Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature of the integrity of judges in adjudicating cases and the factors that influence it. This research is an empirical research type with a philosophical approach. The research was conducted at the Makassar District Court (Class IA Special); Sungguminasa District Court (Class IA); Sengkang District Court (Class IB); and the Sidrap District Court (Class II). The results of the study show that: (1) the nature of the integrity of judges in adjudicating cases is judges who are loyal, consistent, and think logically; (2) The factors that influence judges in adjudicating cases are psychological factors and ethical (moral) factors; (3) the ideal model of judges in adjudicating cases is carried out through the stages of the fact structure, legal structure, and adjudicating structure
Keywords: Integrity; Judge; Case
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