi square statistical test. The result showed there is no relation of incidence of dengue fever disease with water management with p value = 0.501, waste management with p value = 0.000 have relationship with dengue fever incidence. Therefore, it is hoped that the related parties should improve health education and provide waste bins.
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